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Dear Parents and Carers

Waverley College is participating in a research project titled ‘Early Intervention for Child Problematic Screen Use’ facilitated by Macquarie University, regarding screen use and gaming by students in Years 5-8.

The findings from this project will provide valuable insights into screens and gaming for our student population, and will contribute to the research in Australia around how to prevent and treat those children and families suffering from Gaming Disorder and related problematic screen use.

Students in Years 5-8 will complete an online survey which will include questions about their screen use patterns, relationships, thoughts and feelings. The survey will typically take no longer than 40 minutes and will be completed in class on the dates below:

If you agree for your child to take part in the project, you are not required to do anything else.

At school, your child will also be given an information sheet about the research project and will be able to participate or decline participation, as they wish.

If you do not want your child to participate in the study, please click the button below to fill in your details on page 2 of the ‘Parent Participants Information and Consent Form’ and email it to by Friday, 3 March, 2023.

Click here to view the Parent Participants Information and Consent Form

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Students

Another great Friday afternoon for the recruits in Delta Company. The recruits this afternoon were informed about the different night locations around Holsworthy Army Base where they will be staying on AFX.

They were taught how to set up their Company Harbour, and the safety concerns to pay attention to, as well as piquet duty to protect their harbour. They also were briefed on the rules and regulations for entering a military base along with Waverley College Cadets behavioural expectations.

These important lessons will ensure their safety and most importantly, guarantee they have a fun time during their six-day camp.

by CPL Jack Kerves, Media PL

How to set up a company harbour

How to set up a company harbour

AFX 2023

There are just five days left to register your son’s attendance on AFX. To register, click the button below.

Register here for AFX 2023

All cadets need to be registered by 1 March 2023, including rank.

There are many, many recruits who have not yet collected their second set of DPCU from the Q Store. Thus far, recruits from platoons 1-8 have been emailed to collect uniform. It is the recruits’ responsibility to come and collect their stores for camp.

*Parents and carers, please be aware that Q Store will only be open until Friday, 24 March. There will be no provision to issue any gear after 24 March. If your son only has one set of uniform when packing for camp, he will have to make it last the week.

*Q Store is always open on Wednesdays – Recess and Lunch and after school.

Just a note also about hats – all recruits have been issued with a field hat, but many are forgetting to bring the hat on Fridays. Cadets are to wear headdress at all times when in public, so please ensure your son wears his field hat as he leaves home. Can I please ask that any spare hats you may have, are returned to the Q Store?

Five weeks until AFX!

Summer Co-curricular Activities Continue

Click here for Fixtures and Venue Maps

Our Term 1 Summer Co-curricular activities continued last week and this week we are at home to Cranbrook. This includes the local blockbuster Basketball derby on Friday evening.

We want as many supporters there as possible, but I request all current students to please be seated in the designated areas and dressed in full College summer uniform or full College co-curricular summer sport uniform.

Excellent standards of behaviour and cheering for Waverley only, is what is expected.

Year 7 Returns From Camp

Our Year 7 cohort also arrived back from camp last week with some great stories and experiences. Thank you and well done to these students and staff for the three challenging days out at Somerset. Hopefully you gained some special memories and strengthened some existing, as well as forming new, friendships.

Year 7 Camp

Year 7 Camp

Year 7 Camp

Year 7 Camp

Year 7 Camp

Year 7 Camp

Congratulations – We Salute You!

Well done Thomas McKenna (Year 11) who was recognised at the NSWCIS awards last Saturday for being a part of the national winning U15 CIS Rugby League Team in 2022.

We recognise these cricketers selected for the CAS U15 Cricket side to play GPS: Jonathon McDonald (Year 10), Toby McDonald (Year 10) and William Livissianis (Year 9).

Some special mentions to Waverley cricketers who continue to shine. I’d like to spotlight the following worthy performances from:

These students are impressive role models for their teams and our College.

Nippers, Oztag and Annual Christian Brothers Swimming Carnival

We also have a large number of students competing this weekend in the Nippers State Carnival, State Oztag, as well as our swim squad at the annual Christian Brothers Swimming Carnival. I want to wish all of these students the very best for this weekend.

Senior School House Swimming Carnival – Friday, 3 March

Next week on Friday, 3 March is the Senior School House Swimming Carnival at Des Renford Leisure Centre in Maroubra. Students are able to make their own way to and from the venue, but if they want to catch a bus they will need to be at school by 7:45am. Buses will return to the College by 3pm.

Please click the button below for all information and the schedule of events.

Click here to view detailed information about the Senior School House Swimming Carnival

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021

Key Dates and Reminders

Good luck to all teams and activities this weekend!

The Cricket Supporters’ Club invites all players from Years 5-12, coaches and families to celebrate another season of great cricket.

The evening in the College’s Braidwood Courtyard includes awards, a BBQ with Trivia Game hosted by our First IX, a fun hit in the nets, and lots of exciting prizes to win.

Tickets are $10 and include BBQ! These must be purchased before the event.

Click here to book tickets now

You can also buy ‘Virtual Bats’ for a chance to win some fantastic prizes in the raffle:

All money raised goes towards supporting Cricket at Waverley College – including extra coaching, gear, and equipment.

Click here to view the Cricket Presentation Evening Poster

See you there!


Cricket Supporters’ Club

Waverley College

What a busy start of the year at Book Hire!

Once again, a very warm welcome to the Waverley family and to all our new students.

On the first two days of Term 1, we successfully distributed almost 474 packs to Years 7 and 8 students, followed by hundreds of textbook class sets completed within the first weeks of term across all subjects.

A Few Book Hire Points Worth Noting

Book Hire Opening Hours 2023

Here’s to many happy book borrowings ahead!

Basketball Report V St Aloysius’ – 17 February 2o23


On Friday night, the 1sts Basketball played against St Aloysius’ in front of an electrifying crowd. Unfortunately, the boys were not able to bring the win home to Waverley, with the end score 89 to 95. Even before the game tipped off, the atmosphere was amazing. Waverley knew it was going to be a tough matchup, after only beating St Aloysius’ in a memorable game that was forced into a double overtime, with Waverley securing the two-point win.

As the game started, Waverley had the momentum for the first 10 points, but were not able to hold onto it for very long. With a few dunks and the St Aloysius’ crowd roaring, the boys lost the lead. By the end of the 1st quarter, Waverley had fallen short, as they were down by 10. With the lead and the crowd, St Aloysius’ 1sts kept the momentum to bring their lead up to 23. A timeout was then called, and Waverley knew they had to bring this back, and by the end of the first half they brought the deficit back to 12 behind Marley Henare’s spectacular shooting.

During the second half, it was a very tight matchup with multiple lead changes. As both teams played through the hot temperatures and blaring crowd, they both knew the game was going to be tight. During the fourth quarter, Daniel Palacio really shined with his defence, but unfortunately it was not enough to contain St Aloysius’, resulting in a 6-point loss. The amazing rebounding from Zion Poitaha and Marko Rangan’s scoring ability helped the 1sts stay competitive throughout the game.


On Friday, the 2nds Basketball tipped off to start the night in front of the monstrous St Aloysius’ crowd. The 2nds were able to play through the crowd, beating Aloys with the end score 68-59. Heading into the game, the 2nds were undefeated and sitting on top of the leader board. The game started with St Aloysius’ coming out firing, which was a big surprise for Waverley, after beating them by 23 in Term 4.

By the end of the first quarter, Waverley was able to grasp the lead following behind Jack Anasson’s hot start. During the second quarter, Waverley was able to gain the 10-point lead heading in to half time with more confidence.

During the second half, the Aloys crowd got louder and louder, making the floorboards shake. Jock Edwards’ scoring kept the lead for the 2nds, as the St Aloysius’ defence could not contain him.

Through the fourth quarter, St Aloysius’ was able to chase Waverley’s lead to only three. The 2nds were put off by this, and they were able to increase the lead to 9 points, led behind Dom Smith’s defence.


The 10As had a spectacular game, beating St Aloysius’ by 22 with the end score 48-26. The 10As were led behind Tamen Peralta’s hustle, Matiasi Falaniko’s rebounding and Rory Donnellan’s finishing around the basket. It was a tremendous effort from the 10As, losing to St Aloysius’ by two in Term 4.


The 9As had the toughest match of their season, losing their first game against St Aloysius’ by just a mere two points, with the final score 41-43. Waverley commenced with a fiery start, with a 15 point lead, but unfortunately they could not keep it, with St Aloysius’ chasing them in the second half. The team was led by the stars Petros Kalpouzanis’ shooting, Angus Peshos’ playmaking and Solomone Penitani’s defence.


The 8As had a close game against St Aloysius’, resulting in a 13-point loss that was fought hard until the end by the players. The end result was 41-54 to St Aloysius’. The star players of the game were Dominic Dametto (speed), Philip Falaniko (defence) and Hayden McAusland (spectacular scoring).


Coming into their second game in high school, the 7As played an exceptional game of Basketball, losing by just 8-points, with the end result 24-32. Right from the tip off the players played with all their hearts, diving for every loose ball.

Good luck to all teams as they face off against our local rival Cranbrook, this weekend.



1st and 2nd V

Having narrowly lost by 6 points against Knox a week earlier, the 1st V desperately needed to win this Round 7 fixture to remain within touch of league leaders, Knox and St Aloysius’, who were both two wins in front of Waverley. Unfortunately, while the final score was close, the 1st V allowed St Aloysius’ to get out to too great a lead at one stage. Waverley did well to reel their opponents back in, and even take a small lead in the 3rd quarter, however, the home crowd urged their players on to victory in the final quarter.

An unbeaten 2nd V would have been confident of beating fifth place St Aloysius’, however, the men from Milson’s Point put up a great fight to give Waverley a scare, and it was not until the final siren that Waverley was assured of the win.

The 1st V now drop to 4th place with 3 wins and 4 losses, with Barker having moved ahead by one win. The 2nd V remain at the top of the table with 7 wins, however a couple of very tricky fixtures are looming against 3rd place Cranbrook and 2nd place Trinity, and therefore there is still plenty of Basketball left to play if they are to take out the premiership.

Around the Courts

Waverley enjoyed a great round against St Aloysius’, winning the majority of our fixtures: 3rd (40-28), 4th (46-34), 10A (48-26), 10B (32-23), 10C (45-32), 10D (45-25), 10E (20-0), 10F (54-24), 10G (51-16), 10H (20-0), 9B (30-26), 9C (46-24), 9D (42-33), 9E (28-23), 9F (20-0), 9G (29-18), 9H (34-12), 8C (25-17), 8D (36-20), 7B (57-15), 7C (40-29), 7D (39-25), 7E (29-19), 7F (46-10), and 7G (22-21) with the 5ths drawing 38-all.

Come and Support the Games this Week

This week, Waverley faces off against local rivals, Cranbrook in a highly-anticipated game.

The 1sts and 2nds play Friday night fixtures in the Waverley Gym, which are expected to be very well-supported affairs. These games are always fierce contests and very close.

Come along and show your support for the players and coaching staff.


The Supporters’ Club BBQ Needs YOU!

If you can help on our Supporters’ Club BBQ for one hour this Saturday, before or after your son’s game, please contact Rachael Smith on 0412 693 243 or at

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. We really need to upgrade and purchase more backboards and hoops for the campus, and the Saturday BBQ is our primary means of raising money to help with this.


Save the Date – Basketball Presentation Evening – Saturday, 18 March 2023, 6pm-8:30pm

Saturday, 18 March is the Basketball Presentation Evening. The awards ceremony will be hosted in the Gym, after dinner in Braidwood (weather permitting).

There will shooting games and prizes to win. Details are being finalised this week, and a flyer will be released in next week’s Nurrunga and through the Waverley College app.

Good luck to all teams this week against Cranbrook!

During the 2022-23 summer school holidays, Year 12 student Theo Varvaressos spent two weeks surrounded by many highly-regarded scientists and like-minded students exploring the opportunities available to budding scientists post the HSC.

The experience was split up into two weeks.

Week one was online, where participants networked with industry experts and a range of different scientists such as the CEO of Lockheed Martin (an Australian defence contractor), the NSW state recipient of Australian of the Year Professor Veena Sahajwalla, and UN scientists and board members.

Week two saw participants traveling to a variety of labs specialising in computer science, quantum computing, biomedical sciences, and environmental chemistry. Participants also visited universities, a nuclear reactor, spoke with professors, attended lectures, conducted experiments, and attended a range of social events.

Theo highly recommends Year 11 students apply for this significant opportunity, as he highlights the benefits of meeting and questioning a range of scientists and doctors on their occupations and career paths. He was able to determine the day-to-day tasks for a range of professions and industries, enabling him to determine the appropriate university and degree best suited to his passions.

Theo also mentions the added benefit of a bonus ATAR point!

If you would like to learn more about the National Youth Science Forum, please see Ms Brown or Theo and we can discuss your application further.

Click here to view the National Youth Science Forum website

Hudson Langan-Stark (Year 7) has wanted to be a Marine Biologist since he was seven. His wish came true when he joined the organisation called ‘Little Dreamers’, which supports the siblings of those who have disabilities.

Husdon’s wish was to go to Townsville and be a Marine Biologist for a day at James Cook University (JCU), which has a top marine science program.

Below is Hudson’s recount of his time at JCU:

“At JCU, I got to do many exciting activities, but one of my favourites was working at The Caraplace. The Caraplace is the world’s first and only turtle health research facility. There, I got to learn all kinds of facts about sea turtles, but I also learned that funding for the facility was quite difficult. The reason why it is so hard, is that many organisations give grants to continue research, but the sea turtles still need food, holding containers, maintenance of their filters, and other basic needs. So, to give back to the Caraplace for giving me my dream experience and the opportunity of a lifetime, I want to raise enough money to help the turtles so that we can continue researching healthy turtles.”

Hudson would appreciate the support of anyone who is in a position to donate to the continued research of healthy turtles

Hudson is hoping to make a difference in this cause very close to his heart, and would appreciate the support of anyone who is in a position to donate to the continued research of healthy turtles.

Would you like to help? Click the button below to view Hudson’s GoFundMe page.

Hudson Langan-Stark's GoFundMe page

Shrove Tuesday saw the smell of pancakes, syrup and ice cream fill the Centenary Quad. Thank you to all those students who supported our Project Compassion fundraiser, and especially to all those who brought in pancakes on the day.

We sold over 44 litres of ice cream and topping with our pancakes and raised over $1,000!

Well done to all our Prefects who served on the day.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity

Dear Parents, Carers and Students of Year 7,

We are looking forward to you joining us next Tuesday, 28 February at 6pm for the parent/carer and student information evening on Study Skills with Dr Prue Salter in the College Gymnasium.

Parents/carers and students should attend together, as the session is very interactive. Both students and parents also need to bring along a pen. Handouts will be given out during the evening.

The Main Areas that will be Covered

Also, just to remind you that our College is a subscriber to the study skills website

The Study Skills website will help you develop essential skills for academic success. There are units of work on improving time management skills, how to study, research skills, summarising, technology use, brain and memory and much more.

Everything you need to know about becoming a more powerful learner and improving your marks at school can be found on this site. For example, learn how the colour of your room affects your ability to study, what the best study techniques are for your type of brain, how to improve your handwriting, and useful software and apps to block yourself from technology distractions.

You will also see lots of useful handouts, grids and planners at the bottom of the THINGS TO PRINT page.

How to Access the Handbook

To access the handbook, go to and login with these details:
username: forwaverleycollegeonly
password: 94results

The more of this website you can work through, the more you will set yourself up for academic success.

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.

Click here to read the Week 4 Careers Newsletter

Casual Job Opportunities

MSN Enterprise Group is a Trolley collection company that is currently seeking to recruit students who are willing to work after school hours and or during weekends as CASUAL employment.

This is a Trolley collection position, located at Bondi Junction – Woolworths.

Shopping Trolley



* All candidates need to be capable of pushing ten trolleys at one time

*On-the-Job training will be provided before commencement of duty

How to Apply

Interested candidates can call Hayley on 0433 558 007 or email


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Please join us in March to get together with parents and carers from Year 7.

Tickets are $20 per person which includes a welcome drink and pizzas.

NB: This is an adults-only event.

Location: Clovelly Hotel, 381 Clovelly Road, Clovelly

Date: Friday, 10 March 2023

Time: 6:30pm-11pm

Click here to book now