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>>> Click here to view the fixtures. 

Final Round of Winter Activities for 2022

This weekend marks the final round of Winter Activities for 2022. Debating, however, will continue for another three rounds including this Friday. I also want to mention the impressive efforts of all of our Debating Teams and coaches last Friday evening, and the notable win by our Firsts team.

Indigenous Round Connecting Community

Thank you to all of the staff involved in the hard work behind the scenes for setting up an impressive Indigenous Round last weekend. Well done to all 1sts teams for representing the College to a very high standard, and also thank you to all of the families and members of the College community who took part in the celebrations.

Special mention to Uncle Dean Kelly and the other Elders who made the ceremonies so special. We will continue to celebrate this round each year, and continue to work with our Indigenous brothers and sisters for reconciliation, and ensuring future generations recognise the mistakes of the past so we can move forward as one people.

Track & Field Season Commencement

With this round being the final round of winter activities, we will commence our Track & Field season next Monday. The Track & Field guide has been posted on the College website and that highlights the training schedule as well as timings for events each Saturday.

All students are strongly encouraged to participate and any student is welcome to be a part of this squad. We have not been able to run Track & Field for two years due to COVID-19, and are very much looking forward to running this great activity again this year.

For those not participating in Athletics, our summer pre-season will commence later this term.

Please also note that this is the final week of Summer Activity change for Years 7-11, but there are also a number of selections that are now full.

Congratulations Henry Paterson (Class of 2014)

Special mention also to Henry Paterson (Class of 2014) who was playing for the Australian Men’s Rugby 7s at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. Henry scored a try in the Bronze medal playoff against New Zealand.

Congratulations Henry Paterson (Class of 2014)

Congratulations Henry Paterson (Class of 2014)

Heartfelt Thanks

I want to thank all of the parents and carers who assist with various duties each week, especially in the canteen and on the BBQ at Queens Park. We would not be able to run our activities without your support.

I also want to thank all of the Year 12 students who will be playing their final round of winter sport this weekend. I wish you well for the continuation of your Trials.

I hope we have many students and members of the College community down to support again this week, and I remind all students they have to be appropriately attired and acting in a respectful manner.

I also want to mention all of the Convenors and coaches who have worked so hard over another challenging and weather-impacted season.

Football, AFL and Rugby Presentation Evenings

We do have Football and AFL presentation evenings at the College next Friday, followed by Rugby down at Easts Rugby the week after.

Winter Co-curricular Award Winners Assembly

We will also recognise our winter co-curricular awards at an assembly in a few weeks.

Good luck to all teams playing their final games this weekend.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


CAS Round 4 Vs Barker College

Waverley College played against Barker College last weekend in Round 4 of the CAS competition. On the day, from the 15 matches played against Barker College, Waverley managed to win a total of 12 matches. A terrific result.

The 1st XV match was a physical encounter and both sides gave everything for their school. Barker proved to be too good on the day but the Double V can walk away with their heads held high.

CAS Round 5 Vs Trinity Grammar – Final Round for the Winter Sport Season

This weekend marks the end of the 2022 winter sport season. Waverley College meets Trinity Grammar in what is becoming the traditional final round fixture. Our 13s, 16s and Opens play at Queens Park with our 14s and 15s playing over at Summer Hill.

We thank all players for their efforts this season and hope you finish on a high note. We particularly thank our Year 12 boys who play their final round of representative sport for Waverley College this weekend. It would be great to get a big crowd at Queens Park to cheer on our seniors as they run out in the ‘Blue and Gold’ jersey one final time.

QP Canteen and BBQ Support – Final Week!

The Rugby Supporters’ Club are looking for any parents, carers and friends of students in the 13s, 16s and Opens age groups who would be able to assist on the canteen and BBQ for the final game of the season.

Any support, even for a period of one hour, would be very much appreciated. Please register your interest on the 2022 Online ( Roster below.

 >>> Click here to view the roster and register your interest.

Presentation Night – Get your tickets NOW!

Tickets are now on sale for the Rugby Presentation Night. This year it will be held at Eastern Suburbs Rugby Club on Friday, 19 August commencing at 6pm.

It will be a terrific opportunity for players and families from Years 5 to 12 to come together to celebrate the season.

Tickets are available for purchase at the Trybooking link below.

>>> Click here to view ticket purchase information.

Adult tickets are $30 and students $20. Price includes entry and a meal. Drinks can be purchased from the bar. We look forward to seeing you there!

Good luck to all teams in the final weekend of rugby! Enjoy it!



Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby


During the school holidays, 106 cadets gave a week of their precious holiday time to attend the Waverley College Cadet Promotions Courses, learning valuable skills in leadership, team development, instruction and field skills, in order to lead the Unit in the 2022/2023 Cadet Year.

Successful candidates have been posted to their new positions of responsibility across the Unit, and on Friday we celebrated the promotion of our successful candidates at a special Graduation Ceremony.

Mr Graham Leddie and Dr Julie Townsend were joined by our 2021 Senior Ranks to present the awards and rank slides in front of parents, carers and friends. In an exciting milestone in the Unit’s 110 year history, we are very proud to announce the first female Senior Cadet Under Officer for the Unit, a mark of the successful integration of the partnership of St Catherine’s and Waverley College, which commenced in 2020.

It gives me great pleasure to announce the leadership team for the 2022-23 Cadet Year.

Leadership Team 2022-23 Cadet Year

Regimental Headquarters (RHQ)

Senior Cadet Under Officer (SUO) – CUO Kayla Heng

Adjutant – CUO Alistair Isaac

Training Officer – CUO Kitty Fitzpatrick

Operations Officer – CUO Sarah Teitler

Logistics Officer – CUO Lenny Joseph

Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) – WO1 Angus Birrell

Company Commanders

A COY COMD – CUO Matteo Paolella

B COY COMD – CUO Kit Armtrong

C COY COMD – CUO Thomas Brenchley

D COY COMD – CUO Tom Gleeson

SPT COY COMD – CUO Mitchell Cahill

Company Sergeants Major

A COY – WO2 Oliver Malzard

B COY – WO2 Luca Patrick-Watkins

C COY – WO2 Meg O’Connor

D COY – WO2 James Birbas

SPT COY – WO2 Hayley Paddock

Duces of Courses

JLC Course – CPL Lachlan Marzol

SLC Course – WO2 Lachlan Miranda

CUO Course – CUO Kayla Heng

Students of Merit

JLC Course – CPL Lachlan Isaac

SLC Course – WO2 Emma Hartwig

CUO Course – CUO Matteo Paolella

The whole Unit will parade for the first time this Friday, 5 August, and we are looking forward to an engaging and dynamic year ahead.

Q Store Hours

Most recruits have now been issued with their Cadet uniform and gear. For those still without uniform, or needing to exchange sizes, Q Store is open on Wednesday lunch and from 3:30 – 4:30pm after school. 


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Last Friday evening, Waverley hosted the second round of the CAS Debating competition against Barker College. All senior teams were given the choice of three potential motions to debate on the concepts of justice, law, and politics. In negotiation with the opposition, the Firsts team affirmed the motion:

That Indigenous groups in parliamentary democracies should form independent political parties instead of encouraging their members to vote for, and run, on behalf of, existing parties. 

Mack Flitcroft opened the debate, providing a compelling overview of the affirmative case and the team’s proposed model. Second to speak was Christian Kitas who made clear, precise rebuttals of the opposition’s argument whilst continuing to develop Waverley’s case. Daniel McSweeny rounded out the team with a highly effective closing argument that articulated the primary issues of the debate, and why the affirmative model was the most plausible.

After deliberation, the three adjudicators awarded the debate to Waverley. Both teams were complimented on their manner and delivery, as well as the sophistication of the debate overall. 

This win marks the first time in 20 years that Waverley defeated Barker in a Firsts debate. The whole team should feel ecstatic at this significant achievement and I thank them for all their diligence in training and competing. 

Furthermore, it was fantastic that several other senior students came out to support the First team as they debated in the PAC theatre — a somewhat daunting venue that was made more comfortable by their enthusiastic support. I would like to thank Conor, Carter, Owen, Charlie, Alejandro, and Lachlan for their attendance and celebration for the team on their win.

The next round is an economic topic to be held at Waverley College against Trinity Grammar. Parents, carers and students are very welcome to support our debaters.


Ms Melanie Stephens

Senior Debating Coach


Parents, carers, students and Waverley community members are invited to attend the St Clares and Waverley College annual ART and DESIGN HSC showcase on Wednesday, 17 August. 

The event is a collection of Year 12 major works from the students of 2022. 

Each work reflects selected material processes explored by the student throughout the year. 

Works will be on display from:

Date: Wednesday, 17 August 2022
Time: 6pm – 8pm
Location: Brother JP Lacey Gymnasium, 131 Birrell Street Waverley


Ms Nat Oates

Head of Visual Arts


Online Safety Reminders


Recent wellbeing figures at the College have seen a slight increase in students making poor decisions in terms of their online interactions. At this week’s College Assembly I spoke about ‘catfishing.’ This theme was unpacked further by Heads of House at Friday’s House Assemblies.

Catfishing is when someone uses social media to create a false identity, usually as a joke or to scam someone else. Often people who catfish make up fake backgrounds, jobs or friends, so that they appear as someone else. Using this fake identity, they may even trick a person into believing they are in an online romance, before using this to ask for money or gifts or intimate information. 

There are some clear flags that may suggest catfishing:

Mobile phone

If it sounds too good to be true, chances are you’re probably right. Students should always be ‘on their guard’ if someone randomly makes contact out of the blue. If their story isn’t adding up, you are right to be suspicious of them.  

It does not hurt to do some online investigating. If you’re feeling unsure about the person you’re talking to, you can always do your own online research. You can verify their picture using a Google reverse image search. If the photo is connected to lots of different names or is literally the picture of an actor or celebrity, this is a serious red flag. You can also check them out on other social media sites.

They may be a catfish if they: 

Check your privacy settings. Make sure you are comfortable with the amount of personal information you put online, in general. If you’re not sure what’s out there, you can read our article about how to manage your digital footprint. The eSafety Guide has information about how to do this on different online platforms. 

>>> Click here to view the eSafety Guide.

The best advice I always give, is to screenshot, report to your Mentor or Head of House, and block on the platform. The eSafety Guide has information about how to do this on different online platforms. Confidentially reporting fake accounts can help keep the platform safe for others, and you can do this before blocking them. 

A student online


‘Sextortion’ has been an issue for over a decade, with many adults falling victim to this type of online crime. It is a form of blackmail where someone threatens to share intimate images of you, unless you give in to their demands. Organised criminal gangs across Eastern Europe, Russia, and Africa connect to their victims via social media, chat apps, instant messaging platforms and online games. More recently though, there has been a higher rate of adolescent males falling victim.

Since the beginning of 2022, there has been a 400% increase in this type of crime being reported to police in Australia alone. However, these figures are being replicated in most western countries. Having an understanding of how your young person can fall victim to such an offender may help to protect them from engaging or conceding to their demands.

It is vitally important for parents and carers to be aware of this serious issue, and to start having an age-appropriate conversation as early as possible. Be aware that even with an online account set to ‘private’, random people can still message your child. Emphasise to your young person the importance of only engaging online with people they actually know, not someone they think they might know.

Most importantly, keep the lines of communication open between you and your son. Young people who fall victim to these offenders will feel distressed and blame themselves. Let them know, that no matter what, they can come to you and ask for help, and that there is nothing so bad that they cannot come to you.

Father and son

Managing devices can be difficult, especially with older teens, but it is important to weigh up the risks and the dangers. Sadly, even good kids who never make a poor decision elsewhere in their life, can and do make poor choices online. The information presented in this report is intended to alert, and not alarm, parents and carers of this potential issue.

Further information and resources relating to this topic can be accessed via the following websites:

Students and the College will continue to engage in online safety content in their Mentor groups, College Assemblies, House Assemblies, PDHPE lessons and ySafe incursions scheduled during the second part of the year.

Students on mobile phones

Latest COVID-19 Numbers

We have had 5 new cases in the last 24 hours including:

Current / Active Cases

Year 5 3 cases
Year 6 3 cases
Year 7 6 cases
Year 8 3 cases
Year 9 4 cases
Year 10 5 cases
Year 11 1 case
Year 12 1 case
Staff 2 cases
Total 28 cases


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


NESA Stay Healthy HSC Campaign

NESA launched the Stay Healthy HSC campaign on 28 July. Stay Healthy HSC is a cross-sector campaign, now running for its third year, and plays an important role in providing HSC students and their families access to essential health and wellbeing services and information.

This year’s campaign, with support from ReachOut, will roll out in three phases to encourage students to put their health and wellbeing first, connect with one another and reach out to support services if needed.

The three phrases include:

>>> Click here to view the Campaign Resource Hub.

>>> Click here to view the campaign assets.

>>> Click here to view the 2022 HSC Study Guide, which provides information and advice to help set-up HSC students for their final exams.


Ms Elizabeth Watson 

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


​​Each year since 1945, the Children’s Book Council of Australia has brought children and books together across Australia through CBCA Book Week. During this time, schools and public libraries spend one glorious week celebrating books and Australian children’s authors and illustrators. The theme this year is ‘Dreaming With Eyes Open.’

To celebrate Book Week, the Library is offering students of Year 7 a ‘Reader’s Pick.’ Students can either nominate their favourite book or a book that they would like to read. The Library will then purchase any nominated books that are not in the Library collection.


Phone: 02 9369 0639


Ms Sherri Falkinder



The 23rd annual Clancy Religious Art Prize is an exhibition open to all Sydney Catholic Secondary Schools. The prize is a celebration of students’ creativity and spirituality, expressed through Visual Arts, inspired by Cardinal Edward Clancy. 

The Clancy Religious Art Prize is named in honour of Cardinal Edward Bede Clancy, the seventh Roman Catholic Archbishop of Sydney. This art prize is a moment when we can encounter and appreciate beauty through the works of our students. This years theme encompassed ‘Scripture: The Bridge between Heaven and Earth.’

Waverley College entered submissions from Zac Coonan (Year 10) and a collaborative piece by James Iatrou, Finn Stranix and Anderson Franulovich (Year 11). 

Zac Coonan’s photographic work ‘My Connection to Heaven’ placed 3rd, receiving the Brian Jordan Prize. Zac’s selected photograph demonstrates his interpretation of the art prize’s theme and how he sees the ocean, sky and horizon line as the bridge to heaven. Congratulations Zac on a prestigious achievement.

Congratulations Zac Coonan for placing 3rd and winning the Brian Jordan Prize

Congratulations Zac Coonan (Year 10) for placing 3rd and winning the Brian Jordan Prize

Collaborative ceramic artwork by Finn, James and Anderson, was inspired by artist Andy Goldsworthy and his ephemeral artworks. Their interpretation of the theme was conceptual and of high calibre.

Collaborative Artwork by James Iatrou, Finn Stranix and Anderson Franulovich: 'He is Preparing His Eternal Place for You'

Collaborative Artwork by James Iatrou, Finn Stranix and Anderson Franulovich: ‘He is Preparing His Eternal Place for You’

Collaborative Artwork

Lastly, congratulations and well done to Zac, Finn, James and Anderson in their efforts to create such conceptual and reflective artworks of our faith. 

Should you wish to participate in art competitions, please speak to Ms Turnbull in Visual Arts for upcoming events. 


Ms Jenna Turnbull

Innovation Coordinator and Visual Arts Teacher


Orientation Day for students attending Waverley College in Year 7, 2023 will be held on Tuesday, 8 November 2022.

*Please save this date in your calendar: Tuesday, 8 November 2022.

We are looking forward to welcoming your son to the Senior Campus as he undertakes his transition from the Junior campus. On this day, your son will experience a range of activities and meet with peers in his House Group.

The Heads of House shall be the students’ key point of connection throughout the day. This is a wonderful opportunity for your son to familiarise himself with the key staff and students who will be his pastoral support at Waverley College.

Further information on Orientation Day will be advised as the date draws nearer.

In Nurrunga last week, and earlier in the year, Mr Gregerson, Director of Business Services, advised that as per the updated Conditions of Enrolment and as indicated on the College website, Term 1 tuition fees and technology levy will be charged in Term 4, 2022.

You will still receive an invoice in Term 1, 2023 for any applicable sundries, excursion fees and camps. 

Please be advised that if payment is not made by the due date, your son’s enrolment will be forfeited, and his place will be offered to a waitlisted candidate. Additionally, if you pay the fees and then decide to withdraw from the College before the Year 7 commencement date, the Term 1 tuition fees are not refundable or transferable.

If your circumstances have changed and you are no longer intending to send your son to Waverley College in 2023, please advise me immediately via email of your withdrawal, and the Finance team will ensure you are removed from the Term 4 fee run.


Kind regards,

Ms Kylie Anderson

College Registrar


Did you read the ‘Poem Forest’ article in last week’s edition of Nurrunga?

Our Students of the World Ecology Group have planted nine trees just creating and submitting their nature poems to the ‘Poem Forest’ environmental initiative.

Get involved by submitting entries before Friday, 23 September. A tree is planted for EVERY poem submitted!

>>> Click here to view last week’s Poem Forest article and to find out where to submit your poem.

Read the Nature Poems by the Ecology Group

Nature is wonderful
Nature is green
Nature is everywhere and makes the world clean
Nature is biophysical
Nature is diverse
Nature is geological and its beauty unrehearsed.

Ms Sutcliffe

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I am writing this poem to plant a tree,
And I hope you will too!

Kayden Baker (Year 9)

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
To keep our world,
Nature needs help from you!

Chris Kallo (Year 12)

Towering high above us
Roots take up water
Evergreens stay green all year
Every day they keep us alive

Oliver Lorimer (Year 7)

I love the Black cockatoo
And survive is what they must do
They don’t want to die
They just want to fly
This justice we must pursue

James Peate (Year 9)

Image courtesy: Australian Botanic Garden

Calyptorhynchus funereus – yellow-tailed black cockatoo. Image: courtesy Australian Botanic Garden.

Amber and yellow arose from the sky,
As brown branches stood high.
And so the day began.
As abiotic and biotic factors brushed by,
Tiny little humans cut into my thigh.
I lost branches and I lost some more.
Why, I did not look like that before!
As amber and yellow set in the sky,
I continued to process that tomorrow I may die.

Max Sheehy (Year 9)

The environment is like a bee
Loving the plants, trees and flowers
Making it suffer is not meant to bee
We all have the powers
To plant the new tree

Oliver Isaac (Year 7)

The majestic humpback whale,
so graceful day to day.
We must help, we must not fail
so I have something to say.
Trust me okay this is not a tale.
They need us now we must change.
Let’s plant our trees let’s make a trail,
together we make a forest range.
Please send a poem through the mail,
sorry for this big rant,
but we must save the humpback whale!
But these trees we plant,
is the first step of the way
to make sure our humpback whales are okay.

Lachlan Isaac (Year 9)

Oh Great tree,
You do wonders for me,
Shame you will be cut down,
With humanity turning around.
Oh wonderful ocean,
For years you’ve stood,
Shame you’ve rosen,

Do you think this is good?

Patrick Blackall (Year 8)


Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe

Geography Teacher and Ecology Coordinator


This term we are very excited to be introducing all Year 7 Literacy and English students to an innovative program and online educational writing tool called Writer’s Toolbox.

This research-based online writing tool has been built expressly to raise student ability level in writing. The key advantage of this purpose-built educational writing tool is feedback. Artificial intelligence built into the tool reads student work, and provides individualised feedback according to the student’s age and ability level.

The program was designed by education innovator Dr Ian Hunter. Concerned about falling writing standards in his university students, Dr Hunter began a 25-year research project to develop a writing system that every student could master.

Writer's Toolbox

“The writing challenge our students and teachers face is significant. What I have endeavoured to do is to meet this challenge in a way that means teachers and students just get it – by removing the jargon around writing and by teaching explicit, easy-to-understand strategies to improve writing whatever the subject area.” – Dr Ian Hunter

The Year 7 students are now using Writer’s Toolbox at least three times each week, working on tasks and modules specifically structured to improve their writing skills, as well as their understanding of the units studied in English.

Writer's Toolbox

The writing tool is also being trialled in various classes and subjects across the curriculum. Initial feedback from teachers and students is overwhelmingly positive.

This is an exciting time for all students and staff involved. Thank you especially to Mr Tall and everyone involved in Year 7 Literacy and English for all your hard work and dedication in implementing this new program.


Ms Mary Ryan

Acting Literacy Coordinator
