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January and February


Term and Holiday Dates 2023

Term and Holiday Dates

Last week, students in Years 8 and 9 undertook their Practice and Qualifying Adventurous Journeys as part of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Bronze Award.

They engaged in a wide range of operations, testing their strengths and weaknesses, whilst building relationships along the way.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a global youth program which challenges young people to dream big, celebrate their achievements and make a difference in their world. Doing the Award is a personal challenge; pushing participants to their limits and recognising and celebrating achievements.

The Award is run in over 130 countries, with over 8 million young people participating worldwide. Our College currently offers this Award to students in Year 8 and above, and spans Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.

For more information or to get involved please email Mr Alon Horry

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.

Week 8 Careers Newsletter


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Over the past few weeks, students in Mr Lind’s 7.1 Science class worked in teams to confront two critical questions:


Trying on the role of junior engineers for the week, the boys designed wind turbines to test their hypotheses for maximising wind power. By evaluating the project, it became evident that the boys key takeaways differed, depending on their personal interests.

For Kobey Sager, the windmill experiment supported his understanding of the brake and accelerant potential of wind in the building of his go-cart, whereas Alex Janis noted the ramifications for flags at the beach, and Harry Trinca considered the role of windsocks at the airport. 

Later in the week, the focus on potential energy shifted from fans to food, specifically, what types of food have the most potential energy? For these self-professed hungry students, an investigation of this nature was of the utmost importance! What better way to learn about the energy content in food than to burn some in the Science lab? Beginning with the humble potato chip, the boys quickly learnt that a big flame equaled a high fat content but energy fizzled fast, whereas chocolate wafers burnt for the longest time.

Although Mr Lind provided modelling of the reliable scientific research process for the class, he also ensured students had the flexibility to investigate and answer these deep inquiry questions, with the goal of building each student’s ability to handle cognitive complexity.

Each team worked at a different pace, which is consistent with the evaluative nature of many STEM problems, meaning problem solving is an important part of a student’s eventual success. Hands-on opportunities like these support the adoption of a student’s healthy attitude to learning and growth through self reflection, resilience and the sneaky consumption of a chocolate wafer or two!


Year 10 Service Week

Congratulations to our Year 10s who have made a significant impact across the community during Service Week. The boys have volunteered their time, care and efforts across a range of charities, primary schools, child care centres and NGOs. My email has been running hot all week with very positive feedback on their manners, care, patience and assistance, which we are all proud to hear and receive. Thank you to Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun and Ms Sue Walsh for coordinating the experiences. 

Year 8 Camp

Congratulations to our Year 8s who have performed very well on their outdoor education experience to Somerset Outdoor Learning Centre. Somerset is located about 90 minutes North-West of Sydney on the Colo River (known as the last pristine river in NSW). The Centre operates from a central Base Camp which services over 40km of the Colo Valley. 

Somerset offers the unique experience of tent camping, which presents the opportunity for students to engage with their natural surroundings and spirit of adventure. It provides a fun and supportive framework for students to develop leadership skills, work as a team and appreciate the value of friendships.

The boys participated in a number of activities including canoeing, rafting, abseiling, hiking, cooking, obstacle course, rock climbing and the wombat hole challenge. It is a wonderful opportunity for the boys to slow down from the fast-paced nature of big city living and no screen time. 

Two of our Duke of Edinburgh groups also used this as an opportunity to complete some of their Program requirements. Thank you to our dedicated teaching staff who supported the boys on their adventures.

Presentation Day 

The College Community is looking forward to celebrating the year at both the Years 5-8 Presentation Day (9am – 10:30am) and the Years 9,10,12 Presentation Day (12 Noon – 1:30pm). All parents/carers are welcome to attend either of these events, which are being held in the Gym.

Staffing Update 

Congratulations to Mr Stephen Ghattas who has been appointed (Acting) Assistant Director of the Junior School. Stephen is well known to the Waverley community as a caring and talented educator. He has previously carried out a number of leadership roles at the College including 18 months as Acting Assistant Director of Junior School, Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation, Religious Education coordinator, Maths coordinator and Acting Sportsmaster. We wish him much success in this role. 

Movember – for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in your life

Mr Bishoy Wasef (ICT Support Staff) has embraced Movember to raise funds for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. He has raised $915 thus far with five days left. If you would like to support this important cause, please donate via myMo Space by clicking the button below.

Donate Here

Climate Summit 

Powering Wentworth to Net Zero : Sunday, 27 November, 9:30am – 4pm (free)

The Wentworth Community has called for strong climate action, but what does it mean to reduce emissions to Net Zero and how long will this take? On Sunday, 27 November, Federal MP Allegra Spender is convening Wentworth’s first ever Climate Summit: Powering Wentworth to Net Zero in collaboration with local State MPs, Councils and the Smart Energy Council.

Register below to learn about the wide range of local initiatives currently underway from local councils, businesses, innovators and community groups.

Click here for event information and to register your interest in attending

This is a multi-partisan event that brings together members of all political stripes and all levels of government, and we hope it will kick-start an accelerated path to net zero for our community.

Climate Change Summit


A few weeks ago, I mentioned and congratulated three Waverley College Old Boys for making the European Wallaby tour. Excitingly, they will all be representing their country against Wales this weekend with Jed Holloway and Ben Donaldson named in the starting team and Sam Talakai named on the bench. Sam’s younger brother Kaiasi recorded a video message for his older brother from Year 8 camp this morning, hoping he makes his Wallaby debut on Sunday morning in Cardiff.  

Congratulations to Thomas Rudolph who has gone back-to-back centuries in cricket over the last two weekends. And, congratulations to Oliver Aboud and Zion Poitaha who have been selected in the U16 National Rugby Development Squad. All brilliant achievements!  

Term 4, 2022 – Advent Term

Swim School Information

Week 7


Week 8




Term and Holiday Dates 2023

Term and Holiday Dates

Diary Dates

Please find below key event dates you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 4. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 


Semester 2 reports will be available at 5pm today. These will be accessible via the Parent Lounge in TASS. To access your son’s report, please click the Waverley College Parent Lounge button below.

Parent Lounge

5 White Class Assembly

Well done to 5 White and Ms Tweedie on a wonderful class assembly this week. It was lovely to see the last assembly of the year filled with enthusiasm, joy and Christmas spirit. The students shared their acting, writing and dancing skills and sent us off to class singing Christmas songs. 

5 White Assembly

5 White Assembly

Congratulations to Marlow Moffit (5 Gold) and His Dad, Andrew Moffitt

Marlow Moffit completed the Overland Track in Tasmania with his Dad (Andrew) and Uncle (Mark) last week. 

In a rugged and wild country under some testing weather conditions (including sun, rain and snow!) Marlow pushed through 70 kilometres of ancient forests, steep mountain ranges, raging rivers and towering waterfalls with pure grit and determination.

It was an amazing experience, and we are incredibly proud of him and his effort. The beautiful photos capture their unique experience.

Marlow Moffitt Overland Trek


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

(Acting) Director of the Junior School


Student Youth Forum

Last Friday, 18 November, both Ryan Loughrey (5 Orange) and Sebastian Karhan (5 Indigo), were invited to attend the Wentworth Youth Forum with the Federal Member of Wentworth, Ms Allegra Spender.

They were joined by other student leaders from schools within the local area, to share what they see are the greatest concerns of young people in Wentworth. They were also given an insight into what it is like being a Federal representative.

Both boys represented the College with pride, and I look forward to attending future forums with them in 2023.

Student Youth Forum 2022

Student Youth Forum 2022

With Ms Allegra Spender MP, Member for Wentworth

Climate Summit – Climate Summit: Powering Wentworth to Net Zero – a Message from Ms Allegra Spender MP, Federal Member for Wentworth

“The Wentworth Community has called for strong climate action, but what does it mean to reduce emissions to Net Zero and how long will this take? On Sunday, 27 November, Federal MP Allegra Spender is convening Wentworth’s first ever Climate Summit: Powering Wentworth to Net Zero in collaboration with local State MPs, Councils and the Smart Energy Council. Register here to learn about the wide range of local initiatives currently underway from local councils, businesses, innovators and community groups.”

Climate Change Summit

Climate Change Summit


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation


Summer Co-Curricular Season 

Well done to all Summer Co-Curricular teams for finishing the uninterrupted season on such a high. I’d like to thank all coaches, students and parents/carers for their continued commitment throughout the year to all levels of Co-Curricular.

Zero interruptions allowed our students to enjoy a full calendar year of sport and extra co-curricular activities, which is undoubtedly important for their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

I wish all current Year 6 students the best of luck in Senior School in 2023, and I look forward to welcoming back our current Year 5 students as Junior leaders of our College.

Enjoy the restful break, stay active, and I wish all families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Please enjoy some team photos from the final round of Summer Co-Curricular sport last weekend.

Basketball D

Basketball D

Basketball G

Basketball G

Tennis A

Tennis A

Touch Football Gold B

Touch Football Gold B

Water Polo A

Water Polo A

Cricket 5A

Cricket 5A

Cricket 5A and 5B

Cricket 5A and 5B

Cricket 6A

Cricket 6A

Holiday Sport Camps are Available

Murphy Sports Holiday Club


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)


Home Learning Club – Week 8 

There will be NO Home Learning in Week 8.

Learning Hub Wrap up

As the College year comes to an end, I would like to acknowledge all the students who immersed themselves in the many activities the Learning Hub offered. 

The Learning Hub aims to inspire, engage and empower students through critical and creative activities, plus allow students to retreat, explore and collaborate with others, whether that be before school, Learning Hub sessions, or during lunch. 

All these activities and more will be on offer in 2023.   

Learning Hub

I hope you enjoyed viewing all the vibrant Learning Hub photos at the top of the screen.


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


Spectacular Junior School Music and Drama Performances 

A big thank you to all the boys who performed at the Junior School Music Festival on Thursday night. I am very proud of you. The boys also got an opportunity to perform some of the items from the Music Festival to the whole Junior School on Thursday afternoon.

I know they felt like stars, thanks to the very positive response they got from their peers from the Junior School.

Keep an eye out for our Junior School singers again, when they join the Senior School choir in a performance for the Presentation Day celebrations.

It’s not too late! If you have enjoyed watching and listening to some of the performing groups from the Junior School, all groups will be be running again in 2023. Please see Ms Rollins if you are interested.

For boys going into Year 6 you may like to join:

For boys going into Year 7 you may like to join:

So, as you can see, there is something for everyone.


If you have any questions at all regarding any of the music activities in our College, please email:

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival

Junior School Music Festival


Ms Michelle Rollins

Music and Drama Teacher

A selection of boys from the AFL Opens and 9/10 teams who have been selected to train off season, wrapped up their training with the AFL High Performance Squad this morning, and were treated to a delicious BBQ breakfast put on by some of the parents.

Mr Ben Shorthouse and Mr Gerard Pignatelli have done an amazing job of pushing these boys hard, both physically and mentally during the off season.

What a brilliant end to an excellent year!

AFL High-Performance Squad Training and BBQ

AFL High-Performance Squad Training and BBQ

Waverley teachers traded places with students in 7.1 on Monday as the boys led intellectual discussion, grounded by scientific research, on the question, “Climate Change is the single greatest challenge humans and the environment face.” Mr Sposari worked with the boys to create the Socratic Seminar opportunity due to the class interest in the topic, and their passion to fuse research with rigorous debate.

The boys’ initial presentations to the class were well designed and thoughtful, however, the magic of a socratic seminar is in each student’s ability to listen to each argument and construct a critical response to challenge or affirm a student’s point of view.

Each student’s argument was grounded in research that revealed a significant amount of effort to both engage and provoke the audience to consider new ideas. Of particular note was Luca Green who presented an image of Waverley College under water as a result of rising sea levels, shifting the discussion from abstract environmental considerations to a very real image of our College’s future.

Finley Carr was awarded the Seminar medal for being the most persuasive and confident as a result of his careful consideration of constructing an argument, whilst also demonstrating a thoughtful approach to challenging the perspectives of his peers. A special mention to James Kriska who shows promise as a brilliant debater.

The Socratic Seminar was highly successful in engaging the boys in rigorous and thought-provoking debate, as well as, fine tuning their ability to listen actively and respond carefully. Overall, the boys demonstrated a solid understanding of the environmental issues we face locally, as well as globally, and they should be congratulated on their ability to pursue and express insightful ideas underpinned by carefully considered research.

Ms Helen Barrie

Head of Academic Enrichment


Mr Nicholas Sposari

Teacher of HSIE and Religion

From the Captain


On Saturday, Waverley’s 1st V Basketball had a tough matchup against Barker, coming short with the final score, 67 to 75. The game was back and forth right from the tip-off with Barker coming into the second quarter up by five points. The 1st V was able to fight back and gain a four-point lead by the end of the first half, with James Dyson-Merwe leading the team with his athleticism.

The second half was led by Barker, with their defence stopping Waverley from scoring. With three minutes to go of the game, Waverley was down by 12 and were able to make a quick run with the help of Flynn Busteed’s and Marley Henare’s shooting to bring Barker’s lead to just six. Unfortunately, it was too late, with the 1st V losing by eight in the end.

Although it wasn’t the way Waverley wanted to end the year, they will come back stronger than ever, next year.


At Waverley, the 2nd V faced off against Barker to secure their undefeated first half of the season. With a huge amount of effort and grit, they were able to overcome Barker with the end score, 63 to 45. The first quarter was a slow one with Barker gaining a 10-point lead.

After the break, the dynamic duo of Dom Smith and Toby Longmire were able to pull the team up with their defensive presence to take the lead by the end of the first half.

After that, there was no stopping them, as they were able to build a 20-point lead with the help of Jock Edward’s spectacular performance.

With the win against Barker, the 2nd V is now sitting on top of the CAS leader board, winning all five games that they have played, hoping to secure the championship next year.

2nd Basketball v Barker

2nd Basketball v Barker


The 10A’ had a tremendous game with a 22- point win over Barker. The star players Ben Pignatelli, Kaden Baker and Tamen Peralta led Waverley, with the end score, 47 to 25.


The undefeated 9As were able to continue their run after having a close one against Barker, with the end score, 36 to 28. With the help of Angus Peshos’ shooting, Nico Palacio’s defence, and Jonte Garvey’s height, the 9As were able to cap off their unbelievable, undefeated first half of the season, hoping to go all the way next year.


The 8As had an incredible game, with the result showing a 33- point win over Barker. Dominic Dametto’s, Aidan Giusti’s and Philip Falaniko’s skills were showcased continuously throughout the game, with the end score, 62-29.

Congratulations to all the teams with each of them putting all their effort into the games. Good luck to all teams as they head off into the second half of the season next year.

A special thank you goes to Mr Gibbs who has given a tremendous effort in the first half of the season.


Tom Gleeson
Captain of 1st V

2nd Basketball v Barker

From the Convenor

The Barker game was always going to be a tricky fixture for the 1st V, if the recent history of tight games between the two schools was anything to go by. The 1st V needed to defeat Barker to ensure they stayed on top of the table, and right in the hunt for the Rev Fr A V Smith Shield, given fellow table-toppers, Knox and St Aloysius’, were almost certain to win their fixtures.

Ultimately, the 1st V had a disappointing outing, allowing Barker to penetrate the paint too much, giving away 46 points as well as missing too many of their own shots, only making 22 of 62 2-point field goal attempts.

As a result of this 75-67 loss, the 1st V now move from equal 1st to equal 3rd, with Barker on 3 wins and 2 losses, trailing Knox and St Aloysius’ by a game, after both schools won their fixtures.

With the Trinity Challenge Tournament in the upcoming holiday break, the 1st V will be desperate to perform well there, to take some confidence and form into the second half of the season, where they now face the challenging task of having to not only win all 5 games to stay in the race for the premiership, but hope that other results go their way as well.

Despite this setback, the 1st V have done very well to post their 3 wins this term, in what is a very open and competitive competition, and have the personnel to get the job done next term.

The 2nd V continue to dominate their opponents, putting a cellar-dwelling Barker side to the sword. Early in the game, victory was not assured as Waverley were slow to get going, allowing Barker to take a 12-2 lead, before they were able to hit their stride a minute into the 2nd quarter, to tie up the game at 12-all. From this point, Waverley started to pull away, leading 27-20 at the main break and 49-30 at three-quarter time.

The 2nd V eventually cruised to a 63-45 win, and continue to be outright leaders on 5 wins, with a 77-point differential, with Trinity following closely behind on 4 wins. While there are still another 5 games to play next term, and anything can happen, the 2nd V have certainly placed themselves in the best possible position for a chance of winning the competition.

2nd Basketball v Barker

2nd Basketball v Barker

2nd Basketball v Barker

2nd Basketball v Barker

Other Wins, Draws and Losses

In other games against Barker, Waverley performed very well, winning the following grades: 4th V (26-24), 5th V (34-28), 7th V (36-27), 10th V (32-24), 10A (47-25), 10C (29-27), 10H (39-28), 9A (36-28), 9B (41-21), 9F (18-17), 9G (30-25), 9H (33-30), 8A (62-29), 9B (35-32), 8C (37-24), 8D (41-27), and 8F (36-13).

At the halfway mark of the season, the 10As have 2 wins from 5 games, the 9As are still undefeated on 5 wins, and the 8As have 2 wins and a draw. In addition, the 9Bs and 8Cs are enjoying excellent seasons and are also undefeated, while the 10Cs, 10Hs, 9Ds, 9Gs, and 8Ds have 4 wins.

With the 1st V in 3rd place, 2nd V coming 1st, 10As 4th, 9As 1st and 8As in 3rd place, Waverley is the best performing CAS school overall across the top-level grades, a fantastic achievement for our players, coaching staff, and program. With a current win rate of 48% across all CAS games and grades this term, Waverley Basketball is looking like having its best season in a very long time.

Thank you

Thank you to Rachael and Glenn Smith for their tireless work on the Supporters’ Club BBQ over the past 6 weeks. They have done a tremendous job raising funds for the Program.

Many thanks to the numerous parents/carers who have also given their time to help, in particular for home games, our 1st V and 2nd V parents/carers. If any parent/carer is able to help out for one hour on a Saturday (before or after your son plays his game), please contact Rachael at It would be most appreciated!

The 1st V and 2nd V parents/carers also deserve additional recognition for the wonderful food they have provided players and staff for afternoon tea when we have hosted St Aloysius’ and Barker. Waverley has long been known for hosting the best post-game luncheons in the CAS, and this season is no different.

Enjoy a well-earned Christmas and New Year holiday break!

This Month on SchoolTV

Bullying is an ongoing or repeated misuse of power in relationships, with the intention to cause deliberate psychological harm. Bullying behaviours can be verbal, physical or social. It can happen in person or online, via various digital platforms and devices and it can be obvious or hidden.

Bullying in any form or for any reason can have immediate, medium and long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders.

Despite the efforts made to reduce bullying behaviours, the research tells us that one in four students still report being bullied every few weeks. However, not all negative behaviour should be considered bullying.

The key difference is that bullying does not stop on its own. It’s important young people learn how to identify behaviours that are rude, behaviours that are mean, and behaviours that are related to bullying.

Bullying SchoolTV

Often the reasons for bullying can be complex. Some young people do it to get approval from others, some do it to regain control, whilst others may do it because it makes them feel safe.

Supporting young people as they work through their emotions will help them unpack the motivation and reason behind the behaviour.

In this edition of SchoolTV, caregivers can better understand why some young people engage in bullying behaviours and what to do to support a child experiencing it.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact our College for further information, or seek medical or professional help.

Click here for this month's edition of SchoolTV


Ms Gabby Smith

Acting Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing

25 November 2022

2023 Fees

*As per the updated conditions of enrolment and as indicated on the College website, all Years 5 and 7 enrolments, Term 1 tuition fees are charged in Term 4, in the year prior. This includes continuing Year 6 (2023) students into Year 7 (2024). This replaces the “continuing confirmation deposit” usually charged in the 3rd Payment to Year 6. Year 5 and 7 will still receive an invoice in Term 1, 2024 for any applicable sundries, sibling discounts, excursion fees and camps. Please be advised that if this payment is not made by the due date, your son’s enrolment will be forfeited, and his place will be offered to a waitlisted candidate.

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount.

Any payment received after the due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. Internet/BPay/BPoint).

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Principal that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable. The relevant dates for 2022 and 2023 are below: