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The 2022/23 season saw us as a community continue to strive for our strategic key priorities. I am pleased to ultimately see a vast improvement across all the teams. In the junior age groups there was approximately a 15% increase in wins, and I believe the genuine hard work and a temperament to succeed is evident amongst the boys.



















Although our senior teams were not as successful, the 1st XI and 2nd XI were committed to bringing about a positive display of sportsmanship and camaraderie, which inspired many of our younger players.

Well done to our Year 8 sides who have been our consistent top performing age group. I encourage all Year 8 teams to make their return to Cricket next year, where our goal is to have three full teams in the Year 9 age group.

8A v Barker


8A v Barker




Individual performances this season flooded in each week. Thank you to all the players who have put in countless hours of hard work, dedication, and determination to work diligently towards their personal goals. The return of the Batting Club to a more full-time basis was greatly beneficial, and it was fantastic to see so many involved each morning at these sessions.

Hence, there was a significant improvement overall from last year’s individual batting performances, with 29 players achieving scores of 50 and above, and seven players reaching the ultimate goal of a century. This is in contrast to last season’s four fifty and above totals and zero centuries scored. Thomas Rudolph, of the Year 9A, deserves a special mention with back-to-back tons against Cranbrook and Trinity, culminating in winning the 2022/23 Br Murphy Shield. Thomas was joined by Hunter Eldridge, Luke Duffy, Ashton Hourn, and Asher Dowd in their respective tons.

Congratulations also to Matthew Frost and Jonathon McDonald for taking five wicket and six wicket hauls in the 1st XI, putting their names alongside Hunter’s century on the Queens Park honour board.

In terms of representative selection, the College is very proud of Jonathon McDonald, Toby McDonald and William Livissianis for selection in the U/15 CAS team.

U15 CAS Cricket

U15 CAS Cricket

Hirav Gandhi was also selected for the second year in a row into the Opens CAS 1st XI. Aarush Soni also has made his mark in being selected for Hawkesbury Cricket Club’s 1st Grade side. Aarush is the youngest player in the Club’s 37-year history to make their debut in Sydney’s premier cricket competition, and I am personally looking forward to seeing Aarush’s progress over his time at Waverley. 









Henry Walker of Year 7A was also selected in the NSW CIS in his age group. Henry has already made some impressive totals in Term 1, falling just short of a century on two occasions due to merely running out of overs. Consequently, Henry’s consistent run totals have no doubt put him in good stead for further representative honours. Despite his young age, Henry was invited to the final round of the UNSW Green Shield selection trials. Good luck Henry!

Congratulations also to the talented Ashton Hourn who was selected as a finalist in the 2022 Mosman Youth Art Prize and exhibited his work publicly. Below is his artwork ‘Cricketers Dream.’

Ashton Hourn

‘Cricketers Dream’ by Ashton Hourn

Moreover, I would like to extend my gratitude to all our coaches, who have been instrumental in developing the skills and abilities of our players. Your passion and expertise have been invaluable, and I know that our players have learned a great deal from your guidance and support.

Thank you to the Supporters’ Group and parents/carers of our players. Your encouragement and love for Waverley College Cricket have been the backbone of all our teams, and I am truly grateful for your ongoing contributions towards events and initiatives such as the Parent v Son game and the Presentation Night. Notably, the ongoing contribution of the Hickey family and the Andrews family deserves special recognition, alongside all our Year 12 families who are departing this season.

Cricket Supporters' Club

Year 12 players: James Fragias, Connor Andrews, William Hickey, Hirav Gandhi, Carter Steyn

Year 12 players: James Fragias, Connor Andrews, William Hickey, Hirav Gandhi, Carter Steyn

Connor Andrews, Hirav Gandhi, William Hickey, Carter Steyn

Connor Andrews, Hirav Gandhi, William Hickey, Carter Steyn

The Hickeys and the Andrews have a long association with the College, and have given countless hours to supporting Cricket through a variety of different capacities. I wish both families well in the future, whilst acknowledging that they are always welcome back to Queens Park to cheer on Waverley cricketers. Thank you to Craig McDonald, father of Jonathon and Toby, for stepping into the role of Supporters’ Group President, and for his assistance in organising many of the raffled items at the Presentation Evening whereby money was raised to better improve coaching and equipment. 

Finally, I would like to thank the College leadership, in particular Mr O’Donnell and Mr Leddie for their constant support of the Cricket program. Thank you also to our teacher coaches: Mr Kroll, Mr Knight, Mr Shorthouse, Mr Cross, Mr McCallum and Mr Elliot. Your efforts towards the Cricket program have been invaluable, and I am grateful for the time and resources that you have put into ensuring our success.

Steve O'Donnell

Thanks, Mr O’Donnell!

Thanks Mr Kroll!

Thanks Mr Kroll!

Sadly, Mr Elliott will be taking a temporary hiatus from Waverley College to embark on some well deserved rest, relaxation and adventure. I thank Mr Elliot for all his work over the years, many of which involved coaching the 1st XI, 8A and 7A teams.

As we move into the off-season, I encourage all players to reflect on the progress you have made and continue your hard work into next season. There will be opportunities for skill development sessions in the lead up to the 2023/24 season, and I am hopeful that many of the boys capitalise on this opportunity.

I would like to welcome all members of the Waverley College community to the AFL season ahead. With the growing number of boys playing AFL and the formation of the AFL Supporters’ Group, we have an extremely exciting year ahead!

I invite and encourage students, families and friends from all co-curricular activities to attend any of our games, particularly the Friday night fixtures we will be playing this year. These will be advertised in advance to increase the level of exposure to the College community.

Supporters’ Group AGM Minutes

Click the button bellow to view the Minutes from the Supporters’ Group AGM held on Monday, 20 March. Thank you to the 30+ parents/carers who attended and for those who have volunteered their time to help with the Program this year, in many different roles.

Click here to view the Minutes from the Supporters' Group AGM

Training and Trials

Trials began this week. The schedule can be accessed by clicking the button below (please note that the Term 1 schedule is different to Terms 2 and 3).

Click here to view the AFL Training Schedule

Players must wear Waverley College PDHPE uniform or Waverley AFL attire to all sessions. Boots and mouth guards are also strongly suggested.

Students are asked to walk together and in a safe fashion if travelling from Queens Park in the morning.

1sts Trial Matches

The 1st XVIII have secured two trial matches over the next two weekends. It would be great to see as many supporters there as possible.

Waverley App and Google Slides Correspondence

Season correspondence will be on the Waverley College app, so please download this if you are yet to do so:

There will be a link to a Google slides presentation where team lists, fixtures, match reports and social information will be available and updated throughout the season.

It is a very exciting time for AFL at Waverley College, with so much talent in the Program, the great coaches that have been employed, and the formation of the Supporters’ Group. I look forward to meeting many of you over the season.

Dear Parents and Carers

The Annual General Meeting for the Football Supporters’ Group will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, 26 April at 6:40pm (see below details).

I invite all parents and carers who would be interested in playing an active role in events this upcoming season.

Hope to see you there!

Zoom Meeting Details

Topic: Football Supporters’ AGM

When: Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Time: 6:40pm (Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney time)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 291 873 3202
Passcode: wav321

Student Representative Council members: Archie Godby (Year 10), Oliver Stewart (Year 9) and Stirling Quinn (Year 8) represented Waverley College on Friday, 17 March at the annual St Patrick’s Day Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral.

Schools in the Sydney Archdiocese, founded by Irish orders of nuns and brothers, were present and the Mass was celebrated by Bishop Terence Brady. The order of Christian Brothers founded many schools, including Waverley College 120 years ago in 1903, to provide Catholic education for young men. The Mass included a strong focus on the need for prayer for peace in the world.  

St Patrick's Day Mass

The wearing of green on St Patrick’s Day represents the Irish landscape and the significance of the shamrock. St Patrick used the shamrock, with three petals in one leaf, to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity based on the Christian belief of three parts to one God.

St Patrick's Day

St Patrick's Day

Waverley College is pleased to announce that scrum and halfback skill sessions/training are now available.

Venue: College Weights Room

Day/Time: Wednesday 7:30am

Skills targeted:

If interested, please email

Waverley College are pleased to announce Eddie Paea from the Kicking Academy, and current Waratah and Wallabies player Ben Donaldson, will be delivering kicking skills sessions for Senior School students.

Players that would benefit from these sessions include any player who wants to improve their in game kicking and goal kicking skills.

Venue: Queens Park

Day/Time: Friday 7am

Skills targeted:

If interested, please email

Last Friday night, some of our Pasifika Brothers and Walawaani Indigenous group were invited to attend the Multicultural Round of the National Rugby League. They were lucky to attend the South Sydney Rabbitohs and Eastern Suburbs Roosters game at Moore Park.

One of our students, Tyden Hennessey, was excited to attend this rugby league game. He writes:

“Although I supported the Bunnies and they lost, it was a great experience with all my mates. It was a great game of footy. Both teams played well, the other boys and I even made it onto the big screen. I have never experienced anything like this before. The whole crowd saw us and we got to clap the players on. I was lucky enough to meet Jonathan Thurston and Cameron Smith, which was a once in a lifetime experience. It was such a great night and I hope it can happen again. Thank you to all who organised this wonderful opportunity for us.”

Many thanks to Ms Alicia Romijn for accompanying the students. A wonderful time was had by all.

NRL Multicultural Round 2023

International Women’s Day 2023

International Women’s Day (Wednesday, 8 March), is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. The College celebrated this day with a morning tea at each of its campuses and at assembly this week. 

We particularly acknowledge and thank the women that enable Waverley College to thrive and to seek to be better, more equitable, fairer and more responsive to the inequities that exist across Australia and the globe. 

Image: courtesy International Women's Day website

Image: courtesy International Women’s Day website

The United Nations theme this year for International Women’s Day is ‘innovation and technology for gender equality’. 

Today, a persistent gender gap in digital access keeps women from unlocking technology’s full potential. Their underrepresentation in STEM education and careers remains a major barrier to their participation in tech design and governance. And the pervasive threat of online gender-based violence—coupled with a lack of legal recourse—too often forces them out of the digital spaces they do occupy. We are all challenged to play our part in making the digital world safer, more inclusive and more equitable. 

Gender Equity 

The Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (WGEA) is an Australian federal law that aims to promote and improve gender equality in the Australian workplace. The Act applies to non-public sector employers with 100 or more employees, and requires them to report annually on their gender equality performance. 

Waverley has a strong commitment to gender equality and promotes gender equity and advancing the rights of women and girls and creating a more inclusive workplace and environment. The 2023 College data shows that the College has made progress towards achieving gender equality and has good reason to be proud of our efforts. 

  Female Male
Senior Leadership 56% 44%
Middle Leadership 49% 51%
College Advisory Council 50% 50%
Teachers 49% 51%

CANVAS Learning Management 

We would like to remind you that our CANVAS Learning Management System is open for Years 5-12 parents and carers, in lieu of a Term 1 progress report.

>>> Click here to view Ms Porter’s full article on this.


Good luck to our Years 5, 7 and 9 students for their NAPLAN tests which begin next week. 

>>> Click here to view Ms Lynsey Porter’s full article on this.

Upcoming Year 12 Parent / Student Interviews 

>>> Click here to view Mr Chris Soden’s article and to make a booking from 9am on Saturday, 11 March.

Kids Giving Back

‘Kids Giving Back’ is a charity whose mission is to create the next Generation of Generosity. Their programs are delivered for children 6-18 years old and their families, and offer opportunities to assist vulnerable people in the community. 

Thank you to the following students who participated in one of their programs during Term 4 of 2022, and over the Christmas holidays.

Interested students can find more details on their website

Commonwealth Government Address Collection Notice for 2023

The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the Department), would like to notify you that a request has been made for your child’s school to provide residential address and other information as required under the Australian Education Regulation 2013.

The College is required to provide the Department with the following information about each student at the College:

>>> Click here to view more information.

St Patrick’s Day 

Today we celebrate St. Patrick, the fifth-century bishop and patron of Ireland, whose life of holiness set the example for many of the Church’s future saints.

St. Patrick was able to use his knowledge of Irish culture and the traditions and symbols of the Celtic people, to help explain Christianity in a way that made sense to the Irish and was thus very successful in converting the pagan people of the time. 

The shamrock, which St. Patrick used to explain the Holy Trinity, is a symbol that has become synonymous with Irish Catholic culture. St. Patrick is most revered for bringing Christianity to Ireland, and the foundation he built for the generations of Christians who followed him. 

With the College’s founder, Edmund Rice being Irish, the day holds an obvious connection to Waverley along with St Patrick’s life of sacrifice, resilience, and prayer being very relevant for a Catholic community in the 21st century. 

Thank you to the many parents/carers who baked cakes and sweets for sale at the St. Patrick’s Day cake stall organised by Ms Sue Walsh and the Identity and Mission Team, along with Year 12 prefects. All money raised will go to the following charities;

St Patrick's Day cake stall

St Patrick’s Day cake stall

NAPLAN Years 7 and 9 (Year 5 – see Junior School article by Ms Charlotte Stephens) 

Congratulations on such a positive start to the NAPLAN testing period on Wednesday with the Writing component.

The remainder that the test sessions are scheduled for next Monday, 20 March to Wednesday, 22 March, as per the testing timetable which is available in the link below.

>>> Click here to view the Senior School NAPLAN timetable.

Students are reminded to bring their charged laptops, headphones and a pen.

CAS Swimming and Diving

Congratulations to both our swimmers and divers who both took out fourth position in last evening’s CAS competition. Both teams performed with great spirit and enthusiasm. Thank you to Ms Nicola Silsby (Swimming convenor), Ms Kath Knowles (Diving Convenor) and Mr Nick Nezval (Head Swimming Coach) and their respective coaching teams for all of their hard work throughout the season. We congratulate Knox (Swimming) and Trinity (Diving) on their respective wins.

CAS Swimming and Diving Championships

CAS Swimming and Diving Championships

CAS Swimming and Diving Championships

CAS Swimming and Diving

CAS Swimming and Diving

CAS Swimming and Diving Championships


We hosted young leaders from around the Eastern Suburbs last week, and welcomed Independent Member for the Electorate of Wentworth, Ms Allegra Spender MP. Ms Spender encouraged the young leaders to be authentic, values based leaders who call and empower others to make meaningful change.

MP Allegra Spender

Year 9 Ballroom Dancing

As part of our PDHPE program and student wellbeing program, every Year 9 student participated in a short program of Ballroom Dancing under instruction from the Joan Carmody Dance Academy.

Along with students from St Clare’s College, our students participated in lessons in preparation for an evening of dance on Wednesday evening. I would like to congratulate our Year 9 cohort on their dress, manners and spirit to participate in such a positive way.

I received many comments of praise from parents and staff who witnessed the evening. Thank you to Mr Patrick Darvill for coordinating the evening and to the staff who assisted in supervising this great program.

Harmony Day – Tuesday, 21 March

Prefect Matthew Woods delivered an excellent speech at the College Assembly regarding Harmony Day, which the College will celebrate next week. Matthew unpacked the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different cultural backgrounds. 

View the video below that he used to support his impactful message. 


Next Tuesday, all senior students and staff are invited to a lunchtime Picnic in the Centenary Quad. Students are asked to bring their favourite cultural foods to share with their friends or mentor groups. Some picnic blankets will be available and students may like to bring their own.

World’s Greatest Shave – 15-19 March 

Prefect Jack Preller spoke at the College Assembly about the World Greatest Shave, and delivered the poignant message that 53 Aussies are diagnosed daily with blood cancer and 16 will lose their life.

He challenged us all to donate to the Leukaemia Foundation who support crucial research, and to screening programs that can change the lives of the 135,000 Australians living with Leukaemia today. The World’s Greatest Shave goal is zero lives lost to blood cancer by 2035, but they can only do it with your help. 

At the end of the Term, the five top donors will have their heads shaved, so if you start fundraising, maybe you’ll make the cut. You can help by donating here 

Touch Football Champions 

Congratulations to the 1sts Touch Football team who won the  Independent schools grand final – defeating a previously unbeaten St Ignatius’ College, Riverview.

Payton Tarau, Cruz Clarkin, Joseph Vonwiller, Asher Thomasyu, Cooper Taylor, Sam Johnson (Captain), Louis Johns, Vidar Sundkvist, King Manu, Keeyan Abrahams, Lachlan Algie, Darcy Standfield, Riley Donohoe, Judah Miller – Coach – Mr Tom Steel.

Ocean Lovers Festival at Bondi Beach – 18 and 19 March

The Volvo Ocean Lovers Festival taps into Australians’ love of their ocean lifestyle, with the largest dedicated ocean science and cultural celebration in Australia. Their accessible and interactive festival invites all-ages to dive into an informative and relaxed entertainment-rich environment, that harnesses the power of innovation, science, technology, art and entertainment, to accelerate positive change for our blue planet.

The schedule for this weekend can be found here: program

Critical Thinking in Studies of Religion

Congratulations to Ms Martina Cooper and Ms Cath Stewart, who presented to their NSW peers at the 2023 Studies of Religion (SoR) Conference last week. Their focus area was developing critical thinking skills to achieve SoR outcomes in Buddhism. 

Ms Martina Cooper and Ms Catherine Stewart

Congratulations, Ms Martina Cooper and Ms Catherine Stewart

Ms Cooper and Ms Stewart are held in high esteem across the SoR and Education community. They are regularly invited to participate at inter-faith forums, present at conferences, contribute to papers and currently Ms Cooper is on the CSSA Trial HSC examination writing committee. Their knowledge, skill and leadership in the field of SoR is highly regarded, and is reflected in the outstanding HSC results that the RE faculty and their students consistently achieve each year. 

At this year’s conference, Ms Cooper and Ms Stewart highlighted the importance of students critically evaluating information and arguments; identifying patterns and making connections; constructing meaningful knowledge and applying it in real-world situations. They gave examples of how they enable their students to be co-creators of learning experiences and equip them with the skills to ethically leverage technology to generate significant lines of inquiry. (Pedagogies for Deep Learning, 2020).


As well as providing deep insight into the importance of the global competency of critical thinking, they shared two exemplary Stage 6 Assessment tasks to demonstrate how students can write higher-order responses to HSC questions. They highlighted successful strategies for students such as, engaging with the stimulus, using relevant terminology, using contemporary examples, ensuring the living religious tradition of Buddhism is evident and producing analytic responses rather than narrative responses. 


They closed their presentation by highlighting the importance of encouraging students to write by hand. There is a large volume of research that supports the benefits of writing by hand. For example, Psychology Today’s (2021) paper on “Why Handwriting Encourages Better and Faster Learning” asserts that “the use of pen and paper gives the brain more ‘hooks’ to hang your memories on. Writing by hand creates much more activity in the sensorimotor parts of the brain,” senior author Audrey van der Meer said in an October 2020 news release. “A lot of senses are activated by pressing the pen on paper, seeing the letters you write, and hearing the sound you make while writing. These sensory experiences create contact between different parts of the brain and open the brain up for learning. We both learn better and remember better.”

Waverley students sitting exams

I recently spoke to our Year 12 students on this very topic. We know that Trial and HSC examinations require candidates to write quickly and legibly. An average student ought to be able to write in the vicinity of 2,500 words in a two-hour examination. It is essential that they build their handwriting capacity and stamina if they are to produce work under examination conditions that truly reflects their ability and knowledge.

I read an article by a physiotherapist who said that attaching weights or batteries to the end of a pen in the weeks leading up to an examination is unlikely to be efficacious, but that regularly writing using pen and paper for the next six months is the only way to develop this critical motor skill.

Congratulations once again to Ms Cooper and Ms Stewart for their outstanding contributions to the SoR, Education and Waverley community.

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar. 


A reminder below on how to report your son’s absence. Please do not email the Junior School email or the class teacher. This needs to be logged in the system. 

Area Contact  Enquiry Steps Contact Person
Absence Reporting an absence 1st Contact

2nd Contact  

Waverley College App

Ms Danielle Brown

Absentee line: 02 9369 0632 


Students are expected to be at school by 8:35am. Late arrivals in Years 5 and 6 need to report to the Junior School Reception where Ms Sanchez will mark their name off. 

Holiday and Leave Requests

Parents/carers requesting permission for up to three days of leave or extended holiday periods exceeding three school days, must apply for permission from the Director of the Junior School. Permission needs to be in writing at least two weeks in advance, and is not automatically granted.

Parking at the Church

There are a lot of parents/carers parking in the church car spaces before and after school. Fr Bernie has asked that I advise all parents/carers to not park in the driveway or in front of the church at any time, unless you are attending Mass or visiting Fr Bernie.

Driveways must be kept clear for emergency vehicles if attending the retired priests on the property.

Thank you for your support with this. 

EzyMart at Charing Cross and Prime Drink 

Just a reminder, that students are not allowed to go to the EzyMart at Charing Cross in their uniform before and after school, unless they are with a parent/carer.

Please make sure students are coming to school with healthy drinks and snacks in the morning, as there has been a rise in sugary drinks and snacks.

There have been issues around the drink ‘Prime’ and it has now been banned. Please do not allow students to bring these to school as they will be confiscated.

Thank you.


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of the Junior School


Harmony Day – Tuesday, 21 March

A reminder that we will be celebrating Harmony Day on Tuesday, 21 March (Week 8). Children are to wear their PE Uniform on the day and to show their support, they are encouraged to wear a touch of orange as part of their uniform for the day. We are also asking students to bring in a gold coin donation to support our CARITAS appeal.

We would also like to celebrate our diversity by asking students to bring in a plate of food from home that best represents their culture, that can be shared amongst the class.

Mother’s Day Mass at Mary Immaculate Church, Friday, 12 May, 12pm

The celebration of mothers, grandmothers and significant others in the lives of our Waverley College Students, will be celebrated on Friday, 12 May at 12pm (Week 3, Term 2). This will be at Mary Immaculate Church followed by a light lunch at the Junior School.  

>>> Click here to view the invitation and to RSVP.

Part of the celebration will include a slideshow. Please send through a photo of your son(s) with their mothers/grandmothers if you would like a photo included in this presentation.

Please email photos to

Parish Mass at Mary Immaculate Church, Wednesday, 22 March, 9:15am

Both 6 White and 6 Red will attend Mass at Mary Immaculate Church beginning at 9:15am. Parents/carers are warmly invited to attend.


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School / Identity & Student Formation


NAPLAN 2023 Dates

Well done to Year 5 for completing their NAPLAN Writing assessment this week. We are so proud of their efforts to do their very best. We have three more to go this week, please see the information below.

Monday, 20


Tuesday, 21


Wednesday,  22


Periods 1 and 2  Reading (50 mins)

9am – 10am

Conventions of Language (45 mins)

9am – 10am

Numeracy (50 mins)

9am – 10am

Catch up tests will be on Thursday 23 and Friday 24 March. 

Students must bring their fully-charged laptops and headphones to school each day for their assessments. All students were given a set of headphones in their stationery pack at the beginning of the year, but some are now lost or broken, so please ensure that your son has working headphones by Monday. 

We wish Year 5 all the best in their remaining NAPLAN next week.


Ms Charlotte Stephens

Assistant Director of Curriculum


Co-Curricular Sport – Round 6

It is our final round of Summer Co-Curricular Sport for Term 1 tomorrow (Saturday, 18 March). I wish all teams the best of luck and ask them to represent Waverley proudly, as I know they will. It has been a special term of sport for all students, and I hope your sons have enjoyed being involved.

Please ensure you refer to the Waverley College app announcements each week, as I will continue to send out the weekly Sports Fixtures for the Winter Sport Season in Terms 2 and 3. All families can also locate all relevant Junior School Co-Curricular information via the College website by clicking the button below.

Click here to view Fixtures and Venue Maps

IPSHA Touch Football

Congratulations to the following students who not only tried for the IPSHA Touch Football team, but made it through and will now compete at NSWCIS against the best players in NSW: Talin Opai, Kalan Fisher, Jackson MacAskill, Jacob Coleman, Jordan Strbac, Tio Norman.

It’s a significant achievement and we wish the team the best of luck for the next opportunity to come.

ISPHA Touch Football Trials

ISPHA Touch Football Trials

External Sporting Achievements

State Nippers

Following on from last week’s results, a massive congratulations to the following students who also completed at State Nippers and medalled in their age group:

Patrick Spencer: U10 Gold Medal, Beach Relay (North Bondi); Bart Carmody: U11 Gold Medal Board Race, Gold Cameron Relay, Silver Board Relay, 6th-Ironman (North Bondi); Freddie Goldrich: U11 Silver Medal Board Relay (with Bart); Brynn Spierings: U11 Bronze Board Relay (North Bondi); Jake Coleman: U11 Mixed Beach Relay (Coogee); Jude McDermott: U11 Swim Final (Clovelly).

Water Polo Tournament

Waverley Water Polo students competed at the Orange Water Polo Tournament representing UNSW last weekend, finishing 3rd in their pool. What a great achievement by our Junior School students: Joey Di Blasio, Charlie Maynell, Oscar Barrow, Louis Coleman, Rory Palmer, and Hopper Dyke-Miller. 

Water Polo

Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)


Home Learning Club – Week 7

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


Click here to register your son

Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent/carer signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to email us.


If afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached. Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.

Reader of the Week

Reader of the week

New Books and Checking in on the Waverley Reading Challenge

New books in the Learning Hub

New books in the Learning Hub

This book, Barefoot Kids: Your Epic Money Adventure by Scott Pape (recommended by Ollie Burke Year 6), has been in high demand since numerous copies of it arrived.

After getting their hands on a copy, Edward Crabbe and Jake Mussett informed me that they had learned a great deal about the importance of doing household chores for no pay, how to create their own money buckets, and how to begin planning for the future.

This book holds the secret to raising smart, resilient, kind and hard-working kids who will grow up knowing how to manage their money.

Waverley Reading Challenge

These students  are taking charge of their own reading objectives and regularly checking in to see what they should read next for the Waverley Reading Challenge.

Drawing Club 

Max Pargeter was the source of our drawing inspiration last week. His book, You Can Draw Animals, set the scene for all types of animals to be drawn – real, mythical, hybrid or favourite. It was busy, it was creative, it was fun and highly sociable.

Max Pargeter

I want to express my gratitude to all the boys in the Drawing Club who attend each session with passion and creativity.

Drawing Club

Drawing Club

Drawing Club

Drawing Club

Drawing Club

Drawing Club


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


Happenings in 5 Red with Mr Horry

5 Red

Enjoying a terrific start to their Waverley College journey and making the most of all of the wide ranging learning opportunities available, 5 Red are well on their way towards greatness. The boys continue to grow and embrace the Waverley Core Values each and every day.

5 Red

5 Red

5 Red

Our topic in English this term is ‘New Beginnings’, and the boys are exploring various text types such as interviews, podcasts and autobiographies.

5 Red

5 Red

5 Red

5 Red

5 Red


Mr Alon Horry

Classroom Teacher 5 Red

On Friday, 10 March, we were delighted to welcome back Mr Robert Tall to Waverley College. Robert, who left Waverley last year to take up a role as consultant at Writer’s Toolbox,  continues to be a wonderful coach to staff and students. In a seminar entitled ‘Waverley College – Going for Gold’, Robert provided the Year 7 students with invaluable tips on how to best present themselves in their NAPLAN writing exam. 

The students learned about the ‘Family of Five’ – five specific sentence styles to ensure fluency and precision in both Persuasive and Creative tasks. The Year 7 students also demonstrated their own knowledge of a number of other sentence styles and paragraphs which greatly impressed Robert, as well as the teachers present at the seminars. 

It was great to hear many students tell me about how they integrated the ‘Family of Five’ into their narratives after their NAPLAN exam on Wednesday.

Thank you to Robert for providing his support and expertise at such a busy time, and to Ms Attard for making it all happen. Thank you also to Ms Tanner for taking the photographs.

We wish all Year 7 and Year 9 students well in the remaining NAPLAN tests (Reading, Language Conventions and Numeracy) next week.