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Week 3 – Monday, 8 May – Sunday, 14 May 2023


Looking Ahead

The Annual Piano Competition is open to all students, those enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program within the College, and also students who may take lessons externally.

The Competition offers an opportunity for students to show off their very best playing whilst under the scrutiny of a respected invited adjudicator. It provides a chance to build confidence and performing skills in front of an audience, including their peers, as well as the incentive to learn and prepare repertoire to the highest level possible.

Additionally, it allows the occasion to hear other students in the same area of study and to compare performances and receive helpful notes from an expert adjudicator.

It’s all about taking part and enjoying both the process and chance to share your music with others … and possibly take away one of the prizes on offer for each Division!

Winners will be offered the privilege of performing at the Waverley College Chamber Music Festival, to be held later in the year.

2021 Inaugural Piano Competition

2021 Inaugural Piano Competition

Students are required to complete the Google Form by clicking the button below.

Click here to complete the Google Form

Click the button below to view the ‘Terms and Conditions’ for entry.

Terms & Conditions

*Get thinking about what you would like to play, and submit your application form by Tuesday, 30 May 2023.

We look forward to an exciting contest and celebrating the work of the piano students!

Register Now

Click here to register via QR code

Piano Competition 2022

Piano Competition 2022

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.

Click here to view the Week 2 Careers Newsletter


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 2, Week 3. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Date Subject Time Room Teacher
Monday, 8 May 2023 Visual Arts 3:30pm – 5pm C13 Turnbull
Tuesday, 9 May 2023 Mathematics Standard 2 7:30am – 8:30am E42 Guirguis
Wednesday, 10 May 2023
Studies of Religion II 3:30pm – 5pm E40s Cooper/Stewart
Geography 3:30pm – 5pm W33 Wallington
PDHPE 3:30pm – 5pm GHR Downey
Thursday, 11 May 2023
Spanish 3:30pm – 5pm W25 Quintana
Mathematics Extension 1 3:30pm – 5pm E32 Hall
Chemistry 3:30pm – 5pm E04 Pace
Friday, 12 May 2023
Hospitality 7:30am – 8:30am TF1 McCarthy
Biology 7:45am – 8:30am K2L3 Brown

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.

The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

Our Catafalque Party and Flag Party provided such great service to the St Catherine’s School ANZAC Assembly yesterday, and I was so proud of the professionalism and reverence each and every member brought to the occasion, as they conducted their perfect drill.

Commanded by the SUO, CUO Kayla Heng, and supported by the cadets from St Catherine’s, proudly wearing their DPCU uniform, the service is becoming an impressive annual inclusion to the St Catherine’s calendar and one very much appreciated by the school’s executive.

Thank you

Flag Party: CUO Mitchell Cahill, CUO Kitty Fitzpatrick, SGT Anika Bradford, SGT Remy Frampton, SGT Caleb Urquhart,

Catafalque Party: CUO Matteo Paolella, WO2 James Birbas, WO2 Emma Hartwig, WO2 Meg O’Connor, WO2 Oliver Malzard

Drum Major: CUO Hugh McDonald

Drums: CPL Ariana Fermanis

Command: CUO Kayla Heng

Cadets – Important Dates

And we’re off! Last weekend, Waverley College had its first weekend of opposed trials against Newington College. On the day, Waverley recorded 12 wins from the 21 matches played. It was pleasing to see a promising start to the winter sport season against a strong GPS school.

I would like to congratulate a number of our teams who matched up against higher-graded opponents. It was tremendous to see the courageous efforts from our boys, and these efforts should place our teams in strong positions as the season progresses.

1st XV Rugby V Newington

1st XV Rugby V Newington

No doubt, as we are still very much in the trial phase of the season, there will continue to be changes made to team lists from the 13s right through to the Opens, as coaching staff continue to monitor player performances.

Furthermore, teams will certainly benefit from having the run on the weekend. As match fitness improves and teams begin to gel, the quality of rugby played will only get better, which is exciting. Players must ensure they attend every training session and continue to work hard, as we look to build momentum heading toward the CAS season.

1st XV Rugby V Newington

1st XV Rugby V Newington

Rugby Vs Riverview

This weekend, Waverley College plays another trial fixture against St Ignatius’ College, Riverview. This weekend should again be a terrific test for our teams, with Riverview proving to be a talented GPS school over the many years we have played “View” on the rugby fields.

Our apologies in regards to the draw for the weekend, as we had indicated that all 14s teams would be playing at Queens Park, but this is not the case due to ground bookings (aside from the 14Es who are still playing at Queens Park).

Our 15s age group will play at Queens Park (as well as the mighty 13Ds) with all other age groups playing at Riverview.

Players and families are asked to carefully check the fixtures this weekend, particularly the match times (for example, our 3rd XV, 4th XV and 5th XV who would usually play in the afternoon, will all be playing early in the morning). Players need to be at the grounds at least 30 minutes before kick-off.

*Please note that Riverview is a large campus with multiple fields, so please click the button below to view the map of the campus for your reference.

Click here to view the campus map

Referees and Officials

To start the season, I would like to thank the work of our incredible team of referees and officials led by Mr Richard Chen. We a very blessed to have a terrific team, including a number of students, who officiate every match with skill, expertise and fairness.

As the season progresses, I would encourage all members of the community to display gratitude towards our officials, by thanking them for giving up their time each and every Saturday. Ultimately, we would not be able to enjoy the game without our referees and officials.

Rugby Supporters’ Club

In addition to our officials, I would like to thank the Rugby Supporters’ Club and the wonderful job they do in bringing the community together at Queens Park every weekend. The work and dedication of our Supporters’ Club, led by Michelle Sullivan, Maureen and John Andrews and Claire and Bradley Anstis, certainly sets up an enjoyable atmosphere while we watch entertaining games of schoolboy rugby.

Again, without our volunteers, we would not have our canteen and BBQ operating, which can often be taken for granted. Thank you to all who put their hand up to help (even for an hour each week) – we really appreciate everything you do!

Assistance on Canteen

This weekend, we are asking parents/carers of players in the 15s age group, as well as parents/carers of players in the 14Es and 13Ds (playing at Queens Park), to give up some time to assist on the canteen – even for 30 minutes (while your son warms up for his match).

Should you be able to help, please feel free to log the time you can help on the online roster below.

Click here to view the online roster

Good luck to all teams this weekend against Riverview.

Waverley to Win!


SOTWEG brings together students who are passionate about looking after our world, not just relating to sustainability, but also about ethical and social issues. 

Below are some photos of activities that happened in Term 1, 2023.

Interschool Sustainability Symposium at Emanuel School

Interschool Sustainability Symposium at Emanuel College

Interschool Sustainability Symposium at Emanuel College

Earth Hour “Take Time for Nature” Tree

Earth Hour 2023

Earth Hour 2023

Earth Hour 2023

Earth Hour 2023

Earth Hour 2023

Below are some activities for your reference and participation this term.

Wonder White Recycling of Bread Bags

We are supporting a recycling initiative where bread bags will be processed into oils and reused as food grade packaging. A collection box has been placed in the Senior School canteen entrance, so that students can bring bread bags from home and drop them off. In addition to delaying these plastic bags from going into landfill, the added benefit is that we may win some new sports equipment for the College!

Click here to view more information

Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE)

Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) is a program designed to empower young people to take a stand on environmental issues they feel strongly about, and give them a platform to to express these issues through the media of writing, photography or video.

The Program offers enthusiastic young people a chance to have their voices heard through high-quality journalistic work. The ultimate goal of these Young Reporters is to identify environmental injustices, highlight solutions and involve the appropriate authorities to address the environmental issues.

Some of the SOTWEG members will be registering and we encourage others across the College to participate. For more information about what this program entails, visit the Keep Australia Beautiful website here.

Would You Like to Join SOTWEG?

The group meets weekly on Tuesdays at lunch and we are always looking for new students to join us. Parents/carers are also welcome to provide ideas and assistance to any activities that we will be embarking on or yet to think of, so please feel free to reach out to me directly.

Waverley Cross Country – Weekend Report, Saturday 29 April 2023

After several solid weeks of pre-season training and holiday preparation, the official Cross Country season finally got underway on Saturday, at the Waverley/St Aloysius’ Teams Relay event at Upjohn Park, Rydalmere.

A full team of excited Waverley boys headed out west for a classic wet and slippery meet. This season’s starting, relay format, initiated by Mr Roff, involved junior, intermediate and senior relay teams of four boys, each doing a 2km single loop of the park, and returning to the start/finish area to tag with the next runner.

With all No. 1 runners across each of the three age groups heading out together from the start line, it was a real stampede, but quickly thinned out as the pack headed out across the undulating and twisting course. With the combined GPS/CAS and several independent and girls’ schools attending, there was a big crowd of cheering parents/carers and teammates, and a real buzz around the start/finish area.  

Waverley teams in all three age divisions performed strongly, and while we didn’t bring home any bling this week, there were some strong individual performances across the board – which is encouraging for the season ahead. The Open team finished in 7th, the intermediate team in 10th, and the junior team in 6th.

Look out for more results in the weeks to come as the racing increases from this week’s relatively short sprint distance of 2km, up to the regular season standards of 8, 6 and 4k across the age groups. 

Image: Courtesy Anthony Sork

Image: Courtesy Anthony Sork

A big shout out to Mr Newbury (TAS Department), for the creation of our medallions, that allowed us to present the podium teams in each age group with their hard-fought medals to take home.

Another shout-out to all the parents/carers who made the trip out to Rydalmere – thank you for the support. We hope you can all make it along next Saturday, 6 May at our local Centennial Park circuit around Mackay Oval for more exciting racing action.   

Waves to Win!


Campbell Groves and Hugo Morgan (Co-Captains 2023)

Waverley College Cross Country

Round 1 – Message from Convenor 

The season has kicked off for the AFL teams at Waverley College in exciting fashion last weekend, highlighted by Friday Night football at Bat and Ball Oval against Newington.

Our 9/10 Division 1 and 1sts teams came up against extremely strong competition and were unfortunately, defeated. Both teams played some exciting football and have a lot to look forward to this season. Newington look to have raised the bar an extra notch in 2023 and will be tough competition in all age groups.

On Saturday, we had teams travel to Bat and Ball Oval, Macquarie University Oval and Rofe Park, to take on teams from Newington, Barker and Trinity. Conditions were tough throughout the day, with a lot of rain falling. This made the large victories in the 7/8 Division 1 and Division 3 games, very impressive. Our 7/8 Division 2 team went down narrowly by one point to Trinity’s A team, playing some great football throughout the game. A strong performance across the age group for round 1.

In other games, our 9/10 Division 2 team and Open 2nds also played against Newington, our opponents on Friday night. Newington were able to clean sweep the fixtures against us for the weekend with the boys fighting hard in their games.

In all teams there were great signs for round 1 and plenty to look forward to this coming weekend.

Waves to Win!

AFL Playing Uniform and Absences

*Players need to arrive at the grounds no later than 30 minutes before the match is scheduled (or at the time advised by their coach), to ensure that teams have a thorough warm up. 

Please ensure that you have full AFL playing attire, including a mouthguard for your games and that you are training in Waverley AFL attire or PE uniform. Other clothing is not acceptable.

Please make sure that you have a medical certificate for any absences from training or games. The easiest way to log absences is on the Waverley College app in Absences. Please log these as early as possible to allow the coaches to be notified by the convenor.

Waverley AFL Round 2 poster

Round 2 – Pioneers Park, Maroubra

This weekend we will have 6/7 of our Senior School teams playing back-to-back all day at Pioneers Park. Please come along to support the boys and stay for some great social interaction with other families at the ground. We will be running a BBQ as we did last Friday night. See the above poster for team fixture times.

Round Results

CSDA (Catholic Schools’ Debating Association) Competition

Last Friday saw the commencement of the Debating season. Our first round of the CSDA competition against Marcellin College was highly successful, seeing wins across both junior and senior teams.

I want to particularly congratulate our Year 7 team who turned up ready to debate with poise and confidence in their first Senior School debating competition. Well done to Kasper, Hudson and Oisin on their deserved win against Marcellin.

Lawrence Campbell Oratory competition

Friday night also saw the annual Lawrence Campbell Oratory competition take place at The King’s School. Each year, the Lawrence Campbell Oratory brings together one candidate from each of the CAS and GPS schools to participate in one of the most prestigious public speaking competitions in NSW. Candidates are given 15 minutes to select and prepare a speech on one of three topics and present for eight minutes. 

Lawrence Campbell Oratory at The King's School

This year, Waverley’s representative was Captain of Debating, Harrison Rimell, who chose the topic ‘Everything spoken should be true but not everything true should be spoken.’ A formidable speaker, Harrison’s speech was fitting for the impromptu nature of the competition, delivering ideas about the complex nature of truth and questioning the need to know in a world where truth is often illusory. 

I congratulate Harrison on his leadership in representing the College at this fantastic event. 

Lawrence Campbell Oratory at The King's School

An invitation containing all the details will be sent out to Year 10 at the beginning of Week 4.

On Monday, 1 May, Waverley’s Year 12 SLR classes had an unforgettable opportunity to learn to surf at Bondi Beach, just down the road from the College. The excursion was an excellent way to start Term 2 and introduce students to a thrilling new sport that some of them had never tried before.

Upon arriving at Bondi Beach, the students were greeted with perfect surf conditions, warm water, and blue skies. After a quick introduction from the experienced and knowledgeable surf instructors at ‘Let’s Go Surfing,’ the students hit the water. The instructors provided step-by-step instructions on how to ride the waves safely, and with some practice and guidance, the students were quickly standing up on their boards and riding the waves like pros.

Year 12 SLR Surfing

Year 12 SLR Surfing

The excursion was not only a fun experience, but it also had significant educational benefits. Surfing is an excellent way to stay active and healthy and requires balance and coordination, skills that can be transferred to other areas of life. Students learned about rips, tides, and wave types, the importance of water safety, and the value of perseverance and determination when learning a new skill.

One of the most memorable moments of the day was seeing the smiles on the students’ faces when they successfully stood up on their board and felt the power of the waves behind them.

Overall, the excursion was a huge success, and we would like to thank the students for participating and showing respect to the instructors and the public while out in the surf. We hope that these students will continue to practise surfing in the future and enjoy the many benefits that come with this fantastic sport/activity.

Year 12 SLR Surfing