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We are looking for as many volunteers as possible to assist us in our daily operations from 9:30am till 1:45pm.

Lunch is provided for all volunteers.

We highly value the assistance and support of our volunteer workers as it allows us to be more efficient in our services for the students.

We welcome all members of the Waverley College Community (mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, carers).

We are also happy to take on any availability, whether it’s once a week, month, or even once a term – it all helps.

We are currently putting together the volunteer roster online for Term 4, so if you are interested, please volunteer using the button below.

Thank you.

Volunteer Today!

Farewell to Year 12

On Tuesday, our College community farewelled our Class of 2022 at their final Graduation Assembly in the Centenary Quad. Each was presented by their Head of House and academic award winners duly recognised. In a fitting tribute, the students proudly departed the Quad to the strains of ‘Auld Lang Syne’ by our College Brass Band and College Choir. 

The College continued to celebrate and farewell the Year 12 Cohort with parents, grandparents, siblings and other significant caregivers, at a Wednesday mass at St Mary’s Cathedral. As part of the touching service, the graduates were gifted a Waverley College Old Boys’ Union Tie and a Celtic Cross.

In the evening, the students enjoyed their Graduation and Valedictory dinner at Dockside, Darling Harbour. I congratulate all students on their exemplary dress and behaviour at this memorable event.

Waverley wishes each young man the very best of luck for their forthcoming HSC examinations. 

Year 12 Award Winners 2022: Prize Order

Christopher Kallo ADF Future Innovators Award
Zachary Straker ADF Long Tan Award
Conor Ryan The Brian Sheedy Prize for Ancient History
William Dodd Design & Technology
Jasper Doyle English Studies
Harrison Gippel The Catherine Smithurst Prize for Standard English
Liam Davis Entertainment
Thomas Kenny Marine Studies
Lachlan Mercer Mathematics Standard Course I
Daniel Risk Mathematics Standard Course II
Tobias Unsworth Mathematics Extension I
Louis Kitto Modern History
Charles Alexander Music Course I
Toby Ryan Photography
Nathan Barns Spanish Beginners
Pablo Berdaa Spanish Continuers
Vincent Torsellini Visual Arts
Ian Vuk Hospitality
Religious Studies
Emilio Vinci PDHPE GHR Award
Br P Oakley Prize for PDHPE
Max Leedham Geography
Principal’s Award of Excellence
Leo Astridge Sport Life & Recreation
Principal’s Award of Excellence
Christian Kitas The Barry McDonald Prize for Legal Studies
Principal’s Award of Excellence
College Vice Captain
Solomon Tuqiri College Vice Captain
WJ Corbett Award for Best All Round Sportsman This award is presented to a Year 12 student who has demonstrated achievement in a range of sports that may include either State or National representation.
Maximilian Barber Investigating Science
Mathematics Advanced
Sydney Roosters Character and Endeavour Award  The purpose of this award is to recognise a student who has achieved excellence in a range of pursuits, been a role model for younger students and who has demonstrated strong values and character.
Alejandro Zanapalis  Waverley Council Award for General Proficiency This award recognises general proficiency across a range of endeavours in the classroom, on the sports field, across cultural pursuits and in the community.
Conor Cahill Reuben F Scarf Award The purpose of this award is to recognise and honour consistent effort and the desire to improve.
Guy Hammerschmidt The Ray Aston Memorial Prize for Biology
Music Course II
Bishop Geoffrey F Mayne Prize for Studies Of Religion I
College Vice Captain
Ampol All Rounder Award This award celebrates a student achieving excellence in a range of pursuits in the classroom, on the sports field, across cultural pursuits and in the community.
Jay Palm Archbishop’s Award
Daniel Di Francesco Max Coleman Memorial Award for Living Out the Touchstones This award recognises a student who has served his community – demonstrating admirable citizenship – in the spirit of Edmund Rice.
Thomas Wilkins Construction
Industrial Technology
Old Boys Union Edmund Rice Award for Leadership of Social Justice The purpose of this award is for Leadership in the area of Social Justice and is awarded for significant involvement in social justice activities throughout their time at the college.
Toby Davidson Business Studies
The Br PA Conlon Prize for Economics
Bishop Patrick Dougherty Prize for Studies Of Religion II
Equal 3rd in Overall Academic Performance
Jared Garwood Engineering Studies
The Judge Thomas Prize for Mathematics Extension II
Br F S Farrell Prize for Physics
Equal 3rd in Overall Academic Performance
Carl Waterson The M O’Halloran Prize for Chemistry
Food Technology
2nd in Overall Academic Performance
Daniel McSweeny Br R J Wallace Prize for Drama
The Abram Landa Prize for Advanced English
The Alice & Mildred Thomas Prize for English Extension I
English Extension II
The George & Elizabeth Thomas Prize for Extension History
College Captain
JJ O’Brien Award for Leadership, Study & Involvement JJ O’Brien – the Waverley College Captain of 1912 – was a loyal and zealous member of the Old Boys’ Union and this award recognises excellence in leadership, study and involvement.
Br LB Tevlin Memorial Prize for Dux of the College

Two HSC Encore Nominations in Music

It gives me great pleasure to announce two HSC Encore Nominations in Music for 2022. Louis Kitto and Charles Alexander have been nominated for their performance program.

Congratulations, James Iatrou

Congratulations to Year 11 student, James Iatrou, who received a Highly Commended Award for his Short Film, The Future is Yours, in the Senior Category of the Woollahra Youth Photographic & Short Film Prize. This Prize is highly competitive, with entrants from schools across the Eastern Suburbs. All photographs and films entered are on display at Woollahra Gallery at Redleaf. You can also participate in the People’s Choice Awards for other students who have entered from Waverley College.

>>> Click here to read more information and view James Iatrou’s short film in the article by Ms Jenna Turnbull.


We are pleased to inform our current Year 9 and 10 students that there will be Immersion opportunities available to them in 2023 to the following destinations:

Year 10 2023

1. Red Earth – Northern Territory

2. Tiwi Islands

Year 11 2023

1. Timor Leste 

2. Fiji (TBC)

Students in Year 12 2023 will also have the opportunity to participate in 2-3 week or longer immersion placements with The Cardoner Project at the completion of their studies.

Please see the following link for their placement listings.

We are delighted that EREA have allowed us to begin offering these wonderful service opportunities again, and applications of interest and information will be sent out to both Year groups early in Term 4.

If you are interested in these experiences, please note that compulsory formation nights will need to take place, and most of the Immersions will be offered at the start of the June / July holidays 2023.

I hope that many students will look to make the most of these valuable service opportunities, and help us to continue to build wonderful relationships with our host communities.

New South Wales Police Warning – Gel Blasters 

NSW Police have written to every school across the state, warning of an emerging issue that they are concerned about. Gel Guns or Gel Blasters are lifelike ‘toy’ guns that closely resemble firearms. They fire gel balls and can be very difficult to differentiate from a real firearm. They are classified as air guns under NSW law and gel balls are classified as ammunition. 

It is a crime to possess a Gel Gun in NSW unless you have a firearms licence, even if it was purchased online or legally in another State. It is also a crime to bring a Gel Gun to school. There is potential for injury if a person is struck by a gel pellet. 

If anyone is found to have a Gel Gun, it will be confiscated by police and students may face disciplinary action through the school, and could be arrested and charged with possession of a firearm. Parents may also be held liable as per Section 82 of the Firearms Act. 

On 1 July 2021, NSW Police commenced an ongoing National Firearms Amnesty along with other states and territories. This allows for any firearms to be surrendered to a police station without fear of prosecution. If this issue relates to you, please ensure you contact your police station prior to attending, and ensure the firearm is in a bag or wrapped in a blanket. 

Parents’ Association Annual General Meeting – Save the Date – Tuesday, 1 November

The next Parents’ Association meeting and AGM will take place on Tuesday, 1 November 2022, where a number of office bearers for 2023 will be elected.

I’m grateful to Jade Stapleton for her tireless work as President for the past two years. She will be stepping down from this role at the AGM. Thank you also to Treasurer, Deb Johnson and Secretary, Stephanie van Dam, who have made sterling contributions to the Parents’ Association for many years, and will also be retiring from their roles.

Consider getting involved in the Parents’ Association, a vital part of the Waverley College community. With our ‘120 Year’ celebrations happening in 2023, there will be numerous exciting events throughout next year, and your ideas and energy are very welcome.

Please submit expressions of interest for the following positions for 2023 and beyond to Ms Emma Laurence – Marketing & Development Manager

Wishing all boys a safe, restful and enjoyable spring break. We look forward to seeing boys for the start of Term 4 on Tuesday, 11 October. 

Diary Dates

Please find below key event dates you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 4. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 




As Term 3 comes to an end, it has been lovely watching our Junior School students be a part of the Year 12 farewell celebrations. Final House Assemblies were held to celebrate the successes of individual students.

It was inspirational to hear how much our Year 12 students have accomplished over their time at Waverley. Our boys created farewell cards and wrote words of wisdom for the boys. We wish them luck as they prepare for their final exams and their future endeavours. 

I wish all our families a safe and happy holiday and thank you as always for your continued support. 

Fun Run Award – Director of Junior School for the day

We look forward to Friday, 21 October when our highest fundraiser for the Junior School Fun Run (Reese Araujo), will be Director of Junior School for the day.

I have met with Reese and he has some wonderful activities planned for both students and teachers. 

Reese received his trophy this week in recognition of raising a huge $33,400.

Well done, Reese!

Congratulations, Reese Araujo

Congratulations, Reese Araujo

ICAS Assessments

Congratulations to all the students who participated in ICAS Assessments over the past two weeks. A special congratulations to the following students who received a credit or above:

Year 6

Year 5


Ms Gabby Smith

Director of the Junior School



Visual Arts Club – Book Now!

Summer Art Club Expressions in Clay

Summer Art Club Expressions in Clay

Expressions in Clay: Texture Through Sculptural Form

Summer Art Club 2022/2023

Visual Arts Club will be offered at Waverley as a Summer activity for students from Years 5-12. It will commence Term 4, Week 2, 2022. 

Visual Arts Club provides an opportunity for students to build skills in critical and creative thinking. This summer, students will be introduced to: Expressions in Clay: Texture Through Sculptural Form.  

Each student will be introduced to a range of ceramic handbuilding techniques such as pinch-pots, slabs and coiling techniques to build the fundamental form for their ceramic sculpture.

Natural and synthetic textures will be used to create impressions in the clay, forming crevices to catch and control glaze. Students will be involved in the firing and glazing process, learning glaze theory to further extend their knowledge on how clay bodies react when heated.

In Visual Arts Club students will:

Cost: $110.00
Materials: all materials will be supplied (all works will be bisque and glaze fired)
Session times: select ONE from the following:


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts – Senior School



Year 5 Activism Day #1

On Thursday, 15 September, Year 5 took part in their first Activism Day!

Activism Day is a celebration and showcase of the learning that has occurred through our English unit ‘Stand up and be Counted!’ It is an opportunity to consider how we can take our learning and have a positive impact on the world around us, and a chance to go out into the community and put some of our words into action.

We began our day by hearing from three amazing guest speakers: Luke Vanderziel, an environmental activist, Louisa McKimm, a Human Rights Lawyer and, Sophia Skaparis, a representative from the charity ‘Take 3 for the Sea’ and a young activist. The speakers gave Year 5 plenty of tips to apply to their own lives to make a difference, and encouraged them to use their voices to stand up for the issues they care most about.

JS Activism Day

JS Activism Day

We then put our words into action by heading off to Tamarama Beach, Waverley Park and Queen’s Park, to do a clean-up. Even from the areas we thought were clean, we collected lots of rubbish that could otherwise have damaged the environment. All of Year 5 were so positive and made a huge difference to each of these areas.

JS Activism Day

JS Activism Day

JS Activism Day

In the afternoon, we hosted the finals of our Activist Day Speech Competition. Our judges, Ms Smith, Dr Couani and Ms Sutcliffe were blown away by the quality and persuasiveness of all of the finalist’s speeches, and the passion with which they delivered them.

JS Activism Day

JS Activism Day

JS Activism Day

Congratulations to all of the finalists listed below and in particular to the overall winner, Dylan McGhee, whose speech on Climate Change was absolutely spectacular.

It was an amazing day where Year 5 were inspired to take action on the social issues they care passionately about, and a reminder that we can always make a difference. Well done to all of Year 5 for their participation and enthusiasm.


Ms Charlotte Stephens

Classroom Teacher 5 Indigo



Summer Co-Curricular (Term 4)

Students have enjoyed recommencing training earlier than expected over the past two weeks of Term 3. It has been a great opportunity to help coaches reconnect with their teams, and for our students to get back into physical activity after a short break from school sport.

Training will resume on the first day back, Tuesday, 11 September in the afternoon. This does mean 6C Cricket and E/F Basketball teams will not train on Tuesday morning, due to the Years 5-12 assembly and students needing to arrive at school at 8:15 am. 

Please read over the training schedule below, as there have been some training changes from the previous two weeks. I have also included the Term 4 Co-Curricular sports draw. As always, the draw can sometimes change from week to week, for varied reasons. Please utilise the draw, but always refer to the weekly round fixtures I send out on Tuesday or Wednesdays before each round.

  1. >>> Click here to view the Junior School Summer Co-curricular sport training schedule.
  2. >>> Click here to view the Junior School Summer Co-curricular sports draw.

All Extra Co-Curricular activities undertaken in Term 3 will recommence from Week 2, Monday 17 October which include HipHop Dance, Judo and Innovation Club.

Have a fantastic break. It has been an amazing finish to the term, and I look forward to summer sport returning in Term 4.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)



Home Learning – Week 1, Term 4

>>> Click here to register your son.

Home Learning will begin on Wednesday, 12 October 

If your son is unable to attend, please email or call reception.

2022 IPSHA Speakers’ Challenge Candidates

Congratulations to Cormac Maher (Year 5) and Byron Thomas (Year 6), who were the 2022 Junior School Public Speaking champions. They will be representing Waverley College at the 2022 IPSHA Speakers’ Challenge in November. We wish them all the best as they prepare for the competition. 

Congratulations, Cormac Maher and Byron Thomas

Congratulations, Cormac Maher and Byron Thomas


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher



Waverley’s Got Talent #1

Last week, the Junior School held their first ever Waverley’s Got Talent! There were many extraordinary acts throughout the three days of auditioning; singing, dancing, acting, playing an instrument and performing magic tricks.

On Friday afternoon, the Junior School came together to support and cheer on their friends who had the courage to perform and entertain us all. We were very impressed with the enthusiasm, excitement and energy that filled the room!

Waverley's Got Talent #1

Waverley's Got Talent #1

Waverley's Got Talent #1

A big congratulations to our top three performers:

We were also very lucky to have the support of teachers who acted as judges throughout the week, in particular our Grand Final judges including Ms Rollins, Ms Hoare, Mr Johnston and our guest judge Mr Brennan who visited from the College. 

We look forward to seeing the many new talented performers next year! 

Waverley's Got Talent #1


Ms Chloe-Jane Tweedie

Classroom Teacher 5 White


The Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme is offered at Waverley College to students in Year 8 and onwards. The award requires students to consistently apply themselves to physical activity, learning new skills and community service. Participants also develop their navigation skills, resilience and leadership in the multiple Adventurous Journeys they undertake.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a three-certificate system which encourages and enables students to be proactive in taking on challenges, setting goals and being active in the local community. The award requires students to take responsibility and initiative to progress and complete the award scheme.

To become familiar with the award scheme:

>>> Click here to explore the Duke of Edinburgh website

If your son would like to register to undertake the Bronze Award, please ask him to click here to register online by Friday, 14 October. 

He will require the following information to register:

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.

Past Bronze Participants on their Adventurous Journey

Past Bronze Participants on their Adventurous Journey


Mr Alon Horry

Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader


A long-standing tradition of the Waverley College Cadet Unit is the annual Reveille Mess – a military-style dinner bringing together the Cadet alumni of 110 years – this year held at the Stamford Airport Plaza Hotel on Saturday, 17 September 2022.

Postponed from Term 1 due to COVID-19, we were blessed to have Cadet Old Boys and Girls from leaving years 1964 through to 2021, coming together as a community, joined by a collective pride and a shared history of what it means to be a cadet.

There is great value in meeting to rekindle relationships and connections, reminding ourselves of our traditions and values, as we welcome our newest graduates to this strong community of servant leaders.

We were especially blessed to be accompanied by our team of Dining Stewards, ably led by CUO Matteo Paolella, who gave of their time and worked tirelessly all afternoon and late into the evening, to ensure the dinner was a seamless success.

Thank you to: Matteo Paolella, James Birbas, Angus Birrell, Charlie Cooke, Toby Fernandes, Remy Frampton, Blake Khor, Oliver Malzard, Lachlan Marzol, Declan McAuliffe, Hugh McDonald, Liam McEvoy, Luca Patrick-Watkins, Campbell Porteus, Renato Rovacchi, Reuben Seroa.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


From the start of Term 4, all Year 11 textbooks must be returned to the Textbook Hire Office or to the Library please.

Once returned, Year 12 textbooks can then be issued.


Mr Bill Roberts

Head of Library


>>> Click here to view the fixtures.

CAS Track & Field 

Last Thursday saw the first CAS Track & Field Championships since 2019. Waverley College had an impressive day and evening, and were very well supported by Years 7 and 12 in tough, rainy conditions.

There were some impressive performances from many individuals and relays. Some of the standouts were the U13 4 x 100m relay who also broke a College record that has stood since 2007; Oliver Stynes hurdles, Payton Turau in throws, Asher Thomasyu in middle distance, as well as the way our Track & Field captains led the squad.

Well done to Mr Jeremy Roff and Mr Matt Mountfort for the fantastic way they have created such a positive culture in this squad, and we encourage as many students as possible to keep training, as well join this squad for 2023. Thank you also to all of the coaches and staff who have been involved in the squad, as well as supported us at the Championships.

If we can continue to improve, and move up even just one place in a number of events, there is no reason why we cannot win the championships in the next couple of years. The Track & Field season is only five weeks and is not a huge demand.

The final placings on the evening were as follows:

Congratulations to all of the award winners, and especially to Dane Towns who was awarded the Morris Curotta Cup for most outstanding athlete.

>>> Click here to view the full list of award winners.

Summer Trials

Well done and thank you to all of those students who attended the internal summer sports trials last Saturday. Any student who was an unexplained absence, has currently been selected in the lower grades.

*Can I please also remind all parents, carers and students, that an application for leave that is not illness related, is not conducted through the parent portal, but via an email directly to myself or a Head of House. This is the correct and expected procedure.

University of Wollongong and Tottenham Hotspur ‘Elite Development Program.’

In the upcoming holidays, the University of Wollongong and Tottenham Hotspur are offering another ‘Elite Development Program.’ The program is open to Senior School students in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12, who are looking for an intensive football training program, which covers more than just the on-field components of the game.

Mr Robert Gold has been working closely with Waverley College this year to establish a strong relationship, and it was great to see Year 10 student James Medland be a part of this program recently.

>>> Click here for further information on the program which runs from October 4-7, and to view James’ testimonial.

Mr Robert Gold can also be emailed for further information:

Coach Education Session

On 13 October, we will be hosting a Coach Education session at the University of Wollongong which will run through: the Global Football Program, Tottenham Hotspur Philosophy, Football within the region, as well as other football-specific components.

During this Coach Ed, we will be delivering an On-Field Session as well as a short presentation. We will also have time for a Q&A and catch up afterwards.

If you are interested, please complete the short registration form below:

>>> Click here to view and complete the registration form.

Finally, I want to wish all of the 2022 Year 12 students best wishes for the HSC and next steps beyond school. Thank you also to all of the parents, carers and families of these students for all of your support during their high school journey.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


Congratulations to Year 11 student, James Iatrou, who received a Highly Commended Award for his Short Film in the Senior Category of the Woollahra Youth Photographic & Short Film Prize. This Prize is highly competitive, with entrants from schools across the Eastern Suburbs. 

This short film originally commenced for James last year in the filmmaking process for WaveFest, and sadly, due to COVID-19, James’ film was not able to be presented. So once the opportunity of the Woollahra Prize arose, there was the perfect opportunity for James to finish, make final edits, and submit his short film. 

James’ short film, alongside the help of younger brother Constantine, is drawn from classic films and pop culture films. It plays out the storyline of two brothers making it in the film industry. And again, congratulations for James on all of his efforts in creating such an interesting film.

We hope you enjoy viewing the short film The Future is Yours by James Iatrou.

All photographs and films are on display at Woollahra Gallery at Redleaf. You can also participate in the People’s Choice Awards for other students who have entered from Waverley College, by following the link below:

>>> Click here to view information about the entries and voting in the People’s Choice Awards.

Congratulations, James Iatrou


Ms Jenna Turnbull

Innovation Coordinator and Visual Arts Teacher


On Monday, 19 September, I along with Patrick Blackall (Year 8) and Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe (Ecology Coordinator and Geography Teacher), had the privilege to observe Mr Mark Neale (TAS Teacher) split our native beehive. 

Beehive splitting, as the name implies, is literally splitting one colony into two. By taking a strong, vibrant colony, you create two. Mid-spring is a good time to split the hive, as this gives the colonies the whole summer to regenerate.

It was amazing to watch Mr Neale open the hive to meet our Waverley bees, who were a little annoyed at having their roof opened! Mr Neale put a Coke bottle at the exit point of the hive, to collect some of the bees, to keep them calm. Many escaped the hive, but thankfully, as they are native and therefore stingless, we were in no immediate danger of being stung! We were really surprised at the size of the bees, they’re more like the size of a small fly. 

Inside the hive

Inside the hive

Once opened, Mr Neale pointed out the egg spiral in the centre of the hive.

The Egg Spiral before being split

The Egg Spiral before being split

Whilst Mr Neale separated the egg spiral, we had the chance to try some of the honey. The honey had a very sweet tangy taste and I would have it again. Mr Neale collected the honey in a small jar for us to use at a later date.

Mr Neale pointed out the harder beeswax material and the honey pockets. This beeswax material can be used to seal wooden surfaces and furniture. A small piece was kept out to trial.

Beeswax casing

Beeswax casing

The next step was for Mr Neale to place half of the egg spiral into the new hive, and then finally, to seal both hives. Mr Neale showed us how to close and seal the hive safely.

Splitting the Egg Spiral

Splitting the Egg Spiral

Patrick and I were given the opportunity to repeat this on the second hive. The second hive was now ready for its new home. Mr Neale explained that the new hive needed to be at least 500m from the original hive, as bees will automatically seek out their old home if set too close together. This would impact the success of the second hive.

By Oliver Lorimer (Year 7 SOTW Ecology Student)


The next morning, Mr Neale and I headed down to the Junior School to install the second beehive. It was decided that the best place for the hive was in Wingara. A spot was chosen for maximum use of the morning sun. This exact location was also considered, so it would not be too hot during the summer, but hot enough so the bees can survive and thrive. Wingara also has a plentiful supply of vegetation, so it is easy for the bees to pollinate and explore their environment safely. 

Our Waverley bees are stingless and cannot hurt anyone, so all of this was done safely and harmlessly. It was a pleasure to be a part of this wonderful activity that will have many benefits to the campus and to our neighbouring environment.

By Patrick Blackall (Year 8 SOTW Ecology Student)


Thank you to Mr Neale for his time and expertise, and for showing our students the splitting process. Thanks also to Mr Stanbrook for the ongoing care he provides to the bees, Mr Wallington for his work in installing the bees, Mr Spargo for his support and the use of his TAS area, and finally to Ms Jackman whose Year 8 students were present.


Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe

Ecology Coordinator and Geography Teacher


Read more: Writer’s Toolbox Coaching Day, National Young Writers’ Festival, Holiday Reading


Writer’s Toolbox Coaching Day

On Monday, we welcomed back Mr Robert Tall in his new role with Writer’s Toolbox. Rob and his colleague, Ms Jocelyn O’Brien, assisted teachers in the classroom and provided some hands-on coaching to guide the students with their written assignments, in particular with their Ed Sheeran Maths/Literacy paragraph.

It was a pleasure having both coaches provide insights into the tricks and tips on improving expression, as well as mapping formative and summative assignment tasks. 

While most teachers are very familiar with the program, there are many different modules which cater for all levels of writing proficiency. Thus, it was really great to see how students can benefit from the individualised ‘Learning Journey’ particular to their level, both in variety and skill.

We look forward to working with both Rob and Jocelyn again in Term 4.

National Young Writers’ Festival

National Young Writers Festival

The National Young Writers’ Festival (NYWF) is an annual gathering of young writers. A place to show work, share ideas, and learn. Programs are free, and made by and for young writers who create across stage, page, web and beyond.

In 2022, The National Young Writers’ Festival is returning with a hybrid model; retaining a digital program that will exist alongside the usual festival, which takes place across the October long weekend in Newcastle, NSW. 

#NYWF22 has set up a full day of workshops and sessions directly catered to help budding writers, artists and editors develop their writing skills and kickstart their writing careers!

Register your spot for the Younger Young Writers’ Program, now. Registrations are free, but spaces for workshops are limited. Full program details are on the @nationalyoungwritersfestival website.

>>> Click here to view the National Young Writers Festival website.

Holiday Reading – Curated by Mr Bill Roberts

The Library has been getting some great new reads.

Thank you to Mr Bill Roberts, Head of Library, for curating an exciting list of highly-recommended new picks, which are guaranteed to entertain over the holidays.

Solo by Kwame Alexander

Solo by Kwame Alexander with Mary Rand Hess, is the story of seventeen-year-old Blade, a musician, whose mother has died, and whose rock star father struggles with addiction. While Blade’s sister, Storm, is able to remain hopeful in the face of all this adversity, Blade has a more difficult time.

The Stranded by Sarah Daniels

A gripping near-future thriller in a world turned upside-down . . . for fans of Suzanne Collins, Emily St John Mandel, Bong Joon-ho’s Snowpiercer. Complete with love triangles, betrayals and fights for freedom – this is the unmissable YA debut of 2022.

A Walk in the Dark by Jane Godwin

‘It’s just a walk in the dark. What is there to worry about?’

That’s what the head teacher, Johan, says. And so the Year Nines from Otway Community School set out on an overnight hike, with no adults.

But doesn’t Johan know that a storm is coming? When five teenagers head into the forest that late afternoon, none of them is aware what the night will bring. Each will have to draw on their particular strengths to survive. Each will have to face the unknown, battling the elements, events beyond their control, and their own demons. It’s a night that will change everything. Set in the rainforest of Victoria’s Otway Ranges, A Walk in the Dark is about friendship, trust, identity and family, consent and boundaries, wrapped in a compulsively readable, suspense-filled adventure.

The First Thing About You by Chaz Hayden

A high school student with spinal muscular atrophy is determined to reinvent himself. When new-boy Harris meets cute-girl-in-his-class Nory, he is determined to prove he is more than just the kid in the powered wheelchair. Luckily, he has a secret weapon. His new nurse Miranda. Beautiful and confident, Miranda sees Harris for who he really is – funny, smart and totally worthy of Nory’s affections. It seems everything is working out for Harris for once. But Miranda has her own demons, and Harris starts to wonder if she has his best interests at heart.

10 Minutes of Danger by Jack Heath

20 stories. 20 dangerous situations. 20 brave kids. 10 minutes to escape. Dodi is in the blast radius of an asteroid on a collision course with Earth.

Gary is stuck up a tree with a giant tsunami wave fast approaching. Tatum is climbing a caldera when an earthquake makes the volcano erupt.

Read 20 new dangerous stories in 10 minutes of reading time each!


Ms Mary Ryan

Literacy Coordinator


It was a glassy day out on the water last week for the Year 12 Marine Studies students who went deep sea fishing. This excursion provided students with the opportunity to consolidate their boating, fishing and seafood cooking skills, which they have developed over the length of their Stage 6 course.

Students motored out to sea at sunrise, and dropped their lines off North Bondi, Vaucluse and Manly. The fish were biting and the students pulled up flathead, morwong, snapper, wrasse and some whiting.

Dropping lines off Vaucluse

Dropping lines off Vaucluse

Once back to shore, the fish were scaled and filleted by Jasper and Tom, and the students cooked up the catch on the barbeques.

Jasper Doyle filleting extraordinaire

Jasper Doyle filleting extraordinaire

Catch of the day was Tom Kenny’s monster flatty!

Well done boys, especially those who soldiered on with sea sickness! 

Tom Kenny, catch of the day!

Tom Kenny, catch of the day!

A great day out fishing


Ms Gemma Brown

Head of Science


Dear Year 12 Parents, Carers and Students

Please read below the following information regarding the upcoming HSC Examinations.  

All students are to be onsite in the Centenary Quad for the first exam – English Paper 1 – on Wednesday, 12 October by 9:20am at the latest.  

We will meet for all other examinations (except Music I and II which are in the PAC) in the Centenary Quad, 30 minutes prior to the time published in the NESA HSC Exam timetable

HSC Examinations Key Points and Processes

  1. Students were issued with a copy of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Rules and Regulations instructions at the start of Year 12. It is each student’s responsibility to comply with these regulations and attend his examinations on the correct date and time.
  2. Misreading the timetable is not a ground for misadventure.
  3. The 2022 HSC Examination timetable is in this link and the examinations begin with English Advanced and Standard Paper 1 at 9:50am on Wednesday, 12 October.  Make sure you read the special equipment list carefully on P.2 for each of your applicable subjects.
  4. Students are to use black pens only during the exams. Blue pens are not permitted.
  5. Students should be in attendance at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time in full College Uniform (including the College Jersey). College rules regarding shaving, hairstyles etc… apply throughout the examination period.
  6. Students must bring their ID cards. All mobile phones and notes must be put away in lockers – they cannot be taken into the examination room.
  7. The College understands that NESA permits students to leave the examination room prior to the scheduled finishing time. It is an expectation of the College that students should use all available time to complete each examination to the best of their ability. Any student leaving an examination prior to the finishing time must sign out at the Well Being Centre. The College does not accept any responsibility incurred from a student’s early departure.
  8. Any students who are absent or running late due to unforeseen circumstances, must notify Ms Kath Knowles as soon as possible on 9369 0651 Email: or Ms Lara Ozdirik on 9369 0629 Email:

Wishing you all the best for the upcoming examination period.

Kind regards,  

Ms Watson


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning
