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Waverley College Vs Oakhill College

Last weekend, Waverley College played against ISA school, Oakhill College. The day was evenly matched with both schools coming away each with 10 victories. Undoubtedly, our teams will continue to improve as we head towards the CAS season, which commences on the first weekend of June.

Highlights on the day included the mighty 13Bs win. Down 20 to 7, with five minutes on the clock, the 13Bs managed to come from behind to score two tries in the dying stages of the match. The final try, a penalty try, had all celebrating on the field and on the sidelines. Congratulations to Mr Soden and his side for never giving up!

I would also like to highlight the efforts of one of our star junior referees, William Whitaker. William refereed a number of matches on Saturday, despite feeling a little unwell on the day. We thank William for his all efforts in officiating – we would not be able to enjoy the beautiful game of rugby without our officials. Thank you, William.

Super Saturday

This coming weekend, we are very much looking forward to a Super Saturday of rugby at Queens Park. All teams are scheduled to play at Queens Park against St Augustine’s College. This should be an entertaining day of rugby with all our A teams on the famous QP1 ground, from the 13As right through to the 1st XV. It should be an exciting atmosphere and we encourage all members of the community to come along to support the day.

Canteen and BBQ Support – We Need You!

We would love to welcome parents/carers and friends of players in all teams to donate some time to assist on the canteen and BBQ at Queens Park – even for a half hour (while your son warms up for his match).

It certainly is an excellent way to meet new parents/carers and friends, in what is such a positive and friendly environment, led by our incredible Rugby Supporters’ Club.

If you are able to help, please click the button below to log your available time on the online roster.

Click here to log the time you can help

Thanks for your assistance – we truly appreciate all your help!

Rugby Supporters on BBQ and Canteen

Our brilliant Rugby supporters on our BBQ and Canteen in 2022

Achievements of our Old Boys

It has been pleasing to see a number of Waverley College Old Boys continuing to do well on the playing field. We are certainly proud of the achievements of our Old Boys and no doubt, these men will continue to inspire the next generation of Waverlians!

Last weekend, the Super Rugby match played between the Waratahs vs Rebels match (which was commentated by Old Boy Morgan Turinui!), included Sam Talakai (Rebels), Jed Holloway (Waratahs), and Ben Donaldson (Waratahs), who set up a terrific try at the end of the match.

Benny O’Donnell is doing a terrific job at the ACT Brumbies, along with Klayton Thorn, who must not be far away from making his debut, having a strong involvement in the Brumbies Squad. Henry Paterson also continues to do very well for the Australian Sevens team.

In the NRL, Old Boys Davvy Moale (Souths Sydney Rabbitohs) and Ronald Volkman (NZ Warriors), continue to impress. Ronald scored a brilliant individual try against the Bulldogs last weekend.

In club land, we are seeing a number of Old Boys doing well across a number of clubs. The Galloping Greens (Randwick) first grade team, which is coached by Old Boy Stephen Holies, currently has four players in the side including Finn Wright, Joel Ellis, Jackson Mohi and Zac Carr.

We wish all teams the very best for this coming weekend of rugby.

Waverley to win!

Click here to view further details about Student Based Tutoring

Term 2 – Week 5

Monday, 22 May – Sunday, 28 May 2023


Looking Ahead

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.

Click here to view the Week 4 Careers Newsletter


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Waverley Council Library is presenting a helpful, free evening session for senior students.

Educator and lecturer, Mohan Dhall, will teach students how best to manage ChatGPT and other online AI tools.

When: Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Location: Waverley Library, 32-48 Denison Street, Bondi Junction

Click here to register

Year 12 Legal Studies will be participating in a Law Day Out program run by a facilitator from the Rule of Law Education Centre. This Program creates opportunities for students to hear directly from a judicial officer and to witness aspects of the justice process first hand.

Students will observe the operation of courts, the role of court personnel, the criminal trial process and legal and non-legal responses in action. Students will see the rule of law being carried out in each court, regardless of the matter or what stage the hearing is at.

Date: Thursday, 25 May 2023

Arrival: 8am Students to make their own way to either the Downing Centre or the Supreme Court as advised to meet the facilitator.

Departure: 2:30pm Students will be dismissed from the venue. They will be expected to come back to school if they have co-curricular.

Wear: Full school uniform

What to bring: Students should bring minimal items with them. A small bag with a notepad and a pen, a water bottle and some food. There is no food or drink available for purchase at the courts.

Bag checks: Similar to airports, students’ bags will be scanned, pockets must be emptied, and all digital items must be put in a tray to scan. Students will need to pass through metal detectors before entry to the courts is permitted. You should ensure you have nothing sharp with you (metal cutlery in lunchboxes, compasses or scissors in pencil cases, glass bottles etc). Items found will be taken and disposed of by security. When going through security, everything in pockets must go into a tray. Epipens and inhalers are fine to bring through security.

Cost: The cost of the excursion will be billed to your Term 3 account.

Enquiries to: Ms Theodorou

Permission slip: Parents/carers can view and complete the excursion permission slip in the Parent Lounge by Wednesday, 24 May 2023.

The HSC and Careers Expo is on Friday, 2 June 2023 at the Royal Randwick Racecourse.

This Expo is to allow students to discover and investigate courses and careers for which they may apply for 2024.

The Expo features over 120 exhibitors, seminars on HSC subjects, tertiary courses, careers and study advice. Students should be encouraged to attend seminars and to collect booklets, brochures and information for courses or jobs in which they are interested and intend pursuing as careers.

Students will travel to and from the HSC and Careers Expo by hired buses leaving the College at 8:45am and returning by 11:55 am. The total cost will be $20.00 and will be added to the fees account.

Entry is also valid for Saturday, June 3 from 9am-3pm. Students are encouraged to return to the Expo with their parents/carers.

Venue map

Last week, the Year 12 Biology students traveled to the UNSW Museum of Human Disease in Kensington to undertake a four-hour seminar, applying their knowledge and understanding of Genetics, Heredity, and Disease.

The students listened to two lectures and undertook a variety of ‘hands-on’ activities whilst exploring the museum’s many fascinating specimens.

UNSW Museum of Human Disease

Reflections from our Senior Students

“The excursion was an eye-opening experience which gave us an insight into the world of Biology and Human Disease.” – Darius Hall

“It was cool! The teratoma (germ cell tumour) was strange but interesting to learn about. It had teeth!!!!” – Will O’Connor

“The activities clarified future career paths. It was alarming to see the impacts of our lifestyle choices on our vital organs.” – Finn Stranix

Thank you to Ms Silvia Baylie for accompanying the students on the day.

UNSW Museum of Human Disease

Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein is quoted as saying that the most important human endeavour is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. 

We are so fortunate at Waverley to have students who eagerly seek to refine their skills in the dynamics of rigorous discussion. 12 of our students competed in this year’s Senior Ethics Olympiad against other teams from across New South Wales.

The very nature of this senior competition meant that the teams came to the day with a wealth of experience and knowledge. To rank highly in the competition, our teams had to marry their knowledge of ethical frameworks with advanced reasoning skills, to demonstrate a complex ability to interact eloquently and respectfully with opposing teams. 

Year 11 Team - Senior Ethics Olympiad

And our boys did not disappoint! The following students are to be commended on their outstanding ability to bring integrity and high regard for logical debate to the day, resulting in both teams receiving honourable mentions from the adjudicators and ranking 4th and 6th of the 19 teams that participated on the day.

Congratulations: Kayden Baker, James Birbas, Oscar Danta, Archie Godby, Yannick Hott, Ewan McDonald, James Medland, Lachlan Miranda, James Peate, Campbell Porteous, Anton Svenson, Zoltahn Szabo.

A big thank you to Mr Bill Roberts, Ms Lauren Ryan, and our hard working canteen and iAssist teams for making sure the Olympiad runs as smoothly as possible. 

Students in the 'Thinker Pose' Year 11 Team - Senior Ethics Olympiad

11 Hosp 01 and 11 Hosp 02 made Mother’s Day treats for the Junior School mums and ticked a competency box at the same time.

Students study different methods of cookery including using a microwave to heat and cook food. Along with learning about how radiation can warm and cook, students consider the safety and hygiene aspects of using a microwave.

The ‘chocolate bark’ was created, chilled, packaged and delivered by the Hospitality boys who demonstrated brilliant teamwork throughout the process.

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 2 events, please refer to the College calendar. 



Mother’s Day Mass

Today’s Mother’s Day Mass was absolutely beautiful. The church was full and vibrant. Celebrating our mothers, grandmothers and anyone that is like a mother, is one of the most special occasions of the year. Thank you for making the Mass such a special occasion and I wish you all an amazing Mother’s Day on Sunday.

Junior School Mother's Day Mass

Junior School Mother’s Day Mass

Junior School Mother's Day Mass

Junior School Mother's Day Mass

May Procession

As you are aware, May Procession is on Friday, 26 May. Students need to be dressed in their full academic uniform. This is a very special event and we would love you to join us. Should you be able to attend, the Mass starts at 10:30am. Students come to school as normal, but will be dismissed at the conclusion of the Mass at 12pm.

If you are not attending, please have arrangements in place for your son to be picked up at this time, or make alternative arrangements at dismissal time. 


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of the Junior School


Edmund Rice Activity Day

Last Friday, 5 May, Junior School students participated in the Annual Edmund Rice Activity Day. Throughout the morning, the boys learnt about the life of Edmund Rice through a variety of activities including trivia, research projects and a Prayer Service.

We welcomed Millie, Nathan and Jenny from Edmund Rice Camps, who spoke about the work that they do to help underprivileged children enjoy weekend activities and overnight camps, that we sometimes take for granted.

Junior School Edmund Rice Day

At assembly, awards were presented to students who demonstrate the same qualities of Edmund Rice, such as kindness, compassion, humility and a desire to put others first.

Congratulations to the following students:

During the afternoon, the boys were involved in a number of different fundraising activities, aimed at raising money to go towards Edmund Rice Camps. There was a buzz of excitement around the school as a majority of the boys immersed themselves in the different games.

I am proud to say that over $2,500 was raised with all the money going to Edmund Rice Camps. Well done to all boys for their efforts.

Raffle Results

Jelly Bean Guessing Competition Winner 

Table Tennis 


Big Brother/Little Brother – Session 3

On Friday, 5 May, the Year 5 and Year 10 students were once again involved in a Big Brother Little Brother activity, which happened to coincide with the Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice. We were lucky to welcome the senior boys to the Junior School classrooms, where they engaged in a Kahoot Quiz based on the life of Edmund Rice.

Needless to say, all boys seemed to enjoy the morning activities, and a lot of fun was had competing for a podium finish. We look forward to our next session later in the term.

Big Brother Little Brother in the Junior School

Big Brother Little Brother in the Junior School

Big Brother Little Brother in the Junior School


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School / Identity & Student Formation


Winter Co-Curricular Sport – Round 3

Round 2 consisted of blue skies and an array of positive final results from all Winter Co-Curricular teams. Tomorrow marks Round 3 (Saturday, 13 May). I know our students will represent the College proudly and demonstrate the utmost respect and sportsmanship towards their opposition teams.

Please ensure you refer to the Waverley College app announcements each week, as I will continue to send out the weekly Sports Fixtures for each round. Families can also locate all relevant Junior School co-curricular information through the College website via the link below.

>>> Click here to view all Junior School Co-Curricular information on the Waverley College website.

House Athletics Carnival (Years 5-12)

The Junior and Senior School will be holding our annual Years 5-12 House Athletics Carnival next Friday, 19 May. This will be held at ES Marks Athletics Field. All information regarding parent/carer permission has been sent out and should now be finalised by all class teachers, ensuring we can safely account for all Junior School students on the day.

Please view to the information document below for further information about the House Athletics Carnival. This document is written for both Junior and Senior School parents/carers.

Click here to view further information about the House Athletics Carnival

Although, please refer to the below points of information that aren’t mentioned in the information document above:

  1. All students arriving to ES Marks Athletics Field by a parent/carer or walking there, will need to sign in to Mr Ghattas at the entrance of ES Marks. Please ask your son to be looking out for Mr Ghattas, as this is critically important for us accounting for all Junior School Students.
  2. Students on the bus in the morning to ES Marks need to meet at the Carrington Road entrance gates to the senior campus by no later than 8am. The bus will be departing at 8:15am sharp.
  3. Students catching the bus back to Carrington Road gates will be arriving back between 3pm and 3:15pm. Please ensure you have made arrangements for dismissal and pick up from this spot. 
  4. The conclusion of the carnival is at 2:30pm. If you are picking up your son from ES Marks, please be there on time. Pick up will be from the grandstand where there is teacher supervision, or alternatively, arrange a pick up location so your son knows exactly where to go.
  5. The Athletics Carnival event nominations meeting will take place next Wednesday and Thursday, prior to the carnival. This will allow students to find out and record their race division for the 100m sprint. Please be aware of the following points regarding the events on the day:

Please view the House Athletics Carnival map below for reference to where events are taking place and House areas for where your son will be located.

House Athletics Carnival map

2023 House Athletics Carnival map

IPSHA Rugby League Trials

Monday this week, the following students represented Waverley College Junior School at the CIS Rugby League Trials at The Kingsway Rugby League Fields: Kalan Fisher, Jackson MacAskill, Joey De Blasio, Henry Callen, Jacob Roorda.

All students gave it their all in the trial, and we were fortunate to have three out of the five secure a spot in the team. These included Kalan Fisher, Jackson MacAskill and Henry Callen.

A massive congratulations to these students and to Joey and Jacob for giving it their all.

CIS Rugby League Trials


Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-12)


Home Learning Club Week 4

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Click here to register your son

Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent/carer signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to email us.


If afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached. Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.


2023 ICAS Competitions – Years 5 and 6 Students

What is ICAS?  

ICAS is an online academic competition designed to assess students’ higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing and Digital Technologies.  Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition and development. Every student who participates will receive a printed certificate and an online results report. Top performers will be eligible for medals.

If you would like your son to compete in the 2023 ICAS Competitions, you will be asked to nominate which competitions you would like him to be entered in through the Parent Payment System.

At the Junior School, the following ICAS competitions are offered: Writing & Digital Technologies, Science & English and Mathematics. This year all the competitions will be held in August / September, Term 3 and will be completed online in the Learning Hub before school starts. A timetable will be shared closer to the assessment dates. 

Click here to register your son

Through this system, parents/carers can pay for ICAS directly online, while tests will still be held at our school.

*Please use the school’s access code details to register your child no later than 23 July 2023.

Waverley’s School Access Code FBT592

Please consider carefully before choosing this enrichment opportunity for your son. It is a rigorous competition with many questions set beyond grade level. Participants are required to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of learning.

If you are unsure of your son’s suitability, please consult with his teacher. More information about the assessments can be found at ICAS Assessments: Home 

If you require additional support registering your son, contact the customer service team, Australian Toll-Free, 1800 931 775.


Reader of the Week

Reader of the Week

Drawing Club 

This week, the Drawing Club students had great conversations about their mums. This was the inspiration for our drawing sessions. The boys Googled their mums, drew from memory, or had a special photo saved on their laptop to create a Mother’s Day portrait.

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


6 Gold Class Item

This term, the boys in 6 Gold have been engaged in learning across the different Key Learning Areas. Here is a snapshot of some of their current work. 


The boys have been studying Young Dark Emu, a book written by Indigenous man, Bruce Pascoe. This book highlights some of the misconceptions we have grown up with and gives us a truer perspective about the Indigenous way of life.

Here are some examples of diary entries written by 6 Gold students in response to reading information about their way of life.


In the chapter ‘Home’, I learnt about how the Aboriginal people lived in their houses and how their big huts could fit 40-50 people. Also, how their small huts would usually be for food storage and all their supplies.

In summer when they use their huts, they would leave the doors open to get fresh air because of how hot it was and in the winter they pretty much did the opposite. They would put leaves on the outside of the hut and shut the doors to keep warm. The British didn’t like it when they saw this, as they felt that they could not claim this as their own land. – Henry Callan


Aboriginal peoples’ technique of food storage was very civilised. It really questioned the settlers that said the Aboriginal people were hunter-gatherers. There were three different techniques: Caching, Stockpiling and Direct Storage. Caching was where they would wrap eucalyptus leaves and save them if they would ever run out of food. Stockpiling is where they would wrap food up in animal skins or hollow trees. They would then go back to their stockpile and use the food when they needed it. Direct Storage is where the Aboriginal people would make clay buildings or houses typically in a cold environment so they could store their necessary food. Therefore they would stay in their land and would store their food, meaning they were not Hunter-Gatherers and had a clear understanding of Agriculture and Aquaculture. – Freddie Fearon


What I have learned from Young Dark Emu is that the Aboriginal people had a couple of different approaches to catching fish. Some of them are: using spears and fishing rods,  standing on a ledge, and throwing or casting into the water. Or they would fish in a canoe by going out into the middle of the lake, river, or pond and then casting or throwing when they saw a fish.

Another way they would fish was to use traps. One of the traps they used was one where they had a small outcrop of rocks, and there was a man kneeling to the side of the rocks with a stick. The wide end of the stick would be in the water, while the man would hold the thin end. He also had another stick that had a noose on it. As the fish swam in, it would swim into the noose, and it would be caught by the gills. On instinct, it would try to escape. As it struggled, the noose tightened, and more pressure would be applied to the stick. Then, the stick would flick back, and the fish would fly into a bucket. Then the man reset the contraption.

These systems are proof that Aboriginal people were more than just hunter-gatherers. They were civilised people and their land should not have been taken from them. – Marlow Moffitt


Our History unit for Term 2, ‘Waves of Migration’, looks at the timeline of migration to Australia and both the positive and negative impacts on Australian society. As a class, we read ‘The Little Refugee’ by Ahn Do, as an introduction to why people leave their home country and immigrate elsewhere. The book also delves into the different experiences Ahn and his family dealt with on their journey, as well as the early years settling into Australian life.  Below are two mind maps which highlight these ideas.

Mind map

Mind map

Mother’s Day 

Happy Mother’s Day to mothers, step-mums, aunties, grandmothers and special women who are like mothers in the lives of Waverley College students. We thank you for the significant contribution you make to your family and to our community. 

It was wonderful welcoming all the special women of the Waverley community to the College today. The Senior School was buzzing this morning where we celebrated as a Years 7 – 12 community, just as it was in the Junior School, where we gathered for Mass and afternoon tea. 

Celebrating Mother’s Day at school is a wonderful way to recognise and appreciate the role that mothers play in our lives. It was lovely to see the boys express their gratitude for the love and support they receive from their mothers, and acknowledge the hard work and dedication that mothers put in on a daily basis.

We value the support of all mothers and the role they play in ensuring our school flourishes, and that sense of community and connectedness was very present today. 

Junior School Mother's Day Mass

Junior School Mother’s Day Mass

2023 Years 7-12 Mother's Day Breakfast

Years 7-12 Mother’s Day Breakfast

113th Annual May Procession and Celebration of the Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice in 2023

Waverley College recently made the decision to change the date of the Annual May Procession from the first Sunday of May to the final Friday of May, after 113 years. The change was justified based on several factors.

Firstly, it aligns better with the academic calendar, avoiding conflicts with exams or assessments. This ensures that students and staff can fully participate, without compromising their academic responsibilities. Secondly, the new date allows for increased participation from the community. Family commitments and clashes with other events on the first Sunday of May sometimes led to reduced attendance, so moving the procession to a Friday provides a greater opportunity for families to join and celebrate the tradition.

By moving the May Procession from Sunday to Friday we are also avoiding overworking our staff and students. In the past, we have asked staff and students to work and attend College commitments for 13 consecutive days, followed by one day off, and then another six consecutive days, as all our staff and students are involved in co-curricular commitments on a Saturday. Moving the May Procession to Friday will create a better rhythm in the Term 2 schedule.

On Sunday, 1 May the Waverley College family came together for the 112th Annual May Procession and Celebration of the Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice

112th Annual May Procession and Celebration of the Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice in 2022

We have also seen in recent years an increase in the number of parent/carer and staff requests for permission to be absent for May Procession on a Sunday, due to family commitments. The trend of both parents/carers working has been in play for a number of years, and parents/carers are demanding that their family-time be protected wherever possible. A number of community sports have also moved their competition to Sunday, to accommodate students from schools like Waverley that play school sports on Saturdays. 

The shift in date also allows for better planning and preparation, as it provides more time for organising the event, and involving a wider range of participants. Additionally, the final Friday of May holds special significance in the liturgical calendar, often falling closer to the Feast of the Visitation, which deepens the spiritual meaning of the Procession.

Lastly, the change reflects the evolving needs of the community, as Waverley College has grown and embraced new traditions. By adapting the date, the College ensures that the Annual May Procession remains relevant, accessible, and inclusive for all members of the community. Overall, the decision aims to improve participation, align with the academic and family calendar, enhance planning, increase spiritual significance, and accommodate the changing needs of the community.

May Procession Details: Friday, 26 May 2023 – half day




Breakfast with Old Boys and Prefects in Braidwood


House Meetings – various venues

  • Aungier

  • Brennan

  • Conlon

  • Green

  • Lacey

  • O’Connor

  • Quinn

  • Tevlin

Old Boys to present to Houses for 10-15 minutes

Other activities / include Waverley Trivia and Mr Peter Frost video




Houses gather in Centenary Quad. Old Boys and banner bearers to assemble in the Gym

10:30am – 12pm

May Procession


Dismissal of students and staff

Federal Government ‘Engaged Classrooms’ Initiative

You may have read in the news recently about the new, $3.5 million federal government ‘Engaged Classrooms’ initiative, which calls for new school rules as an approach to controlling chaotic classrooms. This project aims to train teachers to manage classrooms through bans on smartphones, and a lesson approach which favours ‘eyes on me’ via an explicit focus on setting routines.

The Australian Education Research Organisation will set rules and routines, and train teachers using online resources and video demonstrations. Dr Tim McDonald, former teacher and academic, and now Chief Executive of the YMCA in Western Australia, is leading the project.

 At Waverley, we have long believed in reinforcing the importance of routines every day via our Lesson Routine, which is the Waverley way for deeper learning:

Your son reviews this Lesson Routine at the start of every lesson. You can help us by reminding him how vital this is.

Click here to view our Lesson Routine

After the Bell – Thursday, 15 June 6pm – Tickets Now Available

After the Bell is an evening for parents/carers of students in Years 7-11 to support the safety of our youth ‘after the bell.’ The event will take place at Cranbrook School.

Tickets for After the Bell are now available for $10.00 per person with proceeds going to national youth mental health foundation, Headspace.

Click here to learn more and purchase tickets

Generations Breakfast 

Yesterday we hosted the inaugural Generations Breakfast in the Senior School Library, which was a success! It’s wonderful to hear that students and their older Old Boy relatives had the opportunity to enjoy a light breakfast together and view some archival photos and Year Books.

This provided a great opportunity for the older Old Boy relatives to reconnect with the College community, and for the students to learn more about the College’s history and traditions. It’s also great to hear that some attendees took a trip down memory lane doing a tour around campus, following the event.

Overall, it was a great initiative that brought together different generations and fostered a sense of community within the College. The oldest guest left in 1953 and the youngest in 2002. It was a lovely morning.

2023 Inaugural Generations Breakfast

2023 Inaugural Generations Breakfast

2023 Inaugural Generations Breakfast

2023 Inaugural Generations Breakfast

Thank you to all who attended the Music Supporters’ AGM last Thursday evening.

We wish to thank our Music Supporters’ Committee for their help and assistance each and every year. This year we farewell Karen Birrell as Treasurer and thank her for her many years of assistance.

2023 Committee Positions

New members are welcome. If you are interested in joining the Music Supporters’ Group please email

Waverley College Choir at 2021 Music Festival