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This term, 7 Tech 9 have been studying, designing and creating truss bridges. A truss bridge is a bridge whose load-bearing superstructure is composed of a truss – a structure of connected elements, usually forming triangular units.

The connected elements may be stressed from tension, compression, or sometimes both in response to dynamic loads.

A stroll to Waverley Park one afternoon, allowed us to observe truss structures such as cranes and the telecommunications tower at Bondi Junction. Lessons in the woodwork rooms have seen some great collaboration, problem solving and challenges, as groups compete to create the strongest truss bridge.

Students are looking forward to testing their structures to see how much weight they can bear.

One more week left until the end of the term and end of the school year. With all exams done and dusted, assessments handed in and the summer holidays just around the corner, it’s time for all textbooks and English novels to be returned to Book Hire!

As such, if everyone can please ensure that ALL their textbooks have been returned by no later than Wednesday, 30 November, that would be greatly appreciated.

Please note that Book Hire is open Monday-Thursday, 8am-4pm, with the library as the second drop off point if needed.

A HUGE thank you to all students who have been diligent and returned their books already :)


We are excited to announce that Science Club will be offered at Waverley College as an extra-curricular activity for students from Years 7-12, commencing Term 1, Week 2, 2023. 

Science Club provides an opportunity for students to be presenting, critically analysing, and applying their understanding of scientific data and related concepts. Students must play an active role in their own learning experiences to increase engagement and academic achievement.

Scope and Sequence Science Club 2023

The scope and sequence of this program has been created for student-centred, inquiry-based learning.

In each session, students will have the opportunity to experiment with a focus on deepening their ability to apply the scientific method across all branches of Science.

The scientific skills embedded in this program are woven throughout the Stage 3-6 Science Syllabi and reflect Depth Studies and skills examined in the HSC courses.


Cost: $30.00 for Term 1

Materials: students are to bring a writing book. All other materials will be supplied.

Session times: select ONE from the following:


Sessions are limited to 25 students each and will run on a term-by-term basis. We envisage that the program will extend to the Junior School during the Winter Season.

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.

Week 7 Careers Newsletter


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

With over 180 boys volunteering in 90 community organisations located across Sydney, Year 10 students hit the ground running for Service Week this week!

It was a pleasure to visit so many organisations and see our students representing the College and themselves, with such pride and professionalism this week. Community organisations were very impressed with the degree of engagement, promptness, attention to detail, initiative and positive attitude shown by the boys.

It was humbling to hear the feedback from so many service organisations expressing their tremendous gratitude and admiration for the support they received from our students. Several organisations commented that, “the Waverley students were the best they have worked with,” given that they work with many other volunteer students. 

The feedback was a credit to all our Year 10 students and the maturity that they displayed during Service Week in the community. The boys also found the week highly beneficial, commenting on the opportunity they had to meet and work alongside a wide variety of people in the community, and reflected on how lucky they were in life and their enjoyment of the experience.

Service Highlights from the Week

A very special thank you to all of the community organisations who were able to accommodate our Year 10 students this week, and especially to those Year 10 parents/carers who assisted their sons to find a placement.

Special thanks goes to those teachers on the College staff in both the Senior and Junior Schools, who assisted with the program and checked in on students.


Congratulations to our new Captains and Prefects on a great effort yesterday with their BBQ and WaterFest fun. The Green House charity ‘Best Foot Forward’ helping disadvantaged women throughout the world through the Edmund Rice Foundation, benefitted from the $500 raised on the day.

This annual day of giving was multiplied by four, so our donation equated to $2,000. A wonderful effort by all those involved and thank you to all our supporters.

Biggest and Littlest Splash Award and Boogie Board Relay Winner

Competition in the pool events was epic, with the Biggest Splash award going to Ky Pule in the Seniors and Raphael Welch in the Junior division.

The Littlest Splash award went to Connor Andrews in the Seniors, and in the Juniors, Finn McCarthy took out the honours.

The Boogie Board relay was won by Conlon House. Congratulations to all competitors and thank you to Mr Kroll and Green House for hosting this event with the Captains. Well done!


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation

Diary Dates

Please find below key event dates you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 4. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 


Ms Gabby Smith

Director of the Junior School


Year 6 Graduation – Friday, 25 November 2022 

A final reminder about our Year 6 Graduation next Friday. Looking forward to seeing you all there to celebrate this special occasion for your son.

Year 6 2022 Graduation Invitation

Christmas Appeals

The Junior School is supporting the following two charities in the period leading up to Christmas. The Matthew Talbot Hostel, specialising in supporting the homeless men of Sydney and Kids Giving Back, supporting victims of both domestic violence and homelessness.

Donations for Matthew Talbot Include:

Toiletries (preferably small travel size items), underwear, socks, chocolates, notepads, pens.

Donations for Kids Giving Back Include:

Wet wipes, lip balms, roll-on Sunscreen, bandaids, emery boards, pocket tissues, hand sanitiser – small bottles, travel-size shampoos and conditioners, men’s combs.

Donations for both of these charities can be handed in to Ms Coupe at the Junior School front office. We will be collecting donations up until Friday Week 7 (25 November). Your generosity and support is very much appreciated.


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation


Summer Co-Curricular Sport

It is the final summer sport round for 2022. I wish all teams the best of luck for their Round 12 fixtures tomorrow morning. Thank you to all coaches, students and parents/carers for their commitment to the entire year of Co-Curricular sport.

Good luck to all students moving onto the Senior School in 2023, and I look forward to seeing the current Year 5 students competing next year as Year 6s.

Please click the button below to ensure you are up to date with fixtures and venue maps for Round 12 (Saturday, 19 November), and keep a close eye on the Waverley College app for any further adjustments due to weather conditions or ground closures.

Fixtures and Venue Maps

Table Tennis Exhibition

On Tuesday, 15 November we had the privilege of welcoming two highly-accomplished Table Tennis professionals, and also our Senior School coaches Paul Sheehan and Peter Masen. They were here to run an exhibition to promote Table Tennis in the Junior School, as it will become an extra Co-Curricular in 2023. 

Table Tennis is a religion at the Junior School already, with a number of groups across Years 5 and 6 competing each and every school day during recess and lunches. The exhibition was an opportunity to showcase our best junior players against professional coaches.

It was a spectacle with students mesmerised by their skills and abilities with the small wooden paddles. It has created a much-deserved buzz that will remain in 2023 when sessions get started.

‘Sign up’ information for your son will be communicated to you at the beginning of the 2023 College year.

Holiday Sport Camps

Summer holidays are fast approaching, and I know it is a large break, which does give plenty of time for students to work on their skills across all sports. In the final weeks, I will be recommending holiday sport camps for Junior students.

The College is releasing some sport camp options, exclusively for Waverley College students, so please keep your eye out for those via app announcements over the coming weeks.

Eastern Basketball League (EBL)

Register Today

Pro Performance Cricket

The Team at Pro Performance Cricket are excited to announce their upcoming Holiday Cricket Camps. They are offering an additional Youth aged (Ages 5-12) / Representative Level Camp for players aged 12 and over.  

>>> Click here to book Pro Performance East Sydney Holiday Cricket Camps.

>>> Click here to book Pro Performance Pro Youth Aged Cricket Camps Ages 12+

Pro Performance Cricket Youth Camps


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)


Week 7 Home Learning 

Click here to register your son

If your son is unable to attend, please email the College at or call Reception.

*There will be no Home Learning Club in Week 8. 

Congratulations Byron Thomas and Cormac Maher – IPSHA Speakers’ Challenge

Byron and Cormac did Waverley proud on Friday, 11 November. These boys represented Waverley at the IPSHA Speakers’ Challenge, competing against 80 students from a variety of schools in NSW.

Both boys showed strong speaking skills, and their matter, manner and method were exceptional. I’m extremely proud of the growth both boys made since Round 1, the Junior School finals, and now the challenge.

 Byron Thomas and Cormac Maher

Congratulations, Byron Thomas and Cormac Maher

Holiday Reading for Year 5 Students

The holidays are fast approaching, and the current Year 5 students will have the opportunity to borrow books from the Learning Hub for the Christmas holidays. This initiative aims to encourage boys to read more and spend less time on their screens.

Happy Reading! 

Holiday Reading

Holiday reading

Drawing Club

This week, the Drawing Club artists brought in their birthday gifts, which happen to be art resources. 

I adore the enthusiasm the students have for the Art and Drawing Club. I believe that creativity – being able to use your imagination or original ideas to create something – is a tough skill to master. These students do it seamlessly. 

I’m looking forward to our last Drawing Club session in Week 7, and I’m already planning our sessions for 2023. 

Drawing Club

Drawing Club


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


News from 5 Red and Mr Alon Horry

As we approach the final weeks of the College year, it is a wonderful time to reflect on all of the exciting learning experiences and fun-filled days the students in 5 Red have thoroughly enjoyed.

Each boy steps into the classroom with a vital role to play in the success of each day, with unique perspectives, personalities, skills and talents all on display. It is extra special to witness some lifelong friendship brewing, with daily acts of kindness, compassion and respect.

Here is a snapshot into some of the events and learning experiences occurring this Term and during the year.

Junior School 5 Red

Commemorating Remembrance Day in a moving ceremony held on the Senior College Campus, the boys also learnt about the history of Armistice Day and paid their respects in more ways than one.

Our Art lesson was inspired by Remembrance Day, with ‘Diggers at Sunrise.’

Junior School 5 Red

Our Geography unit in Term 4, explores the features of places and spaces within Australia. The names of some suburbs are spelt using images of natural and synthetic features of each of their respective suburbs.

Junior School 5 Red

We also explored features of Australia in 2022, and compared changes over time to both synthetic and natural features. This included a field trip to the Senior School and streets of Waverley, to compare changes from Then to Now.

Junior School 5 Red

As part of our Earth and Space unit in Science, we explored galaxies and planets in outer space, and looked closely at our solar system. Using play-doh, the boys replicated their own solar systems, by constructing each planet based on its features and characteristics.

We also used the Visual Arts learning space to experiment and learn about outer space.

Junior School 5 Red

Junior School 5 Red

Junior School 5 Red

Did you know that 5 Red is also home to its very own galaxy of Dwarf Planets? There are 28 tiny Dwarf Planets, one of which resembles the sun, with scientists still in awe of the new additions to the universe.

Legend has it, that there was once a 29th planet that existed in the 5 Red universe, but is now no more… some say the planet never actually existed in the first place and was just a myth.

Others say the planet couldn’t survive because it was made out of 30kg of play-doh, and subsequently, too heavy and dangerous to display in the classroom… one thing for certain, is that the atmosphere in 5 Red is phenomenal!

Junior School 5 Red

In Term 3, the entire Year 5 partook in Activism Day, where they endeavoured to make a difference to our local community and surroundings. Our English unit was Stand Up and Be Counted, and the boys acted on their persuasive writing skills to construct posters and speeches to make a difference in the world.

Activism Day involved heading to Tamarama Beach, Waverley Park and Queens Park to clean up the environment, as well as representatives chosen from each class to deliver their speech in front of the entire Year, Ms Gabby Smith, and a very special guest judge.

Junior School 5 Red

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my exceptional 5 Red Class for all of their hard work, and for all the knowledge and joy shared throughout the year. As a collective, we have shared many laughs, stories and perspectives.

We’ve shed blood, sweat and tears inside and outside of the classroom walls, and I feel truly grateful to have been the teacher of a group of fine young gentlemen.

As the boys complete their first year at Waverley College, we reflect on the many positive experiences that have occurred in what has been an exciting and eventful year. I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing friendships flourish across the entire cohort, from the classroom learning environment to all the fields, courts and swimming pools.

To the Learning Hub, auditorium or playground, it has been a pleasure to be a part of such a vibrant and exciting community. I am very much looking forward to what the future brings.

Junior School 5 Red

We set the bar high in 5 Red, with a set of values and standards to aspire to. We have goals for where we would like to be, and the men we would like to become. I am excited for each of them for what their bright future brings, and will be sure to follow their journey through Waverley.

Thank you to all the lovely parents and carers of 5 Red. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated, and all of your kindness, care and generosity means a great deal to me.

Thank you as well to all of the staff at the College, who too are responsible for the successful year we have had. 

Wishing the entire Waverley Community a happy, healthy and successful end of year and ‘Seasons Greetings’ over the upcoming holidays. 

Junior School 5 Red


Mr Alon Horry and 5 Red

Classroom Teacher 5 Red

Service Week

As our Year 10 exams end, our Service Week from Monday, 21 – Thursday, 24 November is about to begin. Thank you to all our Year 10 students for taking up this wonderful service opportunity.

I look forward to seeing some of you over this time, and please make sure you thank the organisations for hosting you at the end of your experience.

Ms Maakrun and I are very proud of you, and look forward to hearing all about your experiences at the Reflection Day.

Reflection Day

Please note, our Reflection Day will occur on Friday, 25 November. All students are to wear their PE uniform on this day.

Students are to meet in the Chapel at 8:45am. We will then move to Centennial Park for the day.

Please bring a pen, your own recess and water bottle.

A BBQ lunch and drink will be provided.

The day will finish at 3:15pm and students will be dismissed by their Heads of House from Centennial Park.

In the event of wet weather, we will hold the Reflection Day at Waverley College.

Stained Glass Window in the Chapel

Stained Glass Window in the College Chapel

Reflection Mass and Supper

The Reflection Mass will start at 5:30pm in the Chapel. Attendance by students is COMPULSORY and we look forward to welcoming as many parents/carers as possible to join us for the Mass.

*Students MUST wear their PE uniform to the Reflection Mass and normal College rules apply to haircuts and tidy appearance.

Supper will be provided in the Centenary Quad immediately after the Mass.

This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the service experiences that the Year 10 cohort were privileged to participate in, and to debrief as they finish up their year.

We look forward to seeing everyone there.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation

Years 7-10 Examinations

Congratulations to Years 7-10 students for completing their Yearly Examinations this week. Please remember that student marks can be accessed by parents and carers via CANVAS in real-time as they are released to students.

>>> Click here for details on how to access CANVAS real-time reporting. 

Years 7-10 students will also receive their Semester 2 reports in Week 8 which will provide an overall mark for Semester 2 tasks, A-E grades on Course Outcomes, Recommendations and Commendations and Learner Profile grades. 

Further details on how to access these reports in the TASS Parent Lounge will be available in next week’s Nurrunga.

Expectations and Behaviour 

As we approach the end of Term 4, boys can start to get a little restless and tired. Add in the anticipation of holidays and the increase in temperature, and they can forget some of the school expectations and policies which are in place for the safety of all.

Please support the College in reminding your son of the non-negotiables when it comes to appropriate and safe behaviour. 

There is no place for the following serious breaches of College policy: 

Director of Junior School

With the appointment of Ms Gabby Smith to the Acting Deputy Principal – Students role, the College has undergone a process, and I would like to congratulate Ms Gaby Bransby on her appointment to the Acting Director of Junior School position.

Gaby is the current Assistant Director of the Junior School and has acted previously for 18 months in the Director of Junior School role.

Gaby has held the role of Assistant Director of Curriculum (JS) and is currently completing a Masters of Educational Leadership. Gaby is passionate about the connection between teaching, learning and student wellbeing. We wish Gaby much success in this role. 

CAS Awards 

On Monday evening, Barker College hosted the annual CAS general committee meeting and dinner. Waverley College had three staff members honoured for service to the CAS. 

Congratulations to:

Mr Col Blake

Col has been one of the greatest volunteers at Waverley College and is winding back his presence at the College after 30 years of distinguished service. Col attended the College from 1958-1962. He then went on to become a survey draughtsman with Sydney Water before becoming a graphic designer and starting his own business. 

He became reacquainted with the school in the late eighties when he and his wife Shirley sent their sons Simon (1992) and Kieran (1993) to the College. Col joined the Old Boys Executive in 1988 and has served 21 years as Vice President, three Years as President and is a current committee member.

He was the Wavelength magazine editor and designer for many years, the editor of the College Yearbooks 1993-2005, and assisted with many graphic design works and the College’s 90th and Centenary Celebrations.

CAS Presentation – Col Blake

Col started the Track & Field Supporters’ Club and was its president from 1988-1992. This group of parents/carers watched their assistance help support the College Track & Field team move from last to first place in seven years. Col also served as President of the Parents’ Association from 1992-1993, and sat on the College Board from 1992-2004 where he was chair of the development fund committee. Col was also the College’s Head HSC examiner for many years.

Col has always sought to make a difference in other people’s lives and in the Waverley community. Recently, he and Shirley have participated in a dancing program which aims to assist people suffering from dementia, aired on ABC Catalyst. 

>>> Click here to view the ABC Catalyst episode.

On behalf of the College community, I want to thank Col for all of his hard work and outstanding service over many years across many College support groups. We wish Col and Shirley all the very best as they step back slightly from our community. As Col stated on Monday evening, “it is au Revoir and not goodbye.”

CAS Presentation - Col Blake

Proposed Renewal of Birrell Street – Have Your Say

Waverley Council has launched a community consultation on the proposed renewal of Birrell Street, between Newland Street and Henrietta Street.

To help ensure Birrell Street is safe for pedestrians, drivers and cyclists to use in the years to come, Council is planning on upgrading part of the street.

In the main, if these new ‘improvements’ make the road safer, we would all benefit. Anything that can be done to calm traffic along Birrell Street making a safer environment for our school community, is a positive thing.

However, the College has some concerns about which we will be seeking confirmation via this survey:

If you use this street for parking, walking, cycling or driving, I encourage you, as a member of our community, to complete the quick survey below, to share your thoughts on proposed bike lane upgrades, crossing point improvements, and parking implications.

The survey closes on Wednesday, 7 December 2022.

>>> Click here to complete the quick survey.

Elevate Education works with students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation.

By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can help better support your children at home, through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.

Elevate Education’s next free webinar will show parents/carers:

Register Now


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum

End of Term Fixtures

Fixtures and Venue Maps

Last weekend was the second last round for many activities for 2022. We had some very impressive team and individual performances.

Basketball and Cricket

Our 1sts and 2nds Basketball were outstanding in their comprehensive victories over Trinity last Friday evening. We also had a number of outstanding individual performances in Cricket.

Despite the 1st XI losing outright to Cranbrook, Hunter Eldridge‘s 117 was one of the best batting innings at this level, against a very strong bowling attack, for a number of seasons.

We also had three other students hit centuries in Cricket last Saturday, and well done to Ashton Hourn – 124 for 9As, as well as Tom Rudolph in the 9As who also hit a century. Well done to Luke Duffy in the 8Bs who hit a century in a 32 over match in a great performance.

Hunter Eldridge 1st XI

Hunter Eldridge 1st XI

Please Finish the Term Strong

This weekend is the final round for most activities, and it is essential that all students meet their full requirements and finish the term strong.

Our 2-day Cricket teams will have one more round the following week, as well as our Swimming and Diving squads having their CAS invitational on Friday, 25 November.

Best wishes to all of our Year 8 students and the staff attending their camp next week at Somerset – it is always one of the highlights of the year for that cohort.

To any students who are concluding their time at Waverley this year, I want to personally thank them for their efforts in co-curricular, and wish them well for their future endeavours.

Thank you to all those parents/carers and students who were able to attend our 2023 Immersion Information Night on Tuesday.

For all those who are interested, but were unable to attend, everyone should have received a summary of the information.

Please note the closing date for applications is Monday, 21 November.

If you missed this important Information Night, you can learn about costing, expected itineraries, and also view the videos and information given on the night, by clicking the button below.

2023 Immersions Information

I look forward to having students take up these life-changing experiences.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation