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UN Youth National Conference 2023 – congratulations to Jack Preller for being selected to attend the UN Youth Australia National Conference 2023. The conference will be held in Perth in mid July. This conference is a unique opportunity for students to engage with other passionate young leaders from across the country, share ideas and perspectives, and gain insights into global issues. 

Kairos Retreat a “Life Changing” Experience

On Wednesday, we welcomed back our Year 12 students from their Kairos Retreat. This retreat is a three-night, live-in immersive experience offered to students in Years 11 and 12. The retreat offers time for students to explore their relationships with self, others and God, and is part of Waverley College’s commitment to Gospel Spirituality and the holistic development of our students.

The students engaged very well throughout this student-led retreat where there were opportunities for personal reflection, group work and recreation. From the students I spoke to, their feedback indicated that it was a wonderful experience, with some reflecting that it was “life changing.”

I would like to thank Ms Sue Walsh (Director of Mission & Identity), Father Bernie, current staff and Old Boys who ran this camp. Without their support, this wonderful experience for the students would not have been possible.

Year 10 Career Profile Interviews – We Thank Dr Marian Kratzing

Waverley College partners with a specialist company ‘Career Avenues’ who help students embrace their uniqueness, and explore options with meaningful insights into their next phase of career development.

The Program began in late February, with a four-hour online career testing session run by Dr Marian Kratzing, a Careers Psychologist. Dr Kratzing has developed a unique career profiling system which she and her colleagues provide to many schools in Sydney.

In the profiling session, students completed several questionnaires and tests designed to assess a variety of factors that are important in helping students select a University (ATAR) or Vocational (NON-ATAR) career pathway at school and beyond.

These included:

Following the assessment session, the results were scored and analysed. Dr Kratzing compiled individual reports for each student. The report details each student’s results and concludes with a list of career examples for each student to explore. The reports are discussed in an individual Zoom interview for each student, with a member of Dr Kratzing’s team who are Careers Specialists.

The student interviews are being conducted via Zoom in the College Library until 25 May 2023. Parents/carers are welcome to connect from home or the workplace should they wish to observe the interviews.

Years 5-12 House Athletics Carnival, ES Marks Athletics Field

The College Athletics Carnival was a tremendous success due to meticulous planning, enthusiastic student participation, and strong community support. The event was carefully organised, ensuring a seamless experience for all participants. It was wonderful to see the enthusiastic participation of our students. 

The carnival fostered a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition, inspiring students to showcase their talents and push themselves to their limits. The inclusive nature of the event ensured that every student had the opportunity to participate, regardless of their athletic abilities, instilling a sense of belonging and promoting a positive and supportive environment.

I would also like to acknowledge our staff. Their commitment to the students’ wellbeing, alongside their energy and enthusiasm was instrumental in making the carnival an unforgettable experience. Their tireless efforts ensured the smooth running of the event, fostering a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone involved.

After the Bell – Thursday, 15 June 6pm – Tickets Now Available

After the Bell is an evening for parents/carers of students in Years 7-11 to support the safety of our youth ‘after the bell.’ The event will take place at Cranbrook School.

Tickets for After the Bell are now available for $10.00 per person with proceeds going to national youth mental health foundation, Headspace.

Click here to learn more and purchase tickets

The George William Rummery Music Scholarship is awarded annually as a means of encouraging students to realise their potential and strive for excellence. The scholarship is a gift of the Rummery family, in memory of their son George (Class of 1986).

This scholarship is ongoing and covers full or partial remission of music tuition and instrument hire fees from Years 7 to 12.

Applicants should either be currently enrolled or have applied to enrol at the College.

Applications close: Thursday, 1 June 2023

Auditions: Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Students who wish to apply should read the information for candidates, complete an application form and send it to

Both of these are on our website under the ‘Scholarships and Bursaries’ tab, and can be viewed by clicking the button below.

Click here to view information about the George William Rummery Scholarship

Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Ms Keiran Kossenberg: 02 9369 0623.


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre (PAC) Coordinator

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, collaboration has become a vital skill for success in various fields. From the workplace to academia, the ability to work effectively with others is highly valued. In the classroom, collaboration fosters active engagement, promotes social and emotional development, and enhances student achievement. Teachers play a crucial role in fostering a collaborative classroom environment by designing activities that encourage teamwork, providing guidance on effective communication, and promoting a culture of mutual respect.

To that end, a team of our teachers are undertaking an Action Research Project on ‘Making Collaboration Work in the Classroom.’ The Action Research team, led by Jorga Marrum, AIS Deep Learning consultant, includes Mr Nick Sposari, Ms Stephanie Falk, Ms Alice Curtis, Ms Gemma Stead, Ms Margaux Walker, Ms Helen Barrie, Mr Oliver Knight and Ms Elizabeth Watson. Collaboration is one of the six global competencies in Deep Learning pedagogy, and is defined as learners working interdependently to achieve a common goal in a shared learning environment (Underwood and Underwood, 1999).

Collaboration Action Research Group

We recognise that collaboration in the classroom goes beyond group projects or assignments. It involves students working together in a cohesive manner to achieve a common goal, such as problem solving, critical thinking, and decision making. Through collaboration, students learn to communicate effectively, respect diverse perspectives, and contribute to a team effort. These skills are crucial in today’s globalised society where teamwork and cooperation are highly valued in the workplace.

One of the key benefits of collaboration in the classroom is that it encourages active engagement among students. When students collaborate, they participate in discussions, share ideas, and contribute to the learning process. This promotes critical thinking and creativity, as students are exposed to different viewpoints and are encouraged to think critically about complex issues. Collaboration also fosters a sense of pride and responsibility among students, as they take ownership of their learning and contribute to the success of the group.

Collaboration Action Research Group

Collaboration in the classroom also promotes social and emotional development. It allows students to develop interpersonal skills such as empathy, communication, and teamwork. Students learn to appreciate diversity and respect differing opinions, leading to a more inclusive and harmonious classroom environment. Collaboration also helps students develop resilience as they learn to overcome challenges and conflicts that may arise during group work. These social and emotional skills are essential for students to navigate the complexities of the real world and build healthy relationships.

Furthermore, collaboration in the classroom enhances student achievement. Research has shown that students who engage in collaborative learning tend to have higher academic performance compared to those who do not. When students work together, they are exposed to different perspectives, which can broaden their understanding of concepts and deepen their learning. Collaboration also provides an opportunity for students to teach and learn from their peers, reinforcing their understanding of the material. Moreover, collaborative activities can be tailored to different learning styles, accommodating diverse student needs and promoting inclusivity.

By nurturing collaboration skills in the classroom, we are preparing our students to engage and innovate successfully in our world. The Action Research team looks forward to sharing the outcomes of our inquiry.

Last week, all students were given an opportunity to provide feedback and have a voice in their wellbeing whilst at Waverley College. All students in Years 5-12 were able to complete the survey that canvassed a range of topics across the College, that included health, bullying, safety and security, as well as relationships.

We will continue to work with all key stakeholders at the College to keep improving and adjusting our programs, to provide well-rounded and positive educational approaches that allow all students to reach their potential.

Junior Students enjoying a conversation on the playground

Some of the notable points from the survey include:

Waverley students leaving campus via the Carrington Road gates

The survey results provide some very useful data. We will analyse and adjust our Programs to ensure we are providing education around the importance of wellbeing and the effects of phones, sleep, hydration and effective relationships.

More guest speakers, lunchtime activities and reminders of the clear policies in regards to expectations of standards of behaviour in and outside of the classroom are opportunities we will keep working on for whole-school improvement.

The partnership we have with parents and carers at home to support the College and students in these areas is also critical to ensure the ongoing success and wellbeing of all students.

Click here to view the Fixtures and Venue Maps

Co-curricular Sport and Culture Highlights

Today was our annual House Athletics Carnival at ES Marks Athletics Field. It was a stimulating, busy day and we hope you enjoy the photos above. Information about the Carnival will be published in next week’s Nurrunga (Friday, 26 May edition).

We are away to St Aloysius’ this week for many teams, as well as a number of fixtures at Queens Park against St Augustine’s. It was great to see a large majority of students competing to the best of their ability last weekend, against high-quality opposition in all codes.

Congratulations to the 1st Debating and Volleyball teams who had great wins on the weekend and have continued to perform at a high level over the last couple of weeks.

AFL Indigenous Round – Walawaani Cup – Friday, 19 May, Pioneers Park

A reminder that tonight the 1st AFL team will be playing against Cranbrook in the AFL Indigenous Round. Walawaani in Dhurga language means ‘Safe Journey’ and it is also the name of our First Nations program at Waverley. Moving forward, our Indigenous round will be playing for the ‘Walawaani Cup.’

We encourage as many people as possible from the Waverley College community to come and support this event. The pre-game ceremony will start at 7pm with the game starting at 7:15pm.

Super Saturday

On Saturday, we have a big day of rugby at Queens Park. All teams will be playing St Augustine’s at Queens Park with all ‘A’ teams playing on Queens Park 1. It should be a great day of entertaining Rugby, so please come down and support the day.

*All students must be in full Waverley attire, otherwise they will not be permitted to stay.

Swimming and Water Polo Congratulations

UN Youth National Conference 2023

Congratulations to Jack Preller for being selected to attend the UN Youth Australia National Conference 2023 in July in Perth.

Cross Country

Waverley had some strong performance in Cross Country on the weekend at the Barker invite, with the Opens 8km team coming first place for the CAS teams. The Cross Country team have been working very hard under the guidance of Mr Jeremy Roff.

Barker XC Invite

CAS Code of Conduct for Parents, Carers and Visitors

All players, parents, carers and spectators are reminded about the importance of sportsmanship and respect for the opposition and officials. All stakeholders are bound by the CAS Codes of Conduct for respect of officials and the opposition team. All supporters and visitors must follow staff instructions at each venue. Click the button below to view the CAS Code of Conduct on the CAS website.

CAS Code of Conduct on the CAS website

The NSW government has released the ‘Shoosh for Kids’ campaign which is based around everyone involved in community and school sport respecting our referees. Please click the button below to view the Office of Sport website and its ‘Shoosh for Kids’ resources.

Click here to view the Shoosh for Kids resources

Keep it positive. Keep it fun. Keep kids coming back to junior sport!

Communication Expectations for Parents and Carers

I also want to remind all parents/carers of expectations at training and games in regards to communication with staff and coaches. Parents are asked to please remain at a distance at all training sessions, to allow coaches to do their jobs effectively.

Please avoid approaching and speaking to coaches whilst a fixture is on – recognise the value and importance of our coaches. If there are any issues or concerns, I would request that you only contact the convenor of that activity or myself, after the session or fixture.

Good luck to all teams and co-curricular activities over this coming weekend.

After some excellent results in all age groups in Round 2, the mighty Waves hit the North Shore on Saturday.

We had teams playing at Acron Oval in St Ives, North Narrabeen Reserve and Barker Main Oval. A real round trip for our families from the East.

7/8 Divisions

The day started early for the 7/8Bs at North Narrabeen, but the boys were ready for the challenge, defeating Shore’s A team by two points in a rain-affected match.

The 7/8As took the field against Knox’s As at Acron Oval, and continued their strong form with a comprehensive 104-8 victory, highlighted by high skill level and a thirst for team play.

The 7/8Cs then took the field against Knox’s B side which also included 11 of Knox’s A players, due to low numbers. The boys played a fantastic game and comprehensively defeated Knox 76-19.

9/10 Divisions

Our 9/10As recorded a victory via forfeit, as Knox did not have enough players. The boys from both teams decided to play a shortened match on a flooded Acron Oval, after two-hour downpour that left the Oval resembling a flooded slip and slide!

Our 9/10Bs travelled to North Narrabeen Reserve and took on a strong St Augustine’s side, fighting it out for four quarters, but eventually going down 79-22.


Our 1sts took on one competition heavyweight Knox, and started strongly in the fine conditions. Unfortunately, the downpour came, and Knox were brutal around the ball, turning a quarter-time deficit into a 65-31 victory.


Our 2nds travelled to Barker Main Oval to face a strong Barker side, who are always difficult to defeat on their main oval. The boys have been starting games particularly well, however Barker asserted themselves in the second half of the match, running out 73-13 victors.

Thank you

Huge thanks to all of the families who travelled to support their boys on a long trip to the North Shore. Attendance was fantastic, and it was great to have a real Waverley presence at these venues.

Round 4 Showcase – Friday Night Indigenous Round – Friday, 19 May 2023

I extend a warm invite to the entire Waverley College community, this Friday night. We take on Cranbrook in the 1sts and Saint Ignatius’ in the 9/10Bs, in a Home Game at Pioneers Park in Malabar.

We will run a hearty BBQ and a raffle with some fantastic prizes. Raffle proceeds will be directed towards the ‘Walawaani’ Program at the College to help run onsite events and workshops. This Program is Waverley’s First Nations Program. It is made up of all of Waverley’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-identified students.

Please come to support the Indigenous Round!

AFL Walawaani Cup Poster


Round Results

1sts Defeated by Knox 10.5.65 to 4.7.31

2nds Defeated by Barker 10.13.73 to 2.1.13 

9/10A Defeated Knox 10.0.60 to 0.0.0 (Forfeit)

9/10B Defeated by St Augustine’s 10.19.79 to 3.4.22

7/8A Defeated Knox 9.12.66 to 1.0.6 (Mercy Rule) Unofficial score 14.20.104 to 1.2.8

7/8B Defeated Shore 3.14.32 to 4.6.30

7/8C Defeated Knox 10.16.76 to 3.1.19

After last week’s flat course at Centennial Park, the Waverley team made the hour-long drive out to St Ives Showground, to test their fresh legs on the gruelling hills and uneven terrain. The course this week featured almost everything you can get when it comes to cross-country racing: hills, tree roots, fallen tree hurdles, mud, ankle-rolling divots and much more. The start featured a 200m straight, breadcrumbed with hazardous divots, followed by numerous switchbacks, funnelling the competitors down into the bushes of St Ives Showground.

The Juniors’ race commenced bright and early at 9am. In the absence of Joshua Peters and Evan Rowbotham, boys were called on to step up to the plate. Each boy rose to the occasion, with Jake McEvoy leading the boys through the first lap. A notable improvement from Jarrah Thomasyu saw him improve his placement from last week by 15 positions, along with quality performances by Oliver Chan and Xavier Wright.

Barker XC Invite Juniors


Our Intermediate age group continued this momentum built by the Juniors, with a particularly fast start from the Waverley boys, before quickly settling into their respective rhythms. Some strategic mid-race surges from Asher Thomasyu saw him overtake numerous competitors, particularly on the hills, where Asher excels. This fitness that Asher possesses combined with his tactical movements throughout the race, placed him 11th out of a field of 128 runners. Perhaps the highlight of this 6km race was the final kick from Blake Richardson, who unleashed his poetic stride 300m from the finish line, leaving it all on the course, and overtaking numerous competitors. 

This race was soon followed by our Opens team, who took to the course in full force, preparing for a gruelling 8km. Our boys all had varying race strategies, some with purposely slower starts and others attempting to get a quick start. An unlucky start from Campbell Groves saw him in the middle of the back, coming around the first switchback. However, Campbell’s strength allowed him to seemingly glide through the tightly-packed runners, as he positioned himself amongst the first pack of runners.

Barker XC Invite

Tactically, our boys used the uphills to our advantage, ensuring they put in a surge of pace at the top of the hills, in an attempt to break away from other competitors. Campbell’s aggressive racing tactic placed him in a very strong position of 7th out of 130 runners, finishing 2nd out of CAS competitors. Phenomenal work, Campbell. 

Overall, it was a very strong showing from Waverley College at St Ives. Whilst many other schools were daunted by the hilly course, Waverley competitors took it in their stride, using it to their advantage. With many multi-position improvements across the board, the Waverley team is looking forward to next week, when we tackle the possibly the hardest course for the season; The King’s School.

Waves to Win!

Barker XC Invite


Campbell Groves and Hugo Morgan (Cross Country Co-Captains 2023)

Dear Parents and Carers

Please click the button below to view the invitation that was sent to students earlier this week regarding the Year 10 Dinner Dance.

Click here to view the Year 10 Dinner Dance invitation and to RSVP

We are pleased to offer a series of workshops designed to enhance English and Writing skills as Year 12 students work toward the HSC.

Details of the workshops are as follows:

Workshop 1 – Interpreting Marking Criteria in English
Facilitator: Ms Helen Barrie – Head of Academic Enrichment
Venue: K38

This workshop examines the precise elements that support a HSC marker’s decision to determine which band your essay sits in. By matching your essay with the specific criteria of each band, you will learn how to tighten and elevate your essay compositions to ensure they precisely convey your overarching thesis and establish a strong writer/reader relationship with the marker.

Students will be expected to bring along a sample of one of their English responses.

Year 12 Tutorial Schedule

Workshop 2 – Effective Paragraph Writing
Facilitator: Ms Mary Ryan – Head of Literacy
Venue: K37 (Week A), K34 (Week B)

This workshop is relevant to all subjects which require the writing of long answer responses and extended responses. Focus will be on the following:

Students will be expected to bring along a sample of their own work (long answer/ extended response) which has already been marked. This can be from any subject.


Please note the following:

 5A  Monday  22 May 2023  P6  K37 and K38
 6B  Monday  29 May 2023  P6  K34 and K38
 7A  Monday  5 June 2023  P6  K37 and K38
 9A  Monday  19 June 2023  P6  K37 and K38

Last week at Cadets, we had our first rehearsal for the Passing Out Parade and Annual Cadet Award Ceremony. This special event gives us the opportunity to recognise the amazing contribution our Year 12 cadets have made to the Unit over the past five years. With the whole Unit parading in ceremonial dress, we also recognise our cadets who have excelled in their service to their platoons, companies and the Unit, with the presentation of the Annual Cadet Awards.

All members of the Unit are required to attend Passing Out Parade from 11am – 12:30pm on Sunday, 4 June in Ceremonial Dress Code 4Z.

As a special treat, we also have some G Wagons and members of the ADF coming to the Parade to demonstrate these Army vehicles. You will be able to see them on the Kenny Quad when you form up, and then have a special guided tour with our friends from the ADF,  following the Parade.

All members of the Waverley community are welcome to attend the Passing Out Parade. For further information, please see the invitation below.

2023 Passing Out Parade

The Federation Star Parade

On Thursday, 15 June, the Waverley College Cadet Unit is hosting a special Commemorative Parade to recognise the outstanding service and dedication to the Australian Army Cadets and Waverley College of LTCOL(AAC) Peter Frost and MAJ(AAC) Anthony Evans.

The Parade will take place at 5:30pm in the Centenary Quadrangle, Waverley College and will be reviewed by General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK AC (Mil) CVO MC (Retd). Following the Parade, there will be light refreshments and a chance to connect with Old Boys and other members of the Waverley Community. All are welcome to attend this event and, for catering purposes, please click the button below to RSVP.

Click here to RSVP

Promotions Courses

In farewelling the Year 12 senior rank this Term, we turn our attention to developing the next leaders of the Cadet Unit at the annual Promotions Courses. This is always an important week in the Cadet Calendar, as our dedicated and motivated young men and women come together to learn the skills they need to lead the Cadet Unit for the coming Cadet Year. It also provides the opportunity to re-establish the high standards and expectations required of our new recruits starting in Term 3.

The Junior Leadership Course (JLC – to become a Corporal), the Senior Leadership Course (SLC – to become a Sergeant or Warrant Officer Class 2), and the Cadet Under Officers’ Course are run concurrently from Monday, 26 June – Saturday, 1 July 2023, at Winbourne Conference Centre, Mulgoa. Attendance at these courses is a requirement of promotion within the Unit. Parents/carers are asked to please keep these dates free.

For those already making plans for 2024, the Promotions Courses next year will be held from Monday, 15 July – Saturday, 20 July 2024. This is to allow our members to attend any Immersions or the European Music Tour.

Attendance at Promotions Courses is compulsory for all aiming to be promoted, but particularly in becoming a Sergeant, Warrant Officer or Cadet Under Officer. Please note these dates if your child is wanting to progress to these important leadership roles.

Year 8 Parent Information Evening

Term 3 will be upon us before we know it, and in preparing our Year 8 cohort for the start of their Cadet journey, we are holding a Parent Information Evening on Monday, 29 May at 6:30pm in the Performing Arts Centre. Further information will be emailed to the respective parents/carers.

Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 2, Week 5. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Monday, 22 May 2023
Visual Arts 3:30pm – 5pm C13 Turnbull
Drama IP 3:30pm – 5pm P12 Lamb
Tuesday, 23 May 2023
Mathematics Standard 2 7:30am -8:30am E42 Guirguis
Advanced Mathematics 7:30am -8:30am E26 Mountfort
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
Studies of Religion II 3:30pm – 5pm E40s Cooper/ Stewart
Design & Technology 7:30am – 8:15am T04 Spargo
PDHPE 3:30pm – 5pm GHR Douglas
Thursday, 25 May 2023
Spanish 3:30pm – 5pm W25 Quintana
Biology 7:45am -8:30am K2L3 Brown
Mathematics Standard 2 3:30pm – 5pm E23 Riley

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.

*The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

As part of the Year 10 elective subject ‘Applied Philosophy’, boys participated in and designed a student-led seminar. The current topic is ‘Psychology in our World’ and with this, students developed targeted questions for the one of the College’s psychologists to engage with, in a special classroom workshop.

Ms Samantha Jessen spent one lesson with the class exploring and mapping out the various expressions psychology takes in our community.

Of great interest was the pathway to becoming a psychologist and the life-giving work psychologists do. The big impact psychologists have on society and in our context, school, was remarked upon.

Various aspects of psychology were touched upon with the students engaged and excited with their learning.

Ms Samantha Jessen, College Psychologist (Years 7-12)

Topics of psychology covered in the course included:

Bringing classroom learning alive via links to real-life community action and real-world professionals, was of great value to the students.


Mr Bill Roberts

Head of Library Services and Years 9 and 10 Applied Philosophy Teacher

Ms Samantha Jessen

College Psychologist (Years 7-12)