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As part of the Technology Mandatory course, class 7 Tec 09 have been studying Agriculture and Food Technologies.

On a beautiful sunny day a couple of weeks ago, the students headed outside, and using food models such as The Healthy Eating Pyramid and The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, they documented their past few meals using chalk and concrete as a canvas.

In the kitchen, students have been cooking various recipes including Apple and Cinnamon Pancakes. Presentation of food plays a large part in meal enjoyment. Congratulations to Edward Garland-Barnes, Joshua Jones, Xander Mills and Ty Paton on their finished product.


Ms Bev McCarthy

TAS/VET Teacher


Year 11 Hospitality recently completed a week’s work placement as part of their Certificate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations). Students were placed in a variety of venues including cafes, restaurants, hotels and catering companies.

They chopped, peeled, baked, fried, flipped, whipped and much more. The students performed and behaved so well, that many venues took time out to let us know just that. Many received a merit award, and some, a Blue Merit.

Well done gents, you did yourselves, the College and the course, proud. 


Ms Bev McCarthy

TAS/VET Teacher


Service Week 2022 is fast approaching for all Year 10 students. Students should be well underway to finding an organisation to volunteer over the four days from 21 November – 24 November, 2022.

Students are encouraged to find their own placement and can check their local council webpage for volunteer opportunities. There is usually a list of services that do great work helping vulnerable people in your area that students may not be aware of.

Examples of places students may like to approach include:

All Year 10 students are reminded that the deadline for placement is due in Week 8, Friday 9 September.

Please fill in the Google form below to register your placement details by this deadline.

>>> Click here to view and complete the Year 10 Service Week form.

Please see Ms Maakrun or Ms Walsh if you have any questions or need support to find a placement.

Year 10 Service Week in 2020

Year 10 Service Week in 2020


Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation


Weekly Careers Newsletter

>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers Newsletter.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.

Apprenticeship Opportunities

There are a number of companies looking for apprentices in a variety of trades – building, plumbing and landscaping.

Please see Ms Knowles if you are interested in an apprenticeship.


Landscape gardener



Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


A friendly reminder to Year 11 parents, carers and students, that in Week 6 (next week), we will start to size Year 11 students for their Year 12 (Class of 2023) jerseys.

*Fittings will take place at the Uniform Shop on Monday/Wednesday/Friday.

The Uniform Shop is on Level 3 of the Centenary Building.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation


Educating the Future 5-Year Gala Dinner

Thank you to the many parents and carers who supported the charity Educating the Future’s 5-Year Gala dinner, held at the College last Saturday evening. The charity was started by two Waverley College students, Adam Hegedus and Alessandro Piovano, after attending a College-led immersion to Timor-Leste.

The College hopes to return to our Timor-Leste immersion program in 2023. The charity ‘Educating the Future’ has as its main goal the support of the Timor-Leste government and local communities, by building much needed pre-schools across Timor-Leste, and providing students with a great start to life. Over 100,000 children do not currently have access to pre-school education in Timor-Leste.

The evening was a great success, with the honourable Sir General Peter Cosgrove as the keynote speaker, sharing many stories from his service in Timor-Leste and his love for the people. The night raised approximately $55,000 with $30,000 going directly toward their sixth pre-school construction.

CAS Survey Results

Last term, parents were invited to complete a survey regarding our membership of the Combined Associated Schools (CAS) organisation. The CAS Strategic Insights report is the collation of quantitative and qualitative data, gained through an internal survey of parents with students in Years 7-12 and students from Years 9-12 across the six CAS schools: Barker College, Cranbrook School, Knox Grammar School, St Aloysius’ College, Trinity Grammar School and Waverley College.

The survey was in the field from 23 May 2022 to 10 June 2022 yielding 4,318 completed responses. Six in-depth interviews were also conducted in May 2022 with each of the six Principals, providing qualitative insights which are also included in this report.

The key elements of the report’s executive summary include:

Key Recommendations

  1. Include additional non-sporting activities within the CAS suite. Almost three in four (72%) community members would like to see a non-sporting activity added to the CAS suite. The top activities stakeholders believe should be added include mental health support for students (34%), as well as leadership camps (33%) and social justice activities (23%). Broadening the CAS offering will meet a greater proportion of the community’s needs while continuing to develop each student holistically.
  2. Look to expand the CAS network with like-minded schools. More than nine in ten (91%) CAS parents and students believe that CAS should include more independent schools in its network. It is important that these schools are  aligned with the CAS culture, as adding schools that are not well-aligned is the biggest concern among stakeholders. With 71% of stakeholders interested in co-educational opportunities, it could also be worth considering including all-girls schools, or co­ educational schools. Expanding the CAS network would allow for greater sporting competitions and fixtures and to diversify the sporting competition as highlighted by the community.
  3. Consider moving some sports to midweek. While many stakeholders see Saturday sports as the largest benefit of their school’s involvement in CAS, there is interest in moving some sports to mid-week. Two in five (37%) would like some sports to be moved to mid-week and keep some sports on Saturday, while 15% would like to see all sports occur mid-week. Consider moving some sports to mid-week to help families better manage their time on the weekend.

If you would like to read the whole CAS report, please click the link below:

>>> Click here to view the whole CAS report.

Thank you to those parents and students who participated in the survey. I will keep you updated with any changes that we will consider implementing as an association. 

Mr Darran Rawson – Foundation Officer 

I would like to welcome Darran Rawson to the College as the newly-appointed Foundation Officer. Darren will work with the College Foundation and Advisory Council to further develop our philanthropic culture at the College.

With reductions in government funding, schools need to widen their fundraising capabilities to ensure our 120-year school has appropriate and well maintained resources and that we endeavour to live out the mission of our College through the four touchstones.

Darren has previously worked at Shore, Trinity Grammar, and Aloysius’ College. He is a past parent of three boys of the College, and is passionate about building connections across our community to enhance our fundraising endeavours. 

Dates for Next Year 

We now have the 2023 Term dates confirmed. They can also be found on our website. 

>>> Click here to view the 2023 Term dates.

TERM 1 – 2023

TERM 2 – 2023

TERM 3 – 2023

TERM 4 – 2023

Waverley Runners and Fundraisers

Good luck to all of our runners who are tackling the City2Surf on Sunday and well done for their significant support of the charity ‘Running for Premature Babies’ which is founded by Waverley College parent, Ms Sophie Smith.

For more details please read Ms Gabby Smith’s newsletter article. 

>>> Click here to view the Nurrunga article by Ms Gabby Smith.

Art and Design HSC Showcase

Parents, students and Waverley community members are warmly invited to attend the St Clare’s and Waverley College annual Art and Design HSC showcase on Wednesday, 17 August. 

The event is a collection of Year 12 major works from the students of 2022. For further details, please read Ms Natalie Oates’ newsletter article. 

>>> Click here to view the Nurrunga article by Ms Natalie Oates.

Waverley’s Winter Appeal Supporting Matthew Talbot Hostel and Homelessness

The winter period is particularly difficult for those in our society experiencing homelessness. Waverley is having a winter donation drive during Weeks 3, 4 and 5 from 1-19 August to support the Matthew Talbot Hostel in Woolloomooloo.

Please find more information regarding Waverley’s Winter Appeal in the Nurrunga article by Mr John McCallum.

>>> Click here to view the Nurrunga article by Mr John McCallum.


What is PISA? 

PISA is the Programme for International Student Assessment. Internationally, it is the world’s largest student assessment with around half a million participating students from close to 85 countries.

Nationally, PISA is one of the international sample assessments of the National Assessment Program (NAP), which encompasses all tests endorsed by the Australian Government Education Council. Under the Education Act 2013 (Cth), participation in PISA is an obligation for all selected schools.

PISA testing at Waverley College will take place on Wednesday, 17 August 2022.

PISA runs every three years and looks at students’ ability to apply their knowledge and skills, and to analyse, reason and communicate effectively as they examine, interpret and solve real-life problems.

Through Australia’s participation in PISA, students help demonstrate areas in which the Australian education system is doing well and areas which need to improve. PISA assists education authorities across Australia to understand and enhance the effectiveness of their educational systems and to learn from other countries’ practices.

Who Will be Involved in PISA? 

In most schools, around 25 students, predominantly from Years 10 and 11, will be randomly selected to participate in PISA. Students selected to participate this year have been informed as have their parents/carers.

Further information can be found in the link below. For further information please call ACER directly on 1800 280 625.

>>> Click here to view more information about PISA in 2022.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


The South Eastern Sydney Local Health District is due to attend Waverley College, next week on Tuesday, 16 August, 2022 for Year 10 routine school vaccinations. 

The following vaccines are being offered to students in 2022: 

Year 10 Meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) 1 dose

Parent Information Kits which include an information sheet, consent form and privacy statement have been distributed to students to be taken home and signed.

These were distributed to all students in Year 10 in the house assemblies held on Friday, 22 July, 2022. If you wish for your child to receive school vaccinations please return your consent card to the Health Centre as soon as possible.

Please note, that any vaccine offered to students at school requires the signed consent of parents/carers. If the consent form is not returned by Tuesday, 16 August, 2022 then your child will not be able to receive the vaccination. Only the hard copy of the vaccination form is accepted (no scans or photocopies are accepted by NSW Health).

Consent may be withdrawn at any time. If you do not wish for your child to receive the MenACWY then do not return a signed vaccination form. Parents/carers who wish to withdraw consent may do so by writing or by phoning the school. 

Should your child miss the upcoming clinic, they will be offered catch-up vaccination throughout the year where possible. If your child is due to receive catch-up vaccination in the school program but has received their dose with the GP, please inform the school as soon as possible to avoid any potential vaccination errors. 

>>> Click here for more information regarding the school vaccination program. 

Thank you.


Ms Adele Cutbush

Registered Nurse

Health Centre Waverley College 


Diary Dates

Please find below key event dates you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 3. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 



Heartfelt Appreciation

A huge thanks to Mr Elliott McKimm for his work in fundraising for Running for Premature Babies and preparing our students for the City To Surf through his weekly Running Club initiative. 

Father’s Day Mass and BBQ Lunch Invitation

>>> Click here to view your Father’s Day Invitation.


Ms Gabby Smith

Director of the Junior School



Curriculum News

Science Week 

Next week is Science Week and we have lots of exciting activities planned for our students.

Our students will have the opportunity to do experiments in class, enter a whole school science competition, see exciting live experiments on the playground run by our senior school teachers, and attend a fun-filled incursion in the Auditorium.

See a detailed description below of our incursion ‘Window to the World – A STEM Story.’

Science Week 2022

Jump through a Window To The World to discover the unsung hero of STEM – Glass!

At the heart of the global transformation of communications, technology, medicine, transport and global sustainability is the sandy substance of glass.

We can’t live the way we do without it – from fibre-optics, the Internet and mobile phones, to its indispensable role in improving our quality of life and helping us live more sustainably in the future.

Celebrate National Science Week and the 2022 International Year of Glass with comedic science sketches delivered by Perform Education professional actor/educators.

Students will laugh and learn all about the every-day impact of glass, how it helps our communications and health, and how it is driving a sustainable future.

Uniform: Sports Uniform 

Date: Tuesday, 16 August

Time: Year 5 – 9:15 am and Year 6 – 11:05 am 

I look forward to reporting back to you on Science Week. 


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Assistant Director of Junior School/Curriculum



City2Surf 2022

It is with great pride that I am able to report the following facts about Team Waverley’s entry into the 2022 City to Surf:

Congratulations and good luck to Team Waverley who this weekend will complete the City2Surf. 150 Waverley College students, staff, family and friends across both campuses have been training hard and have raised a staggering $23,478 for Running for Premature Babies.

Congratulations and good luck to Team Waverley who this weekend will complete the City2Surf

Top 10 Fundraisers

To the entire team: congratulations and a huge thank you on behalf of myself and Sophie Smith from ‘Running for Premature Babies.’

However you decide to get the 14km done this weekend, enjoy every single moment knowing that you are covering a huge distance, and have raised money that will directly benefit babies that are born prematurely.


Mr Elliott McKimm

5 Orange Class Teacher



Junior School House Athletics Carnival

The Junior School are excited to be having our House Athletics Carnival next Wednesday, 17 August at Queens Park.

Students will need to arrive at school dressed in their House colours. Class teachers will mark their rolls, and students will be walked to Queens Park by their teacher.

Students have now been told their race divisions and have nominated for the specific events for the day, which include the following track, field and novelty events:

  1. 100m and 200m (Divisions based on Athletics Trial)
  2. 800m
  3. Discus, Shot Put
  4. Long Jump, High Jump
  5. Tug of war, three-legged race and wheelbarrow race

Families have been sent a Google Form to complete by their son’s class teacher. This will allow us to collate permission for how your son gets home after the carnival. Please ensure you complete this, to assist us further on the day.

The canteen at Queens Park will be open on the day and will be cash only. Students will have a chance to get recess and lunch during the day. Alternatively, students are encouraged to pack their own recess and lunch for the day.

We also ask that you ensure your son packs water, sunscreen and a hat. 

Parents are invited to attend the carnival, we have reserved the Grandstand of the Pavilion for all of our guests. 

The Junior School is looking forward to an amazing day, and are excited to welcome parents and carers to see their son compete in many athletics events.

FunRun Fundraiser

School FunRun

The FunRun Fundraiser has seen some amazing achievements within two weeks of the fundraising period.

Two weeks into the event, I’ll thrilled to share the following milestones reached:

  1. $77,128 fundraised in the first three weeks (smashing our target)
  2. 268 out of 314 students have signed up with profiles
  3. 888 total donations received
  4. Reese ​​Araujo (6 Blue) received a significant donation to the FunRun of $30,000, which takes his total amount raised to $30,800, and Leo Henderson (5 Blue) has fantastically raised $2,330
  5. 6 Blue have convincingly taken the lead in class fundraising with $34,551 raised

The FunRun ‘Big Show’ event is fast approaching (Friday, 26 August), and we’re truly excited to have all students at Waverley Park to end the fundraising in an absolute high point.

I please ask parents to prepare for this, by ensuring your son has a white t-shirt that he can wear on the day. This is because all students will be sprayed with safe/sustainable coloured powder.

The Junior School is unbelievably impressed by the level of commitment shown by the students, and we cannot wait to see how they progress leading up to the big FunRun event.

We thank all families for being on board and we further encourage you to spread the message far and wide, explaining the causes we’re fundraising for, and the meaning behind each chosen charity. 

Feel free to share the Waverley College Junior School fundraising link below for other people to use. Students may also send out their personal link to increase their fundraising efforts:

External Sporting Achievements

Congratulations to Lachlan Bayly and Hunter Bligh who made it to the State Championships Basketball Tournament in Newcastle. Their team went all the way and came runner up in the entire tournament for the U12 division. 

What an achievement, well done boys!

Lachlan Bayly and Hunter Bligh (State Basketball Championships)

Huge congratulations Lachlan Bayly and Hunter Bligh


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director Co-curricular (Years 5-8)



Home Learning Club – Week 5

>>> Click here to register your son.

No Home Learning on Wednesday, 17 August. 

Should your son be unable to attend, please email the College at or call Reception.

ICAS Week 5 

If you have entered your son in the ICAS ‘English’ exam it will be running in the Learning Hub next week. See the timetable below.

Please make sure your son charges his laptop the night before. Students need to arrive at least five minutes before the start time.

5 8am  Tuesday, 16 August  English 

Book Week Writing Competition 

I would like to congratulate the students who have submitted their poetry writing for the Book Week competition. There is still time if your son would like to enter! Entries close Monday, 15 August. Judging will happen after the closing date.

A few examples received so far…

Life is difficult

Life gets faster every day.

No time to think, no time to play.

Hurry, chaos, lots of stress.

Tension leads to sleeplessness.

When will all this madness cease?

Where is free time?

Where is peace?

I’m Running, doing, till I drop.

Give me buttons: Pause, Mute, STOP.

Open your eyes and look at the sunshine.

Jake McEvoy 

6 White 


Reading takes us on an adventure where we follow other people’s dreams. We learn about their stories and escape our everyday lives. 

When we grow up we get a chance to create our own story. Our dreams can become real. So read often and as much as you can, all while dreaming with your eyes wide open. 

Just like the characters in your favourite stories your dreams can one day be a reality.

Hamish Patient

6 Orange 

Pop-up Bookshop 

Our Pop-up Bookshop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop,’ will be on campus Monday, 22 August. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.

There will be three options for payment on the day. Students can pay with cash, EFTPOS or complete the Book Fair PDF note. 

If your son is absent on the day you can purchase books via this link:

All books will be delivered to Waverley and distributed by Week 8.

Round 5 Debating Waverley v Kambala 

A double win for Waverley last week. The boys had their debate against Kambala. The debate topic: ‘That we should ban having birds as pets.’

Both teams had strong arguments with supporting examples, and worked together to put forward strong cases.

Debating develops important skills that are transferable to other areas: exploring ideas, developing arguments, articulating opinions, building confidence, being able to think on one’s feet, and becoming a good public speaker. 

Congratulations on your double win!

Waverley V Kambala – Round 5

Waverley V Kambala – Round 5

Waverley V Kambala – Round 5

Waverley V Kambala – Round 5

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Year 9 Debating Mentors, James Peate, Nicholas Zanapalis and Archie Godby for their endless support, guidance and skill-based training sessions over the past two terms.

L-R: Quinn, Jack, Ned, Thomas, James, Nicholas, Isaac, Geoffrey, Beau and Ishaan. Absent: Max Wu and Archie Godby

L-R: Quinn, Jack, Ned, Thomas, James, Nicholas, Isaac, Geoffrey, Beau and Ishaan
Absent: Max Wu and Archie Godby

Successful Drawing Club Workshop with Ms Maakrun 

It was a privilege to have Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun return to the Junior School to run a drawing workshop with the drawing club students. 

The boys learnt facial proportions, exaggerating features, the importance of black ink and adding colour to draw a caricature of their partner.

Thank you so much for a fun drawing session this week Ms Maakruun!

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club

Junior School Drawing Club


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher



News From 6 Blue

Incredible Donation

A huge congratulations to Reese Araujo from 6 Blue for securing a $30,000 donation for our FunRun from the Judith Neilson Foundation. Reese bravely emailed Judith’s foundation, kindly asking for a donation, and he was certainly not expecting one so generous!

Reese has taken his fundraising very seriously, and is committed to reducing homework and allowing mufti clothing if elected ‘Principal for the Day.’

Reese Araujo - 6 Blue

Reese Araujo – 6 Blue

Visual Arts – Asian Art

This term, Year 6 is studying Asian Art in their Visual Arts key learning area. We have been learning about the spiritual and structural features of pagodas.

Inspired by the line, shape and form of these Asian buildings, we have been creating line drawings. Working on this skill was challenging, but has been a wonderful way to explore different types of art and develop our artistic capabilities.

Combined with the line drawings, we used a Japanese technique ‘shibori’ which utilises tissue paper and water to create a unique, dyed effect on the backing paper.

Enjoy the final results from Jack Mihalakis and Lachlan Symes below.

Jack Mihalakis

Jack Mihalakis

Lachlan Symes

Lachlan Symes


Ms Jade Sparks

6 Blue Classroom Teacher



Engaging Year 5 Firefighter Talk

This week, Fire and Rescue NSW came and presented a bushfire talk to Year 5 as part of their Geography studies. Students have been learning all about how bushfires are managed from prevention to rebuilding after them.

We were also lucky enough to have some firefighters from the Randwick Station come along for a question and answer session. They had some great stories and examples of their real-life experiences as well as a lot of tips for keeping safe.

Fire and Rescue: Year 5 Geography

Fire and Rescue NSW have asked us to ask all of our Waverley parents and carers to check that they have a working smoke alarm in their homes. They say that we have had a disastrous winter in terms of fire fatalities, and many of these deaths could have been prevented if the property had a working smoke alarm.

Fire and Rescue: Year 5 Geography

Local stations carry out ‘Home Fire Safety Visits’ free of charge. They will come to homes to check, and if needed install new alarms free of charge.

They also offer other sound Fire Safety messaging. You can call your nearest station or book a visit online easily on the FRNSW website.

>>> Click here to view the FRNSW Website.

Fire and Rescue: Year 5 Geography


Ms Tanya Buttling

5 Blue Classroom Teacher


Year 10 Dinner Dance tickets go on sale tonight at 6pm.

>>> Click here to book your tickets.

Week 4


Week 5


Week 6


Week 7


Week 8


Week 9


Week 10



Term 4


Term and Holiday Dates 2023

On Wednesday, 10 August, we hosted our inaugural speed mentoring session in the Senior Library, where current students had the opportunity to engage in dynamic discussions about careers, skills and studies with Waverley College alumni.

The aim was to create a space where students could ask questions and gain insights into various industries in a short time. At the start of the 1.5-hour session, Chris Peralta (WCOB 1993), encouraged mentors and mentees alike to consider what their superpower is, and how this can be nurtured to ensure they strive to become the best version of themselves.

Our mentors, ranging from the graduating classes of 1976 to 2019, each had unique skills and experience that, by all accounts, has inspired the mentees and even provided clear directions for future pathways. We are incredibly grateful to our 15 Old Boy mentors for generously sharing their time and expertise.


Ms Venettia Miller

Archives, Alumni and Development


Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 3, Week 5. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program. The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Date Subject Time Room Teacher
Wednesday, 17 August 2022 Drama 3:30pm – 5pm P118 Alison Jinga/ Peter Lamb
Thursday, 18 August 2022
Chemistry 7:30am – 8:30am E04 Gary Kennedy
Ancient History 3:30pm – 4:30pm K11 Nicholas Brophy

Ms Lauren Ryan has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning
