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The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is well underway for 2023, with many students on track towards completing their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards respectively.

New enrolments for this year are now closed, as we are currently at capacity, with openings and registration for new students to become available in the foreseeable future.

Please stay tuned and watch this space for announcements for new enrolments, especially for boys currently in Year 8.

Compulsory lunchtime meetings are currently being held for all students involved with the Award. Boys in Year 8 are invited to attend these meetings along with any other students who would like to express their interest.

Bronze Award: Lunchtime meeting held in the Fitzgerald Room, Wednesday Week B. Please arrive promptly at 1pm to have your name marked off.

Silver and Gold Award: Lunchtime meeting held in the Fitzgerald Room, Friday Week A. Please arrive promptly at 1pm to have your name marked off.

For all enquiries, please contact: Mr Alon Horry or Ms Laura McLarnon.

Duke of Edinburgh

Duke of Edinburgh

Thank you for attending the online Year 10 Parent/ Student Information Evening held on Tuesday, 14 March. Key speakers went through important information on the subject selection process, information on post-school options and specific Year 10 wellbeing information.

Please find below a video of the recording of the evening in case you wish to review any of the items that we went through.


Students and parents/carers should also read through the Subject Requirements Booklet which was referenced in the session: Subject Requirements Booklet.

Click the button below to view this booklet.

Click here to view the Subject Requirements Booklet

Congratulations on such a positive start to the NAPLAN testing period on Wednesday with the Writing component.

The remainder of the test sessions are scheduled for next Monday, 20 March to Wednesday, 22 March as per the testing timetable which is available by clicking the button below.

Click here to view the Senior School NAPLAN timetable

Students are reminded to bring their charged laptops, headphones and a pen.

This is a reminder that the Year 12 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews will be held on Tuesday, 21 March. Bookings can be made through the Parent Lounge in TASS.

Meetings will be held via Zoom. An instructional video has been provided below to assist you with accessing the Zoom platform.

To connect to a Waverley College Zoom Parent Interview

Click here to view instructions

A list of Zoom account numbers will be sent to parents/carers by our IT Department prior to the meeting date. You do not need the zoom code to make your bookings.

*Bookings opened on Monday, 13 March and will close at noon on Monday, 20 March. Please ensure you book your appointment during this time frame, as we will be unable to open the bookings once closed.

Meetings will take place between either 3:45pm to 7pm or 4:15pm to 7:30pm, depending on the individual teacher. Please ensure that you leave a five-minute gap minimum between bookings, to allow for transition time.

The link to the Parent Lounge is below.
user id = email address
password = if you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password’

Technical Issues?

If you have any technical issues with using the system, then you should contact the IT Department on 9369 0784 or email:

Last weekend, Year 12 students Jack Preller and Harrison Rimell attended the NSW Youth United Nations State Conference with 200 high school students from across the state, to learn about leadership, diplomacy and advocacy, and to take part in the global conversation about modern conflicts.

Jack and Harrison - United Nations Conference

Harrison Rimell has written a brief overview of their experience:

“Throughout the three-day event, we partook in workshops, activities and ultimately three separate Model UN summits. Hosted in Collaroy, the conference consisted of discussions on a variety of prevalent issues facing the world and global youth today, ranging from conflict to environmentalism. Jack and I were able to speak with other young people from around NSW to coordinate solutions to these issues, as well as be informed from others; an experience that I would recommend to anyone looking to broaden their perspective and further their understanding of politics. 

After a day of workshops and activities, we participated in three separate model UNs; I represented Colombia, and Jack, Finland. Together with the other delegates, we pushed conventions on international cybercrime, the refugee crisis, weapons manufacturing and the rules of engagement. The debates surrounding these issues were nuanced and helped Jack and I to better understand the multi-faceted nature of policy-making.

In addition to simply discussing these issues, we met with the 2023 Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations, as part of her listening tour. The points that we, among ~190 other students, raised to her will be brought up in her statement to the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Jack and I both feel honoured to be able to have such a direct impact on the ongoings of world politics, and recommend this program to anyone who wishes to engage with current affairs on a meaningful level.”

Jack and Harrison - United Nations Conference

We are seeking Expressions of Interest for an educational and cultural tour to India and Nepal in April 2024. The tour program will focus on aspects of Hinduism and a walk in the footsteps of the Buddha from a Studies of Religion perspective.

The geographical focus will include case studies of urban environments, population demographics, megacities, the impact of tourism and fragile ecosystems. It is anticipated that the tour will include New Delhi, the Taj Mahal, Rajasthan, Varanasi and Kathmandu with an immersive experience in an EREA school.

The tour is open to Waverley College students currently in Years 9, 10 and 11.

To indicate your expression of interest, please click the button below to complete the Google Form.

Click here to indicate your expression of interest



Please contact Ms Martina Cooper or Mr Adam Wallington.

There will be an Information Night early in Term 2 to provide further details.

On Wednesday, 22 March, a group of 21 Year 10 Students will be representing Waverley College in the 2023 Science and Engineering Challenge at Sydney Olympic Park. Students will compete in various challenges that align with the career profiles of a range of scientists and engineers.

Click here to view the brief about each challenge

Meet at: 7:30am in the Centenary Quad

Transport: A bus will transport students to and from the venue

Wear: Full College uniform

Bring: Food and water, calculator, pen, pencil, ruler, rubber

Return: to Waverley College at approximately 4pm

Permission note: Found in the Parent Lounge

We wish the students the best of luck!

Year 11 Design and Technology and ITW students will attend a stimulating excursion at the Powerhouse Museum, to see a selection of incredible Band 6 HSC projects, presented by students from around the state, from the 2022 HSC.

When: Friday, 24 March 2023

Where: Students will assemble in the Braidwood area at 9am. We will walk to Bondi Junction to catch the train to Central Station, and then walk to the Powerhouse Museum located at 500 Harris Street, Ultimo.

Clothing: Full school uniform must be worn.

Food: Students are required to bring a packed lunch to eat during a break outside the venue.

Dismissal: Students will be dismissed from the Powerhouse Museum around 2:15pm to make their own way home. It is your son’s responsibility to ensure he completes the work from classes missed on the day. Any student who has Cadets must inform us, so that they can be released early, to get back to school by 3:15pm.

Excursion cost: Approximately $43, billed to your account.

Parent/Carer permission: parent/carer permission is required. Please complete the permission slip in the Parent Lounge by Friday, 17 March.

A reminder that our school will be participating in NAPLAN Online between 15 and 24 March 2023.

As per the timetable below:

Click here to view the NAPLAN timetable

Students must bring their fully-charged laptops and headphones to this session.

Excessive preparation for NAPLAN Online is not recommended. Students do not need to be able to touch type to complete NAPLAN Online, as the tests are not about keyboard skills (just as the paper test is not about handwriting skills).

Students can use the public demonstration site to familiarise themselves with the types of questions and tools available in the NAPLAN Online tests.

If you have any questions regarding this test, please email either:


Term 1, 2023 – Lenten Term

Click here for Swim School Information

Click here for Student-Based Tutoring - SBT

Week 7


Week 8


Weeks Ahead

The Year 10 Parent/ Student Information Evening in Week 7 on Tuesday, 14 March at 6pm will be an online session.

Key speakers will go through important information on the subject selection process, information on post-school options and specific Year 10 wellbeing information.

The link will become live at 6pm on Tuesday, 14 March.

Link to Year 10 Parent / Student Information Evening

Students and parents/carers should also read through the Subject Requirements Booklet below which will be referenced in the session.

Click here to view the Subject Requirements Booklet

Dear Parents and Carers,

Enrolment applications for Years 5 and 7, 2025 will close in two weeks.

If you have a sibling enrolment you wish to enrol in 2025 and haven’t yet submitted an application, please ensure that you do so by the closing date on Friday, 31 March.

If your son is currently enrolled in the Junior School, you do NOT need to re-enrol for the Senior School.

If you have any questions regarding sibling enrolment please do not hesitate to contact me directly.