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Welcome back to Term 2!

I would like to welcome all members of the Waverley College community back to Term 2. I hope all enjoyed a terrific Easter break and are looking forward to what looks to be an exciting few months ahead of schoolboy rugby.

2023 Rugby Season Guide

Please click the button below to view the 2023 Rugby Season Guide. This guide covers all the information players and families need to be familiar with as we head into the season. Information includes the 2023 Season Draw, Training Schedules, Code of Conduct and Player Expectations. This guide also provides information on how parents can be involved on the Rugby Supporters Club.

Click here to view the 2023 Rugby Season Guide

Rugby Vs Newington

The weekend Waverley College will meet Newington College in our first rugby trial fixtures for 2023. Our 13s, 16s and Opens teams will play at Queens Park, while our 14s and 15s teams will be playing at Stanmore on the Newington Fields. Please note that our 14Cs will be playing against St Augustine’s at Pittwater on Saturday afternoon (as Newington does not match up with the number of teams we have in this age group).

Please note that team lists and fixtures will be updated on the Waverley College app on Thursday evening.

*Players need to arrive at the grounds no later than 30 minutes before the match is scheduled, to ensure that teams have a thorough warm up. Players must ensure they have the correct playing gear, including a mouthguard.

With rain scheduled for Saturday, all players should always assume that matches will go ahead unless you hear otherwise. If there are any cancellations or ground closures the Co-Curricular Team will communicate this to the community through the Waverley College app as soon as we can.

Assistance on the Queens Park Canteen and BBQ

Are there any weekends you might be able to assist on the Queens Park Canteen and BBQ this season? We would love your support!

If any parents, carers and friends are free to assist at any stage this season during home games between the hours of 7:15am to 4pm, please register your interests on the 2023 Online ( Roster:

Thank you for your support in advance!

Rugby Tours

Over the holidays, a group of 65 senior students and 10 staff had a fantastic opportunity to travel overseas for the 2023 Japan Football and Rugby Tour. The group had such an incredible experience not only playing against some quality opposition, but learning a great deal about Japanese culture.

Tour highlights included visiting the Hiroshima Peace Park, Osaka Castle, sightseeing in Kyoto, Mt Fuji, watching J-League/Japanese Rugby matches, the School Exchange Program, experiencing the busy streets of Tokyo, and the sights of Singapore.

Further to this, a group of Junior School students were involved in the country trip to Armidale. The Armidale School Rugby Carnival is always an exciting time away, and from all reports, the tour will certainly help prepare our younger representatives in the Junior School for the season ahead.

A huge thanks to the staff involved who gave up their holidays so that our students could enjoy these unforgettable life experiences. Thanks also to the parents/carers who travelled and supported our boys on the sidelines.

Good luck to all teams this weekend in your trial matches against Newington.

Waverley to win!

Are you Interested in Competing in Snowsports?

Snowsports are open to all students from K-12 to compete, regardless of their level of ability. All competitors must be able to execute link turns and ride a chairlift/T-bar confidently, prior to competing in the championships.

Events include Alpine, Skier Cross, Moguls, Snowboard GS and Snowboard Cross.

*Entries open 15 May 2023.

This occurs during school holidays and so no time off school is required. 

Families are responsible for making their own travel and accommodation arrangements, as well as purchasing lift passes, ski hire and equipment.

No College uniform is required.

If your son is interested in competing and would like to register for the event, or you need more information, please email our parent volunteer and school co-ordinator, Paula McCabe

Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 2, Week 2. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Date Subject Time Room Teacher
Tuesday, 2 May 2023 Mathematics Standard 2 7:30am – 8:30am E42 Guirguis
Wednesday, 3 May 2023
Studies of Religion II 3:30pm – 5pm E40s Cooper/ Stewart
PDHPE 3:30pm – 5pm GHR Darvill
Geography 3:30pm – 5pm W33 Wallington
Mathematics Extension 1 3:30pm – 5pm E32 Hall
Thursday, 4 May 2023 Spanish 3:30pm – 5pm W25 Quintana
Friday, 5 May 2023 Hospitality 7:45am – 8:30am TF1 McCarthy

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.

*The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Brooke Kent has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

An excellent opportunity to cover a number of syllabus dot points will be provided for the Investigating Science Year 12 students.

When: Tuesday, 2 May 2023, 8:45am-11am

Essential: All students must wear a mask for the presentation

This excursion will include a 35-minute presentation with the rest of each two-hour block used for the students to complete a worksheet activity and an exploration of the Museum.

Four-hour visits will include a half hour break.

Students will have the cost of the excursion ($13) added to their College account.

Given that the Museum is at Randwick, I would expect that most students will be able to make their own way to the Museum.

The students are expected to return to school after 11am for their Period 5 and 6 classes.

We will use public transport to return.

Dear Parents and Carers

On Wednesday, 10 May, Year 10 students will be participating in the Academic Assessment Services (Allwell) Test during Periods 1-4. This is a mandatory test and you may remember that all students sat a similar test in Year 8.

This test forms a key part of Waverley College effectively and consistently measuring the academic growth of all students. When combined with the NAPLAN data, the College will have six years of data measurement to provide feedback to you regarding your son.

We also use this data in a variety of ways to improve the delivery of curriculum within the College, and to add to the information in Year 10 that we use to support your son with the Subject Selection process.

After the testing day you will be provided with a written report, summarising your son’s results. These results will be returned to the College a few weeks after the testing date.

How does my son prepare for these tests?

There is no course material to study prior to the day. It is a measurement, similar to NAPLAN, to give the College a picture of how your son is progressing during Year 10. It is vitally important on the day for your son to try his best, read the instructions carefully, and use every minute to maximum effect.

What happens if my son is absent from the College that day?

There will be another day allocated to enable students to complete the test if they are away.

Information about the Testing Day

Date: Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Time Schedule:

8:45am – Start Session 1

10:45am – Recess Break

11:05am – Start Session 2

12:30pm – Finish

Venue: Brother J P Lacey Gymnasium

On the Day:

Week 2 – Monday 1 May – Sunday 7 May 2023


Week 3 – Monday 8 May – Sunday 14 May 2023


Week 4 – Monday 15 May – Sunday 21 May 2023


Week 5 – Monday 22 May – Sunday 28 May 2023

It has been a busy few weeks for the Cadet Unit!

Hot on the heels of a very successful AFX at Holsworthy Army Base, four of our finest young cadets flew to Tasmania to compete for the Adventure Training Award (ATA 2023). This National award is the highest individual award a cadet can achieve and, after a week of canyoning, kayaking, camping, mountain biking, climbing and being physically and mentally challenged in freezing conditions, we were so proud when all four cadets were presented with the Golden Boomerang.

Congratulations to WO2 Luca Patrick-Watkins, SGT Jett O’Halloran, SGT Jack Ryan and SGT Charles Thompson Owens.

Our ANZAC team of cadets was also busy in the holidays rehearsing for the annual ANZAC Commemorative Parade on the Centenary Quad on Monday. Details of this event are included elsewhere in this Newsletter, but a heartfelt thank you to our cadets and staff who presented a professional and reverent parade on this important occasion.

These cadets also represented the Cadet Unit at the Coogee Dawn Service and the Bondi RSL Waverley Council community services very early on Tuesday morning. Thank you to our parents/carers for their commitment to attend at 4:30am!

This Term will be a busy one as we prepare for the following events:

Any cadet wishing to be promoted to Corporal (Junior Leadership Course), Warrant Officer or Sergeant (Senior Leadership Course) or Cadet Under Officer must attend the promotions camp. Further information will follow shortly.

Wednesday 24 May, 4pm-7pm (AEST)

Click here to register

Year 12 students and their parents and carers are invited to attend the University of Sydney Year 12 Information Evening which will be hosted on the Camperdown campus.

Students will have the opportunity to speak with experts about courses, admission pathways, study options, scholarships and more. UAC representatives and staff from each faculty and school will be there to give attendees tailored advice.

Current University of Sydney students and alumni will walk students through all the relevant information they need from now through to the time they complete their final exams and lock in their university choices.

Places are limited, so please register as soon as possible to avoid missing out!


Please contact

On 9 May, Year 12 Biology students will meet at UNSW to participate in a four-hour interactive session focusing on Genetics and Disease.

Students will spend time inside the museum, engaging with the specimen collection either through a quiz, a research task or activity stations.

Date: 9 May, 2023

Assemble Location: Meet on the Ground Floor of the Samuels Building by 8:45am

Travel Details: Students are to make their own way to and from the venue

Dismissal Details: Students will be dismissed from the venue, however, are expected to return to school for any scheduled lessons in Periods 5 and 6

Uniform Expectations: Full school uniform including blazer

Lunch: Students are to self-cater lunch and recess

Cost: $21 which will be added to the Term 2 fees

Permission Note: Available on the Parent Lounge

Science Club was a hit in Term 1 with students participating in exciting experiments each week and exploring their passion for Science!

Science Club provides an opportunity for students to be presenting, critically analysing, and applying their understanding of scientific data and related concepts. Students must play an active role in their own learning experiences to increase engagement and academic achievement.

This Program has been created with the focus on student-centred, inquiry-based learning.

In each session, students will have the opportunity to experiment with a focus on deepening their ability to apply the scientific method across all branches of Science.

The scientific skills embedded in this program are woven throughout the Stage 3-6 Science Syllabi and reflect Depth Studies and skills examined in the HSC courses.


In Term 2, Science Club will run on a Thursday from 3:30pm-5pm in K2L3.

Book Now!

School Opal Card Compliance

The Parent/Carer letter below stresses the importance for all school students to Tap On and Off with a valid Opal card. This is a requirement for all school students.

Transdev John Holland Buses representatives will also be conducting random visits to school bus stops to reinforce this message to students throughout the year.

Click here to view the Parent/Carer letter

Keeping our Kids Safe Around Schools – Factsheets on Road Safety

Click the button below to view factsheets regarding Road Safety. Pages 9 and 10 specifically relate to safe bus travel.

Click here to view the Factsheets


Transdev John Holland Buses (NSW) Pty Ltd

JHB School Engagement Team

02 7257 2400

Year 10 students and their parents/carers are invited to attend Year 10 Information Evening events at the University of Sydney.

Students will have the opportunity to speak with experts about subject selection, applying for university, ATARs and course options – please have questions ready.

University staff, current University of Sydney students and UAC representatives will walk students through all the relevant information they need for Year 10, all the way through to the time they complete their final exams and lock in their university choices.

Places are limited, so register as soon as possible to avoid missing out!

