Sticks and Stones, Brainstorm Productions
From the Director of Wellbeing, Matthew Porter
In the lead up to the National Day of Action Against Bullying on Friday 17th March, Waverley College presented a number of workshops designed to combat bullying. The first of these is “Sticks and Stones” run by Brainstorm Productions was on Tuesday 14th March for Years 8, 9 and 10.
Seen and enjoyed by over 1.7 million students, Sticks & Stones is a fearless exploration of violence and aggression and its devastating consequences. The play is confronting and performed by two highly-trained actors, who as young role models, can genuinely connect with the audience and make it clear that masculinity and violence are NOT one and the same. The production encourages teenagers to re-think their views about violence, abuse and controlling behaviour. The performance is followed by an after-show discussion that examines student’s attitudes, challenges stereotypes and aims to breakdown any pre-conceived ideas about violence being acceptable.
Students then spent the following lesson completing a “Bullying Survey” and a respectful relationships workshop.
To find out more about Brainstorm Productions, visit www.brainstormproductions.edu.au