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Care of Our Common Home 

‘If we choose to ignore it, then we choose not to care. Axel Stapleton (Year 7)

Pope Francis’ encyclical letter, ‘Laudato Si’, on Care of our Common Home, is a theological response to the environmental crisis. He is calling not only the Church but the entire world to respond to the “urgent challenge to protect our common home” (LD#13), a home that is “falling into serious disrepair” (LD#61). He invites all of us to enter into new dialogue on “how we are shaping the future of our planet” (LD#14). He is seeking input and action inclusive of everyone, “since the environmental challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all” (LD#14).

Pope Francis names our “throwaway culture” as a root cause of the ecological crisis. We face pollution and waste, scarcity of water, loss of biodiversity, decline in the quality of life and breakdown of society, and extreme consumerism with global inequality.

In response to Laudato Si, EREA calls for school communities to demonstrate leadership and proactivity to address key challenges which relate to the sustainability of the entire planet. This requires a strategic approach to creating a sustainable community, integrating ecological goals and outcomes into the intent of our planning, and developing partnerships with organisations committed to ecological and sustainable practices. (EREA Principal’s Ecology and Sustainability Statement)

So what are we doing at Waverley College in response to this call to action? 

Under the skilful and energetic guidance of Ms Silvia Baylie, Waverley has a group of passionate students who meet once a week to plan and implement initiatives that aim to preserve our land and sea, and eradicate social injustice and inequalities. This group is called Students of the World Ecology Group, known as SOTWEG.

It was with great pleasure to present the following students with their badge pins at assembly last week: Luca Cornelius, Bertie Cottell, Tomas Crosson, Praman Gandhi, Lachlan Isaac, Oliver Isaac, Ethan Khatib, Oliver Lorimer, Taj Lynn, Max Sheehy, Axel Stapleton, Fox Stapleton, Oscar Wilson, James Peate and Kayden Baker.

2023 SOTWEG (Students of the World Ecology Group)

2023 SOTWEG (Students of the World Ecology Group)

Aligning with SOTWEG’s values around sustainability, the badge pins have been designed by the group and manufactured from wood, onsite at the College.

2023 SOTWEG badge pin

2023 SOTWEG badge pin

Axel Stapleton spoke with purpose and passion to the assembly, appealing to our collective responsibility to find ways to look after our environment, highlighting that “if we choose to ignore it, then we choose not to care.” He outlined  some of the focus areas for SOTWEG.

Recycling Be thoughtful in correctly using the clearly labelled recycling bins around the school.

Eliminating Littering Take pride in your environment and remember that rubbish left on the ground ends up in stormwater drains and ultimately, our oceans. 

Soft Plastics – Working with the canteen to find alternative packaging to eliminate single use plastic.

Reducing our water consumption Sydney Water will complete an audit of the school’s water usage to find ways to reduce the amount of water use. 

Increasing native gardens Building on the existing gardens in the Centenary Quad to have more native plants in our local area to attract bees and wildlife. 

Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders (EREBB) Global Classrooms Connecting with Edmund Rice schools in other countries to learn from each other and working towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development goals. 

Axel Stapleton

Ms Baylie reminded us that creating a sustainable future is not one person’s job, nor up to a few individuals, but rather, we all have a part to play. She challenged us to make one change to support the initiatives of SOTWEG.

I admire the passion, dedication and innovation of SOTWEG and look forward to the Waverley community supporting the group with their integral ecology and sustainability initiatives. 

A reminder that SOTWEG meet weekly on Tuesday during lunch in C13. New members are most welcome!

This Month on SchoolTV – The State of Youth Mental Health

Waverley College School TV has is a very useful resource for parents, carers and students in a range of important areas, including youth mental health.

Click here to view the latest edition of SchoolTV

Parents and carers can play a crucial role in their children’s mental health. As a result, staying informed on the current state of youth mental health is vital, as it not only affects individuals, but also families and communities. According to recent research, the frequency of mental health disorders among young people is increasing, with anxiety, depression and self-harm being among the most common challenges.

One of the reasons being attributed to this rise is the heightened stress and anxiety that many young people face in today’s society. Academic success, social media, and family issues are all influencing factors. Many young people are still suffering the long-term consequences of the pandemic, such as social isolation, uncertainty, and loss.


Parents/carers can play an important role in their children’s mental health. Creating a safe and open environment for your children to talk about their emotions, thoughts, and feelings is vital. Encouraging healthy habits like regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proper sleep can help reduce their stress levels and boost your child’s overall mental health.

There are also many resources and services available to children, adolescents, and their families, such as school counsellors, various mental health organisations, support lines, and of course, mental health professionals. It is important to remember that seeking help is a show of strength, not weakness, and that early intervention is critical in addressing young people’s mental health difficulties.

This edition of SchoolTV, discusses some of the major mental health issues affecting young people and how to support a child experiencing them. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact our College for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Click here to view Fixtures and Venue Maps

Week 3 of Winter Activities

Well done to all students, staff and coaches on a full round of winter activities last weekend. It was great to see so many students fully engaged and committed in the wide range of activities we have on offer here at Waverley.

Check That You Understand All Co-curricular Expectations

2nd Basketball v Knox

All students are required to be wearing full Waverley College sporting attire or full College winter uniform if they are supporting any teams as a spectator


Our Debating Teams performed very well at OLSH last Friday evening, with some excellent arguments presented by all teams. Well done to all teams on a fantastic second round against OLSH! Waverley won 4/6 debates.


Congratulations to Marko Rangan (Year 12) who was selected in the CIS Opens Basketball team. Also, congratulations to our 1st Basketball Coach, Mr Johnston, who is the CIS Under 16 Assistant Coach.

Water Polo

Congratulations to Lincoln Tanner who has been selected as a member of the  U17 New South Wales Academy for Water Polo. We wish him all the best at the AIS training camp next week. 

CIS Trials Hockey and Rugby League

This week and next week we have a number of boys trialing for CIS Hockey and Rugby League. I want to wish these boys the best of luck. Students are reminded that they need to catch up on any schoolwork missed and assessments are the priority if any clashes.

Congratulations to Kahu Capper who was selected in the CIS Opens Rugby League team.

Waverley College Indigenous Crest. Artwork by Billy Reynolds.

Waverley College Indigenous Crest. Artwork by Billy Reynolds.

AFL Indigenous Round – Walawaani Cup – Friday, 19 May, Pioneers Park

Next Friday night, the 1st AFL team will be playing against Cranbrook in the AFL Indigenous Round. Walawaani in Dhurga language means ‘Safe Journey’ and it is also the name of our First Nations program at Waverley. Moving forward, our Indigenous Round will be playing for the “Walawaani Cup.”

We encourage as many people as possible from the Waverley College community to come and support this event. The pre-game ceremony will start at 7pm with the game starting at 7:15 pm.

House Athletics Carnival – ES Marks – Friday, 19 May, Week 4

Next Friday is the College House Athletics carnival at ES Marks for Years 5-12.

Students in Years 7-12 will need to make their own way to the venue, and must be there no later than 8:30am. Students in Years 7-12 will need to make their own way home from the venue.

For the Junior school, Years 5 and 6, communication has gone out to parents/carers regarding transportation for the day and must be there no later than 8:30 am.

Parents/carers are welcome to attend, but please note that surrounding parking is challenging, and there is no parking on site.

We will run the Opens 3km and Javelin from 8:30am for any Years 7-12 student who wishes to participate in those events.

In the case of rain, we will notify the community by 7am and the day would then revert to a normal school day.

*Please note that there are no canteen facilities, and students are required to bring their own lunch and snacks.

Click here to view the letter with more detailed information and a schedule of events

Football, Tennis, Rugby, Volleyball

This week, we are away to Knox in Football, Volleyball and Tennis, and away to Oakhill for Rugby. We encourage as many members of the College community to come and support.

The Prep 1sts Football and Rugby are also playing home games at Queens Park on Saturday morning, and we encourage as many Senior School students as possible to support our Junior School teams.

*All students must be in full Waverley attire, otherwise they will not be permitted to stay.

Message from Convenor

After some promising results in Round 1, especially in the Years 7/8 age group, Waverley College embarked on their first ever ‘Home Round’ at Pioneers Park in front of an adoring audience. Six out of seven of our Senior School Teams played between 8am and 5pm at the venue, with the 7/8 Division 3 team, being the travellers to Northbridge Oval, being hosted by Shore.

The trip to Northbridge Oval was a success with the boys taking out a comprehensive 52-point victory. The boys and their families were treated to a lovely afternoon tea after the match by Shore, and were grateful for their hospitality.

7/8 Divisions

Our 7/8 Division 2 began the day with an emphatic victory over St Augustine’s 123-7, with Liam Gardiner and Ned Wilson starring for the home team.

Our 7/8 Division 1 team then graced the field and continued the strong form against St Augustine’s, registering a 97-0 victory. The skill level and ball movement was at a high standard in the sunny conditions. Hayden McAusland and Dom Dametto were unstoppable.

9/10 Division

Our 9/10 Division team were up next, against Barker. This was a competitive match as the breeze started to pick up. Kicking against the breeze in the final quarter, the boys ran away with the game, recording a 32-point victory, thanks to a dominant Oscar Wilson.


Up next, was the showcase 1st XVIII match vs Trinity. As the breeze was starting to influence the game, Waverley took a 9-point lead into quarter time, whilst kicking against it. After this, the boys were dominant, and ran out 119-41, winners. Andrew Moloney starred in the midfield and James O’Loughlin was electric up forward with 4 goals. A great confidence booster leading into a huge CAS game against Knox this week.


Our 2nds were the next to take the field, against a strong Trinity 2nds outfit. The boys battled hard throughout the day, registering 3 majors in the 98-20 loss. Tom Park and Will Pearce were strong contributors throughout the match.

9/10 Division 2

The final match of the day was played by our 9/10 Division 2 team against a strong St Aloysius’ side. Unfortunately, we had a few key players out, making it a difficult day at the office, Aloys’ running out 119-7, victors. For the second week in a row, Sam Jasczyk was best for the team.

Thank you

The day itself was a great success with players and families coming together to play and support the AFL community. I would like to thank the Supporters’ Group for putting on a fantastic BBQ, whilst selling merchandise and helping to build the inclusive social nature that we are striving for each week. The countless hours and will to help one another for the benefit of our boys, is inspiring and greatly appreciated.

Looking Ahead

Good luck to all teams this weekend. We have some huge fixtures against Knox (Acron Oval), Shore, St Augustine’s (North Narrabeen) and Barker (Rofe Park).

I hope to see you all next weekend for Friday Night Football (19 May) at Pioneer’s Park against Cranbrook. This will be the first of our Indigenous Round celebrations. We will be conducting a ceremony, running a BBQ and selling raffle tickets for some great prizes.

Waves to Win!


AFL Playing Uniform and Absences

*Players need to arrive at the grounds no later than 30 minutes before the match is scheduled (or at the time advised by their coach), to ensure that teams have a thorough warm up. 

Please ensure that you have full AFL playing attire, including a mouthguard for your games, and that you are training in Waverley AFL attire or PE uniform. Other clothing is not acceptable.

Please make sure that you have a medical certificate for any absences from training or games. The easiest way to log absences is on the Waverley College app in Absences. Please log these as early as possible to allow the coaches to be notified by the convenor.

Round Results

Goals – James O’Loughlin 4, Henry Kidd 3, Harry Hookings 3, Sam Stewart 2, Ricky Meyrick 2, Ben Pignatelli 1, Vasili Vertsonis 1, Joe Dametto 1, Jett Wanda 1

Best – Andrew Moloney, Ricky Meyrick, Vasili Vertsonis, James O’Loughlin, Sam Stewart, Jett Wanda, Ben Dunkley

Goals – Zac Trosti 1, Will Booth 1

Best – Tom Park, Will Pearce, Liam Russell, Alistair Isaac, Euan Veale-Wright, Will Booth

Goals – Ed House 2, Fox Stapleton 2, Tane Barclay 1, Adam Cutten 1, Fred Robertson 1, Tom Rudolph 1, Oscar Wilson 1

Best – Oscar Wilson, Tane Barclay, Adam Cutten, Jono McDonald, Fred Robertson, Finlay Bates

Goals – Jordan Du Toit

Best – Sam Jasczyk, Jordan Du Toit, Lachlan Isaac, Will Elliott, Dylan O’Connor, Bowie Wanda

Goals – Hayden McAusland 4, James Tucker 3, Sean Coughlin 2, Jaxon Michailidis 2, Will Roberts 1, Levi O’Keefe 1, Jake Tobin 1, Matt Borgelt 1

Best – Hayden McAusland, Dom Dametto, James Tucker, Jaxon Michailidis, Darcy Kidd, Marcus Strbac, Alex Piperkos

Goals – Ned Wilson 2, Oliver Isaac 2, Zach Willard 2, Augie Gibson 2, Mitch Cooper 2, Oscar Griffith 2, James Tainton 1, Ned Wilson 1, Liam Madden 1, Patrick McAusland 1, Louis Crosser 1, Liam Gardiner 1

Best – Liam Gardiner, Ned Wilson, Finley Mulligan, Oliver Isaac, Mitchell Cooper, Augie Gibson

Goals – Vinny Kapos 5, Felix Andersen-Allen 3, Remy Kernot 1, Callum Knight 1, Cadel Walters 1

Best – Harvey Kraegen, Vinny Kapos, Mateo Benito Withers, Daniel Duffin, Max Davis, Felix Andersen-Allen

Drama Performance: ‘Suddenly Last Summer’ by Tennessee Williams

Date: Thursday, 18 May 2023

Assemble Location: PAC Foyer

Travel Details: Bus to The Ensemble Theatre in Kirribilli

Dismissal Details: Students will return to school for Period 6 that day

Uniform Expectations: Full school uniform

Missed Classes: Periods 2-5

Lunch: Please bring with you as there aren’t any eateries near the theatre

Permission: Please Complete the Permission Slip in the Parent Lounge

Cost: $132.50

Enquiries: Ms Alison Jinga, Head of Drama

What is the Play About?

Deep amongst the monstrous flytraps and ferns in Sebastian’s garden, tendrils of a sordid family secret are beginning to unfurl.

Sebastian Venable died mysteriously last summer, and his mother Violet will do anything in her power to protect his memory – and her own reputation. Young cousin Catharine was the only witness to this nightmarish event. She is desperate to reveal what really happened, but Violet will go to any lengths to stop the ugly truth from seeing the light of day.

Tennessee Williams’ gothic masterpiece, ‘Suddenly Last Summer’, led by Shaun Rennie, who also directed Ensemble’s 2019 BABY DOLL, is as relevant today as it was when written over 60-years ago.

Vibrant, funny, beautiful, Tennessee Williams takes us into the poetic world of redemption and love, shadowed by the dark secrets a family can hold. – Synopsis: courtesy Ensemble Theatre website.

First edition of 'Suddenly Last Summer' by playwright Tennessee Williams

First edition of ‘Suddenly Last Summer’ by playwright Tennessee Williams

Our St Catherine’s cadets have been busy promoting Cadets as a co-curricular activity to the Year 8 girls this past week. Cadets is still a relatively new phenomenon at the school, and explaining what it is about and the benefits it affords was so well displayed during an activity afternoon on Wednesday.

Planned and executed completely by the cadets, the girls were involved in lessons in Camouflage and Concealment, Cooking Ration Packs, Ratel Battleship and the Obstacle Course and Mine Sweep activities. Each session was run by the rank and their professionalism, confidence and expertise made them excellent ambassadors for the Cadet Unit.

The afternoon was followed up with a Parent Information Evening on Monday with many parents/carers and girls attending, excited to be involved in such a different activity.

St Catherine's School Cadets

St Catherine's School Cadets

Passing Out Parade

Today, we are conducting the first of our Passing Out Parade rehearsals as we prepare to farewell our Year 12 cadets on Sunday, 4 June. The next rehearsal will be on Friday, 2 June.

All parents/carers are welcome to come and view the Annual Parade and Cadet Awards Ceremony. Please view the invitation below.

Cadets invitation

A reminder that the Promotions Courses for JLC, SLC and CUO candidates will be held from Monday, 26 June – Saturday, 1 July at Winbourne Conference Centre, Mulgoa. Further information will be sent out next week.

Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 2, Week 4. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Date Subject Time Room Teacher
Monday, 15 May 2023 Drama IP 3:30pm – 5pm P12 Lamb
Tuesday, 16 May 2023 Mathematics Standard 2 7:30am – 8:30am E42 Guirguis
Wednesday, 17 May 2023 Design and Technology 7:30am – 8:15am T04 Spargo
Thursday, 18 May 2023
Construction 8am – 8:45am CONT Baylis
Spanish 3:30pm – 5pm W25 Quintana
Biology 7:45am – 8:30am K2L3 Brown
PDHPE 7:30am – 8:30am GHR Darvill

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.

*The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

Junior Time Management – For Students – Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 8:40am

Next Tuesday, 16 May, all Year 8 students will attend a Study Skills session with Elevate titled ‘Junior Time Management’ during Period 1.

This is a new session that we are introducing this year, to assist students in their examination preparation.

Students will attend the session in House groups in the following classrooms and arrive promptly at 8:40am:

*Students should bring a pen to the session.

This session is delivered by a group of recent successful graduates and will cover:

Click here for further details about the Junior Programs at Elevate Education


Elevate visit in 2022

Ask Elevate Anything – Webinar for Parents/Carers – Wednesday, 24 May 2023, 6:30pm (AEST)

We’re excited to announce that Elevate Education’s next free webinar will take place on Wednesday, 24 May titled ‘Ask Elevate Anything.’ This is a great opportunity to ask any questions you feel have been unanswered by Elevate in their webinars so far, whether that relates to your child’s study space, their motivation levels and the way they study.

Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series, you will learn how you can help better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.

Sign up to their webinar for an opportunity to have your question answered!

Click here now to register for free

Parent at webinar

After last week’s muddy sprint relays, the boys were relieved to have some dry weather and track for a fast race. This year’s first cross-country meeting of official distances commenced at Centennial Park.

The start featured a sharp bottleneck over uneven tree roots, before quickly tapering into a long 1km straight along the white fence, a relatively flat, wide gravel track with multiple hairpin corners, provided for some fast, intelligent and strategic racing.

Commencing at 9am the boys were eager to race, with many of the boys debuting at new distances. It was a strong start to the season. 

Juniors 4km (14s and under)

After a strong start from our boys, they quickly settled into a rhythm. Towards the end of the first 2km lap, there were some definite surges in pace, particularly from Jake McEvoy, as he passed through the tunnel of spectators. Even after tripping over, earlier in the race, he was not phased and quickly gained momentum and positions.

It’s great to see the boys incorporating some risks into their race tactics. This will only make for better runners.

Within the Juniors, we had Joshua Peters leading the field for the Waverley boys, finishing 32nd out of 181 runners.

Cross Country

Intermediate Age Group (15s – 16s)

This group commenced soon after, demanding three laps of hard running from the boys (6km). With the temperature heating up, our Waverley boys rose to the challenge. As the other age groups watched the race eagerly, it was hard not to take note of how comfortable the pace looked for Asher Thomasyu, as he rolled through the field, finishing 12th out of 149 runners.

It is also important to note the performance of Jack Richardson, who turned up to Centennial Park eager to race, prior to his 14As rugby game just a few hours later. This really highlights the true Waverley spirit instilled within him. Great job, Jack. 

Seniors Race (17s – 18s)

With the weather even warmer, the final event took to the course – the 8km seniors race (17s-18s). With a fast start from all of our boys, we all settled into our respective rhythms. Early into the race, a small group of three Waverley boys running together settled into the front pack, working together to help one another.

Two laps into the race, a definite move from Mackenzie Palmer saw him to the front of the Waverley boys. Mackenzie ended up with a strong place of 17th out of 139 runners. 

Overall, Waverley’s runners continued the strong start to the season with some very respectable results across the board. With all boys seeing improvement in training, the Waverley College Cross Country team is looking very strong. We’re looking forward to St Ives Showground next week, to tackle the hills.

Waves to Win!


Campbell Groves and Hugo Morgan (Co-Captains 2023)

Waverley College Cross Country

Riverview Fixture

Last weekend, Waverley College enjoyed a challenging day of rugby against St Ignatius’ College, Riverview in which our young men were really tested. Again, this was very much a trial round to allow for coaches to continue to monitor player performance. This included some modified matches in which some of our teams played mixed opponents.

Not only was the day a good opportunity for our students to continue to improve on their match fitness and skills, being our second fixture of the season, but it also allowed us to review aspects of our program which we need to improve on – such as ensuring students are provided with equal game time to their peers on the playing field.

Please know, we are continuing to try to improve our standards to ensure our young men have an enjoyable experience. I thank the community for all your support of our coaches and players.

2nd XV Rugby v Riverview

2nd XV Rugby v Riverview

2nd XV Rugby v Riverview

2nd XV Rugby v Riverview

2nd XV Rugby v Riverview

2nd XV Rugby v Riverview

A special mention must be given to one of our young referees, Hunter Eldridge, who stepped in to referee a number of matches on Saturday, due to some of our referees falling ill. Hunter handled each match with skill and expertise – thank you Hunter!

Furthermore, a big thanks must also go to one of our parents, Peter Tate, who stepped in to coach the mighty 15Bs when the regular coach was also unable to make the game due to an illness. Thank you Mr Tate!

2nd XV Rugby v Riverview

2nd XV Rugby v Riverview

2nd XV Rugby v Riverview

2nd XV Rugby v Riverview

2nd XV Rugby v Riverview

2nd XV Rugby v Riverview


Thank you to all players and families who made the journey to away venues over the weekend. I particularly thank our mighty 13Es team, who made the long journey to Pittwater to play against St Augustine’s, in the very early hours of Saturday morning (and enjoyed a great win!).

*A reminder that if a student is unable to attend a fixture due to an illness, we request that the student absence be notified through appropriate channels (as indicated in the 2023 Rugby Season Guide) and a medical certificate provided to the Director of Co-Curricular.

In the very unlikely case that a student may decide to simply not show up to a match, a fair consequence will be issued by the College.

We do place a great deal of emphasis in ensuring players are in attendance at Saturday Sport, as ultimately, in selecting to play rugby, students are making the commitment to a team sport as well as a commitment to the opposition schools we play each week.

Furthermore, I know that in many cases, opposition schools who are made up of boarding students (such as Riverview), will have families travelling long distances from country areas to watch the games played, which is something we all need to be mindful of.

Waverley College Vs Oakhill

This weekend, Waverley College meets an ISA (Independent Sporting Association) competition school in Oakhill College. Oakhill College, located at Castle Hill, is a very talented school on the rugby field, with a similar number of teams that we have at Waverley. The fixture should again be a good test for all our teams, as we really begin to take shape ahead of the CAS competition.

Our 13s, 16s and Opens teams all play at Oakhill College, while our 14s and 15s teams all get to enjoy another fixture at Queens Park.

For those travelling to Oakhill (Castle Hill), please ensure you leave plenty of time to get to the games, as the traffic can certainly build up on Saturday mornings. All fields at Oakhill are located within the school grounds.

Oakhill College in Castle Hill, sporting fields map

Super Saturday!

On the weekend following the Oakhill fixture, I am pleased to announce that all age groups are scheduled to play at Queens Park against St Augustine’s College. This should be an entertaining day of rugby, as we are looking to schedule all our A teams on the famous QP1 ground, from the 13As right through to the 1st XV.

It should be a great atmosphere, and we encourage all members of the community to come along to support the day.

Canteen Support Needed Please

Thank you to all those wonderfully supportive members of the community who are happy to help assist on the canteen each weekend. We are again looking for parents/carers in the 14s and 15s age group to assist on the canteen this weekend, Saturday, 13 May 2023, between the hours of 8am-12pm (canteen only).

Furthermore, we do need interested parents/carers (from all age groups) to assist on the ‘Super Saturday’ of rugby at Queens Park on Saturday, 20 May 2023, when all teams will be playing at our home ground. Both the BBQ and canteen will be in operation.

Can you help? If so, please register your name onto the Online Roster by clicking the button below:

Click here to register for the online roster

We sincerely thank all those wonderful parents/carers who are able to help.

Tireless Rugby Supporters on the BBQ and canteen in 2022

Tireless Rugby Supporters on the BBQ and canteen in 2022

Young Sports Writers Needed

I have no doubts that among the very talented rugby players at Waverley College, we also have incredible writers! Please read the following note which has been sent through to Waverley College from the NSW Waratahs:

Dear Waverley College students,

Over the last couple of years we’ve had some fantastic student reporters that contribute by writing reports about School Rugby and in particular the 1st XV fixtures. 

We host these on the NSW Waratahs website and it is a great opportunity to give students a tangible thing they can put on their resume or digital portfolio. 

An example of what we’ve done previously is here.

If there may be any interested students at Waverley College who would like to be a School Rugby Reporter (particularly for Waverley matches) they are welcome to contact Mr Andrew Hill (

Thanks for your help!

NSW Waratahs

Happy Mother’s Day

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to wish all the wonderful mothers in our community, a very Happy Mother’s Day for this coming Sunday. We appreciate all the love, care and support you constantly provide to our students (as well as our coaches and staff!). We hope you have a terrific day and we are sure the boys will shower you with love and gifts. Happy Days!

Mother's Day

Good luck to all teams this weekend against Oakhill College.

Waverley to win!

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.

Click here to view the Week 3 Careers Newsletter


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Click here to view further details about Student Based Tutoring

Week 4 – Monday, 15 May to Sunday, 21 May 2023


Looking Ahead