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Across our two campuses, Waverley College offers a great variety of Choral, Bands and Ensembles for our music students with opportunities to perform.  

chapel performance


College Choir

The Waverley College Choir rehearse and perform a variety of repertoire under the Direction of Ms Jaz Dolso. Rehearsals are held weekly in the Recital Room of the Performing Arts Centre.

The College Choir is engaged throughout the year to sing at many College events, College liturgies, masses and concerts. Over the last 10 years the Choir has participated in several overseas tours performing in Germany and Italy. Students also have the opportunity to attend a Music Camp and to participate in performances across the wider community.

Waverley College Choir at 2021 Music Festival

Chamber Choir

The Chamber Choir is a small acapella group of Waverley College and St Clare’s College students who meet once a week to rehearse and perform at assemblies, music festivals and other College events. The group sings a range of contemporary repertoire.

Chamber Choir


The Waverley College Junior School Cantores is an auditioned choral group of approximately 40 students. The Cantores sing for liturgies, masses, concerts and competitions. The Cantores perform a mixture of contemporary and classical repertoire including choral works by Australian composers.

Music Festival 2023

Concert Bands

Cliff Goodchild Concert Band

This is the premier Concert Band at Waverley College, and students are invited and auditioned for their position. The Band comprises students from all years at the Senior School. Students need to be proficient on their instrument and are given the opportunity to learn skills and to contribute to large group performances. The  band perform for College events and competitions and have toured across Europe, China and the USA. The Band is under the Direction of Mr Dan Williams.


Matthew Coorey Concert Band

Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 students are introduced into the large ensemble program for Senior School students who play a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument including piano. This group allows new and existing students the ability to come together during their first years of Senior School, to perform music in a safe, fun and enjoyable learning environment. The Band is under the Direction of Mr Alexander Lee.


Waterford Concert Band

This Band comprises students from Years 5 and 6. All students who learn an instrument in brass, woodwind and percussion can join this Band. Rehearsals are held Thursday morning from 7:30am. The Band covers a range of repertoire and performs at College assemblies, concerts and festivals.

Jazz Band – A

This ensemble builds upon the skills learnt in Jazz Band – B. The students in this group mainly belong to the Cliff Goodchild Concert Band who wish to continue developing their jazz ensemble playing. Jazz Band – A are often called upon to perform at many College events and competitions. The Jazz Band also offer their time and skills to perform at a number of our local community events which fall under the Social Justice programme of the College. This group has also toured extensively overseas.


Jazz Band – B

This ensemble provides our middle school students an introduction to jazz at the Senior School level. Students are required to audition and should also be part of the Concert Band programme. Jazz Band – B gives students an opportunity to begin learning about the different genres and the art of improvisation. 

Brass Ensemble

The Brass Ensemble comprises students who are proficient on their brass instrument. The group builds on skills learnt in the Concert Band and performs often within the College environment, including liturgical services, academic assemblies and community events. Students perform a wide spectrum of repertoire.

Woodwind Ensemble

Students are given an opportunity to learn and perform Wind Chamber Music in various types of woodwind ensembles. These ensembles are small groups that usually perform in small venues. Membership is by audition.  


Rock Bands

There are a number of Rock Band Groups at the College. These groups are arranged by Year group and ability. The annual ‘Rock Band Festival’ gives each of the rock bands an opportunity to perform in front of their friends and family, and is one of the many highlights of the year in the Music Department.

Rock Band

String Ensembles

Chamber Strings Ensemble

Students in the ensemble range from Years 5 to 12, and approximately Grade 2 to Grade 5 standard (AMEB). The ensemble extends and enhances students’ musical development and enjoyment through the rehearsal and performance of stimulating repertoire.

Chamber strings

Guitar Ensemble

The College has a number of guitar ensembles allowing students to play in a group of students with a similar level of attainment. In most Chamber Music groups there will be only one player per part, giving added responsibility to the musicians.

Guitar Ensemble


The Waverley College Junior School Stomp is a small creative group of 16 boys. It is a very popular activity at the Junior School that encourages boys to be creative with rhythm and improvisation. The idea behind the Stomp style of music is that you can create music using everyday items in creative ways.

Over the years we have developed performances using chairs, music stands, buckets, bins, brooms, pipes, pots and pans – to name just a few. We also try to include a theatrical element or some kind of storytelling in our Stomp performances to make it more spectacular for the audience. The most important part of this activity is the creating not the performing, with each of our Stomp items created solely from original ideas from the boys.

STOMP performance - Junior School

Private Music Lessons

Private music tuition is available on a range of instruments. Students​ ​electing​ ​to​ ​take​ ​private​ ​music​ ​lessons​ ​must​ ​do​ ​so​ ​for​ ​a​ ​minimum​ ​of​ ​six​ ​months​ ​(one​ ​semester). There is an additional charge​ ​for​ ​the​ ​use​ ​of​ ​a​ ​College​ ​instrument.  

Parents/carers who would like their sons to commence instrumental lessons or rock band must complete a private music registration form by clicking the following link: Music Tuition Form.

cadet drum

To continue our commemoration of 120 Years of Education at Waverley, we will have our onsite Years 5-12 day of celebration and fun on Tuesday, 15 August.

The day promises to be memorable, with the College community enjoying a live-streamed celebratory mass, a colourful carnival with food trucks and entertainment, and a vibrant talent show.

Click here for detailed information about the day

Happy 120 years!

It's Our Time Poster


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Mission and Identity


Mr Nick Sposari


Our onsite Years 5-12 day of celebration and fun will happen on Tuesday, 15 August 2023.

Please click the buttons below to view the menu options for this special day.

Click here to view the burgers and gozleme food and drink options

Click here to view the kebabs food and drink menu

The canteen will also be open on the day.

*Ticket sales for food/drink will open in early Week 4.

120 Year It's Our Time image


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Mission and Identity

Waverley College social media pages are now the place for you to see the latest news of events and activities around the Junior and Senior School campuses.

Please be sure to follow our social media pages! Following us helps to support our student, staff and community successes.

Follow @waverleycollege on Instagram and Facebook

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Click here for the Week 2 Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Dear Parents/Carers of Year 7 and Year 10 Students,

This is important information regarding the school based vaccinations, please read carefully.

Re: Third Vaccination Clinic for Year 7 HPV and Year 10 Meningococcal ACWY Catch Up Dose

The change to the human papillomavirus (HPV) dosing that occurred at the start of 2023 meant that students in Year 7 only required one dose of the HPV vaccination, opposed to two doses. NSW Public Health anticipated we would retain the scheduled 3rd clinic date (Tuesday, 19 September, 2023) to enable an opportunity to catch up students who may have missed out at previous clinics.  

However, given the overall good uptake of vaccination this year, there are fewer students requiring catch up vaccination than anticipated, providing NSW Public Health with the opportunity to schedule shorter visits and allow us to visit more than one school per day.  

Therefore, NSW Health has proposed that the original scheduled date and time for our catchup clinic is subject to change. As they are likely to be visiting more than one school per day, start times will differ from previous visits and will be included on reminder emails sent closer to the date. 

To ensure the clinic runs as smoothly and effectively as possible, the Waverley College Health Centre has been provided with a list of all students who have completed their vaccinations for 2023, along with students who need a catch up dose. The parents/carers of the students who require a catch up dose have already been emailed. So far, we have vaccinated 205 out of 227 Year 7 students and 167 out of 211 Year 10 students. We have received eight Year 7 and 24 Year 10 online consents for catchup.

 *If you have not received an email from the Waverley College Health Centre about catch up vaccinations OR you have not completed the online consent form for your child to receive the vaccination, then it is likely you will need to complete the online consent as soon as possible. This way NSW Health can determine whether an additional clinic is required. 

Please follow this link for online consent: NSW Health Service


Please be reminded of the following:

The following vaccines are offered free to students at school: 

Vaccination will only be provided at school if consent has been received. 

To provide online consent for vaccination, parents/carers will need:  

If you are experiencing problems consenting online then please contact the Health Centre for a paper consent form. You can email your request to: ATTN: Adele Cutbush (Registered Nurse).

Thank you.

“When people share their personal story, change happens. Being brave enough and courageous enough to put yourself out here [at Youth Parliament] is one of the most powerful things you can do.” Hon Rose Jackson MLC (NSW Government Minister including Minister for Mental Health and Minister for Youth). 

The Hon. Lachlan Miranda, Youth Member of Parliament for the electorate of Coogee, was fortunate to be selected to be part of the YNSW Youth Parliament 2023. This annual event brings 90 students from across New South Wales together, representing all electorates across the State, to participate in civic leadership, policy development and nuanced debate. 

Lachlan represented Waverley College and the wider electorate of Coogee with aplomb. 

The generosity of the Old Boys Union (OBU) in gifting Lachlan $750.00 to participate in this flagship youth leadership program was greatly appreciated. As was the time of Dr Marjorie O’Neill (Member for Coogee) who met with Lachlan and discussed youth leadership, mental health and his time at Waverley College. 

Congratulations, Lachlan!

Congratulations, Lachlan!

During the training Camp in April, Lachlan was elected leader of the Youth Mental Health Committee, an incredible honour. He is passionate about mental health, advocating for his peers and supporting boys who silently struggle with the stressors of school and socialisation. Lachlan intends to be a psychologist post-school, and the opportunity to lead the committee has proven a great launchpad for his future endeavours. 

Lachlan’s Summary

Being a Youth Parliamentarian was an honour. I represented Waverley College and my electorate (Coogee). Through an intense week, filled with late nights writing speeches, I was able to learn more about the parliamentary process and how advocacy works on a larger scale. It was an emotional and insightful week, hearing everyone’s private members’ statements. The mental health debate was intense with the government pushing for amendments to the bill (to strengthen existing mental health legislation to better support youth) and the opposition attempting to publish it in its present condition. Then, moving to open floor debates which were filled with personal anecdotes about how an individual was touched by mental health.

Throughout the week I made new friendships with people from all over the state and from all backgrounds. Moving forward I wish to raise awareness for some of the issues that were addressed within the chamber as well as continue to advocate for mental health. Throughout my time as a Youth Parliamentarian, I displayed the skills and behaviours expected of leaders representing their school. Whether it was through collaborating with my committee or attempting to provide solutions to international issues through critical thinking, I am eternally grateful for this opportunity and will continue to display the skills I was able to develop through this program.

YNSW Youth Parliament 2023

Image: courtesy YMCA NSW – YNSW Youth Parliament 2023

His success is of his own making. On a personal note, I want to congratulate Lachlan on his application, commitment and energy he brought to the Youth Parliament Program. I was privileged to attend the Mental Health Debate at NSW Parliament House and I was in awe of Lachlan’s ability to debate challenging and complex issues with such empathy and understanding. Witnessing the leaders of tomorrow in action assured me that we are in incredibly capable hands. 

We can’t wait to see the next generation of leaders make meaningful change. 

Click here to view Senior and Junior Sport Fixtures, Results, Training Schedules and Maps

Indigenous Rounds

Well done to all staff, students, parents and carers with their work on our Indigenous Round last weekend. In particular, I want to thank Mr Kevin Heath and Aunty Barb as well as members of the College’s Indigenous community for assisting in producing some wonderful ceremonies.

Indigenous Round Opening Ceremony

Indigenous Round Opening Ceremony

Indigenous Round Opening Ceremony

Two Rounds Remaining

We have two more rounds of winter activities to go and are competing for a number of premierships in Football, Rugby, AFL and Volleyball. Our 1sts Volleyball are currently undefeated in Division 2 and are having a wonderful season.

We also have a number of Presentation Evenings coming up in a couple of weeks and we hope that many members of the College community will be able to celebrate the winter 2023 season.

With only two rounds to go I want to remind all students, parents, carers and spectators that we still need to ensure we are meeting appropriate standards and codes of conduct at all times.

Track & Field Season to Commence Soon

Our last round of winter is on Saturday, 5 August and we then commence the Track & Field season on Monday, 7 August. Any student is more than welcome to participate in Athletics and the squad will train every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. We had a great Track & Field season in 2022 and are looking to build on this.

Applying for Changes to Summer Activities

Just a reminder that any student who wishes to apply for a change in their summer activities needs to come and see myself or Mr Wilmot before the end of next week. Some activities are already full, so students will need to select three preferences if they wish to change.

Good Luck Year 12!

Best wishes to all Year 12 students for their HSC Trials commencing next week.

Term 3

Week 3 – Monday, 31 July – Sunday, 6 August 2023


Week 4 – Monday, 7 August – Sunday, 13 August 2023


Weeks Ahead

For information on trading hours, size guides, click and collect and delivery information visit:

Phone: (02) 9369 0709


Level 3, Centenary Building,
Senior School Campus
(Enter via reception and take the lift to the 3rd Floor)
131 Birrell Street,
Waverley NSW 2024

The HSC Study Guide is out now, packed with everything HSC students need to kick their exam goals!

Students can find exam advice from teachers and past students, learn how to nail their study routine, and test their knowledge with the ultimate HSC quiz! Look out for some familiar faces who share their expert advice across a range of HSC subjects.

There’s also plenty of practical information from our partner, ReachOut, on looking after mental health and wellbeing in the lead up to exams.

Welcome Back to the Start of Term 3

Week 1 has started with a buzz of activity and energy throughout the College. We celebrated NAIDOC Week at assembly and launched Men’s Health Week. Each student should fill in their SMART Goals (page 111 of College diary) for Term 3 to assist them in achieving their strategic goals for the Term. Learnings and reflections from parent/student/teacher conferences should guide this goal-setting process.

A reminder that on Monday, 24 July the Years 7 – 10 Student Parent Teacher Interviews will be held online from 8.30am to 6.30pm and there will be no classes that day for the Senior School.

NAIDOC Week Assembly

We celebrated NAIDOC at this week’s assembly and the celebrations will continue at our Indigenous Round tomorrow. The 2023 theme ‘For Our Elders’, illuminates the importance Elders play in our lives and showcases the rich culture and knowledge of Indigenous Australia. NAIDOC Week, which is in the first week of July, is an important event in Australia that celebrates the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

The traditional smoking ceremony performed by the Walawaani students involved the burning of native plants to produce smoke, to cleanse and purify the surroundings and participants, and show respect to the land and ancestors. 

NAIDOC Week Assembly 2023

The “Welcome to Country” was delivered by local elder Aunty Barbara Simms acknowledging the ongoing connection between the Indigenous peoples and the land.

NAIDOC Week Assembly 2023

Mr Michael O’Loughlin was our NAIDOC week guest speaker and he spoke passionately about sharing his culture with all Australians and the NAIDOC theme “For our Elders”. Michael spoke about the significant role that Elders and in particular his Nanna had in his life, and the important role they played in preserving culture, passing down knowledge, and guiding the younger generations. 

NAIDOC Week Assembly 2023

The cultural performance by Aunty Kerry and her Burrundi Theatre was a captivating experience, showcasing the rich traditions, history, and art forms of the First Nations peoples through song and dance. 

Such events and activities contribute to fostering understanding, respect, and appreciation for Indigenous culture and the contributions of Elders to the community and society as a whole. It’s heartening to see schools and communities coming together to celebrate and learn about Australia’s First Nations heritage.

Congratulations to Mr Kevin Heath (Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officer) for coordinating our NAIDOC assembly and thank you to the many families that joined us on the day. 

NAIDOC Week Assembly 2023 - Burrundi Theatre

NAIDOC Week Assembly 2023 - Burrundi Theatre

Men’s Health Week 

Across the world, Men’s Health Week is celebrated in June each year to promote the overall wellbeing of men, and raise awareness about issues that are particularly related to men’s health. Term 2 at Waverley was quite busy, so we chose to celebrate Men’s Health Week this week.

We are grateful to our Parents’ Association who have generously funded a wonderful array of activities throughout the week along with organising some amazing speakers that included Dr James Roy – Cardiologist, Mr Anthony Minichiello – Kangaroo, NSW and Roosters, Mr Morgan Turinui – Wallaby, Reds, Rebels, Commentator, and Ms Caitlin Reid – sports dietitian and yoga sports coach.

Anthony Minichiello

Anthony Minichiello

Caitlin Reid

Caitlin Reid

Some of the activities included guidance from personal trainers, physiotherapists, dieticians, weight lifting, and some free healthy giveaways. The week focused on physical health, mental and emotional wellbeing. Congratulations and thank you to the following parents and grandparents who assisted Daniella Strbac, Camille Owen, Damien Kelly, Sue Purnell and Jade Stapleton for coordinating the week. It was an impressive set up with many interactive activities for the boys to engage with. 

Dr James Roy

Dr James Roy

Morgan Turinui

Morgan Turinui

Support for Nicholas Reed

As some of you may be aware, there has been some very sad news in our community about the brother of Kosta Reed in Year 5, Nicholas. Seven-year-old Nicholas had a liver transplant at the age of five months and has struggled with his health ever since. Devastatingly, he has just been diagnosed with a rare and very aggressive type of post-transplant cancer.

Our prayers and thoughts go out to his family as they navigate through this heartbreaking journey. A parent in our Waverley Community, Kerren Hosking, has set up a GoFundMe page to help support Elena Reed and their family. If you would like to support this family please follow the link below.

Please keep this family in your prayers.  

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)

ICAS sitting dates will take place in English and Science in Term 3. The questions are engaging and fun and have been designed by psychometricians, education measurement experts and experienced teachers to push students to their academic limits, as well as test higher-order thinking and problem-solving abilities. Applications close on 31 July, 2023. Please read the newsletter article co-authored by Ms Andrea Fernandez and Ms Emily Pace for more information.

Alumni Mentoring Evening

On Wednesday, 16 August, students have the opportunity to engage in dynamic discussions about careers, skills, and studies with Waverley College alumni. For more information please read the newsletter article authored by Ms Kath Knowles.

City2Surf and Support for Premature Babies

Wonderfully, 101 people have signed up to our Waverley team in the City2Surf on 13 August in support of the charity Running for Premature Babies, raising funds for a lifesaving humidicrib for The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

It’s not too late to register. Join the Yellow start wave to run/walk with Lachy from The Wiggles!

Click here to register: