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Dear Parents and Carers,

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a point in time assessment of literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. Students in Years 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.

Our school will be participating in NAPLAN Online between 13 – 22 March 2024

Years 5 and 7 students will sit their test in Periods 1-2 and Year 9 students will sit their test in Periods 3-4.

Students must bring their fully charged laptops and headphones to this session.

Excessive preparation for NAPLAN Online is not recommended. Students do not need to be able to touch type to complete NAPLAN Online as the tests are not about keyboard skills (just as the paper test is not about handwriting skills). 

Students can use the Public Demonstration Site to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available in the NAPLAN Online tests.

Please click on this link 2024 NAPLAN Online – Information for parents and carers sheet for further information. 

If you have any questions regarding this practice test please contact either Ms Martina Cooper (Director of Curriculum), Mr David Parnell (Head of Learning Support) or Mr Elliott McKimm (Acting Assistant Director of Curriculum – Year 5 students). 

Additional resources:

Furthermore, if parents or carers are interested in learning about strategies to support their son through NAPLAN our Head of Academic Enrichment, Ms Helen Barrie has prepared this informative video:


Ms Martina Cooper

Director of Curriculum

Study Sensei

As per the College Diary, this is a reminder that the Year 10 Elevate Session, Study Sensei, will be held in Period 1 on Wednesday, 28 February during their normal careers lesson.

Students are required to bring a pen to the session.

This session is delivered by a group of recent successful graduates and will cover:

Free Parent/Carer Webinars

Further to this, Elevate also offers free Parent / Carer webinars. 

The webinars are held fortnightly on Wednesday evenings.

Parents and Carers can register HERE

Further details can be found HERE

We are looking forward to you joining us next Tuesday, 5 March at 6pm for the parent/ carer and student information evening on Study Skills with Dr Prue Salter in the College Gymnasium.

Parents/ carers and students should attend together as the session is very interactive. Students should wear their full school uniform. Both students and parents also need to bring along a pen. Handouts will be given out during the evening.

The main areas that will be covered are:

Study Skills Website and Handbook

Also, just to remind you that our school is a subscriber to the study skills website

This website will help you develop essential skills for academic success. There are units of work on improving time management skills, how to study, research skills, summarising, technology use, brain and memory and much more.

Everything you need to know about becoming a more powerful learner and improving your marks at school can be found on this site. For example, learn how the colour of your room affects your ability to study, what the best study techniques are for your type of brain, how to improve your handwriting and useful software and apps to block yourself from technology distractions. 

You will also see lots of useful handouts, grids and planners at the bottom of the THINGS TO PRINT page.

How to Access the Handbook

To access the handbook, go to and login with these details:

username:  forwaverleycollegeonly

password:  94results 

The more of this website you can work through, the more you will set yourself up for academic success. 

Part 2 – Connection, Culture, Communication (CCC) Time

After our introduction to the new Wellbeing structures and programs being introduced at Waverley in 2024, we continue this week with part two in our series. This second edition will provide an insight into our revamped ‘Wellbeing Time’, now dubbed ‘CCC Time.’ Here, Ms Rebecca Gair (Head of Quinn House) outlines what CCC Time entails, what students will do as part of the program, and what the intended outcomes of the program are. 

What is CCC Time?

CCC Time, short for Connection, Culture and Communication, is 15 minutes dedicated to student wellbeing each day. It emphasises fostering Culture and Connections within the school, House, and the smaller CCC Time groups. The focus lies on nurturing a culture of inclusion, embracing College touchstones of inclusive community, and facilitating communication to deepen connections and strengthen both Waverley and the House culture. Students will cultivate a sense of belonging and connection with their mentors and peers across Years 7-12.

What will students be doing in CCC Time?

During CCC Time, students will engage in the following activities each week:

What do we hope to achieve with CCC Time?

The overarching goal of CCC Time is to instil in students a profound connection to their House, school, and peers, ensuring that each student feels known, valued, and challenged to reach their potential. Providing opportunities for a break from screens and promoting conversation and engagement, are central to fostering student wellbeing during this time.

In the next Nurrunga, we look forward to outlining how we are refreshing our overall Wellbeing Framework in conjunction with the AIS (Association of Independent Schools), and outlining our new position within the College, Head of Student Wellbeing.

CCC poster


Ms Rebecca Gair (on behalf of the Heads of House)

Head of Quinn House

Reminder: Early Dismissal for Senior School Students on Monday, 26 February 2024

On Monday, 26 February, from 1:30pm-3:30pm, parents/carers of students in Years 7-12 are invited to meet their son’s Wellbeing Mentor via Zoom, to engage in a conversation that will help us to best cater to their needs in 2024. This important initiative supports our student Wellbeing program. 

The zoom codes will be sent to parents/carers on Friday, 23 February 2024 after the bookings close at 3:30pm.

If you are having trouble logging in to the Parent Portal or connecting to the zoom meeting, please contact iAssist or (02) 9369 0784.

Students in Years 7-12 will be dismissed at 1pm, because it is expected, where possible, that students will attend these meetings with their parents/carers. Limited supervision will be provided in the Library and in the Centenary Quad from 1pm-3:15pm.

Calm and Connected Tweens and Teens – Parenting Summit

Please see the below for information regarding a free parenting summit being run by a number of leaders in the field of student wellbeing, many of whom have presented to parents, staff and students at Waverley.

Who wouldn’t want a calm and connected tween or teen?

Commencing Thursday, 22 February 2024, is the Calm & Connected Tweens/Teens Online Summit, where world-renowned parenting experts like Maggie Dent, Paul Dillion, Michelle Mitchell, Dr Vanessa Lapointe, Andrew Fuller, Brett Lee, and many more to share insights and strategies on supporting kids through the tumultuous tween and teen years.

Sessions will focus on topics such as ‘Raising Confident, Resilient Teens’ and will involve sharing practical strategies to foster self-belief, tenacity and resilience in teens. 

The summit is free to register, which grants you access to watch each presentation recordings for 24 hours each day from 22-24 February starting at 8am (AEST). If you’d like longer access and extra resources, you might want to consider upgrading to the All Access Pass, which contains a ton of value for a nominal investment. The early bird rate for the All Access Pass is ONLY $49.

Parenting Summit


Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Students

The Cricket Supporters’ Club invites all players from Years 5- 12, coaches and families to celebrate another season of great cricket. The evening includes a BBQ dinner; awards with Trivia Game hosted by our First IX; a fun hit in the nets; and lots of exciting prizes to win.

Tickets: Tickets are $15 per person (including players) and include BBQ dinner, soft drink and lucky door prize.

Tickets must be purchased before the event – book HERE.

Also buy tickets for a chance to win some fantastic prizes in the raffle – 1 for $5, 3 for $10 or 5 for $25. All money raised goes towards supporting cricket at Waverley College, including extra coaching, gear, and equipment.

When: Wednesday, 13 March 2024, 6pm-8:30pm

Where: Braidwood and PAC

Click HERE to view the flyer.

Fixtures, Training Schedules and Maps

Click HERE.

House Swimming Carnival and Upcoming Winter Season

Well done to all activities on some excellent results last weekend. In particular I want to congratulate the 1sts Water Polo on their 13-2 victory over Riverview, the 1st XI Cricket on their resounding win against Knox, as well as the 8A Cricket on defeating Knox on the last ball of the day. Our 1sts Basketball came from 25 points down to take the match into overtime and were desperately unlucky to lose by two points, however our 2nds, 10As, 9As, 8As and 7As Basketball all recorded wins along with a number of other teams.

Well done to Aarush Soni, Jonathon McDonald and Hunter Eldridge in their selections in the CAS Cricket squad.

We have a number of students away at various activities this weekend including State Oztag, Branch Nippers and MetSEA Swimming. Our swim squad are also at the annual Christian Brothers Swimming Carnival on Saturday night and we wish all of these students well in their various endeavours.

Next week we are holding our House Swimming Carnival at Waverley College over two days. On Thursday, 29 February 2024, Years 7-9 will have their events during Periods 3-6 and will be in class for the first two periods of the day. These students will be able to wear PE attire for the whole day and obviously need their swimming attire.

We will publish the events schedule at the start of next week. Years 10-12 will have their events on Friday, 1 March 2024, following the same format of being in class Periods 1-2 and then undertaking the swimming events after recess.

CAS Swimming and Diving Championships

Our last round of summer sport is on Saturday, 9 March 2024 and the following weekend is a sport-free weekend for Senior School students. We do, however, have the CAS Swimming and Diving Championships on Thursday, 14 March which is also a compulsory supporters’ duty for Years 8 and 11. Many of our Winter season activities and trials will commence on Monday, 18 March 2024 with internal trials on Saturday, 23 March 2024 and Saturday, 6 April 2024 for all team-based sports.

Presentation Evenings

We do also have some presentation evenings coming up for Basketball, Cricket, Swimming and Water Polo and these details sent out on the Waverley app.

We will also be running some of the Winter Supporters’ groups meetings over the next couple of weeks and invite any parent/carer from Years 5-12 to join us for these events.

Good luck to all teams and activities this weekend.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Luna New Year Dragon Boat Regatta Delivers Medal-Winning Performances

Waverley students combined with St Clare’s College to form our inaugural Dragon Boating team. A joint venture with Easts Dragon Boating Club—led by Head Coach Katy McDonald—the program involved a series of Thursday and Sunday morning Rose Bay training sessions.

Dragon Boat Racing

At the prestigious Luna New Year Dragon Boating Regatta at Darling Harbour last Saturday, we fielded two crews in the Mixed Division, one Women’s crew and one Opens crew. Students paddled in two heats and a final race in each division. The 200m fast furious races are both taxing on the body and mind. Paddlers must be disciplined and determined to execute each stroke with precision and strength.

Dragon Boat Racing

Our students responded positively to coach feedback, improving technique and teamwork each race, culminating in medal-winning final performances—a silver in Opens and Bronze in Mixed divisions.

We are very proud of the students for their efforts on the water and the responsible and courteous way they conducted themselves in training and in competition. On behalf of the team, I thank the Easts club for their outstanding coaching and team management to bring out the best in students.

Dragon Boat Racing

2024 Dragon Boat Racing


Mr David Parnell

Dragon Boat Coach


Captains of Basketball Report

1st V

On Saturday, the 1st V faced off against second-placed Knox Grammar School in what was expected to be an extremely tough game. Unfortunately, the Waverley boys came up short despite the game going into overtime, falling 81-79 in an extremely close and hard-fought game.

The game started with an early surge from the Waverley boys taking an 8-0 lead early, forcing Knox to call a timeout. After Knox had a scoreless first half of the quarter, they picked up their intensity and started hitting a few threes evening out the score. After a highly contested first half, Knox went up by 25 points in the 3rd quarter. Things were looking bleak for the 1sts although efforts from Flynn Busteed started Waverley’s come comeback. In the 4th quarter, Waverley had fought back with Angus Peshos’ two free throws, sending it to overtime with 0.2 seconds on the clock.

In overtime, Waverley was unable to win the game, losing the game by two points in a very strong outing, but unfortunately pulled up short.

Waverley’s record now is 2-5, with St Aloysius’ coming up this Friday night in what will be another exciting game.

2nd V

The game against Knox was a crucial one for the 2nds, who still have hopes of winning the CAS premiership. Fortunately, they were able to pull away with the win 55-50 after a tremendous effort from the 2nds players.

Knox started well and got to an early 10-point lead, although the scoring of Rory Donnellan was able to slow their momentum and kickstart Waverley’s comeback. In the second quarter, the 2nds evened out the score and from then on it was a dog fight until the fourth quarter. In the fourth quarter, the likes of Giles Strachan and Renato Rovacchi were able to give Waverley a slim lead. Knox kept fighting until the end, although the Waverley boys’ composure on defence was able to give them the win by five points.

The 2nds record now improves to 5-2 and their hopes of winning the CAS are still alive. They aim to continue their winning ways this week against St Aloysius.’


On Saturday the 10As were able to take a comfortable lead through the game against Knox due to their hustle on the defensive end that led to easy transition points. The likes of Nico Palacio, Petros Kalpouzanis and Jonte Garvey helped them pull away with a convincing win. They kept this pressure up the whole game and were able to win 64-17 and this continues their undefeated season.


The 9As had a strong win over Knox in a competitive game that Waverley won due to their ability to play with pace and execute hard, solid defence. This helped them hold a lead throughout the entire game. Malachai Rangan and Oli Lau were big factors in helping them win 41-23.

9A Basketball V Knox

9A Basketball V Knox

9A Basketball V Knox


The 8As had an intense game with both teams playing hard and physical defence. Led by Lucas Barber and Lachie Bayly, Waverley was able to keep up this pressure and was rewarded with a hard-fought 39-36 win. 


The 7As had a fiercely competitive game against Knox. It was a back-and-forth affair that came down to one possession, with Waverley taking home the win 34-32 against a talented Knox team.

Sergej Jakovljevic
(Captain of 1st V)


Mr Anthony Gibbs

Convenor of Basketball


Cricket Report R7 V Knox Grammar

Last weekend, Waverley College once again faced off against tough opponents, Knox Grammar, on their home ground. Knox, after winning the toss, opted to bat on a favourable wicket for batting. Joe Packington delivered an impressive opening spell of pace bowling, claiming figures of 2/25 off 8 overs, showcasing his ability to challenge top batsmen when hitting the right areas.

The entire Waverley bowling unit maintained immense pressure on the Knox batsmen, leading to their collapse and a restricted total of 9/152 from 50 overs. In response, Waverley’s Aarush Soni and Johno McDonald built a crucial 85-run partnership, securing the team’s second victory of the season, with a display of patient yet aggressive batting, a focus for the remaining games.

1st XI

Meanwhile, the 8As journeyed to Gillespie Playing Fields to face their opponents. Despite losing the toss and being asked to bowl first, the team focused on maintaining line and length with the small boundaries. Knox’s number three batsman dominated, scoring 113 runs off 58 balls, helping his team reach 179 runs in 30 overs. However, Waverley’s Henry Walker (79) and Louis Croser (54) provided a strong start in response. Despite facing a challenging situation after losing three wickets, Cameron Spies and Liam Chalmers displayed resilience, timing their run perfectly to secure victory for the 8As with a boundary off the final ball of the innings.

1st XI v Knox

1st XI v Knox

In other news, congratulations are in order for the 1st XI for winning the CAS South Harbour T20 competition. Although they progressed to the final against Barker at Queens Park, defending 93 runs proved too difficult, as Barker chased down the total with three overs to spare. The team appreciates the support from all the fans and fellow cricketers who cheered them on during the match.

Batting Club Sessions

I would like to once again encourage all players to attend the batting club sessions starting at 7am on your allocated day. It’s a great opportunity to work on your craft irrespective of where you bat in your team.


Mr Greg Elliott

Convenor of Cricket

About Theatresports

Theatresports is a competitive and engaging improvisation activity played in teams. Opposing teams perform timed scenes based on audience suggestions. Scenes use both these suggestions and rules of a game (for example, the scene might be a commercial, the scene might need to begin and end with certain lines, or one player might need to provide commentary of the action).

Scenes are then awarded scores by a panel of judges based on their entertainment, storytelling, and use of the rules of the game. Scenes can be dramatic, they can be comedic – but they are always different.

If you love creating new content, acting for stage, or simply want to further develop your dramatic skills, then Theatresports is for you! It fosters skills in storytelling, communication, collaboration, creativity, and self-confidence.

Above all, Theatresports is collaborative and fun. The skills you will develop in Theatresports teach you to work as an ensemble, which is useful for productions and further drama education. We will encourage the development of a positive attitude, teamwork, and personal growth – Theatresports does not focus on winning for its own sake.

Theatresports in 2017

Theatresports in 2017

A Little on the History of Theatresports and the Competition

Keith Johnstone created Theatresports in 1976 in his acting classes to inject theatre audiences with the passion displayed by sports fans. Since then, this form of competition improvisation has spread all over the globe, providing audiences with enjoyment and performers with challenging games to stretch their creativity.

The Theatresports Schools Challenge (TSC) brings students together from scores of independent and government schools across Sydney and beyond, to share in the joyful spirit of improvisation.

We are after Waverley boys to take up Theatresports as an extra-curricular activity to represent the College in this wonderful competition.

Details of each division and heats are below:


Please see Mr Stephen O’Donnell or Mr Steven Hall (Theatresports Convenor) for details on how to join.

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 1, Week 5.

Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers.

These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Date Subject Time Staff Room
Tuesday, 27 February 2024
Maths Standard 2 7:30am – 8:30am P Cornish E33
Legal Studies 3:30pm -4:30pm Theo W32
Wednesday, 28 February 2024
Spanish Beginners 7:30am – 8:30am D Kroll W24
Maths Advanced 7:30am – 8:30am Riley E23
Mathematics Extension II 3:30pm – 4:30pm Hall E32
Thursday, 29 February 2024 Society and Culture 3:15pm – 4:45pm Theo W32
Friday, 1 March 2024 Hospitality 7am – 8am B McCarthy TF1

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly.

To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.

The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Martina Cooper

Director of Curriculum

Study in the United States – Virtual Information Session

Years 9-12 Waverley students and their families are invited to attend the next ‘Study in the US’ virtual information session from Internationally Educated.

This general presentation will cover the US university application process as well as the higher education system in the US.

A brief Q&A session will follow the presentation.

*Registration is required.

When: Wednesday, 6 March 2024, 6pm AEDT

Further information and register: HERE

Weekly Careers Newsletter – Term 1 Week 4 2024

View the Week 4 Careers Newsletter HERE

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

The Waverley College Rugby Supporters’ Club will hold its Annual General Meeting on Monday, 4 March, 2024 at Queens Park Pavilion, 6pm.

Any parents/carers and friends interested in getting behind the Waverley College Rugby Program in 2024 are welcome to attend, as we discuss plans for the exciting season ahead. All welcome!

Parents/carers unable to attend this particular meeting, but who are interested in assisting with Waverley College Rugby, are invited to register their interests with the Convenor of Rugby, Mr Harry Lind by emailing


Mr Harry Lind

Convenor of Rugby

At last week’s Commencement Mass, Fr Bernie encouraged the boys to embrace the year and to find and share love in their lives. He shared with us his recent experience of working with a young couple who were preparing for their upcoming wedding nuptials in the Parish. He was impressed with the couple and their wedding party and their ability to talk about their love openly and their support for each other.

To be able to articulate their feelings of friendship, attraction, intellectual compatibility, compromise, and, of course love. Without identifying them, he pointed out that the groom and groomsmen may have attended a school the audience knew very well… There is certainly more room for love in the world and compromise and Fr Bernie encouraged the boys to search for both in their daily lives. 

2024 Commencement Mass

We celebrated Ash Wednesday this week which is the start of Lent and is a time for prayer and reflection. It is a time to examine our lives and see what changes we can make to truly become the best-version-of-ourselves; the best friend, the best team member, the best teacher, the best spouse, the best parent, the best follower of Jesus.

Our new Spirituality and Mission Coordinator, Mr Tom Kennedy, delivered a powerful speech and explained that as a school, our focus on penitential practice and almsgiving during Lent was to encourage students to support other members of the wider community and build bridges within their families and friends.

From start to finish, Lent is 46 days, which is about as long as it takes to form a habit. Giving something up can make us stronger. Self-discipline and determination is like a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. By doing something that is difficult, out of your comfort zone, or less enjoyable – whether it’s committing to no technology just before bed, reading every night for 20 minutes, pushing yourself in fitness, or giving up a food that you like, it builds your strength in character.

In Romans 5:3-5, Paul wrote that suffering produces perseverance, character, and hope. 

2024 Ash Wednesday Liturgy

When you persevere through something challenging it makes you better and builds your resilience. Sacrificing even just one thing that isn’t necessary, helps draw attention to what is important in life such as helping others, supporting family and friends, education, health, nature, kindness, respect, and love. If a small, temporary sacrifice can help refresh our priorities in life, it is a worthwhile venture. 

The other side to giving something up, is starting something new. What is a challenge that you can take up that will benefit you and the people around you? Maybe it’s a health challenge, doing some chores around the house, maybe committing to three minutes of mindfulness a day, maybe it’s a social activity, maybe it’s a new skill you want to learn, maybe it’s saying “thank you” more often, or maybe it’s a second shot at a New Year’s resolution. Take up something, anything, that inspires positive action and positive change in your world.

Finally, while a challenge is great for self-improvement, it can’t be done in isolation. The ultimate purpose of Lent is that it draws us nearer to God and those around us in our community. Through prayer, mindfulness, attentiveness, and perseverance we can grow in love for God and those around us. Some of those positive habits and attitudes that you take up in Lent, might end up lasting a lot longer. 

2024 Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Cadets – Reveille Mess

On Saturday night, we held the Annual Reveille Mess at the Stamford Plaza Hotel, a military-style formal dinner for Old Boys and Old Girls of the Cadet Unit. 120 guests attended, including dignitaries and the executive from both St Catherine’s and Waverley College. Thank you to our cadets who served on the night. 

Year 12 Guest Speaker 

Thank you to Old Boy, Dr David Curran (Class of 1970) for the lecture he delivered to Year 12 English students this week. David has dedicated his life to helping and curing others as a doctor at St Vincent’s Hospital, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital. He is highly regarded in his profession and lectures new doctors in training at the University of Wollongong.

Please see Ms Lynsey Porter’s article HERE for more details.  

Health Care 

Please support the College Health Centre by making sure your son/s medical history is updated. This will help us better manage students in our care and ensure we have the correct medications and management plans available.

Registered Nurses Ms Emma Quirk works Monday – Wednesday and Ms Julia Ritoli works Thursday and Friday. You can reach them on 02 9369 0644 or

Blue & Gold Ball

Our Blue & Gold Ball is planned to take place in August 2024. Read more about the Blue & Gold Ball HERE.