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Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 3 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

ICAS Assessments 2023 – Winners

Congratulations to all the students who participated in ICAS Assessments. A special congratulations to the following students who received a credit or above in Mathematics. 

Year 5 

Year 6 

Ethics Olympiad Silver Medal 

Our Junior School ‘Eth-letes’ have achieved outstanding results in this year’s Ethics Olympiad. Year 5 was awarded the silver medal in what was a remarkable display of concise and respectful discourse. Year 6 finished in the top eight and received an honourable mention from the judges.

Students were required to work as a team to come up with the best possible answer to difficult ethical questions such as, ‘How do we balance past promises with new opportunities?’

Congratulations to Year 5 students Arlo Buchanan, Samuel Garratt, Jack Gibson, Lucas Marin and Jude McDermott and Year 6 students Charles Carrano, Vincent Lee, Louie Patane, Max Service and Jethro Venning.

Ethics Olympiad Year 5

Ethics Olympiad Year 5

Ethics Olympiad Year 5

Ethics Olympiad Year 5

Ethics Olympiad Year 6

Ethics Olympiad Year 6

Science Co-educational Experience with St Catherine’s School, Waverley

Last Tuesday, we invited 14 students from St Catherine’s to join 12 Year 6 students in a wonderful learning experience in our Science Laboratory. Students took part in a lesson looking at plant adaptations.

The students worked collaboratively, exploring the Junior School campus to find, collect and observe various plant specimens using our microscopes. It was a brilliant experience and we look forward to many more in the future. 

St Catherines Coeducation Science

St Catherines Coeducation Science

St Catherines Coeducation Science

St Catherines Coeducation Science

St Catherines Coeducation Science

St Catherines Coeducation Science


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of Junior School


Waverley’s Got Talent – Winners 

Last week, the Junior School partook in Waverley’s Got Talent!  A very exciting event filled with many extraordinary acts throughout the four days of auditioning; including singing, dancing, acting, playing an instrument and performing magic tricks.

On Friday afternoon, the Junior School came together to support and cheer on their friends who had the courage to perform and entertain us all. We were very impressed with the enthusiasm, excitement and energy that filled the room!

Junior School Waves Got Talent 2023

A big congratulations goes to all of our grand finalists, in particular the students who partook in the top three performances:

We were also very lucky to have the support of teachers who acted as judges throughout the week; in particular our Grand Final judges including Ms Bransby, Ms Rollins and Mr Johnston.

We look forward to seeing the many new talented performers next year! 

Junior School Waves Got Talent 2023

Junior School Waves Got Talent 2023

Junior School Waves Got Talent 2023

Junior School Waves Got Talent 2023

Junior School Waves Got Talent 2023

Junior School Waves Got Talent 2023

Junior School Waves Got Talent 2023

Junior School Waves Got Talent 2023


Ms Chloe-Jane Tweedie

5 White Classroom Teacher


Home Learning Week 10 

*No Home Learning on Wednesday and Thursday 

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school to complete home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm-4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Click here to register your son

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent’s signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.

An important note to remember, if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, Students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached.  

Avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.

Lunchtime Talk with Mark Zimmermann

Inspiring, insightful and highly informative presentation by Mark Zimmermann the founder of, ‘Mindset & Performance Coach for Leaders in Sport and Business’ and dad of James in Year 5.

Mark shared with the students the top tips to success through a positive mindset, coaching, working as a team and goal setting, not only for the sporting arena, but also in all aspects of life. 

Your point about ‘Dealing with Disappointment’ and how failure is an important part of our success story, was very powerful. 

The Junior School students were lucky to learn from an expert in this field on creating and maintaining a healthy mindset, building mental skills and resilience on and off the field.

Lunchtime Talk Mark Zimmermann

Lunchtime Talk Mark Zimmermann

Lunchtime Talk Mark Zimmermann

Lunchtime Talk Mark Zimmermann


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


Microscopes Enhancing Learning and Science Week Winners

This term in Science Practical classes, students have been building their skills in making scientific predictions and recording accurate observations and results. We have conducted a range of experiments, from geology challenges, to melting ice, to using M&Ms to explore diffusion.

Students have relished the opportunity to use a range of scientific equipment to enhance their learning opportunities. Both Year 5 and Year 6 have particularly enjoyed using microscopes, allowing them to explore and contribute to class discussions more effectively. We look forward to continuing to learn and grow scientific knowledge into Term 4.

Junior School Science Prac

Junior School Science Prac

Junior School Science Prac

I also want to make special mention of our Science Week competition winners. Congratulations to Tom Taylor (Year 5 Winner), Harry Robinson (Year 5 Runner Up), Tom Johnston (Year 5 Runner Up), Joe Madden (Year 6 Winner), Hunter Bligh (Year 6 Runner Up), and Boyd Haslam (Year 6 Runner Up). Well done boys!

Junior School Science Prac

Junior School Science Prac


Mr Max Mancinelli

Science Teacher

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 3, Week 10. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers.

These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Date Subject Time Room Teacher
Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Standard Mathematics 7:30am – 8:30am E23 Riley
Design and Tech 7:30am – 8:30am T04 Spargo
Thursday, 21 September 2023 Standard Maths 7:30am – 8:30am E33 Cornish

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.

The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

The Senior School library is open for the upcoming spring school holidays for HSC students.

Study Hours

Open: Monday to Friday, 8am – 4pm

Closed: Monday, 2 October 2023 (Public Holiday)


Warm regards,

Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

Congratulations to our Year 12 students for completing their classes. What a milestone!

Wishing you all the best of luck for your HSC exams.

As you are moving forward in life, we would like to ask that you please consider donating your Waverley uniforms to the Secondhand Clothing Pool. This will assist other families with their journey.

There is a small buy-back amount ($30) available for good quality and clean blazers and all weather jackets.

The Secondhand Clothing Pool cannot work without the generosity of our community, and we are very grateful for your donations.

Where Can Donations Be Left?

At the Senior School campus reception in the blue Secondhand Clothing Pool donation box. (If leaving Blazers and All Weather Jackets, please include name and phone number inside the bag, and we will contact you to arrange ‘buy-back.’)


We are in the main building on Birrell Street. Enter via the Senior School campus reception, and take the lift to Level 3. The Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop.

Opening Hours

Mondays, 8:20am-9:30am and Wednesdays, 2:30pm-3:30pm during Term.

Thank you and good luck to you all!


Camille and Kirsten

Secondhand Clothing Pool Coordinators

(02) 9369 0703 – please leave a voicemail, and one of our volunteers will get back to you

Year 6 End of Year celebration flyer 2023

Click here to book and purchase tickets

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Click here to view the Week 9 Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

At the end of the year the laptops held in Years 12, 10, 9 and 6 are at the end of lease. You will have received an email asking you to nominate to either purchase or return the laptop.

The deadline for nomination and payment is 3pm Friday, 27 October 2023, if a nomination and payment is not provided by this time, the laptop must be returned to the College.

Incase you cannot locate the email, the links for both payment and nomination are below:

Link to nominate: Y12 2023 LAPTOP  NOMINATION FORM

Link to payment: Payment Portal Link

Link to nominate: Y10 2023 LAPTOP  NOMINATION 

Link to payment: Payment Portal Link

Link to nominate: Y9 2023 LAPTOP  NOMINATION

Link to payment: Payment Portal Link

Link to nominate: Y06 2022 LAPTOP  NOMINATION

Link to payment: Payment Portal Link


If you have any questions or would like to discuss the process further please email

Week 10 – Monday, 18 September – Sunday, 24 September 2023


October 2023


November 2023


December 2023



Join us for our Junior Pre Season Rugby Training in Term 4. This training is open for all Rugby players from Years 7-9. The focus for this will be on improving attacking, defensive and breakdown skills along with conditioning.

The sessions began on Monday, 16 October 2023 and will run throughout Term 4. Sessions will run from 6:45am-8am at Waverley Park. Please note that this is an additional session and thereby summer sport training sessions will take preference.

Please send through any questions or queries to

Dear Waverley Basketball Community,

Please see the following message from the Waverley Basketball Supporters’ Club.

Please save the date for the Waverley Basketball 2023-24 season launch.

Get ready for an evening of hoops, fun, games, raffles, music, and laughs as we kick off the Waverley Basketball 23/24 season.

Date: Friday, 13 October 2023
Time: 5:30-7:30pm
Location: Waverley College Brother Lacey Gymnasium

Bring the whole family for a fun night that’s bound to get everyone in the spirit for the upcoming season.

Stay tuned for more details, including how to purchase your tickets.

If anyone would be so kind as to donate a raffle prize or their time on the night to help, please email Rachael or Juliette (details below).

We can’t wait to see you there.

Rachael Smith (President):
Juliette Carter (Vice President):


On Wednesday, our College hosted a special Assembly featuring Mr Kevin Heath, an ambassador for R U OK? and Waverley College Aboriginal Liaison Officer, where we had the privilege of listening to his compelling and inspiring narrative.

Kevin unpacked the R U OK? strategy: ‘Ask, Listen, Encourage Action, and Check-in’ to play our part in building a stronger community. 

We also heard from Mrs Maryanne Larkin, mother of Van in Year 12 and former student, Gus. Maryanne’s husband founded R U OK? in response to his own dad’s suicide and then her son Gus was a strong advocate, even whilst he went through his own battle with brain cancer, which he sadly lost in Year 9, 2013. Waverley College has been a proud supporter of R U OK? Day since the very beginning in 2009.

If you would like to know more about the story behind R U OK? you can watch ‘Beyond OK’ on the Australian Story program on ABC iview.

Click here to view Beyond OK on Australian Story

Next Thursday, 14 September we will observe the official R U OK? Day. This is a charity focused on harm prevention, promoting the importance of maintaining connections and engaging in conversations that can provide support to individuals during challenging periods in their lives. This year’s message is particularly poignant: “Ask R U OK? ‘I’m here to hear’ – because a conversation could change a life.”

We were lucky to have the R U OK? Activation van on the campus for the day . 

Archbishop’s Award 2023

Congratulations, Thomas Shahinian (Year 12), who received the prestigious Archbishop’s Award for Excellence for his service work today (Friday, 8 September 2023). The annual awards were started in 1999 by Cardinal Edward Clancy, to honour leadership qualities and service to school and parish communities.

Nora, Thomas Shahinian (Year 12), and David Shahinian

Nora, Thomas Shahinian (Year 12), and David Shahinian

Manchester City Partnership

Two NSW EREA schools, Waverley College and St Dominic’s College in Penrith, have joined three other EREA schools (St Laurence’s College, Brisbane – Parade College, Melbourne – Rostrevor College, South Australia) in forming a partnership with Manchester City Football Club to have a Football academy at our College.

A Manchester City Head Football Coach will be appointed to run the football school and have a positive impact across our entire football program (Years 5 – 12) including coaching development, program and session design and implementation, and mentoring of all Waverley College football coaches.

We have received many messages from the community and a lovely message of encouragement and support from Matilda and Manchester City player, Mary Fowler. Mr Stephen Wilmot will be the Waverley Football Convenor. 

We are inviting all current Year 6 students from Waverley College and any school to register for trials. Expressions of interest from other year levels are also being taken from both currently enrolled students and potential students.

Both of these forms along with more information can be found on our website by clicking the button below.

Click here to view more information about the Manchester City Partnership

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 3 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

After School Supervision 

There have been a number of students on school grounds after the bell at 3pm. Many are staying at school to attend outside school sports training.

Please understand that there is no supervision during this time and students are not allowed on school grounds.

Please make other arrangements moving forward.

Year 6 End of Year Celebration – Save the Date

The Parents’ Association have asked Year 6 families to please “Save the Date” for Tuesday, 5 December from 4 – 8pm.

The Year 6 End of Year Celebration will be held on 5 December after school has finished. For them to gauge catering numbers, could you please indicate on the Google form below your interest. This will help them with venue selection. Whole family and siblings welcome.

*Please note this is a Parent-organised social event and not an official Waverley school function. 

Click here to view and complete the Google form

City2Surf – Running for Premature Babies

Congratulations to the 161 students, parents, carers and staff in the Waverley College team in the City2Surf in support of the charity Running for Premature Babies!

Congratulations to Marcus Millard for being the school’s highest fundraiser, and to Jayden Truscott for being the fastest Under-18 runner for Running for Premature Babies, crossing the finish line in 66 minutes. 

Thank you Mr McKimm for training the Junior School boys in his lunchtime Running Club, and inspiring them to be part of this special team.

The team raised over $13,000 that has helped purchase a life-saving humidicrib for The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. This piece of equipment will directly benefit hundreds of critically ill and premature babies from around New South Wales, giving them a better chance of survival.

Charity founder and Waverley mum, Sophie Smith, presented a trophy to Waverley College in thanks for this outstanding achievement.

To find out more about the charity, or to join their upcoming virtual “Premmie Marathon Challenge” please click the button below.

Click here to view more information

City2Surf 2023

ICAS Assessments 2023 

Congratulations to all the students who participated in ICAS Assessments. A special congratulations to the following students who received a credit or above in Digital Technologies and English. 

Year 5

Distinction: Cillian Stankard 

Credit: Liam Hagley, Rufus Nicholson and Arlo Buchanan 

Credit: Arlo Buchanan, Liam Jackson, Flynn Rigby, Flynn Roberts, Cillian Stankard and Thomas Taylor 

Distinction: Liam Hagley

Credit: Arlo Buchanan, Joey Oultram, Flynn Rigby

Year 6 

Credit: Boyd Haslam 

Credit: Aristotelis Evgenidis, Boyd Haslam, Vincent Lee, Ryan Loughrey and Marlow Moffit 

Credit: Boyd Haslam, Benjamin Kostic, Ryan Loughrey, Lachlan Moore and Maxim Service


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of the Junior School


Term 4 Summer Sport

The final half of the summer co-curricular season is fast approaching. I want to thank all families for their patience regarding the sending our of season information.

The Term 4 updated training schedule will be sent out no later than Monday, 11 September 2023, ensuring families have enough time to plan ahead. The half season draw is still being finalised, and will be sent out in Week 10.

Training will commence from Week 1, Term 4 and Round 7 will take place that first weekend on Saturday, 14 October 2023.

External Sporting Achievements

Last weekend, Year 5 Waverley students Ace Auston, Louie Cummins, Jordan Strbac, Alex Jenkins and Reggie Horsley played in their local AFL Grand Final at Heffron Oval against Glebe in a great game of contested footy. Maroubra finished first on the ladder and got the big win in the game, 42-7 points.

Congratulations to Jordan who captained the team, Louie who had an outstanding game in the mids, Reggie unbelievable in the backline, and Alex fast and furious in the forwards and Ace for his great ball skills. 

Amazing team effort!

AFL v Glebe at Heffron Oval

AFL v Glebe at Heffron Oval


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular, Years 5-8


Home Learning Week 9

*No Home Learning on Wednesday and Thursday 

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school to complete home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm – 4pm, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Click here to register your son

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent’s signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.

An important note to remember, if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached.  

Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.

Debating Coaches

Junior School Debating Coaches

Thank you to Thomas Jackson-Whitlock and Nick Zanapalis Year 10 students for all that you have done for the JS Debating Team. Your guidance, support, and encouragement have been pivotal to the boys throughout the debating season. We truly appreciate the time and effort that you have invested in the JS Debating Team, and I am grateful for the positive impact that you have had on the boys.

Debating Gala Day at Mount Sinai

Working with the Junior School debating team and their coaches Nick Zanapalis and Thomas Whitlock-Jackson this season, has been a pleasure and privilege. 

The last official debates were held on Monday, 4 September 2023 at the IPSHA Gala Day held at Mount Sinai in Maroubra. 

This group of boys worked under pressure to debate in four rounds. 

Their commitment to debating has been outstanding. Three wins and one loss.

Junior School Debating Gala Day at Mount Sinai Maroubra

Junior School Debating Gala Day at Mount Sinai Maroubra

Junior School Debating Gala Day at Mount Sinai Maroubra

Junior School Debating Gala Day at Mount Sinai Maroubra

Junior School Debating Gala Day at Mount Sinai Maroubra

Lunchtime Talk

Guest speaker Claire Petit, a vet and mum of Jake in Year 6, gave the students a detailed presentation into the world of veterinary medicine. The students gained insight into this profession. Claire shared information about her studies, what her typical workday at the clinic looks like, her patients and their procedures, and the challenges and rewards of working with animals.

Waverley students appreciate the time and effort you put into preparing your presentation. Your expertise and insights were invaluable, and we are grateful for the knowledge you shared with the next generation of veterinary professionals.

Junior School lunchtime talk with veterinarian Claire Petit

Junior School lunchtime talk with veterinarian Claire Petit

Junior School lunchtime talk with veterinarian Claire Petit

Junior School lunchtime talk with veterinarian Claire Petit


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


Highlights From 5 Orange and Mr Elliott McKimm

5 Orange boys continue to impress on a daily basis. They embrace all tasks with enthusiasm and regularly seek feedback to help improve the quality of their work. 5 Orange boys believe in teamwork and will go out of their way to help others.

As their classroom teacher, I am so proud of them and I think that they are on the right track to be outstanding contributors to College life, both academically and in the co-curricular space.

There is so much that we would like to share with you, however, our space in Nurrunga is limited, so we will let you know what has been happening in English and Science.

Please note that visitors are always welcome to the 5 Orange classroom and we would love to show you more!


In English, we have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the dystopian world that is Mechanica. In this universe, we are confronted with a harsh reality that climate change has practically destroyed Earth. Adding to the drama of this world, is the fact that humans now live in fortified compounds and on the outside, creatures made of machine parts roam.

Please enjoy Marcus’s Mechanica creation:

Jack Jumper Ant

Robotum Myrmecia Pilosula

As Liberty floated along the Indian ocean on the HMS Beagle, she stumbled upon the coast of South Australia. When Liberty ventured into the dense forest she felt a stabbing pain in her left leg, soon after Liberty was thrown against a tree. When she looked up she saw a silver ant with a bolt on the body and a seemingly radioactive glow inside, a F11 jet engine on the abdomen and a miniature paper shredder on the head. As Liberty ran through the forest she tripped over a lump of dirt. Suddenly hundreds of Jack Jumper ants streamed out, a smaller ant with a larger abdomen and a more robust thorax slowly walked out of the now destroyed pile of dirt. Now accompanied by 15 ant bodyguards, an ant that looked like a male with wings longer than the body and a seemingly slimmer build, flew out at blazing speeds.

After further research the ants were found to be powered by a highly radioactive fluid known as liquid hydrogen, interestingly this fluid can only be formed in the centre of the planet hindering that these things were very heat resilient, the Hydrogen fluid also heightens their senses and strength enabling them to smell blood from 400 metres away, hear footsteps from 100 metres away, lift and throw up to 60 kilos and run 70 kilometres an hour. The ant can even jump 20.5 metres in all dimensions when threatened, but a problem in the formula 1 motor occurs when the ant holds too much weight, runs too fast for too long, or when the ant jumps too many times. The problem makes the internal temperature of the ant skyrocket to an outstanding 1,200 celsius exploding the mechanica, leaving a superheated puddle of hydrogen, along with some robot parts on the floor, which contaminates the surrounding water, ground and plant life nearby. While the ants are really powerful, the queen’s smaller size and the elongated development of the ants hinders the colonies’ excessive power, limiting colonies to around 800 to 1,000 members, which makes battling a group of robotic blue tongue lizards, or a single robotic anteater, a challenge.

Despite this, the ants have spread across Australia, thanks to their highly powered sting, which has a titanium tip. And can inject the unfortunate victim with liquid mustard gas and corrosive acid. That can stop the victim’s gears in a matter of seconds and can stop a victim’s heart in the same matter. The jaws are powered by the same mechanics of a hydraulic press and teeth replaced with bullets. They have tips so sharp that they are compared to razors. This creature has killed many of Australia’s inhabitants in the Mechanica wars.

Length: 10cm

Width: 3cm

Weight: 10g

Speed: 70 kms per hour


And Flynn Robert’s Mechanica Creation:

Sarcophilus Harrisii

Liberty Crisp was journeying on the HMS Beagle to an island called Tasmania, in the year 2251. She was sailing past the Indonesian Ocean, overlooking a magnificent island surrounded by beautiful and breathtaking nature. Liberty found Australia, just above her current location. Hastily, Liberty sailed to Tasmania, hoping for a surviving and functioning community. On August 19, 2251, she arrived in Tasmania. She saw an amazing site, full of wonder and happiness. She pulled over and ran out with exponential pace to the land and humanity. Liberty explored Tasmania, finding all Mechanica and surviving species. Shocked in disbelief, she found one certain species specified as the Sarcophilus Harrisii. It’s a sophisticated, diverse and highly-advanced animal. The Devil has ferocious, violent and blood-curdling features and looks. Which includes, strong jawed bullet trillium teeth with an outrageous bite force, a highly-advanced automotive minigun system, and formidable sharp claws. It had three gleaming, exquisite swords at the back of the Devil’s tail. This animal is absolutely captivating with all its unique machinery.

The devil has good optics with its electromagnetic plates and defence propagation. The magnetic plates rebound projectiles to impede, prevent major and minor dents. Most of all, Liberty noticed one specific thing, a body of tattoos, including skulls, swords and nuclear symbols. Liberty wondered, what’s inside this creature? She was desperate to know more, so she slowly crept up to the Devil and opened its mouth wide, wide open. She saw a ruckus of things, but it was extremely fascinating. She gently closed its mouth and leapt away, this creature was absolutely astonishing.

The Mechanica is functioned and powered using mechanical clogs and all sorts of machinery. Which include, nano-electromechanical systems, combustion gas turbine, nanotube-reinforcements, type 3 variant flame based system and much, much more. All of these things add up to Liberty and she now understands the concept of this animal. It has flames and bombs which recede out of its mouth and the Devil has various reinforcements which make it function. Liberty discovered an amazing species hoping to potentially develop and advance its capability in the future.

 Weight: Kilograms: 57 kg. 125 p

Width: 31 cm. 12 in

Speed: 196 kph. 121 mph

Origin: Tasmania


In Science we have been exploring the Solar System, and in our discussions we have even looked beyond our neighbouring planets to the far reaches of the observable universe.

5 Orange boys had the time of their lives recently using playdough to create our solar system’s planets and represent their orbit around the sun.

5 Orange Science

5 Orange Science

5 Orange Science

5 Orange Science

5 Orange Science

5 Orange Science

5 Orange Science

5 Orange Science

5 Orange Science


Mr Elliott McKimm

Classroom Teacher 5 Orange