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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

From the (Acting) Director of Co-curricular, Mr Pat Darvill

Winter Co-curricular Uniform

Winter Co-curricular Uniform

Click here to view Fixtures and Venue Maps

Week 3 of Winter Activities

Well done to all students, staff and coaches on a full round of winter activities last weekend. It was great to see so many students fully engaged and committed in the wide range of activities we have on offer here at Waverley.

Check That You Understand All Co-curricular Expectations

  • It is essential all students allow for enough travel time to ensure they arrive a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the start of their matches.
  • All students are required to be wearing full Waverley College sporting attire or full College winter uniform if they are supporting any teams as a spectator.
  • Any leave requests need to be made with as much notice as possible, to allow for appropriate adjustments to be made. School co-curricular commitments also take precedence over any club commitments, however, students are entitled to a maximum of two exemptions per calendar year.
  • Any student who is sick or injured will require a medical certificate explaining their absence.
  • Any absence from training also requires parents/carers to submit a co-curricular absence form or an email to the Convenor of that activity, Mr Wilmot, or myself.
2nd Basketball v Knox

All students are required to be wearing full Waverley College sporting attire or full College winter uniform if they are supporting any teams as a spectator


Our Debating Teams performed very well at OLSH last Friday evening, with some excellent arguments presented by all teams. Well done to all teams on a fantastic second round against OLSH! Waverley won 4/6 debates.


Congratulations to Marko Rangan (Year 12) who was selected in the CIS Opens Basketball team. Also, congratulations to our 1st Basketball Coach, Mr Johnston, who is the CIS Under 16 Assistant Coach.

Water Polo

Congratulations to Lincoln Tanner who has been selected as a member of the  U17 New South Wales Academy for Water Polo. We wish him all the best at the AIS training camp next week. 

CIS Trials Hockey and Rugby League

This week and next week we have a number of boys trialing for CIS Hockey and Rugby League. I want to wish these boys the best of luck. Students are reminded that they need to catch up on any schoolwork missed and assessments are the priority if any clashes.

Congratulations to Kahu Capper who was selected in the CIS Opens Rugby League team.

Waverley College Indigenous Crest. Artwork by Billy Reynolds.

Waverley College Indigenous Crest. Artwork by Billy Reynolds.

AFL Indigenous Round – Walawaani Cup – Friday, 19 May, Pioneers Park

Next Friday night, the 1st AFL team will be playing against Cranbrook in the AFL Indigenous Round. Walawaani in Dhurga language means ‘Safe Journey’ and it is also the name of our First Nations program at Waverley. Moving forward, our Indigenous Round will be playing for the “Walawaani Cup.”

We encourage as many people as possible from the Waverley College community to come and support this event. The pre-game ceremony will start at 7pm with the game starting at 7:15 pm.

House Athletics Carnival – ES Marks – Friday, 19 May, Week 4

Next Friday is the College House Athletics carnival at ES Marks for Years 5-12.

Students in Years 7-12 will need to make their own way to the venue, and must be there no later than 8:30am. Students in Years 7-12 will need to make their own way home from the venue.

For the Junior school, Years 5 and 6, communication has gone out to parents/carers regarding transportation for the day and must be there no later than 8:30 am.

Parents/carers are welcome to attend, but please note that surrounding parking is challenging, and there is no parking on site.

We will run the Opens 3km and Javelin from 8:30am for any Years 7-12 student who wishes to participate in those events.

In the case of rain, we will notify the community by 7am and the day would then revert to a normal school day.

*Please note that there are no canteen facilities, and students are required to bring their own lunch and snacks.

Click here to view the letter with more detailed information and a schedule of events

Football, Tennis, Rugby, Volleyball

This week, we are away to Knox in Football, Volleyball and Tennis, and away to Oakhill for Rugby. We encourage as many members of the College community to come and support.

The Prep 1sts Football and Rugby are also playing home games at Queens Park on Saturday morning, and we encourage as many Senior School students as possible to support our Junior School teams.

*All students must be in full Waverley attire, otherwise they will not be permitted to stay.