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From Cathy O’Sullivan, Head of Conlon House

Conlon House Mass

I am pleased to confirm that the Conlon House Mass will be going ahead on Wednesday 24 March 2021, as indicated in the Waverley College calendar. This will commence at 6pm and will be held at the Waverley College Chapel.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we have made a number of adjustments to the House Mass to ensure we can still go ahead with this important celebration. Please take note of the following:

From Ms Kath Knowles, Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator

For the latest Careers Notices please click on the link below:

Click here to view the Careers Report

Week 9

22 – 28 March 2021

Week 10

29 March – 4 April 2021

Read More: Naplan Yr 7 & 9, Year 11 Reports; Yr 11 Parent Teacher Interviews; Immersions for 2021 suspended; Winter Co-Curricular dates; AFX 2021 – Cadet Camp; Yr 8 Reflection Day; Waverley Youth Art Prize, World’s Greatest Shave and School Holiday Care.


NAPLAN Online Years 7 and 9 2021

From Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum

 The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a point in time assessment of literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. Students in Years 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.

 Our school will be participating in NAPLAN Online between 11 and 14 May 2021

 In preparation for NAPLAN Online, our school will be participating in practice tests on Thursday 25 March. This will provide students with an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the test. It will also give the College an opportunity to check that the correct infrastructure is in place. The practice tests are not an assessment of student ability and will not be marked.

Year 9 students will sit their test in Periods 1-2 and Year 7 students will sit their test in Periods 3-4.

Students must bring their fully-charged laptops and headphones to this session.

Excessive preparation for NAPLAN Online is not recommended. Students do not need to be able to touch type to complete NAPLAN Online as the tests are not about keyboard skills (just as the paper test is not about handwriting skills). Students can use the public demonstration site to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available in the NAPLAN Online tests.

Information for Parents and Carers

Click here to download the NAPLAN Online Information for PARENTS flyer

Information for Students in Years 7 and 9

Click here to download the NAPLAN Online Information for STUDENTS flyer

Should you have any questions regarding this practice test please contact either Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum, or Mr David Parnell, Head of Learning Support.

 Additional resources:


Year 11 Reports

From Mr Chris Soden, Assistant Director of Curriculum

The Year 11 Term 1 Progress Report is now available for you to view and download on the Parent Lounge in TASS. A guide on how to use the Parent Portal can be found here: TASS Parent Lounge – Getting access.

Once you log on select the Academic Reports option from the menu on the left. You will then be presented with a list of available reports. In this case it will be the Year 11 Term One Report where you will be able to download a PDF.

This report gives you your son’s Learner Profile grade and a mark based on his assessment task(s) for each subject completed up to this point. If a mark for a subject is not included in this report then the first Preliminary HSC Assessment Task in that subject has not yet been assessed. VET subjects do not include a mark as they are competency based subjects. Please note that the front page only lists subjects where a mark is available.

You can also access further analytics regarding your son’s performance across his cohort by going to the [Student Details] drop down menu and selecting [Academic Analytics].  Please note that this will be available approximately 24 hours after the release of these reports.

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your Parent ID please contact iAssist at

Year 11 Parent Teacher Interviews

From Mr Chris Soden, Assistant Director of Curriculum

Year 11 Parent / Teacher /  Student Interviews to be held on Monday 22nd March from 3:30pm-7pm. This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge.

The interviews will be held via Zoom. Click here for the PDF instructions sheet and individual Teacher Zoom codes will be provided via email on Sunday evening.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of 5 minutes duration. To make the process as efficient as possible and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that you don’t make consecutive bookings and leave at least a five minute gap between your bookings to allow time to move between Zoom meetings with the teachers. Please don’t try to connect with teachers until your booked appointment time.

A guide on how to use the Parent Portal can be found here: TASS Parent Lounge – Getting access.

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your Parent ID please contact iAssist at

Short Survey About Parent/Teacher Interviews for Years 7-12 Parents

From Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum

With the support of the College Leadership Team, I will be conducting a short survey with Years 7-12 parents seeking feedback regarding parent/ teacher interviews prior to the Year 7-10 interviews in Week 1 Term 2. We value your feedback and invite you to complete this survey about the interview process to assist the College with our planning for future interview sessions.

Please click here to access the Parents’ Survey

Closing date for feedback is Friday 26 March.


Year 8 Reflection Day 

From Ms Sue Walsh, Director of Identity and Student formation

Year 8 students with their Heads of House will take part in a Reflection Day on Friday 26 March. On this day students are requested to wear their PE uniforms. House meetings will be held first, and then Heads of House will be with the students in the Gym for the remainder of the day.

Students should bring their own recess and water bottle, and a BBQ lunch will be provided. Mr David Kobler will be doing a presentation with the students for Periods 1-4 and then House reflection activities will take place during periods 5 and 6. 


Year 10 and 11 Immersions for 2021 Suspended

From Ms Sue Walsh, Director of Identity and Student Formation

Unfortunately our Immersion program for 2021 is still on hold due to current COVID-19 restrictions and EREA directives, in regards to travel both overseas and interstate. Years 10 and 11 students and parents will be notified if any changes are made over the coming months that would enable the College to organise any of these opportunities.

However, it is more likely that the first opportunity we will have for any interstate or overseas experiences will not occur until 2022. I am delighted with the level of interest from our students and look forward to offering these wonderful service placements as soon as is practicable.


Winter Co-Curricular

From Mr Steve O’Donnell, Director of Co-Curricular

This week saw the commencement of our Winter Co-Curricular season. All students should know by now what their training schedule looks like, and these can be found on the College website as well as this week’s fixtures. This Saturday we have a select group of students playing a CAS Football Gala day for 7As, 8As, 9As, 10As and 1st XI Football.

These students are now able to purchase the new Football attire. Students in Rugby will also be able to purchase the new winter Rugby attire if selected for the A/B trials next week to play Riverview on March 27th. When the rest of the Football and Rugby attire is ready to be purchased for all students, we will communicate this. 

Those students in Volleyball and AFL are now able to purchase their attire as these uniforms are now ready in the uniform shop. Students are welcome to wear their old attire for training sessions. Please also note the wet weather procedures for this Saturday with a lot of rain forecast. The wet weather number (8250 3780) will be updated by 7am each Saturday and any changes to training will be communicated via email.

Next Thursday 25 March we have our Summer co-curricular Awards assembly and award recipients will be recognised. Unfortunately we are still unable to have parents on site for these types of full college assemblies, however, we will publish all award winners in the Nurrunga next week.


Waverley Youth Art Prize 2021

From Ms Natalie Oates, Head of Visual Arts

Are YOU a talented artist? Would you like to showcase your gifts?

One of the ways current Waverley College students can grow and showcase their artistic skills is by entering competitions like the forthcoming Waverley Youth Art Prize. This prize is to encourage creativity in young artists from Sydney’s Eastern Beaches.

This open prize truly celebrates young artists, as all artwork entries are hung to allow them the experience of being an exhibiting artist and seeing an audience appreciate their talents. While prizes are awarded, the joy of experiencing their artwork in a public exhibition is the real prize.

Theme For 2021 Artworks

WE ARE FAMILY – ancestors, bloodlines and belonging, is a theme which asks emerging artists of Waverley to think about the people that offer them the most support. This may be the family they are born with, or the family they chose and foster around them. We Are Family asks Waverley’s young artists to create art that is inspired by the notion of belonging. Artists are welcome to work in any material of their choice.


All students from the Junior and Senior Campus are encouraged to enter the upcoming Waverley Youth Art Prize for 2021. All works entered will be exhibited in the opening on 3 June 2021. 

The competition is open to all young artists from 9 to 18 years of age in three categories:

Entrants go into the running to win art packs and vouchers to attend classes in local art school courses such as the National Art School in Darlinghurst. 

Key Dates

Submission Details

Link to entry form 

Link to previous winners 

Good luck everyone!

Waverley Youth Art Prize 2021

Waverley Youth Art Prize 2021


Did You Know That a Waverley Old Boy has a Painting in the Vatican?

Waverley is proud of the artistic gifts and talents of students and teachers in our College both now and in the past. One of our most famous artists is Old Boy Justin O’Brien (b. 1917 – d. 1996), Class of 1933, who was taught by notable artist and Waverley specialist teacher, Mr Edward M Smith.

O’Brien’s stunning paintings are held in collections worldwide. He was well known for the religious imagery in his work, which many attribute to the influences he first studied under Edward M Smith. O’Brien went on to have a significant career, winning the inaugural Blake Prize for Religious Art in 1951.

His painting ‘The Raising of Lazarus’ is housed in the Vatican Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome, and if you feel like a drive to Canberra,  his ‘Man in a Red Jacket’ is held by the National Gallery of Australia. O’Brien was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 1992 for his service to art.

Waverley College Old Boy painter Justin O’Brien (Class of 1933)

Waverley College Old Boy painter Justin O’Brien (Class of 1933)

Waverley College specialist teacher and artist Edward M Smith (1919)

Waverley College specialist teacher and artist Edward M Smith (1919)

Man in a Red Jacket (National Gallery of Australia) by Justin O’Brien c1960

Man in a Red Jacket (National Gallery of Australia)
by Justin O’Brien (c1960)


College Choir and Private Music Lessons

From Ms Keiran Kossenberg, Performing Arts Centre Coordinator

All students are welcome to join the College Choir. Rehearsals are every Friday 7.30am in the PAC Recital Room with Ms Dolso and Mrs Fahy. There is no cost and no audition required. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Private music tuition is available on a range of instruments. Students​ ​electing​ ​to​ ​take​ ​private​ ​music​ ​lessons​ ​must​ ​do​ ​so​ ​for​ ​a​ ​minimum​ ​of​ ​six​ ​months​ ​(one​ ​semester). There is an additional charge​ ​for​ ​the​ ​use​ ​of​ ​a​ ​College​ ​instrument.  

Parents who would like their sons to commence instrumental lessons must complete a private music registration form by clicking on the following link: https://Private Music Tuition Form


AFX 2021 – Cadet Camp

From MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow, Commanding Officer – WCACU

One week to go until camp for the Waverley College Cadet Unit! Just a reminder that the Q Store will close this afternoon and there will be no opportunity to source anything from Q Store next week. 

The AFX Joining Instruction and Equipment List was sent to parents and cadets on 9 February and the students have had 6 weeks of access to Q store since then. If you find your son is ill-prepared, a trip to a camping shop or Kmart this weekend may be in order.

Next week, our Advance Party will be busy loading and packing and heading to Canberra to set up for the Main Body arrival. A big thank you to QM Platoon for all their hard work behind the scenes preparing stores for camp. And a big thank you to our leaders for all their time and hard work in preparing for an exhilarating camp.

We are looking forward to seeing our recruits on the Centenary Quad at 6.30am on Saturday 27 March.


World’s Greatest Shave and Lacey House

From Mr Damien Thompson, Head of Lacey House

Lacey House and Waverley College are taking part in the World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation! We are on a mission to shave the world from blood cancer. Please sponsor us to give families facing blood cancer the emotional and practical support they need.

You’ll also fund vital research to help more people survive blood cancer, while improving their quality of life. Every day another 47 Australians are diagnosed with blood cancer. That’s one Aussie every 31 minutes. Although research is improving survival, sadly, an Australian loses their life to blood cancer every two hours. 

Will you help by sponsoring us? Please click the link below to sponsor us today!

The top dozen fundraisers had their heads shaved at the College Assembly on Thursday 11 March. All students are encouraged to support this fundraiser, with Lacey House students expected to lead by example in this important House event.

Do You Need Vacation Care in the School Holidays?

Kool Kidzz Vacation Care is located at Waverley College and provides exciting and empowering vacation care programs during every school holiday. A Department of Education-approved service providing the Child Care Subsidy, Kool Kidzz is open for both the Waverley Junior School families and the wider community.

The interests of the children are the foundations of our programs, which are led by a team of qualified and experienced educators. The programme is jam-packed with active activities including sport, science, art, music, movement, cooking classes, incursions, excursions and lots more!

Kool Kidzz Autumn Holiday Program dates:

Week 1: Tuesday 6 – Friday 9 April, 8.30-5pm

Week 2: Monday 12 – Friday 16 April, 8.30-5pm

Click here to view the Autumn Holiday Program Waverley College

Read more: St Patrick’s Day and new books in the Senior Library.

Waverley Turns Green For St Patrick’s Day

From Ms Sue Walsh, Director of Identity and Student Formation

Wednesday 17 March saw Waverley College turn Green for St Patrick’s Day. Cake stalls at recess provided many delicious treats thanks to the SRC and students from Conlon and Green Houses. Some of these funds will go towards Project Compassion initiatives.

A thrilling staff/student Gaelic football match was then held at lunchtime. Many thanks to all who participated and supported this worthy cause. 


New Reading Available in the Senior Library

From Mr William Roberts, Head of Library Services

Crossed Spaces

Crossed Spaces

Mindful Cricket

Mindful Cricket

Six Seconds

Six Seconds

Read more: Absentees, NAPLAN Online Yr 5, Confirmation, Little Brother/Big Brother Program, Year Masses, Learning Hub News, Co-Curricular News


From Ms Gabrielle Bransby, Acting Director of Junior School

Welcome to Week 8! We started off this week with Year 6 attending Mass at Mary Immaculate Church with Fr Bernie. The students read the readings and participated beautifully in the mass. To be able to celebrate in the church again is so special. I spoke to the students on Monday and expressed how impressed I have been with their behaviour and general attitude. In particular, I visited Queens Park on Saturday and watched cricket matches and touch football. The attitude, respect, sportsmanship and behaviour of the students was amazing. Our Junior School students are representing the College so well and I feel very proud to be their Director. 


If you are planning to have your son out of school or sport for any reason except being sick, please send an email requesting leave via Ms Coupe and also please CC in your child’s class teacher.


NAPLAN Online Year 5 2021

From Ms Charlotte Stephens, Assistant Director of Curriculum

 The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a point in time assessment of literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. Students in Years 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.

 Our school will be participating in NAPLAN Online between 11 and 14 May 2021

 In preparation for NAPLAN Online, our school will be participating in practice tests on Thursday 25 March. This will provide students with an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the test. It will also give the College an opportunity to check that the correct infrastructure is in place. The practice tests are not an assessment of student ability and will not be marked.

Students must bring their fully-charged laptops and headphones to this session.

Excessive preparation for NAPLAN Online is not recommended. Students do not need to be able to touch type to complete NAPLAN Online as the tests are not about keyboard skills (just as the paper test is not about handwriting skills). Students can use the public demonstration site to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available in the NAPLAN Online tests.

Information for Parents and Carers

Click here to download the NAPLAN Online Information for PARENTS flyer

If you have any questions regarding this practice test please contact either myself, Assistant Director of Curriculum, or Ms Gabrielle Bransby, Director of the Junior School.

 Additional resources:


Confirmation at Mary Immaculate Church

From Mr Stephen Ghattas, Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation

For parents seeking information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation, it is important that you contact your local parish to find out the details regarding when the Sacrament will be celebrated and when the preparation classes will be held.

For students of Waverley College who are part of St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church), the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday 20 June.  Compulsory preparation classes will be held in the weeks prior to the celebration. 

Due to COVID-19, the Sacrament was postponed in 2020, therefore in 2021 we are only celebrating the Sacrament with current Year 6 and Year 7 students.  Please rest assured that the Sacrament will be held again next year to accommodate any Year 5 2021 students.

If you are looking to have your son enrolled in the Confirmation program for 2021, please contact Mr Stephen Ghattas for the necessary paperwork to be sent home.


Big Brother/Little Brother Program

From Mr Stephen Ghattas, Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation

Last Friday 12 March, the Year 5 students were paired up with their Year 10 buddies for the first of their Big Brother/Little Brother sessions for 2021 at Queens Park. The purpose of the Big Brother/Little Brother program is to help build friendships and to give the younger students a mentor for when they finally move to the Senior School.

Big Brother Little Brother 2021

Big Brother Little Brother 2021

The Heads of House and the Year 5 teachers were there to encourage the students to engage with one another in conversations about themselves to get to know each other a little better.  

Big Brother Little Brother 2021

Big Brother Little Brother 2021

Big Brother Little Brother 2021

Big Brother Little Brother 2021

Big Brother Little Brother 2021

Big Brother Little Brother 2021

The afternoon concluded with each House involved in different games and activities to encourage teamwork and collaboration. Some groups had Year 5 students competing against Year 10 students. Needless to say, the Year 5 students finished up as winners.

A great afternoon was had by all students and I know that they are already looking forward to their next session in Term Two. A special thanks to all staff who gave up their time to ensure that the afternoon was a success.

Big Brother Little Brother 2021

Big Brother Little Brother 2021

Big Brother Little Brother 2021

Big Brother Little Brother 2021

Big Brother Little Brother 2021

Big Brother Little Brother 2021


Year Masses

From Mr Stephen Ghattas, Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation

This week, both the Year 5 and Year 6 students celebrated a Mass at Mary Immaculate Church, with Fr Bernie presiding. Usually, the Junior School students would attend the daily Mass at least once a term, however with COVID-19 restrictions still affecting our ability to mix with the general parishioners, Fr Bernie thought that it would be great to come together to celebrate as a year group.

The theme of our Mass was forgiveness, especially during the season of Lent, and also recognising that each of us have talents that we need to let others see. It was great to be able to come together again in such a sacred space to celebrate the Word of God. We look forward to being able to celebrate these Masses again in Term Two.


News from the Learning Hub 

From Ms Natasha Zivanovic, Primary Literacy & Innovation Teacher

Lunchtime Talk With Andy Milne – Dreaming Big!

It was a privilege to have Andy Milne as our very first guest speaker for 2021. Andy Milne is the Business Manager at Apple Music, who gave the Junior School students an insight into the world of technology, coding, graphic design, writing, radio and music. Andy had the students captivated by his wealth of knowledge about the industry. Thank you for taking the time out to inspire the Waverley students to dream big. 

Junior School with Andy Milne

Junior School with Andy Milne

Junior School with Andy Milne

Junior School with Andy Milne

The Drawing Club Attracts Avid Artists

The Learning Hub has activated a new initiative this year ‘The Drawing Club.’ Our avid artists meet weekly to talk about all things art. In their first drawing session, they drew inspiration from Shaun Tan, Australian artist, writer and filmmaker. 

The Drawing Club 2021

The Drawing Club 2021

Home Tip To Encourage Reading at Home

The holidays are fast approaching and it is important to continue to encourage your sons to read at home. Modelling reading at home is so important! Carve out time every day for family reading time. This can be a short amount of time (15-20 minutes) where everyone in the family stops what they are doing and reads. It can be anything from a book, newspaper article, magazine to a cookbook. When children see the important people in their lives reading, they will want to read even more. 

Co-Curricular News

From Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)

Junior School Round 6 Fixture (20 March) and Round 5 Results

This weekend is the last round for the Term 1 Summer Season of Saturday Sport. It has been a fantastic season, filled with enthusiasm, positive sportsmanship and plenty of memorable highlights across all sports. Thank you to all parents and carers for continually supporting your son each week, driving to and from weekly trainings and games. I wish all teams the best of luck competing over the weekend.

For the Round 6 Fixture and the Round 5 Team Results, Please click here and scroll down to the Junior School Section.

Special Appearance at Saturday Cricket and Year 5 PDHPE

The 5A and 5B Cricket teams were treated to surprise visitor during their games over the weekend. Australian international cricketer Pat Cummins, currently the vice-captain of the Australian national team in all formats, was in attendance at Queens Park. Pat lives locally and often does a Saturday morning walk to see all the youth cricket games on display. What a special moment for our students to meet Patrick and soak in all the information he had to offer.

Surprise visitor Pat Cummins, international cricketer and vice-captain of the Australian national team

Surprise visitor Pat Cummins, international cricketer and vice-captain of the Australian national team

Year 5 PDHPE: Fitness Testing

Over the past two weeks during our single PDHPE lessons, Year 5 classes have completed a range of fitness tests to measure key areas: aerobic/anaerobic fitness; muscular strength, endurance and power; flexibility; and coordination.

Year 5 PDHPE Fitness Testing

Year 5 PDHPE Fitness Testing

The students had a large amount of fun trying out all the various tests helping them self-reflect on areas of strength, and areas that require continued development. The following tests were undertaken:

  1. Beep Test (aerobic fitness)
  2. Sit-ups in 1 minute (muscular strength/endurance)
  3. Push-ups in 1 minute (muscular strength/endurance)
  4. Sit and Reach (flexibility)
  5. Agility Run (anaerobic fitness-speed)
  6. Ball Toss – Alternating hands for 1 minute (hand-eye coordination)
  7. Vertical Jump (endurance/power)
  8. 40 m sprint (anaerobic fitness-speed)
  9. Standing Long Jump (endurance/power)

Students’ Term 1 Assessment Task then asked various reflective questions to help students assess their fitness level for further development and progress.

Year 5 PDHPE Fitness Testing

Year 5 PDHPE Fitness Testing

Year 5 PDHPE Fitness Testing

Year 5 PDHPE Fitness Testing

Year 5 PDHPE Fitness Testing

Year 5 PDHPE Fitness Testing

Read more: Enrolments Years 5 & 7 for 2023 closing in 2 weeks, CAS Swimming Championships, National Day of Action Against Bullying, St Patrick’s Day, Inaugural Waverley Giving Day, Roundtable on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault in High Schools



Years 5 and 7 enrolments for 2023 will close in 2 weeks. We currently have more applications than positions available for both Year 5 and Year 7. So should you have a sibling enrolment, please ensure that this is in by the closing date of Wednesday 31 March.

Our 2020-21 Engage, Inspire, Empower advertising campaign continues to raise the awareness and profile of our remarkable College, its gifted educators, and excellent facilities. Waverley students in their blue and gold alongside their teachers, have been seen by tens of thousands of Sydneysiders on billboards, buses and at Westfield.

This Campaign was launched because it was imperative that we enhance and strengthen our branding. We especially needed to build a sharper awareness of our Years 5 and 7 enrolment application closing dates. And concurrently, we created a smarter and more sophisticated seasonal school uniform to represent Waverley College to its greatest potential. 


Swimming and Diving 

Congratulations to Ms Nicola Silsby, Mr Nick Nezval, Ms Kath Knowles, coaches and our swimming and diving teams on their recent impressive performance at the CAS Swimming Championships. 


Two Significant Days 

The College celebrated two significant days this week, The National Day of Action Against Bullying and St Patrick’s Day. In each Wellbeing group over the week, teachers and students strategised ways of addressing any bullying, what do you do if you are bullied, and calling out bullies. At the College we have no place for anyone who wishes to bully someone else. 

Foundational to the College’s story is our Irish heritage, which we recall on a day such as St Patrick’s Day, in a year that marks 200 years of Catholic education in Australia and 118 years at Waverley College. The Catholic Church in Australia was largely built through the combined efforts of Irish men and women who came to this country in large numbers over successive generations up until the middle of last century. This Gaelic ancestry included not only the Sisters, Priests and, in our case, Christian Brothers, but also working-class men and women who wanted more for themselves and their families than was available in their own country. 


Inaugural Waverley Giving Day – Wednesday 31 March

Next week we are launching our inaugural 24-hour Waverley Giving Day on Wednesday 31 March, onsite, in conjunction with the fundraising platform 

What Are We Raising Funds For?

This College Foundation Board initiative is an opportunity for us to raise much-needed funding for Edmund Rice Bursaries for students suffering financial hardship. As we slowly emerge from the pandemic, many families in our school community are still really suffering.

Our Bursaries assist students whose family financial circumstances prevent them from joining, or continuing their education with us. This might be because of the loss of a job, a severe injury, or a death in the family. Or from circumstances where there is just no prospect of a Waverley education. For a family in crisis or with no normal prospect of such an education, the reassurance that their kids will still be able to start or continue at Waverley is an enormous relief. For the students, the ability to join or stay with the Waverley community can have life-long impacts.

Our Giving Day will be exciting! It promises to be a celebration of our College, our students, and our commitment to creating a more inclusive community. To maximise our success on the day, we will be talking with you further about becoming involved. Whole community support plays a crucial role by expanding our network of donors and promoting information about the day.

I encourage everyone to enthusiastically participate in Waverley Giving Day. I have already donated and I am challenging everyone in the community to donate as well. Every bit counts. Dig deep! Keep an eye out for more information next week.

Roundtable on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault in High Schools

I am continuing to address the serious issues raised by Ms Chanel Contos’ recent online petition and accompanying testimonies, demanding for consent education reform in Australian schools. I strongly agree that it is important for schools to use their position to challenge a culture that objectifies women, normalises sexual abuse and assault, and shames and blames the victims of those assaults. 

After recently meeting with Chanel and nine eastern suburbs principals, it was clear that her overall message is one of optimism: that we should not be looking back in blame but looking forward to what we can do to instigate change, and many of us believe that by working together this can be achieved.

Over many years, the Australian Human Rights Commission has developed significant expertise in both understanding the prevalence and nature of sexual harassment and sexual assault as well as responding to, and preventing, sexual harassment and sexual assault in a range of settings.

From their work in this area, they have learnt that sectors working together to develop a response is often much more effective than the development of individual responses. Accordingly, they believe it would be beneficial to meet as a group to discuss the challenge of sexual harassment and sexual assault and to share some of the practical steps being taken to prevent and respond to these behaviours.

To this end, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Ms Kate Jenkins and National Children’s Commissioner Ms Anne Hollonds have invited some school principals and key decision-makers to attend a roundtable at the Australian Human Rights Commission in Sydney to discuss sexual harassment and sexual assault response and prevention in the education sector.

I will be attending this roundtable on Friday 26 March. I will continue to keep you updated on the steps we will be taking as a College to address these challenges.

Sport Notices 

Due to the weather we have cancelled All AFL, Football, Tennis, Cross Country and Rugby fixtures for tomorrow. This includes ALL CAS Blitz Football matches. 1sts and 2nds Rugby will train on Latham Park synthetic from 7.30am-9.00am.
Yoga and Volleyball are still ON as scheduled.

Please click here to view the fixtures. 


Commencement of Winter Co-Curricular Season

From Mr Steve O’Donnell, Director of Co-Curricular

This week saw the commencement of our Winter Co-Curricular season. All students should know by now what their training schedule looks like, and these can be found on the College website as well as this week’s fixtures. This Saturday we have a select group of students playing a CAS Football Gala day for 7As, 8As, 9As, 10As and 1st XI Football.

These students are now able to purchase the new Football attire. Students in Rugby will also be able to purchase the new winter Rugby attire if selected for the A/B trials next week to play Riverview on March 27th. When the rest of the Football and Rugby attire is ready to be purchased for all students, we will communicate this.

All other students have internal trials over the next two Saturdays.

Those students in Volleyball and AFL are now able to purchase their attire as these uniforms are now ready in the uniform shop. Students are welcome to wear their old attire for training sessions. Please also note the wet weather procedures for this Saturday with a lot of rain forecast. The wet weather number (8250 3780) will be updated by 7am each Saturday and any changes to training will be communicated via email.

Next Thursday 25 March we have our Summer co-curricular Awards assembly and award recipients will be recognised. Unfortunately we are still unable to have parents on site for these types of full college assemblies, however, we will publish all award winners in the Nurrunga next week.

Recent Sporting Achievements

Tennis and Basketball

Congratulations to these students chosen for Tennis teams to play GPS, and Basketball teams to play ISA AICES and GPS:

Recent Sporting Qualifiers

National Open Water Championships 

We have had some recent outstanding performances by students and I want to congratulate the following Waverley College students who competed in the National Open Water Championships on 13 March. The event was held in Queensland and consisted of a 5km and 10km category. 

In the under 14/15 yrs Men’s 5km Championships, 50 participants qualified for the event.

Well done to each of these competitors!

CAS Basketball Representatives

NSW Track and Field Championships

Click on this link for the results from the weekend’s NSW Junior Championships.

Australian Track and Field Championships – 12-21 April 2021

The following students have qualified:

Congratulations everyone!

CAS Swimming and Diving Championships

A huge congratulations to the students, staff and coaches who were involved in the CAS Swimming and Diving Championships last Thursday evening 11 March. Well done to the squads with our Swimming team finishing in 4th and Diving squads in 5th.

There were some very notable performances on the night, particularly from Leo Astridge, Zoltahn Szabo, Scott Swinburn and Cater Hjorring. Well done also to our Prefects and Year 8 on their wonderful support on the night. All of the other CAS schools certainly mentioned how smart we looked in the new attire for both students and staff.

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021


Waverley College Rugby Report – Welcome to the 2021 Season!

From Mr John McCoy, Convenor of Rugby

Welcome Back! Following a reduced but extremely successful 2020 rugby season, we welcome all players, coaches and families to the 2021 Winter Sport Season! We very much look forward to watching plenty of exciting schoolboy rugby in the months ahead.

 Training Schedule – Training has commenced. All players should now be well aware of the training schedule as follows:

 13s, 14s, 15s Rugby Training – Monday and Wednesday Afternoons (3:30pm – 5pm) – Queens Park

16s and Opens Rugby Training – Tuesday and Thursday Afternoons (3:30pm – 5pm) – Queens Park

All players must wear appropriate training gear including jersey, rugby shorts, socks, boots and mouthguards. We encourage players to keep their playing gear for Saturdays and wear alternate rugby gear to training. We discourage players training in PDHPE uniforms as these may be ripped easily during training drills.

 Upcoming Schedule

This coming Saturday 20 March, all players will be involved in a training session. We will not be commencing trials until all players have had time to work into contact (through training drills) so as to avoid injuries. Timings for the day will be posted by Mr Wilmot and Mr O’Donnell.

The following Saturday 27 March, a select squad of players in each age group will be having a trial match against Riverview. All players not involved will be involved in Internal Trials. If we are unable to have a sufficient amount of training sessions leading into this weekend, this fixture will be reviewed. Note: 15s Rugby and Cadets will not be involved in rugby trials on 27 March as all Cadets will be involved in the Annual Field Exercise.

 Wet Weather

Unfortunately, as a result of wet weather we have been unable to train due to ground closures. Players are asked to continue to check their emails for updates. On Saturday, players can check for updates through calling the Sports and Weather Activity Information line on 02 8250 3780.

 Waverley College Rugby Supporters’ Club

Thank you to all parents who attended the Waverley College Rugby Supporters’ Club AGM last week. It was wonderful to see and hear from many new faces. We congratulate Mr Denis Hickey who was elected to the position of President. We also congratulate Mrs Maureen Andrews (Secretary), Mrs Deb Johnson (BBQ/Canteen Coordinator) and Mr Bradley Anstis (Treasurer – Shared Position), as well as all other members of the committee.

 BBQ/Canteen Roster

 The Waverley College Rugby Supporters Club is looking for help from parents and friends to assist with duties at Queens Park for the season ahead. The Supporters’ Club has set up an online roster for the BBQ and Canteen. A big “Thank You” to Deb Johnson for setting this up again! It would be great if parents and supporters could donate any time to helping out (even just an hour), obviously ensuring you do not miss your son’s game. Click here to register your interest. Thanks in advance for your help!

 2021 Rugby Team Guide

 We are still finalising the 2021 Rugby Team Guide to ensure we can include the latest and most up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 restrictions. This will be sent to players and parents prior to the conclusion of Term 1.

 Wishing you all the best for the start of the season. Waverley To Win!


From Kai Jones, Captain of Tennis

Captain of Tennis Report

Term 1 2021 started off as a wet one with El Niño. Fortunately the 1st 2nds 3rds and 4ths managed to play in between showers against Cranbrook. The firsts had a hard-fought match winning six sets to two. Some great wins in the singles by Roger, Nikita and Charlie. A promising start to the term. It was a tougher day for the 2nds who, although they had some close sets ,went down six sets to zero. The 3rds had a close battle drawing three-three and the 4ths won five-one – a great start.

Round two was a complete washout against Trinity so we were unable to defend our win from Term 4 2020.

Round three saw all teams vs Barker who had strength in depth. The 1sts and 2nds had some close matches, but Barker took out all the sets. They were the eventual winners of the schools’ competition beating all the schools across tennis. The 8As must be commended for their result just losing out four sets to two.

Yr 7s had their first game of the term with both Oliver and Zac having extremely close singles matches, with Oliver going down in a tie break and Zac losing seven-five. The rest of the team played very well with a great fighting spirit, having a great start in their first match representing the Senior School.

Tennis 2021

Tennis 2021

Round four was against Knox, a very strong team with outstanding players in their 1sts beating Waverley six-two. The 2nds also had very close matches but against such tough opponents were only able to take one set off Knox. The 3rds again had a draw, three sets to three, which was a fantastic result.

Our final round against Aloys was an awesome end to the summer of tennis. Waverley beat St Aloysuis for the first time in an away game in many years, with all sets won by the Waverley 1sts and 2nds. Jack Preller and Archie Small had their best match yet, winning both their singles and doubles. There was some very entertaining tennis for the spectators with everyone finishing on a high.

Finally, I would like to congratulate Roger and Nikita for their awesome performances representing the CAS Tennis, taking out the trophy with Roger captaining the team.

Thanks to Steve and his team of coaches for their dedication to school tennis. Thank you to all players, teachers and parents for a great summer of tennis, hope to see you all on the courts in term 4.

From Charles Harris, Captain of Basketball

Captain of Basketball Report


The 1st V played extremely well for their last game ever as a team. For many players, it was their last time to play basketball for the College. A special mention to our Year 12 players, Sebastian Van De Hoek, William Gibson, Eoin Morrissey, Fritz Jahnke-Tavana, Clement Halaholo, Charles Harris and Jack Sherston. The game was very close for all four quarters, with St Aloysius scoring the go-ahead basket with five seconds left in the game. Despite them celebrating as if they had won, Jack Sherston had other plans. Waverley called a timeout and devised a play for Jack to have his infamous left-hand lay-up. The play was executed perfectly with Jack driving to the basket to have his shot – he missed. Then he showed what Waverley basketball is all about by grabbing his own miss and taking one more shot right on the buzzer. It went in! It was a perfect end to a great season, 56-55.


The 2nd V played a great game keeping up the intensity for the whole matchup. This was the last time the Year 12s would play for Waverley Basketball, so they were giving it their all. Unfortunately, the game ended in a tie after Waverley lost an 11-point lead with 3 minutes to go. Considering they had two players injured, Waverley played a great game, however, they could not keep the lead for long enough allowing a last second shot by St Aloysius, making the final score 47-47. This was crushing for the team but they kept their heads up knowing they left it all on the court. It was a hard way for the Year 12s to end their season but they left knowing that they gave it their all after a tough season and swapping coaches half way through.


The 10As played their last home game of the season defeating St Aloysius 39-34. Another great performance from Tom Gleeson who has shown tremendous improvement throughout the season.


The 9As performed tremendously well considering St Aloysius in their age group is undefeated and top of the table. They ultimately went down 53-35.


The 8As, despite being the underdogs, fought hard the whole game. The whole team showed a lot of potential, but unfortunately lost 46-32.


The 7As finished a great season coming second in the CAS. St Aloysius, however, came first and Waverley suffered a loss to them 32-23. This team will surely be one to watch over the next couple of years.

Basketball 2021

Basketball 2021


From Mr Anthony Gibbs, Convenor of Basketball 

Convenor of Basketball Report

With 40 teams having played 345 games, another CAS basketball season has come to a close. Waverley teams were able to win 36% of all their games, which was slightly down on the previous year’s effort. A number of our teams enjoyed excellent seasons including the 4th V, 5th V, 10As, 9Cs, 9Ds, 9Gs, 8Es, 8Gs, 7As and 7Es.

1st V

Our 1st V experienced an unusual season. While only posting 3 wins, their Points For and Against was far superior to three of the five other CAS schools, including St Aloysius who finished one spot above them in 3rd position. Of the 1st V’s three wins, two were against third place St Aloysius. The 1st V were also highly competitive in their games against co-premiers Knox and Trinity, losing by small margins. Eoin Morrissey, Jack Sherston, Fritz Jahnke-Tavana and Hugo Roles had excellent seasons.

2nd V

The 2nd V had a very challenging season, posting one win against Knox and an exciting draw in the last round against St Aloysius. Despite this, they played some solid basketball, losing most of their games by small margins but enjoying their basketball under coach Mr Thomas Kennedy. Daniel Malone, Jake McKell and Rocco King had superior seasons.


The 10As were very competitive, finishing with five wins and five losses with four of those losses being by eight points or fewer. Thomas Gleeson, Samuel Stewart, Toby Longmire and Daniel Palacio enjoyed great seasons for their team. The 9As began their season well notching up three wins, however, the promotion of Flynn Busteed to the 1st V early in the season was a big loss. Despite this, the team was still competitive in their remaining seven games, with three of those games being decided by eight points or less. Aren Yaghoubian, Jock Edwards and Solomon Maxwell were the standouts for their team. The 8As played in some close games, however, experienced a very tough season overall, achieving just the solitary win. Ben Pignatelli and James O’Loughlin had stellar seasons. The performance of the 7As was very promising as they went undefeated until the last game where they lost to an undefeated St Aloyisus by 9 points to finish with 3 wins and a draw in their shortened season. Xavier Koster and Angus Peshos were consistent performers.

Basketball 1st V 2021

Basketball 1st V 2021

Basketball 2021

Basketball 2021

Thank you to:


Thank you to all our coaches, in particular, our top-level coaches who participated in pre-season, holiday camps and tournaments: Mr Matthew Johnston, Mr Linden Smith-Hyde, Mr James Minogue, Mr Thomas Kennedy, Mr Damien Thompson, Mr James Spargo, Mr Tom Giles, Mr Matteo De Vecchi, Mr Ryan Abbott and Mr Kyle Goulding. Special thanks to Mr James Spargo, Mr James Mattick, Mr Luca Zanarini and Mr Stephen Wilmot for their wonderful work being ‘on the ground’ and ensuring that Saturdays at Waverley ran as smoothly as possible.

Year 12 Players

Thank you to all our departing Year 12 players for their many years of service to the sport, especially those in 1sts and 2nds: Conor Carr, Cooper Corban, William Gibson, Clement Halaholo, Charles Harris (Captain of Basketball), Fritz Jahnke-Tavana, Rocco King, Daniel Malone (Captain of 2nd V), Eoin Morrissey (Co-captain of 1st V), Liam Sheil, Jack Sherston (Co-captain of 1st V) and Sebastian Van De Hoek.

Supporters’ Club

A huge thank you to our Supporters’ Club especially Mrs Nicole Abbott and Mrs Jo Morrissey for their work this season in supporting the program. A special thank you to outgoing club treasurer Mrs Morrissey for her many years overseeing our financials.


In the recent CAS representative trials, two of our 1st V players made the squads. Congratulations to Jack Sherston, who was picked for CAS 1sts and Hugo Roles, who made the CAS 2nds. CAS has scheduled games against ISA (16 March at Oakhill), AICES (18 March at Waverley) and GPS (24 March at Barker) in the coming week and we wish both teams the best of luck.

Finally, congratulations to the following award winners for the 2020/21 basketball season. Major award winners for the top teams in each age group will be acknowledged at the Summer Co-curricular Awards Assembly in the coming weeks. All other winners can collect their awards from either Mr O’Donnell or Mr Wilmot:

Captain of Basketball 2020/21 Charles Harris

1st V Basketball Co-Captain 2020/21 Eoin Morrissey

1st V Basketball Co-Captain 2020/21 Jack Sherston

1st V Most Valuable Player 2020/21 Eoin Morrissey

1st V Best Defensive Player 2020/21 Jack Sherston

1st V Most Improved Player 2020/21 Hugo Roles

2nd V Most Valuable Player 2020/21 Daniel Malone

2nd V Best Defensive Player 2020/21 Jake McKell

2nd V Most Improved Player 2020/21 Rocco King

Service to Basketball: Eoin Morrissey; William Gibson; Sebastian Van De Hoek; Charles Harris; Jack Sherston; Clement Halaholo; Fritz Jahnke-Tavana; Cooper Corban; Liam Sheil; Rocco King; Daniel Malone; Conor Carr

3rd V Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Finn Hayres

4th V Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Reece O’Bryan

5th V Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Jonti Morshead-Feildel

6th V Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Jacob Choromanski

7th V Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Alejandro Zanapalis

8th V Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Kayton Lee

9th V Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Joseph Agius

10th V Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Thomas Wilkins

11th V Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Samuel Kneebone

12th V Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Tobias North

10A Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Thomas Gleeson

10A Basketball Best Defensive Player 2020/21 Samuel Stewart

10A Basketball Most Improved Player 2020/21 Toby Longmire

10B Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Riley Hassey

10C Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Max Murphy

10D Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Liam Russell

10E Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Thomas Johnson

10F Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Jay Briggs

10G Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Bailey McNulty

10H Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Benjamin Campbell

9A Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Jock Edwards

9A Basketball Best Defensive Player 2020/21 Solomon Maxwell

9A Basketball Most Improved Player 2020/21 Tashi Harrison

9B Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Lennox Miller

9C Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Ethan Ginnane

9D Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Jack Kearney

9E Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Marcello Mancinelli

9F Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Marcus Marin

9G Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Jesse Bushby

9H Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Declan McAuliffe

8A Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Benjamin Pignatelli

8A Basketball Best Defensive Player 2020/21 James O’Loughlin

8A Basketball Most Improved Player 2020/21 Rory Donnellan

8B Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Joseph Dametto

8C Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Adam Cutten

8D Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Tyler Davies

8E Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Dominic Rutter

8F Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Charlie Grant

8G Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Nate Devereux

8H Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Lucas Simcocks

7A Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2021 Xavier Koster

7A Basketball Best Defensive Player 2021 Angus Peshos

7A Basketball Most Improved Player 2021 Isaac Buchanan

7B Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Ethan Allardice

7C Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Owen Patient

7D Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Tomas Scally

7E Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Peter Soumilias

7F Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Max King

7G Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 Henry Heap

7H Basketball Best & Fairest Player 2020/21 James Grant

Basketball 1st V 2021

Basketball 1st V 2021

From Ms Emma Halpin, Convenor of Public Speaking and Debating

Our Public Speaking Stars Qualify for the Zone Finals!

Congratulations to James Peate (Year 8) and Ewan McDonald (Year 9) who have qualified for the Zone Finals of CSDA Public Speaking. James and Ewan will present their speeches in front of 20 other schools across the NSW Catholic Diocese on Friday, 12 March. Well done, boys!

Public speaking stars James Peate (Year 8) and Ewan McDonald (Year 9)

Public speaking stars James Peate (Year 8) and Ewan McDonald (Year 9)

From Ms Davina O’Garry, Hospitality/TAS teacher

Year 12 Hospitality Bake, Boil and Deep Fry to Complete Methods of Cookery Competency – Congratulations!

The Year 12 Hospitality classes completed their Methods of Cookery Competency task on Thursday 4 March. This task required the students to prepare, cook and serve an entree, main course and dessert using various methods of cooking. 

The students prepared the lunches for over 100 staff that were attending the swimming carnival the following day. There were four different box options for the staff to choose. Some of the dishes included mini arancini balls (deep frying), basil pesto pasta (boiling) and apple crumble muffins (baking).

The feedback from staff about their lunches was amazing and the Hospitality students need to be congratulated for their efforts. Well done students!

Year 12 Hospitality Get Cooking

Year 12 Hospitality Get Cooking

Year 12 Hospitality Get Cooking

Year 12 Hospitality Get Cooking

Year 12 Hospitality Boxing Culinary Delights

Year 12 Hospitality Boxing Culinary Delights

Bags of mini arancini balls, basil pesto pasta and apple crumble muffins. Yum!

Bags of mini arancini balls, basil pesto pasta and apple crumble muffins. Yum!

From Ms Gabrielle Bransby, Acting Director of Junior School 

Welcome to Week 7. I want to warmly welcome our new 5 Blue classroom teacher, Tanya Buttling. Tanya is an experienced practitioner who has most recently worked at Woollahra Public School with an explicit focus on Stage 3. She has a true passion for the wellbeing and care of students. We are very excited to have Tanya join our Waverley Community. 


If your son is sick, our first priority is for them to recover. We do not expect students to complete work if they are staying home from school because they are too unwell to attend. If your child is sick, teachers will not provide work unless it is for a significant amount of time. However, they do have access to online programs such as Mathletics, Reading Eggs and Education Perfect. Please only contact your son’s teacher for schoolwork if you are concerned they are falling behind due to an extended period of sickness

On Friday, Year 5 are participating in our Big Brother/Little Brother program at Queens Park. Boys will be dismissed at 3pm from Queens Park. Please discuss arrangements with your son. If they need to return to the Junior School there will be teachers to walk them back. If your son has training after school on Friday, they will be walked back to the Junior School for their regular session. 

Junior School students engaged by the curriculum

Junior School students engaged by the curriculum

Junior School students sourcing information

Junior School students sourcing information

Junior School students playing in the Recreational Area at lunchtime

Junior School students playing in the Recreational Area at lunchtime

Will Carter, Riley Carr, Oscar Lennon and Hugo Murphy spent lunchtime reading and discussing waves in the Learning Hub

Will Carter, Riley Carr, Oscar Lennon and Hugo Murphy spent lunchtime reading and discussing waves in the Learning Hub

From Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)

Junior School Round 5 Fixture (13 March) 

Dear all Junior School Parents and Carers,

There are still two rounds to go for the Term 1 Summer season of Saturday Sport. Good luck to all teams competing over the weekend.

For the Round 5 Fixture, Please click here to view this week’s fixture and scroll down to the JS Section.

Round 4 Results


Year 12 Term 1 Reports

From Mr Chris Soden, Assistant Director of Curriculum

The Year 12 Term 1 Progress Report is now available for you to view and download on the Parent Lounge in TASS.

This report gives you your son’s Learner Profile grades, mark, rank and cohort rank number (number of students in the course) based on his assessment task(s) for each subject completed up to this point. If a mark and rank for a subject is not included in this report, then the first HSC Assessment Task in that subject has not yet been assessed. VET subjects do not include a mark or rank as they are competency-based subjects. Please note that the front page only lists subjects where a mark is available.

Further information about how your son has performed in his cohort is available via the Parent Lounge Analytics.

The link to the Parent Lounge is below.

Waverley College Parent Lounge

user id = Your Parent ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

Once you log on, select the Academic Reports option from the menu on the left. You will then be presented with a list of available reports. In this case, it will be the Year 12 Term One Report where you will be able to download a PDF.

You can also access further analytics regarding your son’s performance across his cohort by going to the [Student Details] drop down menu and selecting [Academic Analytics]. Please note that this will be available approximately 24 hours after the release of these reports.  

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your Parent ID, please contact iAssist at:

Year 12 Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews

From Mr Chris Soden, Assistant Director of Curriculum

You are also now able to make bookings for the Year 12 Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews to be held on Tuesday 16 March 3:30pm-7pm. This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge.

The interviews will be held via Zoom. A PDF of instructions is here Parent Teacher Interviews Year 12 – Guide and individual Teacher Zoom codes will be provided by the iAssist Team closer to the date.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of 5 minutes duration. To make the process as efficient as possible, and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that you don’t make consecutive bookings. We also ask that you please leave at least a 5-minute gap between your bookings, to allow time to move between Zoom meetings with teachers. Please don’t try to connect with teachers until your booked appointment time.

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents earlier in the Term. The link to the parent lounge is below.

Waverley College Parent Lounge

user id = Your TASS Parent ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your TASS Parent ID please contact iAssist at:

Year 11 Parent / Teacher / Student Interviews

From Mr Chris Soden, Assistant Director of Curriculum

From next Monday you will be able to make bookings for the Year 11 Parent / Teacher /  Student Interviews to be held on Monday 22 March from 3:30pm-7pm. This will occur through the TASS Parent Lounge.

The interviews will be held via Zoom. A PDF of instructions is here PTI Zoom – Parents Guide and individual Teacher Zoom codes will be provided by the iAssist Team closer to the date.

In order to have staff available to as many families as possible, interviews will be of 5 minutes duration. To make the process as efficient as possible, and to minimise lost time, we are requesting that you don’t make consecutive bookings. We also ask that you please leave at least a 5-minute gap between your bookings, to allow time to move between Zoom meetings with teachers. Please don’t try to connect with teachers until your booked appointment time.

Details on how to login to the Parent Lounge were sent to all parents earlier in the Term. The link to the parent lounge is below.

Waverley College Parent Lounge

user id = Your TASS Parent ID

password =  if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your TASS Parent ID please contact iAssist at:

George William Rummery Music Scholarships – applications closing soon!

From Ms Keiran Kossenberg, Performing Arts Centre Coordinator

Waverley College awards the George William Rummery Music Scholarships as a means of encouraging students to realise their potential and strive for excellence. The George William Rummery Scholarship is a gift of the Rummery Family in memory of their son and brother, George, whose life ended tragically in 1982 when he was in Year 8 at Waverley College.

The Scholarship is awarded to students of the College who display particular aptitude and interest in music. The scholarship covers ongoing full or partial remission of music tuition fees for students from Year 7 to Year 12.

Who can apply? The George William Rummery Music Scholarships are available to students currently enrolled at Waverley College and to external applicants who have applied for enrolment.  

Applications: Candidates must complete and submit the George William Rummery Music Scholarship Application Form and supply all supporting documents to verify the application. 

Application deadlines will commence in Term 2, 2021. Applications should be lodged with the Performing Arts Coordinator by Monday, 22 March, 2021. Auditions will be held from 24-31 March 2021 and the scholarship will be offered prior to the end of Term 1 to commence at the start of Term 2, 2021.

More information: Ms Keiran Kossenberg, 9369 0623,

George William Rummery Music Scholarships - applications closing soon!

George William Rummery Music Scholarships – applications closing soon!

Year 7 Vaccinations Visit 1 – 31 March

From Ms Adele Cutbush, Registered Nurse, Waverley College Health Centre

Year 7 Vaccinations (first visit) will be held on Wednesday 31 March. All Year 7 students will be given the NSW School Vaccination Program Consent Pack this week by their Head of House. It is important that parents read all of the information in the pack and sign the consent form in order for their child to receive the scheduled vaccinations. Please ensure this form is completed and returned by the end of the week.

This visit to the school is targeted at Year 7 students for dTpa and the first dose of HPV. At this visit, catch up vaccinations will also be offered for any student that missed out on any doses in previous visits.

Should parents or guardians have any further questions about the vaccination program please do not hesitate to contact the college nurse on 9369 0644 or email

Do Your Bit on 17 March to Celebrate St Patrick’s Day and Support Project Compassion Initiatives!

From Ms Sue Walsh, Director of Identity and Student Formation

Just a reminder to all students that Wednesday 17 March is St Patrick’s Day. ALL students in Green and Conlon and ALL SRC members are asked to bring in cakes, biscuits and slices to sell at recess in the Centenary Quad. These donations can be left at the Wellbeing Centre before school. At lunchtime there will be a staff/student Gaelic football match on the tennis courts. Remember to bring your money and join in the fun whilst supporting our Project Compassion initiatives.

World’s Greatest Shave

From Mr Damien Thompson, Head of Lacey House

Lacey House and Waverley College are taking part in the World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation! We are on a mission to shave the world from blood cancer. Please sponsor us to give families facing blood cancer the emotional and practical support they need.

You’ll also fund vital research to help more people survive blood cancer, while improving their quality of life. Every day another 47 Australians are diagnosed with blood cancer. That’s one Aussie every 31 minutes. Although research is improving survival, sadly, an Australian loses their life to blood cancer every two hours. 

Will you help by sponsoring us? Please click the link below to sponsor us today!

The top dozen fundraisers had their heads shaved at the College Assembly on Thursday 11 March. All students are encouraged to support this fundraiser, with Lacey House students expected to lead by example in this important House event.

World's Greatest Shave 2021

World’s Greatest Shave 2021

World's Greatest Shave 2021

World’s Greatest Shave 2021

AFX Cadet Camp – last chance to source AFX uniform or equipment

From MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow, Commanding Officer – WCACU

Just two weeks to go until AFX – Cadet Camp! 

Please make sure your son has everything he needs on the AFX Equipment List.

Q Clothing Store will be open at lunchtime and after school on Wednesday 17 March. This will be your last chance to source any AFX uniform or equipment.

There will be no time in the week leading up to camp to source any uniform or equipment, as we are loading and moving camp supplies to Canberra.

If you have not already done so, please also update your son’s medical details and accept his attendance on camp via the Google Form by Friday 12 March.

Just two weeks until AFX – Cadet Camp! 

Just two weeks until AFX – Cadet Camp!

Luna Park Tragedy Remembered – ABC Tuesday 16 March 8.30pm – 3-part documentary

This 9 June will mark the 42nd anniversary of the Luna Park fire, which claimed the lives of four Year 8 Waverley students in 1979. They were close friends Jonathan Billings, Richard Carroll, Michael Johnson and Seamus Rahilly – all aged 13. The boys had gone to Saturday evening Mass with classmate Jason Holman, before setting out for a winter night’s enjoyment at Luna Park. They were riding the ghost train when a fire broke out and the boys died inside the ride.

This devastating event deeply shocked our College community at the time and is still a vivid and heartbreaking memory for those who experienced it first-hand. A plaque in our College chapel remembers the four lively boys. We retain strong connections to their families and our thoughts and those of Old Boys are always with them.

Former Waverley College teacher Brother Brian Murphy would like all in the College community to know that on Tuesday 16 March 8.30pm the ABC is broadcasting Part 1 of a new documentary, exposing elements of the Luna Park ghost train fire tragedy. While the fire was deemed a horrific accident by authorities, many believe foul play, despite numerous inquiries.

Journalist Ms Caro Meldrum-Hanna re-investigates the tragic event with unprecedented access to the key people involved, including eyewitnesses, police, investigators, and government insiders who have never spoken before.

2007 monument dedicated to the seven who perished in the 1979 Luna Park ghost train fire. Located in Cliff Street, Art Barton Park, Milsons Point. Designer: Michael Leunig and Sculptor: Peter Kingston

2007 monument dedicated to the seven who perished in the 1979 Luna Park ghost train fire. Located in Cliff Street, Art Barton Park, Milsons Point. Designer: Michael Leunig. Sculptor: Peter Kingston. Photograph courtesy Peter F Williams.

Do You Need Vacation Care in the School Holidays?

Kool Kidzz Vacation Care is located at Waverley College and provides exciting and empowering vacation care programs during every school holiday. A Department of Education-approved service providing the Child Care Subsidy, Kool Kidzz is open for both the Waverley Junior School families and the wider community.

The interests of the children are the foundations of these programs, which are led by a team of qualified and experienced educators. The programme is jam-packed with active activities including sport, science, art, music, movement, cooking classes, incursions, excursions and lots more!

Kool Kidzz Autumn Holiday Program dates

Autumn Holiday Program Waverley College

Enrolment Applications for Year 5 and Year 7 2023 are Closing Soon

From Ms Kylie Anderson, Registrar

Enrolment applications for 2023 are closing soon.

Should you have a younger son who you would like to enrol at Waverley College in Year 5 or Year 7 in 2023, please ensure you complete an application form.

Please note, if your son is already enrolled at the Junior School at Waverley College, there is no need to place an additional application for Year 7.

Applications close 31 March 2021.

To submit an enquiry click here.

To submit an online application click here.

Contact College Registrar, Ms Kylie Anderson on 9369 0698

Commonwealth Government’s Annual Address Collection

From Mr Bryn Gregerson, Director of Business Services

Please read the following document regarding the Commonwealth Government’s Annual Address Collection: Click here to view Collection Notice for Parents

From Ms Kath Knowles, Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator

For the latest Careers Notices please click on the link below:

Click here to view the Careers Report