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Weekly Careers Newsletter

>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers Newsletter.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 3, Week 8. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Date Subject Time Room Teacher
Monday, 5 September 2022 English Standard: Common Module 7:45am – 8:40am K23 Mary Ryan
SOR I & II 3:30pm – 5:30pm W22A Martina Cooper/ Cath Stewart
Tuesday, 6 September 2022 Maths Ext 1 3:30pm – 5pm E32 Steven Hall
Drama 3:30pm – 5pm P118 Alison Jinga
Business Studies 3:30pm – 5:30pm W33 Adam Wallington/ Sean Picone
Wednesday, 7 September 2022 Design & Technology 7:15am – 8:15am T04 James Spargo
English Advanced: Textual Conversations 7:30am – 8:30am K21 Andrea Fernandez
PDHPE 3:30pm – 5:30pm GHR Patrick Darvill
Thursday, 8 September 2022 Engineering Studies 7:30am – 8:30am Library Silvia Baylie
Geography 3:30pm – 5:30pm W33 Adam Wallington

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program. The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Lauren Ryan has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


Next Thursday, 8 September is R U OK? Day. During their Big Brother Little Brother activities this week, our Years 5 and 10 students have looked at what it takes to be a friend, and importantly, how to ask a friend: “Are you OK?”

Next week, during Wellbeing time, all students in the College will be involved in discussions and activities exploring how they can best support their mates or family.

Support Our Bake Sale on Thursday

Next Thursday, on R U OK? Day, Conlon House will be holding a Bake Sale! All contributions are very welcome and can be dropped off at the Wellbeing Centre. Consider making:

All of these are small, portable and delicious!

R U OK? Day 2022

The College SRC will also be organising an Inter-House Handball/Table Tennis competition for our Year 7 students during lunch time.

The message this year is: Ask R U OK? No qualifications needed. Because a conversation could change a life. Learn more at  #ruokday2022


Ms Cathy O’Sullivan

Head of Conlon


The Year 12 Semester 2 Progress Report will be available towards the end of next week, for you to view and download on the Parent Lounge in TASS. You will receive an email when the reports are ready, which will include the instructions on how to access the information on TASS.

This report will include your child’s Learner Profile grades, Trial Examination mark (or the mark for the most recent task for subjects that do not include an examination), rank and cohort rank number (number of students in the course), based on his assessment task(s) for each subject.

VET subjects do not include a mark or rank, as they are competency-based subjects.


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


The Reveille Mess is a chance for the Old Boys and Old Girls of the Cadet Unit to come together to share memories and to celebrate our connection with each other and our history.

This year’s Mess takes place on Saturday, 17 September at the Stamford Plaza Airport Hotel, and all past members of the Cadet Unit are all invited.

Ticket sales on TryBooking are due this week. Please email me if you have not yet received your invitation.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer


Wear it Purple Day – ‘Still Me, Still Human’ 

Yesterday at the Assembly, I had the pleasure of introducing the student-driven Wear it Purple Day Video. The range of statements and perspectives shared by students, staff, alumni and guests was impressive and inspiring. 

Wear it Purple Day strives to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people. It reflects the College’s focus on celebrating difference, diversity, equality and the EREA touchstone of inclusive community. We are very lucky in Australia that our human rights are protected by law under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977.

As a community, we strive to respect the dignity of all people. We believe that no one should ever be discriminated against based on the colour of their skin, their gender, their disability, immigration status, age, religious conviction, race, physical features,  their gender identity, or their sexuality. We should all be committed to creating a safe and caring school environment for every student, staff member and visitor to the College. 


Junior School Fundraising 

Congratulations to the entire Junior School community on their amazing fundraising efforts through the Fun Run held at Waverley Park today. As of today, $94,862 has been raised, and will be shared across the following charities: 

The final amount raised will be known by Tuesday next week. What an amazing community response and effort! Thank you to all who have supported the boys achieving this amazing result, and thank you to Mr Jack Wachtel and the Parent Volunteers for making this all possible. 

Year 12

All Year 12 HSC plus ATAR students attended a Post-Trials session with Dr Prue Salter this week. This is a practical session where they will build their study timetable for the final exams and go through really valuable strategies. 

National Skills Week 

Further to last term’s Year 10 Career interviews and our recent speed mentoring afternoon with 14 Alumni, the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has kicked off National Skills Week, by releasing a list of the top 10 jobs expected to be in high demand over the next five years.

This list is based on the Skills Priority List, data on job vacancies, and projected growth in employment over the next five years. I encourage parents with boys in Years 8, 9 and 10, to continue to have conversations around possible future career interest areas. Students with goals perform better in higher years, when they know where they think they are heading. 

Track & Field 

Waverley is hosting at ES Marks sports field tomorrow. I wish all athletes the best of luck as they strive for improvement in their respective fields.

You are cordially invited to the HSC Drama Showcase next Tuesday, 30 August 4pm, in the Performing Arts Centre theatre, to celebrate the wonderful achievements of the HSC Drama class.

This talented class will be performing both group and solo performances. Everyone is invited to this free event. Tea and coffee will be available.


Ms Alison Jinga

Head of Drama


>>> Click here to view the fixtures. 


Track & Field News

The Waverley College Track & Field team performed strongly last Saturday at Homebush, and there were a number of impressive results, particularly in our younger age groups.

There are still some gaps we need to fill leading up to the CAS Championships on 15 September, and we really need some of our older students to step up to make themselves available for events like Middle Distance, Hurdles and some of the other field events. If we can perform well in these areas, and have our strongest athletes, we will go very well. 

Track & Field

Track & Field

Track & Field
Track & Field
Track & Field

Track & Field

House Athletics Carnival – ES Marks

Next Monday is the College House Athletics carnival at ES Marks. There will be buses that depart the College at 8:15am and return by 3pm. However, students are encouraged to make their own way to and from the carnival.

Parents are welcome to attend, but please note that surrounding parking is challenging, and there is no parking on site. Students making their own way to the venue will need to arrive at 8:30am and the carnival concludes at 2:30pm.

We will run the Opens 3km and Javelin from 8:30am for any student who wishes to participate in those events.

In the case of rain, we will notify the community by 7am and the day would then revert to a normal school day.

Please note that there are NO canteen facilities, and students are required to bring their own lunch and snacks.

Invitational Athletics – ES Marks

On Saturday, 27 August, Waverley are hosting the invitational athletics also at ES Marks, and will require some parent assistance with some of the events on the day please.

CAS Track & Field Championships

Thursday, 15 September heralds the first CAS Track & Field Championships for three years.

Students in Years 7 and 12 are required to attend on compulsory supporters’ duty, and will depart the College at 1pm.

The Athletics squad will depart the College at 11am.

We will provide all students in attendance with a lunch pack.

The event concludes at 8pm and students will return back to the College by 9pm. We will provide a return bus back to Maroubra Junction and Hurstville station for any student in attendance from those areas.

Winter Co-curricular Award Winners and Cadet Leadership Appointments

This week, we celebrated our winter co-curricular award winners as well as Cadet leadership appointments. Congratulations to all award winners!

I also want to make very special mention to Ms Kayla Heng from St Catherine’s School, who has been appointed the first female SUO of the Cadet Unit.

>>> Click here to view all of our wonderful Winter Co-curricular Award winners for 2022.

Rugby Presentation Evening a Success

Thank you and well done to all who attended the wonderful Rugby Presentation Evening last Friday. A huge thanks to the members of the Rugby Supporters’ Group, Mr John McCoy for all of his hard work, as well as Easts Rugby for putting on such an enjoyable function. 

Congratulations Debating Teams and Notable Win for 1sts Debating

I also want to congratulate our Debating Teams and especially our 1sts who secured a notable win against Knox last Friday evening.

1sts Debating V Knox

1sts Debating V Knox

Club Finals

We also had a number of boys playing in various club finals over the weekend, and it was exciting to see Waverley students doing so well.

Good luck to our Athletics squad this Saturday at ES Marks.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular 


On Friday, 19 August, the Waverley College Rugby community gathered at Eastern Suburbs Rugby Club to celebrate the 2022 season. The evening was a huge success and you could certainly feel plenty of positivity and spirit at the venue.

We celebrated the outstanding player performances (Senior and Junior School), those undefeated teams (Prep 1sts, 13As, 13Bs, 15As and 16As), and also gave a special farewell to our departing Year 12 players.

We thank Denis Hickey and the Rugby Supporters’ Club for their efforts in organising a great night. We also thank Ms Jade Sparks (Convenor of Junior School Rugby), Mr Thomas Olds (Prep 1st Coach), Mr Steve O’Donnell (Director of Co-Curricular) and Mr Paul Cornish (1st XV Coach), who all spoke superbly on the night.

A highlight on the night was watching members of our 1st XV presenting our junior students and teams – including the undefeated Prep 1st XV team – with their awards on the night. I know the young Waverlians were thrilled to meet and be presented by the Double V.

Thank You

On behalf of the Waverley College Rugby Community, I would like to thank the following people who contributed so much in the 2022 season:

I hope all members of the community enjoyed the 2022 season, and I look forward to seeing you on the playing fields in 2023!

Waverley to Win!


Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby


Home Training is progressing well, as our new rank settle into their new positions of command. We are grateful to our recruits for their enthusiasm and engagement on Friday afternoons, and encourage them to read the Routine Orders from week to week, to know what to wear and where to be.

Admin Parade

Admin Parade 

A Company Bonding at Dismissal Parade

A Company Bonding at Dismissal Parade

A Company Learning the Art of Camouflage

A Company Learning the Art of Camouflage

Points are awarded to the best Companies and Platoons from week to week, and the current point score is as follows:

Cadet Points

Cadet Uniform

The importance of wearing the Cadet Uniform with pride, particularly when in the public domain to and from school, has been communicated to the Unit. When we wear the Cadet Uniform, we are representing our schools and our Cadet Unit.

Even though we are not wearing the Army Uniform, as members of the Australian Army Cadets, we are also representing the members of the Australian Defence Force who have served our country.

There are certainly lots of ways to express individuality in Cadets, but the uniform is not one of them, and we need to wear it with pride, with respect, and with an understanding of what it means to the Australian Public.

To this end, headdress must be worn at all times when outside the school grounds, and the DPCU shirt must be worn at all times, including at school. The undershirt is not an outer garment, and if it is warm weather, the undershirt may be removed, but not the DPCU shirt.

Dates for Bivouac at Holsworthy Barracks

It was disappointing to have to cancel the Bivouac planned for this coming weekend, but we have now booked an alternative. We will hold a Bivouac in Term 4 from 4pm Saturday, 5 November – 5pm Sunday, 6 November at Holsworthy Barracks. This is a voluntary Bivouac, open to the whole Unit for some field experience and camping Cadet-style in preparation for AFX in 2023. More details will follow in due course, but for those interested, please keep this November weekend free.

Dates for Promotions Courses

For those planning holidays in 2023, the Promotions Courses have now been set for the Winbourne Conference Centre from Monday, 26 June – Saturday, 1 July 2023. Please keep these dates free if your son or daughter is interested leadership training and fulfilling one of the many promotion opportunities in Cadets.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Tevlin House had a highly successful evening on Friday at a Winter Sleep Out in our Gym. This concluded the recent Winter appeal donation drive, also for the Matthew Talbot Hostel, with guest speakers leading a fantastic discussion with boys on the common factors influencing the different types of homelessness, and the services aimed to support those without safe or permanent accommodation.

Nate Smith

Nate Smith (Year 10), also provided an inspiring local story of how small actions can grow to provide a large and ongoing impact through the evolution of ‘Pantry 4 the People’, a community pantry in Botany. Boys discussed how we can all assist in practical ways throughout our lives, and treat those experiencing homelessness with dignity.

Nate Smith at Pantry 4 The People in Botany

Nate Smith at Pantry 4 The People in Botany

Sincere Thanks

Thankyou to all the Tevlin and Waverley community for the fantastic response to the Matthew Talbot Hostel’s donation drive.

Waverley are also highly grateful to Woolworths for contributing boxes of toiletries in a huge delivery, to assist our contributions.

Thank you to the many Tevlin mentors who assisted in supervising the evening, and below are some student accounts of their experiences.

Two Student Reflections on the Sleepout

Last Friday night, Tevlin boys had the opportunity to sleep out, staying the night in the College gym as part of our homelessness initiative and support of the Matthew Talbot Hostel. During this time, special guests Damian Royce and Mike Synnott from the hostel, enlightened Tevlin House on the issue of homelessness as a whole, the work provided by the hostel, and answered the many questions we had.

Thanks to the hundreds of donations from the Waverley Community over the past four weeks, Tevlin boys organised these items, and put together more than 220 kitchen and toiletry starter packs for the Matthew Talbot Hostel.

I most enjoyed putting the packs together, as it was a rewarding activity, and the most challenging part of the night was undoubtedly the sleep. Being away from the comfort and security of our homes, and beds in particular, really gave us an insight into what our homeless population have to deal with on a daily basis. – Daniel Di Francesco (Year 12)

2022 Tevlin Winter Sleepout

Last Friday night, the Tevlin boys participated in the Matthew Talbot sleepout. The aim of this event was for us to donate essentials to the homeless, whilst also being able to experience how tough homeless people have it, one example being their sleeping situation.

We started off the night at 7 o’clock by gathering around a circle and partaking in a detailed Q and A with two representatives from the Matthew Talbot Hostel, Damian Royce and Mike Synnott. They explained to us how tough the conditions homeless people at the hostel encounter, for example, some of the residents suffer from PTSD, so they don’t feel safe living within four walls, and would rather sleep in a park with a group of homeless people.

We also created essential care packages for the residents with all the donated items. Our guest taught us so much important information about how most homeless people function in society. We enjoyed the sleepout, as we were able to choose where we wanted to sleep, and this gave us insight into how homeless people would prefer to sleep near people they trust.

What challenged me the most, was sleeping without a sleeping bag and just a light blanket, as I wanted to experience how tough the homeless sleep. I was truly grateful for this experience, as it really opened my eyes about how fortunate I am to have my own room, and have the guarantee of sleeping in my comfy bed every night, an opportunity that most homeless people don’t have.

To help homeless people in the future, I would like to advocate more hostels being opened to keep homeless people safe and to give them a sense of security. – Christian Robbins (Year 10)


Mr John McCallum

Head of Tevlin House


On Tuesday, 23 August, Years 11 and 12 Economics students were joined by Economic students from St Clare’s College in a live online presentation from the Reserve Bank of Australia.

Students listened to an economist discuss Monetary Policy and current economic conditions. The presentation covered an in-depth analysis of current and predicted trends involving headline inflation, interest rates, consumption, investment, wage growth and geo-political influences.

Trend Analysis

Trend Analysis

In the leadup to their examination period, students were fortunate to have the opportunity to pose their own questions to the bank. Questions submitted included the role of monetary policy, future rate rises, the accuracy of bank predictions, China’s looming invasion of Taiwan, and the current conflict with Russia and the Ukraine.

Overall, students found the event very worthwhile. Thank you to Mr Picone and Ms Barber from St Clare’s College.

RBA Monetary Policy Talk


Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation
