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Waverley College are pleased to announce that Rugby skills sessions will now be available for all students. Please find below the days and times for each session:

Wednesday morning 7:30am-8:15am (College Weights Room)

Friday morning 7am-7:45am (Queens Park)

Payment of School Fees is Due Today – Friday, 5 May 2023

Fees Reminder and Withdrawal Notice

2023 Fees

*As per the updated conditions of enrolment and as indicated on the College website, all Years 5 and 7 enrolments, Term 1 tuition fees are charged in Term 4, in the year prior. This includes continuing Year 6 (2023) students into Year 7 (2024). This replaces the “continuing confirmation deposit” usually charged in the 3rd Payment to Year 6. Year 5 and 7 will still receive an invoice in Term 1, 2024 for any applicable sundries, sibling discounts, excursion fees and camps. Please be advised that if this payment is not made by the due date, your son’s enrolment will be forfeited, and his place will be offered to a waitlisted candidate.

Discounts and Additional Fee

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one Term’s notice in writing to the Principal that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school Term, is the first day of the same Term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable. The relevant dates for 2023 are below:

Welcome Back

I hope this message finds you all well and in good health as we welcome everyone back to school for the start of Term 2. I trust that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break and is ready to resume their studies with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

As we begin this new Term, I would like to take this opportunity to remind our students of the importance of using feedback from Wednesday’s Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews to set academic goals and stay committed to their studies. This is a crucial time of the year, and we must all work together to ensure that our students receive the best possible education.

Our teachers have been working hard to develop engaging lessons that will challenge and inspire our students. We will continue to provide a supportive and inclusive learning environment where all students can thrive and reach their full potential.

Nurrunga Newsletter

Just a friendly reminder, particularly to our Year 7 parents/carers, that the Nurrunga digital newsletter is the College’s main form of communication with you. Updates and reminders are also sent via the Waverley College app. It is essential that you please put aside time each week to read the important messages in Nurrunga, which is delivered to the email address of every parent/carer, student and staff member every Friday afternoon during Term time.  

ANZAC Ceremony and Coloured Diggers March

On Monday, 24 April we commemorated our 2023 Anzac Day service. Years 5-12 students, staff, official guests, and our College community assembled in the Centenary Quad to mark this national day of remembrance. Anzac Day “marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.” – (Australian War Memorial website.)

Mounting the Catafalque Party opened the service and College Captain, Lachlan Grant, gave the Acknowledgement of Country. Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow welcomed our community, delivering a memorable speech about the Australian Light Horse Brigade. She particularly educated us on the bravery and sense of duty of the 118 Indigenous Australians – the highest number of Indigenous servicemen of any regiment within the Australian Defence Force in World War I – who had to anglicise their names in order to sign up because they were not yet recognised as citizens.

These men were part of the well-known mounted charge of 1917 who defeated the Turkish defences, and captured the town of Beersheba, which meant that the British Empire forces were able to break the Ottoman line and move into Palestine. 

ANZAC Day 2023

As we viewed black and white archival images of World War I on the large external screens, MAJ(AAC) de Kantzow solemnly reminded us that the descendants of these servicemen sit amongst us today, including one Waverley student whose great-great grandfather, Indigenous Trooper Frank Fisher, was part of the Beersheba charge. A black and white photo of Frank Fisher in his military uniform was displayed on the large screens. Frank was also the great grandfather of the Olympic gold medallist, runner Cathy Freeman. MAJ(AAC) de Kantzow asked that we think of, and mourn, those who are not here.

Prayers of the faithful were each read by students from the SRC, after which images of the young men of Waverley College killed in action in World Wars I and II were exhibited, one by one, to the moving strains of the hymn ‘Nearer My God to Thee.’ The laying of the wreath was performed by CPL Archie G and CPL Harrison T, ‘The Ode’ read by CUO Thomas G, and ‘The Last Post’ and ‘The Rouse’ beautifully played on the balcony of Level 3, by CPL Lachlan I. After we sang the National Anthems of Australia and New Zealand, a closing prayer completed the ceremony.

ANZAC Day 2023

A special Light Horse Brigade exhibition will be displayed in the Senior School Library from Period 6 today. I hope all students will make the time to visit this exhibition to learn more and contemplate further the service of these remarkable men – men who gave us the freedom and security we enjoy in Australia today.

Beginning in Redfern 17 years ago, each ANZAC Day, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander service personnel who served Australia in overseas conflicts are recognised in the Coloured Diggers March. It begins at Redfern community centre and marches to the cenotaph at Redfern Park for the formal ceremony. Because the contributions and stories of First Nations servicemen and women in Australia have been largely overlooked in Australian history, each year this March is an impetus for truth telling and a commemoration of First Nations peoples’ resilience and service.

During World War I, for example, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men were legally not allowed to join up, however over 1,000 served in this war with 70 serving in Gallipoli. After this war, these men were denied many of the benefits afforded to the non-Indigenous men who fought with them. Moving forward, we hope that events like this can make a significant contribution to the broader Reconciliation movement.

2023 Coloured Diggers March, ANZAC Day. Photo: courtesy Jo Miller.

2023 Coloured Diggers March, ANZAC Day. Photo: courtesy Jo Miller.

Scholarship Awarded to Alum of Waverley College

Congratulations to Clement Halaholo (Class of 2022) on being awarded the highly esteemed ISCA Waratahs Scholarship 2023 by the International College of Management Sydney (ICMS) and International Sport College Australia (ISCA).

The ICMS Scholarship Program commenced in 2011 and is underpinned by three key values. Firstly, benevolence, this is our key platform to give back and prioritise corporate and social responsibility. As an independent higher education provider, the volume of giving at ICMS is unique.

L to R: Betul Sekendiz, Clement Halaholo, Ann Whitelock

L to R: Betul Sekendiz, Clement Halaholo, Ann Whitelock

Youth Clothes Swap at Bondi Pavilion this Sunday

This Youth Week, swap your pre-loved clothes, update your wardrobe and save money and the planet.

When: Sunday, 30 April, various times.

Where: Bondi Pavilion

*Please note Youth Week activities are ONLY open to people aged 12 – 24.

Click here to book your ticket

Welcome Back to Term 2

Welcome back to Term 2 and I hope all members of our community had an enjoyable break and Holy Easter period, as well as memorable ANZAC Day. Waverley College was its usually typical busy place during the holiday period.

A huge thank you to all of the staff and students that were part of the successful Japan Football and Rugby Tour. It was also great to see so many parents/carers over in Japan supporting the College. The students were outstanding and represented the College to a very high standard at all times.

We also had a number of staff and students involved in Year 12 Tutorials, Volleyball camps, AFL training as well as the Junior School Armidale Rugby Tour.

Full Winter Uniform and Use of Opal Cards Essential

A reminder for this Term that all students must be in full winter uniform, including blazers to and from school. Also, a letter was sent on the College app this week, reminding students and parents/carers of the importance of using their Opal Cards to tap on and off all public transport, including school special buses. This is to ensure we have adequate transport before and after school. The bus providers will also be conducting random checks to ensure compliance.

Wednesday, 3 May – Whole Year 12 Photo – Blazers Essential

A reminder to Year 12 students that our whole Year 12 photo in the Gym requires all students to be wearing blazers please.

This photo will be published in the 2023 Year Book so blazers are essential.


This week, we celebrated the appointment of all winter co-curricular Captains and 1sts teams and congratulations to those students presented. All students need to ensure that when they are supporting on the weekend, they must also be in full sports attire or winter uniform.

New Students and Staff

A very special welcome also to those new members of the College community this week. We have a handful of new students and a couple of new staff commencing their journey with us this Term, and I am sure that all members of the College community will embrace and assist these people when needed. Best wishes for Term 2.


We have recently been in discussions with FamilyZone regarding their product which we have partnered with for the last five years. Their software had provided parents/carers with the ability to control access to content on school-issued devices.

Following those conversations and with FamilyZone shifting the focus of their product to a new suite – Linewize/Qustodio – it has become clear that this solution, in its current form, is no longer viable on student-issued devices as it will not provide the same functionality as FamilyZone.

As a result, we will be removing the FamilyZone software from all student devices.

This is not a decision we have taken lightly, as cybersafety and encouraging good practices when using the Internet is paramount, however we did not want to perpetuate a product that is now not suitable for our devices.

iAssist will continue to investigate other solutions and will provide information to parents/carers. We will also remain across the Linewize development timeline, so that if they are able to provide the experience we want for our parents/carers in the future, we can revisit their platform.

Dear Parents and Carers

As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students, we are implementing a new permission slip process. This process is designed to make it easier for you to submit your permission for excursions and other events, and for us to manage them more efficiently.

*Starting from Term 2, notifications will be made available electronically through the Parent Lounge and Waverley College app.

The new process will allow you to both receive and submit approvals, and make necessary changes to your sons’ medical records where applicable.

How the New Process Will Work

What Will Happen if I Don’t Submit the Permission Slip by the Deadline?

Unfortunately, your son may not be able to participate in the activity. It is really important that you keep an eye on your notifications, and ensure that you submit the approvals on time.

We hope that this new process will make it easier for you to submit and track your permissions, and ensure that all necessary information is received on time.

Should you have any questions or concerns about the new process, please do not hesitate to contact the College.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

2023 Fees

*As per the updated conditions of enrolment and as indicated on the College website, all Years 5 and 7 enrolments, Term 1 tuition fees are charged in Term 4, in the year prior. This includes continuing Year 6 (2023) students into Year 7 (2024). This replaces the “continuing confirmation deposit” usually charged in the 3rd Payment to Year 6. Year 5 and 7 will still receive an invoice in Term 1, 2024 for any applicable sundries, sibling discounts, excursion fees and camps. Please be advised that if this payment is not made by the due date, your son’s enrolment will be forfeited, and his place will be offered to a waitlisted candidate.

Discounts and Additional Fee

Fees paid before 4pm on the Prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount.

Any payment received after the due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. Internet/BPay/BPoint).

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one Term’s notice in writing to the Principal that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school Term, is the first day of the same Term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one Term’s tuition fees will be payable. The relevant dates for 2023 are below:

On 4 May, our Senior Ethics Olympiad teams will be competing in the Olympiad where over 300 teams are registered so far.

The College has a proud history of competing in the Ethics Olympiad wherein teams engage in rigorous discussion around interesting ethical cases. 

This Year’s Cases

The Ethics Olympiad provides schools and universities with a unique opportunity to develop skills in critical thinking, collaboration and communication.

It is designed to get students thinking, talking and ultimately working together on some of the tough moral issues of our time.


Ms Helen Barrie

Head of Academic Enrichment

During the second week of the school holiday break, Lachlan Miranda (Year 11) attended the 2023 YMCA NSW Youth Parliament training camp. During this time, he was elected as the Youth Minister for Mental Health. This is an outstanding achievement.

Lachlan was introduced to the Mental Health Committee and participated in a series of worthwhile group activities. Lachlan is a passionate advocate for mental health, especially the mental health of young people. As the student-representative for Coogee, Lachlan has immersed himself in politics and law, working with a committed team of student-advocates aiming to improve the Mental Health Act. Below is a piece Lachlan wrote on his experience:

“The Youth Parliament training camp was a brief, yet highly insightful experience. Surrounded by like-minded individuals who came from around the state, as far as Tweed Heads and as far South as the Snowy mountains. Opening with lectures on the structure of our state government, how policy is created and how young people are able to get involved with advocacy in their local areas. Then, the cohort of 100, split into their respective committees. 

In the Mental Health Committee we discussed where our state and local areas are lacking with regard to mental health. After addressing this issue, we as a committee decided that mental health needs addressing in four key areas of our society: the workplace, our education system, the mental health committee that advises the government, as well as providing more support and knowledge for new and expecting parents. 

On the third and final day of the training camp an election was held across all of the Youth Parliament students for various government positions. I was lucky enough to be elected the Youth Minister for Mental Health for 2023, not only representing my committee, but young people across NSW.

With the goals outlined previously, the Mental Health Committee and I will draft a bill amending four acts that are already in place across the state. This bill will be presented at the end of Term 2 to various NSW ministers. Ultimately aiming to benefit the mental health of many people throughout the state.”

Lachlan Miranda - Youth Parliament

Lachlan will meet weekly with his committee to develop a cogent Youth Mental Health Bill. We look forward to witnessing Lachlan in action in July where he will debate in NSW Parliament House, connect with elected members, and have a meeting with the Governor of NSW. 

Next term, Lachlan will share his learnings and experiences of being a Youth Parliamentarian.

Students complete a unit called ‘Mighty Markets’ as part of Year 7 Technology Mandatory. The class work in groups of four every fortnight to cook different recipes after watching a teacher demonstration.

On Thursday in TO2, they made pancakes. Such recipes teach them the different methods of cookery to practise and this recipe gives them opportunities to use frying.


Would You Like to Try the Recipe for Apple and Cinnamon Pancakes?

Click here to view the recipe

A big welcome back to all our Waverley College families. I hope the Easter break gave you a chance to slow down and spend quality time with your family. We are back in full swing and excited for the Term ahead.

*Just a reminder that all students require a blazer in Term 2 and Term 3.

I have noticed some haircuts that do not align with the College Haircut policy, which can be found on page 25 of the College diary. If your son has been asked to have his hair rectified, please have this done by Monday.

Mother’s Day Online Stall

Some lovely Mother’s Day gifts are now available to purchase online. Don’t delay, orders close Friday, 5 May.

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 2 events, please refer to the College calendar. 





A reminder to please see the below process for reporting your son’s absence. If it is for a long period of time, please contact myself for approval by emailing

Area contact: Absence

Enquiry: Reporting an Absence

Steps: 1st contact – Waverley College app. 2nd contact – Ms Danielle Brown | | absentee line: 02 9369 0632 


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of the Junior School


Mother’s Day Mass at Mary Immaculate Church, Friday, 12 May, 12pm

The celebration of mothers, grandmothers and significant others in the lives of our Waverley College Students, will be celebrated on Friday, 12 May at 12pm (Week 3, Term 2). This will be at Mary Immaculate Church followed by a light lunch at the Junior School.  

>>> Click here to view the invitation and to RSVP.

Part of the celebration will include a slideshow. Please send through a photo of your son(s) with their mothers/grandmothers if you would like a photo included in this presentation.

Please email photos to

Confirmation at Mary Immaculate Church

For parents/carers seeking information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation, it is important that you contact your local parish to find out the details regarding when the Sacrament will be celebrated, and when the preparation classes will be held.

For students who attend St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church) and attend Waverley College, the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday, 19 June at 2pm.

Please be aware that the Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated each year, therefore only Year 6 students will be enrolled to receive the Sacrament.

View the boundary map below to see if you are within the parish boundary.

Boundary map

Click the button below for further information, important dates and to register your son to receive this Sacrament.

Click here to view the Sacrament of Confirmation form

Edmund Rice Activity Day – Friday, 5 May

On Friday, 5 May, the Junior School will participate in their Annual Edmund Rice Activity Day, which explores the life of the Founder of the Christian Brothers, Blessed Edmund Rice. Throughout the day, the students will participate in a variety of in-class activities as well as fun games at lunchtime to raise money for Edmund Rice Camps.

We will have a guest speaker during assembly who will highlight the wonderful work that Edmund Rice Camps do to help underprivileged children.  

At lunchtime, there will be a Sausage Sizzle sale.

Click here to assist with catering and for payment

We look forward to celebrating a wonderful day.

Painting portrait of Edmund Rice, founder of the Christian Brothers

Portrait of Blessed Edmund Rice, founder of the Christian Brothers


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School / Identity & Student Formation


Year 6 Excursion – Royal Botanic Garden

On Tuesday, 2 May, Year 6 will embark on an excursion to the Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney, called ‘Aboriginal Knowledge and Culture.’ This excursion will support the teaching and learning of the sustainability concepts in our Science unit this term, as well as benefit our English and History curriculum. 

The Program is a unique opportunity for students to investigate a wide variety of local native plants which were integral in the life of the First Australians. Aboriginal Education Officers will provide a personal perspective offering how Indigenous people of the Sydney area used plants for food, medicine, tools and weapons, giving students a unique opportunity to meet and interact with members of our Indigenous communities.

Image: courtesy Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney

Image: courtesy Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney

Students are expected to wear full PE uniform on the day and bring their sports bag with a packed lunch, recess, water and a raincoat or umbrella. They still need to bring their usual school resources such as Macbook, diary, books etc as the excursion is half a day. 

Students in 6 White, 6 Indigo and 6 Red are required to arrive at the Junior School at 8:15am in order to board the first bus on time.

Normal dismissal from the Junior School at 3pm for all students and training is on as usual, that day.

We are looking forward to this outdoor, off-site learning experience! 

Please note: A notification has been sent to the Parent Lounge for you to approve your son to attend this excursion.

Image: courtesy Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney

Image: courtesy Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney


Ms Jade Sparks

6 Blue Classroom Teacher


Winter Co-Curricular Sport – Round 1

The heavily anticipated Winter Co-Curricular Sport season commences from tomorrow for Round 1 (Saturday, 29 April). Having had a shortened week of training, students are extremely excited about getting the Winter season underway.

Please ensure you refer to the Waverley College app announcements each week, as I will continue to send out the weekly Sports Fixtures for each round. All families can also locate all relevant Junior School Co-Curricular information through the College website by clicking the button below.

Click here to view all Junior School Co-curricular information on the College website

Here you will find all Junior Sport Fixtures, results, training schedules and maps.

The Armidale School Rugby Carnival

During the school holidays, on the final weekend before the commencement of Term 2, 20 young men travelled to Armidale to compete and represent Waverley College in the annual TAS Rugby Carnival, consisting of school, club and representative teams across NSW, Queensland and the ACT. 

Each team played five tough matches against other quality teams with the ultimate goal of ‘growing grass roots rugby’ and having fun playing the game we all love. 

Our young men performed not only admirably, but respectfully and competitively, winning four of the five games for Waverley and making it all the way to the final of the Tournament Team Running Relay – ‘The Spirit of Rugby Relay.’

We are so proud of the boys for showing grit, resilience and great sportsmanship. A special thank you to our dedicated Waverley families for making the trip and sharing in such a special weekend, as well as our coaching staff Mr Tom Olds and Mr Elliott McKimm, and Convenor of Rugby, Ms Jade Sparks.

Armidale Rugby Carnival

Armidale Rugby Carnival

Armidale Rugby Carnival

Armidale Rugby Carnival

Armidale Rugby Carnival

CIS Touch Football Trials

This Wednesday just gone, Waverley had six students represent Waverley College Junior School at the CIS Touch Football Trials at Werrington. The students included: Kalan Fisher, Jackson MacAskill, Jacob Coleman, Jordan Strbac, Talin Opai and Tio Norman.

Out of the 80 students who trialled, there were only 14 spots available for the final team selection. All Waverley students gave it their all to make the team, and came very close to securing a spot. Kalan Fisher was the only student of ours to make it through.

Well done to all our students for their performance during the trial, and a massive congratulations to Kalan for making the team.

CIS Touch Football Trials

External Sporting Achievements

Franklin Pyke, Aidan Rowley and Leo Vigil, after a gruelling six-week long selection process, competed in the U11 state baseball championships over the holidays. They Represented Cronulla Black and came 3rd overall. Ethan Uncle also competed for Cronulla Blue and came in 4th. They all represented Waverley brilliantly, both with performance and attitude. A massive congratulations to these Waverley Junior School students.

State Baseball Champs


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)


Home Learning Club – Week 2

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Click here to register your son

Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent/carer signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to email us.


If afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached. Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.

Public Speaking Competition Year 6

All Year 6 students will be participating in a school-based Public Speaking Competition in Term 2 and Year 5 Students will participate in Term 3. 

The competition aims to allow students to develop their speaking skills. Speaking well in public prepares you for positions of responsibility, visibility and the future. Speak up, speak well, and many opportunities will be open to you. 

Year 6 Public Speaking Competition

Year 5 Rich Literature ANZAC Day 

The boys explored the very important theme of ANZAC Day through stories. 

Rich literature was used to encourage valuable discussion on the theme of ANZAC Day, mateship, bravery, Gallipoli, Indigenous soldiers and commemorating.  

The boys highlighted many important facts and we were involved in activities that promoted reading and critical thinking, through the use of Visible Thinking Routines.

The Anzac Puppy

The Anzac Puppy

Anzac Biscuits

Anzac Biscuits

One Minute's Silence, Anzac Biscuits and Alfred's War

One Minute’s Silence, Anzac Biscuits and Alfred’s War

Reader of the Week

Reader of the Week


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher

Click here to view the Fixtures

Round 1 of Winter Activities

Welcome back to all students, parents and carers to Term 2, and the commencement of our full winter activities program. We have our first full round of co-curricular fixtures this weekend.

Congratulations to our Cadet Unit who proudly represented us at the Coogee and Waverley Council Services on Tuesday for ANZAC Day, and at our own school service on Monday.

Thank you to all students who have engaged in all training sessions this week and during the holidays in preparation for the upcoming winter co-curricular fixtures. A reminder to all parents/carers and students, that selections are not final and remain fluid for the entire season. Coaches will continue to make selections and changes after this weekend. All students are also required to reserve the fixture following their own, where appropriate.

Expected Protocols and CAS Code of Conduct

It is essential that all students are fully attired in the correct playing gear, and that they arrive at each fixture a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the start of each match.

Any student who requires leave for a weekend fixture, must ensure that a request is submitted as early as possible before a weekend. Any absence due to injury or illness will require a medical certificate.

When students are supporting the 1sts or other teams, they should be dressed in full PE sports uniform or school uniform.

A reminder to all students that the school hoodies can only be worn to training and sporting fixtures and must not be worn at any time whilst at schoolThe College PE jacket and hoodie are at no stage to be worn with academic attire.

All players, parents/carers and spectators are reminded about the importance of sportsmanship and respect for the opposition and officials. All stakeholders are bound by the CAS Codes of Conduct for respect of officials and the opposition, and must follow staff instructions at each venue.

Click here to view the CAS Code of Conduct on the CAS website

Thank you

A big thank you to all the students, staff and coaches involved in a wide range of activities over the holidays. We had training and activities for Volleyball, AFL, Track & Field, Cadets and the Rugby and Football tour to Japan. Many students and staff gave up a lot of hours in their holidays in preparation for Term 2.

Achievements Over the Holidays

Congratulations to these students who successfully completed the Adventure Training Award: WO2 Luca Patrick-Watkins; SGT Jack Ryan; SGT Jett O’Halloran; SGT Charles Thompson-Owens.


Congratulations to Jake McEvoy who won the intermediate show jumping program at the state interschools championships.

We had a large number of students represent the College at the recent 2023 Australian Junior Championships. The following students competed: Evan Rowbotham; Jack Richardson; Alexander Bissell; Ryan McNamara; Asher Asher Thomasyu; Evan Rowbotham and Ricardo Zanapalis.

Top 3 placings: Men 4x100m U14 Final: 1st NSW (Ryan McNamara 1st leg) 47.22s; Men 1500m U14 Final: 2nd Evan Rowbotham 4:18.68; Mixed 4x200m Relay U14 Final: 1st NSW (Alexander Bissell 4th leg) 1:42.42.

Track & Field

Track & Field

Track & Field

Track & Field

Congratulations to Alexander Bissell and Evan Rowbotham who had some very strong performances at the Little ‘A’ Championships: U13 200m Hurdles Prelims: 3rd Alexander Bissell 27.86s; U13 800m Final: 2nd Evan Rowbotham 2:09.33; U13 1500m Final: 1st Evan Rowbotham 4:32.95.

Australian Little Athletics

These students competed for South Maroubra SLSC: Ned Panlilio; Owen Lloyd-Jones; Owen Roorda and Ryan McNamara. They achieved some excellent results. Relay Team Results: 1st U13/14 Medley Relay; 1st U13/14 Obstacle Relay; 2nd U13/14 Brick Carry Relay.

Congratulations to all of these students.

Winter Co-curricular Captains and 1sts Teams

 We also presented our Winter co-curricular captains and 1sts teams this week at the Winter Co-curricular assembly on Thursday. Well done to the following students on their appointments as captains:

AFL: Vasili Vertsonis – Captain; Sam Stewart – 1sts Captain

Debating: Harrison Rimell – Captain

Football: Jett McTavish – Captain; Charles Hely-Hammond – 1st Captain

Rugby: Felix Turinui – Captain; Jonas Dowling – 1sts Captain

Tennis: Charlie Farrington – Captain

Cross Country: Hugo Morgan – Captain; Campbell Groves – 1st Captain

Volleyball: Anderson Franulovich – Captain; Sean Foley – 1st Captain

Table Tennis: Lenny Joseph – Captain

Chess: Mitchell Marsh – Captain; Jamie Khov – 1st Captain

Judo: Paul Muir – Captain

Sailing: James Birbas – Captain