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Today was the 104th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended the First World War in 1918. Today the College Community all gathered in the Centenary Quadrangle at the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month, to pause and commemorate Remembrance Day.

A livestream was available for the Ceremony of Commemoration of the Fallen. Thank you to Waverley College and St Catherine’s School students who provided the Catafalque Party, Flag Party, Guard of Honour, Drum Corps and the Cliff Goodchild Band. They were very impressive! 

Our Matthew Coorey School Band also represented us with distinction at the Waverley Council Remembrance Day, held at Waverley Park this morning. 

The College Cenotaph, is inscribed with the names of all of our ‘Old Boys’ who paid the supreme sacrifice in the two World Wars. Congratulations to our musicians and Cadets.

>>> Click here see further details in the article by MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow.

Lest We Forget

Remembrance Day 2022

All Souls Day 

The month of November is traditionally a time in which the Catholic community remembers those who have died. It is related to the fact that the end of November is the end of the Liturgical Year, with a new year starting the First Sunday of Advent – the four-week period of preparation before Christmas.

The Church identifies November as a time to think of the end of life, and the great hope that our earthly end is a transition into a new life in God’s heaven. This month, we remember those who have gone before us, and we look with prayer and hope to their new life in heaven and our desire to join them there one day.

All Souls Day

2022 Kristallnacht Ceremony Held at Moriah College

Thank you to Mr Nicholas Sposari and Mr Nicholas Brophy who represented our College Community at Kristallnacht – The ‘Night of Broken Glass.’ On November 9-10, 1938, Nazi forces set fire to or destroyed over 200 synagogues, damaged 7,000 Jewish-owned businesses, arrested 30,000 Jews, and murdered 91 Jews in Germany, Austria and the Sudetenland.

Three 1938 survivors of Kristallnacht each lit a candle. Their personal struggle for freedom during Kristallnacht were harrowing, yet each lives today to be a light within the Jewish and wider community. 

Nick McKenzie (Australian award-winning journalist and Jewish adherent) shared his shocking stories of infiltrating a Neo-Nazi cluster in Australia. His work was featured on ’60 Minutes’ and on ‘Stan.’ The key takeaway from his keynote speech, was that young boys and girls, as young as 16, are easily being recruited into new Neo-Nazi groups, which is a very disturbing fact for all of us in the community. 

Deputy Principal – Students 

With the Deputy Principal – Students, Mr Patrick Brennan, taking renewal leave for the last five weeks of Term 4, 2022, and long service leave for Semester 1 2023, EREA have conducted a process to replace Patrick and appoint an Acting Deputy Principal. I would like to congratulate Ms Gabby Smith on her appointment to this position. 

Gabby has been the Director of Junior School at Waverley since 2018, and has recently Acted as Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning for 18 months. Prior to Waverley, Gabby was employed by Loreto Kirribilli in the roles of Acting Head of Junior School, Assistant Head of Junior School and Religious Education Coordinator.

Gabby has a Master of Education from the University of New England, and a Bachelor of Education from the Australian Catholic University. She has a high level of professionalism and dedication to the education and formation of students in her care. We wish her much success in this role. The College will now begin a process to appoint an Acting Director of Junior School and any subsequent staffing permutations. 

Back to Waverley Day

Yesterday we celebrated ‘Back to Waverley Day,’ and welcomed our alumni who graduated 50 years or more ago. We haven’t been able to host this day since 2019, so it was especially nice to honour our graduates from the years 1970, 1971 and 1972. 

Memories were shared, through a short mass, morning tea, assembly and lunch. We especially thank Dr David Curran, (Class of 1970) College Captain for his moving address to the College during Assembly. 

We also had the pleasure of seeing our Pacifika Group perform on stage. The performance was enjoyed by past and present students, as well as our invited Pacifika families and extended families. 

>>> Click here to read more information in the article by Ms Vanessa Witton.

Parents’ Association AGM

On behalf of the College, I would like to thank all parents who have been involved in the work carried out by the Parents’ Association throughout 2022. Particular thanks to the tireless work of the Year level representatives, past parents representatives, clothing pool representatives, tuckshop volunteers and the executive, for all of their organisation, support and efforts in organising events and communicating across our community.

Thank you to the 2022 Executive: Jade Stapleton (President), Daniella Strbac (Vice President), Lamya Sadi (Vice President), Stephanie Van Dam (Secretary) and Deb Johnston (Treasurer).

Special thanks to Jade, Deb and Stephanie who are all stepping down off the executive after significant stints in their respective roles. We appreciate their service and dedication to assisting the Waverley College Community. 

From the recent AGM, I would like to congratulate the following parents on their elections to the Parents’ Association Executive for 2022, and I look forward to working with them in the new year.

Parent Executive 

Parent Representatives

Past Parents

Clothing Pool

Board Chair Announcement For EREA NSW Colleges Ltd 

In 2023, Edmund Rice Education Australia is moving to a new governance structure across each state and territory. A NSW Director and CEO of EREA Colleges will be appointed along with a Subsidiary Board. Congratulations to Waverley College Old Boy, Sam Hardjono on his appointment as Chair of the NSW College’s Board.

Sam is currently a senior strategic advisor, working with leaders in the corporate, not-for-profit and start-up sectors. For more than a decade, he was Chief Executive Officer of a large charity with projects in South-East Asia, South America, and Australia. He has served on inter-governmental, not-for-profit, corporate, private and start-up boards, either as a Trustee, Non-Executive Director, or advisory roles for over 20 years.

Currently, he is a Non-Executive Director and Chair of Audit and Risk, and Chair of Tech & Cyber for the Australian Red Cross, and previously Chair for New South Wales.

Sam was a member of our College Board for 12 years, four as Chair. Sam has a passion and commitment to Catholic education in the tradition of Blessed Edmund Rice.

Another Opportunity to Hear From Paul Dillion – Vaping – ‘Short and Sweet’

The Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT in collaboration with the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle – Federation of Parents & Friends Associations invites: parents, carers and staff to attend a free webinar about this growing issue.

The session will provide up-to-date and accurate information on the use of e-cigarettes and vaping, including the potential harms associated with the use of these devices, particularly young people.

Practical advice will also be provided on how to talk to young people about vaping, as well as some possible responses that parents can use, should their child attempt to challenge them in this complex area.

Date: Thursday, 17 November 2022 

Venue: Online Microsoft Teams Live Event (Viewable through Web Browser, or the Microsoft Teams app on Android, IOS, Windows, and Mac)

Time: 7pm – 8.30pm

Register Here

COVID-19 Update

NSW Health recently advised that they are starting to see a rise in COVID-19 transmissions within the community, with a peak of cases expected in early December. Currently we have 17 students diagnosed with COVID-19 this week, and two staff members that we know of.

NSW Chief Health Officer, Dr Kerry Chant, has been warning the wider community to be vigilant around social distancing, and taking precautionary hygiene measures to reduce transmission of the new strains of virus that are circulating. 

Please keep your son at home if he is unwell. Rapid antigen tests (RATs) are available from the Senior School Health Centre. We encourage all students, staff and families to keep up-to-date with their vaccinations, including COVID-19 booster shots if eligible.

NSW Health are also encouraging everyone in the community to continue to register positive RATs with Service NSW, to ensure they receive timely support and advice, including access to antivirals for those eligible.

‘Back to Waverley Day,’ an annual event for all Waverlians who graduated 50 or more years ago, this year honoured the Class of 1972 on 10 November 2022.

We always look forward to welcoming Old Boys back to our growing campus, but this year was particularly special, because this celebratory event was inevitably cancelled in 2020 and 2021, due to COVID-19 restrictions. 100 Old Boys from the years 1953-1972 were in attendance.

After morning mass with Father Bernie in the College chapel, and a morning tea in the Senior School Library, Principal Mr Graham Leddie welcomed our alumni and our Pacifika parents/carers and extended families, to a full College assembly. 

Back to Waverley Day 2022

The assembly opened with a performance by the Waverley College Pacifika group. These talented Pacific Islander students have been working with Ms Sue Walsh (Director of Identity & Student Formation) and Aunty Fleur Smith for the past six months, and we were privileged to enjoy their unique stories in the form of prayer, music and dance.

The Pacifika group have made encouraging inroads into building deeper cultural awareness within the College, whilst also helping to strengthen our inclusive community, one of the four ‘Touchstones’ at Waverley.

The Pacifika brothers began with a prayer in the form of a beautiful Fijian hymn, ‘Noqu Masu’ sung with arms linked, followed by a performance of three haka: from Samoa, Tonga and New Zealand. The third haka spoke about the relationship between a father and son, and the important advice the father gives to his son about being true to himself.

Pacifika Brothers, Waverley College

Pacifika Brothers, Waverley College

Supported by archival images on the large screens, Mr Leddie then spoke to the cultural, technological and social changes that occurred during 1970-72 at Waverley, and in the wider world.

Guest speaker was Dr David Curran FRACP BSc (Med) (Hons), (Class of 1970 – College Captain, Prefect, Rugby Coach and Cadet CUO), who has served as a consultant physician in gastroenterology at the Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital for 37 years.

Dr Curran spoke with great eloquence. He praised ‘Back to Waverley Day’ which he said, “ … enables Old Boys to come home to their educational birthplace.” He exhorted current students to cultivate their friendships, a vitally important part of their overall education, and said that forgiveness is the greatest gift we can give to one another.

He encouraged students to tackle life with passion and grasp all opportunities.

Guest speaker, Dr David Curran

Guest speaker, Dr David Curran

Dr Curran also educated many of us about the life of American political radical and pacifist, Dorothy Day, (b.1897 – d.1980), champion of the poor and exploited workers. Setting up the Catholic Worker Movement in 1933, she remained a controversial figure whose ideals ignited his schoolboy energy. As a teenager, Dr Curran launched a fundraising campaign to help Dorothy Day, and she responded gratefully with a handwritten card, thanking him for his financial assistance to her cause. At the close of his speech, Dr Curran presented this framed letter to Mr Leddie for Waverley College, as an historic gift from the Class of 1970.

Back to Waverley Day 2022

Old Boy stalwarts!

Back to Waverley Day 2022

Luncheon was served in the Br Wallace Performing Arts Centre, and Walter Rosada (Class of 1972), delivered a memorable speech on behalf of the Class of 1972. Stepping down this year after 20 years serving as Year Coordinator, Mr Rosada thanked Alumni Coordinator, Ms Venettia Miller, for her ongoing assistance with making connections, and also the help of the Old Boys’ Union. 

Mr Rosada noted that, “the College had embedded itself into their DNA” and just as they were proud to be part of a history of the College, “the College is a part of the history of us.” He shone a light on both the success stories and the quiet achievers in the Class of 1972, in the domains of medicine, sport, art and academia, reminding his fellow Waverlians to never take their cohort for granted, and to remember those no longer with us.


Ms Vanessa Witton

Marketing Communications Specialist

An important day in the Cadet Calendar was commemorated today with both the Remembrance Day Parade in the Centenary Quad, and a community service at Waverley Park for Waverley Council.

Our team of cadets has worked hard across numerous rehearsals after school to ensure precision in executing their drill today.

We are very proud of, and thank:


CUO Kayla Heng

CUO Matteo Paolella

WO1 Angus Birrell

Catafalque Party – Waverley College

WO2 James Birbas

WO2 Emma Hartwig

WO2 Oliver Malzard

WO2 Meg O’Connor

Catafalque Party – Waverley Park

SGT Thomas Jackson-Whitlock

SGT Declan McAuliffe

SGT Julia Mallam

SGT Zara Wiseman

Flag Party and Escort

CUO Mitchell Cahill

CUO Kitty Fitzpatrick

WO2 Luca Patrick-Watkins

SGT Caleb Urquhart

VC Guard

CUO Darius Hall

WO2 Robbie Muir

WO2 Hayley Paddock

SGT Anika Bradford

SGT Remy Frampton

SGT Jack Ryan

SGT Reuben Seroa

SGT Aodhan Williams

CPL Kimmi Bilmon

CPL Ruby Congdon

CPL Natalie Ha

CPL Yannick Hott

CPL Taj Lynn

CPL Lachlan Marzol

CPL Benjamin Webb

CPL Erin Jackson


CUO Paul Muir

CPL Lachlan Isaac

Drum Major

CUO Hugh McDonald

Flag Raisers

CPL Amelia Avery

CPL Renato Rovacchi

CPL Archie Godby

CPL Rohan Baker

REC Xavier Kopsiaftis

Wreath Layers

CPL Cate Darling

CPL Georgina Kimpton

REC Finnian McCarthy


And thank you to our Drum Corps and Mr Blenkinsopp and the Cliff Goodchild Band.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU

The annual outdoor ROCK BAND Concert will be held on Tuesday, 29 November 2022.

Family and friends are invited to enjoy an afternoon of entertainment from our ROCK BANDS.

The event will be held outdoor in the Braidwood courtyard area near the Performing Arts Centre, commencing at 4pm. The evening should conclude approximately 6pm.

A BBQ and drinks will be available for purchase – meal deal for $5.00.

Click here for your invitation

Please click the button below to complete the form to advise the number of persons attending. This helps us greatly with set up and seating for this event. In the event of rain, the concert will be held in the Performing Arts Centre (PAC).

Please complete this form to advise number of persons attending

Students are welcome to stay after school to prepare for their performances. We look forward to a great afternoon of entertainment!

Please advise if your son is in a ROCK BAND Group and is not able to attend this event by email:

Year 7 parents and carers are cordially invited to an evening ‘end of year’ drinks to celebrate the close of a wonderful College year.

Where: Coogee Pavilion Rooftop (enter via side door)

When: Wednesday, 30 November, from 6:30pm

Drinks and delicious food available to purchase.

RSVP Essential. Please RSVP via email to Claire McGaffney ASAP, as there is a maximum capacity of 100 guests.


Term 4, 2022 – Advent Term

Week 6


Week 7


Week 8


Term and Holiday Dates 2023

Term and Holiday Dates

Diary Dates

Please find below key event dates you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 4. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 

Junior School Music Festival – Thursday, 17 November 2022, 6pm

We look forward to the Junior School Music Festival next Thursday evening. The event will showcase the Year 5 and Year 6 students’ abundant talent in creative arts.

The event will take place in the Performing Arts Centre Theatre located at the Senior School campus. Commencing at 6pm. Parents/Carers and friends are welcome to attend.

The event is unticketed.

*Our Music Supporters’ Group have organised a supper service and will be selling pizza and drinks from 5:15pm in the PAC Foyer. EFTPOS available.

Click here for more information

Year 5 Orientation Day 

The Junior School was buzzing on Tuesday, as we welcomed our 2023 Year 5 students. They had a great time participating in drama, STEM and PDHPE activities. The ice blocks were a real treat too!


Ms Gabrielle Smith

Director of Junior School


Year 6 Graduation Mass – Friday, 25 November 2022, 1pm

Request for Photos

A final reminder to please send through your son’s Kindergarten photo (or their first day of Kindergarten, or similar), as this will form part of the slideshow presentation at the Year 6 Graduation.

Please send a labelled photo through to by no later than Friday Week 5. Picture format as a jpeg or png files would be preferred. Please do not send through pdf files.

Year 6 2022 Graduation Invitation

Christmas Appeals

In last week’s edition of Nurrunga, we highlighted two charities that the Junior School would like to support in the period leading up to Christmas: the Matthew Talbot Hostel, specialising in supporting the homeless men of Sydney, and Kids Giving Back, supporting victims of both domestic violence and homelessness.

Toiletries (preferably small travel size items), underwear, socks, chocolates, notepads, pens.

Wet wipes, lip balms, roll-on sunscreen, bandaids, emery boards, pocket tissues, hand sanitiser (small bottles), travel-size shampoos and conditioners, mens’ combs.

Donations for both of these charities can be handed in to Mrs Coupe at the Junior School front office. We will be collecting donations up until Friday Week 7 (25 November).

Your generosity and support is very much appreciated


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation


Summer Co-Curricular Sport

Only two more rounds of summer sport for 2022! I wish all teams the best of luck for their Round 11 fixtures tomorrow morning.

I ask for students to please give their full participation to training and Saturday games, in this final week of sport. There have been consistent unexplained absences lately, which does make it difficult for coaches to manage their teams.

Please click the button below to ensure you are up to date with fixtures and venue maps for Round 11 (Saturday, 12 November), and keep a close eye on the Waverley College app for any further adjustments due to weather conditions or ground closures.

Fixtures and Venue Maps

Upcoming EPC Tennis Events in November and December

Below is information about upcoming EPC (Every Point Counts) Tennis Events. Tennis is currently the only Saturday sport played within IPSHA for which we do not have modified formats to facilitate inter-school sport for students of all abilities.

The EPC format addresses the current deficiencies in IPSHA Tennis. 

It would be very encouraging to have some Waverley Junior School students at these Sunday events, to further develop their tennis skills heading into 2023. 

EPC Tennis at Queenwood 13 November

EPC Tennis at Barker 4 December

External Sporting Achievements

Congratulations to Eamon and Bartram Esperanca, who won first place in all styles last Friday night at DRLC Maroubra Swimming Carnival. What an outstanding achievement for them both.

Congratulations, Eamon and Bartram Esperanca

Congratulations, Eamon and Bartram Esperanca

Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)


Home Learning – Week 6

Click here to register your son

If your son is unable to attend, please email the College at or call Reception.

Guest Speaker Matt Galanos Delights Waverley

Our guest speaker last week, Matt Galanos, wears two hats – Chief Financial Officer at the Australian Turf Club, and author. 

Matt gave up his time to come in and inspire the Waverley boys to follow their passion for writing. He is currently writing a series of fantasy books, the fourth coming out in early 2023. 

This inspirational lunchtime talk driven by many student questions, was exciting. Not only did it encourage writing, but also reading. Two very valuable life skills students need for the future. 

A huge thank you to Matt for giving up his time to inspire the next generation of writers. 

If you would like to volunteer to give a lunchtime talk in 2023, please email me directly at

Guest speaker, Matt Galanos

Guest speaker, Matt Galanos

Drawing Club Final Sessions 

As we come to the end of a productive year of Drawing Club, I allowed the students to work on their mini drawings for the final sessions. Observing the students think critically about their drawings and watching them work creatively, is a highlight for me.

I have watched the boys make new friends, and discuss and appreciate each other’s drawings.

There are only two sessions left in 2022, and I look forward to seeing what they produce. 

Fred Cross

Fred Cross

Yianni Lambropoulos

Yianni Lambropoulos

Tom Brown

Tom Brown

Passion for Reading and Writing

James Ganson (Year 5) has a passion for reading and writing. James was inspired to write and illustrate his own book, Imagineers Guide Book to Creatures, after reading one of his favourite books, Flanimals by Ricky Gervais, Rob Steen (Illustrator).

His book is now printed and in the Learning Hub for all to read. Well done James!

Student author, James Ganson

Student author, James Ganson

Reading Imagineers Guide Book to Creatures

Reading Imagineers Guide Book to Creatures


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


Happy Days in 5 Gold with Ms Jenny Hoare

As we approach the final weeks of the College year, it is wonderful to reflect on the exciting learning experiences and fun-filled days the students in 5 Gold have thoroughly enjoyed. Watching their dynamic personalities, different learning styles, creative and exceptional talents, and daily acts of kindness, made this year one I will always cherish.

Here is a snapshot of the happy days in 5 Gold.

5 Gold Drama Performance

At the end of Term 3, Ms Rollins prepared our class for their entertaining and dramatic performance of the play, Vulga the Vampire. Each student was given the opportunity to be an actor or to take on the role of lighting, sound, stage effects, backstage or narrator.

Their performance was brilliant, showcasing their passion, humour and exceptional acting skills. Oscar Litchfield stole the show, as Vulga the Vampire.

5 Gold Drama

5 Gold Drama

5 Gold Drama

5 Gold Health

In Health this term, we have been exploring the unit, Healthy Communities, which investigates the Australian Dietary Guidelines for healthy eating. The students learn the importance of eating a nutritious diet for growth and development, and preventing lifestyle diseases.

Their study of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fats allowed them to break their food plate into different groups, to demonstrate their understanding of the types and amounts of nutritious food and drinks to meet their energy needs.

By creating a food plate of their choice, they presented a wide variety of healthy foods from the Five Food Groups.

Brynn Speirings

Brynn Speirings

Harvey Smith

Harvey Smith

James Ganson

James Ganson

 5 Gold Science 

Earth and Space have been the focus in Science, where students have developed their understanding of the Earth and its position in the Solar system. This term, students are investigating the changes that occur on the Earth’s surface, caused by extreme weather events. Their presentations in class will include ways in which scientists can predict severe weather, and design solutions to help those affected by natural disasters.

Earth and Space

Earth and Space







5 Gold Remembrance Day 

This week, the students have focused on the important tradition of Remembrance Day. They have learnt that Remembrance Day allows people to remember those who fought and lost their lives during all wars, and honour their memory.

During World War One, there were around 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded in both the armed forces and civilian communities. In class, they have learnt how we commemorate Remembrance Day by wearing poppies, attending ceremonies, and listening to stories to ensure we never forget the past. 

James Draper Remembrance Day

Lachlan Wright Poem 5 Gold

Lachlan Wright

Noah Dalton and Hunter Bligh

Bobbi Darvill and George Alexandratos

Remembrance Day Poem

Remembrance Day Poem

Thank you

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my beautiful 5 Gold Class for their hard work, positive attitude, school spirit and kindness throughout the year. I  feel truly blessed to have been part of the Waverley College Community for the last 12 years.

5 Gold, 2022, has made my final year very special, happy, and memorable. I am very sad to say goodbye. 

Watching the boys experience their first year at Waverley College has been a privilege. I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing their friendships flourish and sharing their achievements and disappointments. I know they have set their goals high for their future years. I am excited for each of them and will be sure to follow their journey through Waverley.

Most importantly, I would like to thank the beautiful parents and carers of 5 Gold. Words cannot describe how grateful and overwhelmed I am by the kindness, care, thoughtfulness, and generosity they have constantly shown me throughout the year.

It makes me appreciate how much I love being a teacher. I am truly grateful for my incredibly happy years at Waverley College, where I have come to know so many wonderful families. Thank you with all my heart. 

Ms Jenny Hoare

Birthdays in 5 Gold

Birthdays in 5 Gold

5 Gold 2022

5 Gold 2022

For the past three years, our planned bivouacs have been cancelled due to COVID-19 and/or bad weather, so it was with much excitement that we boarded the coaches to Holsworthy Army Base for a one-night camp on the weekend.

Cadets in the field is a very different experience to Cadets on Friday, and the military base provided an authentic context in which to train our recruits in preparation for AFX. Hutchies were well constructed; ration packs expertly cooked, and understanding the importance of daily routines in the field, much appreciated.

A variety of activities across the weekend entertained whilst still honing field skills. And all pitched in to help with the logistics of providing for 200 people in the field.

Our leaders worked incredibly hard as they practised their leadership skills, caring for their companies, running the Command Post and Logistics, working well together as a team, and taking initiative whenever possible. They are now very much the wiser as they prepare for AFX 2023.

I thank the recruits for investing in the weekend with such a positive attitude, and I thank our rank for their professionalism and dedication to making bivouac an amazing experience for all.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU

From 2020, students in NSW will need to meet a minimum standard of literacy and numeracy to receive the Higher School Certificate.

Students will have a number of opportunities to meet the HSC minimum standard from Year 10 until a few years after completing their Higher School Certificate. 

Students will demonstrate they have achieved the minimum standards by completing three online tests. These online tests are 45-minutes long each, and may include:

For students who did not sit the tests in the first opportunity earlier this year, there will be a re-sit towards the Yearly Examination period. 

A separate communication will be sent to students, however students must bring a fully-charged laptop and a pen to the testing.

For further information, please see the HSC Minimum Standard Information on the NESA website by clicking on the button below.

HSC Minimum Standard Information

If you have any queries, please contact Ms Lynsey Porter, Director of Curriculum.

With the beginning of the HSC year now having begun for Year 11/12 students (and Year 10 approaching senior study), InspirationED would like to share some free live-streamed webinars taking place on Sunday, 13 November.

Designed for both students and parents/carers in Years 10 and 11, the webinars will be delivered by qualified counsellors and senior HSC markers to address the following topics:

Register Now!

Can’t Make the Live Session?

For those who cannot make the live sessions, we will share the recordings as on-demand videos for all registrations.

Further Information

If you require any further information, please call 1300 677 336.

Fixtures and Venue Maps

Outstanding School Spirit

Last weekend saw many Waverley teams playing against local rivals, Cranbrook. It was wonderful to see the numbers of supporters at the Friday evening Basketball in Cranbrook’s impressive new Gym.

What was more impressive, was the way in which our students conducted themselves in showing wonderful school spirit, being fully attired in the College uniform, and supporting both the 1sts and 2nds Basketball to great victories. Well done especially to our new Year 12 leaders, who have shown great initiative so far.

Please Maintain Your High Standards

We still have two more rounds of sport to go, and it is imperative we continue to maintain our high standards. Year 10 students commence their examinations this week, but are still expected to meet their co-curricular requirements on the weekend, and attend at least one training session per week. If a student is in a 1sts or 2nds team, then they are expected to meet all training and match requirements please.

Swimming, Diving and 2-Day Cricket

Our Swimming squad and Diving squad will also have an invitational carnival on Friday, 25 November, as well as our 2-Day Cricket teams and potentially a couple of water teams, pending results, that final weekend.

All Other Co-curricular Activities

All other activities conclude the week before, on Saturday, 19 November.

When school returns in 2023, we will be moving straight back into training and fixtures for all activities, but will also be welcoming all of the new Year 7s who had their Orientation Day earlier this week.

Round 3 Basketball Report V Cranbrook by Student Reporter, Tom Gleeson


On Friday night, the crowd was roaring with a mix of Cranbrook and Waverley students. With the Waverley crowd chanting loud the entire game, the 1st V were able to beat Cranbrook 80 – 68. The game started off as a close one, with both teams going at it in a head-to-head matchup. Through the second and third quarters, Waverley was able to hold a lead of about 5.

As the game progressed onto the fourth quarter, the 1sts with the crowd erupting with chants, were able to gain a 12-point lead, in which they were able to sustain for the rest of the game. Waverley was led behind Marko Rangan’s athleticism and James Dyson Merwe’s size.

Good luck to the students next week, as they face off against Trinity at Trinity on Friday.


The 2nds were going into the Cranbrook game with two wins and zero losses. Being first on the leader board, they really had to overcome Cranbrook to stay on top on Friday night. The 2nd V led the crowd who were cheering behind them to a 12-point win, with the end score being 48 – 36.

The game was very one-sided, with Waverley keeping their lead throughout the entire game. The 2nds were led behind Charlie Smith’s leadership throughout the game and Aren Yaghoubian’s shooting.

The 2nd V will face off against Trinity this week, to keep their undefeated run.


On Saturday, the 10As started the day with a tough loss to Cranbrook, just coming short with the final score being 30 – 33. They were led behind Tamen Peralta’s finishing, Renato Rovacchi’s defence, and Ben Pignatelli’s scoring.


On the weekend, the 9As could not be stopped by Cranbrook, as they developed an early 20-point lead. During the second half they started to come back, but Waverley would not let them, with the end score being 47 – 33.

Jonte Garvey’s height, along with Nico Palacio’s defence and Peter Kalpouzanis’ shooting, led the team to their win.


The 8As had a blinder of a game, storming over Cranbrook with a 38-point win. It was their defence that lead them to the win, being led behind Jone Tuqiri, Joseph Dametto and Phillip Falaniko.


Tom Gleeson
Captain of 1st V

Basketball Round 3 T4 2022

Round 3

1st V

Round 3 featured games against fierce local rivals, Cranbrook. The 1st V, buoyed by their double-overtime win against St Aloysius’ the week before, went into the fixture full of confidence. The crowd had been steadily building through the 2nd V’s game, and by the time of tip-off, the stand was full of boisterous Cranbrook and Waverley student supporters.

The game was relatively close throughout, with Cranbrook staying in touch with the 1st V, and was even able to jump to a small 2-point lead in the 3rd quarter. Waverley, however, was able to maintain a 5-7 point lead for most of the first three quarters, and started to pull away in the 4th, as Cranbrook tired and their players got into foul trouble.

Ultimately, Waverley prevailed, winning 80-68, and sending their enthusiastic supporters wild with delight. After the game, a rousing rendition of ‘Carrington Road’ sung to the tune of John Denver’s ‘Country Road’ was performed by the Waverley supporters, as the 1st V stood before them enjoying their victory.

A special mention goes to our student leaders on the night, who led our spectators very well in the chants, and who encouraged positive support for the Waverley players. Waverley now sits equal second with St Aloysius’ on the CAS ladder, with 2 wins from 3 games.

Knox is still setting the benchmark with 3 wins and their return fixture with the 1st V at Waverley next term is looking critical to determining who will take out the Rev Fr A V Smith Shield by season’s end.

2nd V

The 2nd V went into the fixture undefeated, and by the end of the game that still remained the case. The 2nd V never really looked like losing this fixture, and were dominant for four quarters, posting a 48-36 win.

They now lead the CAS competition, setting up a tantalising matchup with Trinity this Friday night, who are the only other undefeated team. The 2nd V continues to impress with not just their individual performances, but their ability to play as a team.

Other Fixtures

In other fixtures, Waverley was able to post victories in the 10C (39-36), 10D (30-21), 10E (48-44), 10H (52-6), 9A (47-33), 9B (39-33), 9D (33-32), 9G (32-16), 8A (48-12), 8C (33-26), 8D (58-24), and 8E (35-26). Along with the 2nd V, the 9As, 9Bs and 8Cs also remain undefeated with 3 wins from 3, and sit at the top of their respective competition ladders.

Supporters’ Club BBQ

The Supporters’ Club BBQ was abuzz with activity this week, as many 1st V and 2nd V players helped prepare food as part of Culture Day. The goal of Culture Day is for our 1st V and 2nd V players to support the program by demonstrating and promoting the values of 1sts and 2nds Basketball.

Other ways they implemented this goal on the day, was by sitting on the benches of various Waverley teams, and giving advice to individual players during their games, as well as helping to score games.

The 1st V and 2nd V players did a tremendous job, and are to be commended for their efforts. Many thanks to Head Coach, Mr Johnston, for developing and organising this wonderful Program.

Our continued thanks go to Rachael Smith and Glenn Smith for their wonderful efforts in running the BBQ since the start of the season. Funds raised by the Supporters’ Club have helped to pay for Basketball equipment, including scoreboards, shot clocks, backboards and rims.

Basketball Round 3 T4 2022

Can You Help Out For One Hour?

If you are able to help out for one hour on a Saturday when your son plays at Waverley, please contact Rachael Smith at It would be enormously appreciated.

Good luck to all teams this week against Trinity!