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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

From the (Acting) Director of Co-curricular, Mr Pat Darvill

Click here to view the Fixtures and Venue Maps

Co-curricular Sport and Culture Highlights

Today was our annual House Athletics Carnival at ES Marks Athletics Field. It was a stimulating, busy day and we hope you enjoy the photos above. Information about the Carnival will be published in next week’s Nurrunga (Friday, 26 May edition).

We are away to St Aloysius’ this week for many teams, as well as a number of fixtures at Queens Park against St Augustine’s. It was great to see a large majority of students competing to the best of their ability last weekend, against high-quality opposition in all codes.

Congratulations to the 1st Debating and Volleyball teams who had great wins on the weekend and have continued to perform at a high level over the last couple of weeks.

AFL Indigenous Round – Walawaani Cup – Friday, 19 May, Pioneers Park

A reminder that tonight the 1st AFL team will be playing against Cranbrook in the AFL Indigenous Round. Walawaani in Dhurga language means ‘Safe Journey’ and it is also the name of our First Nations program at Waverley. Moving forward, our Indigenous round will be playing for the ‘Walawaani Cup.’

We encourage as many people as possible from the Waverley College community to come and support this event. The pre-game ceremony will start at 7pm with the game starting at 7:15pm.

Super Saturday

On Saturday, we have a big day of rugby at Queens Park. All teams will be playing St Augustine’s at Queens Park with all ‘A’ teams playing on Queens Park 1. It should be a great day of entertaining Rugby, so please come down and support the day.

*All students must be in full Waverley attire, otherwise they will not be permitted to stay.

Swimming and Water Polo Congratulations

  • Year 12 student, Carter Hjorring, selected in the 2023 CIS Secondary Swimming team
  • Eamon Jeffs (Year 9), selected to attend the U15 Water Polo NSW camp at the AIS in Canberra

UN Youth National Conference 2023

Congratulations to Jack Preller for being selected to attend the UN Youth Australia National Conference 2023 in July in Perth.

Cross Country

Waverley had some strong performance in Cross Country on the weekend at the Barker invite, with the Opens 8km team coming first place for the CAS teams. The Cross Country team have been working very hard under the guidance of Mr Jeremy Roff.

Barker XC Invite

CAS Code of Conduct for Parents, Carers and Visitors

All players, parents, carers and spectators are reminded about the importance of sportsmanship and respect for the opposition and officials. All stakeholders are bound by the CAS Codes of Conduct for respect of officials and the opposition team. All supporters and visitors must follow staff instructions at each venue. Click the button below to view the CAS Code of Conduct on the CAS website.

CAS Code of Conduct on the CAS website

The NSW government has released the ‘Shoosh for Kids’ campaign which is based around everyone involved in community and school sport respecting our referees. Please click the button below to view the Office of Sport website and its ‘Shoosh for Kids’ resources.

Click here to view the Shoosh for Kids resources

Keep it positive. Keep it fun. Keep kids coming back to junior sport!

Communication Expectations for Parents and Carers

I also want to remind all parents/carers of expectations at training and games in regards to communication with staff and coaches. Parents are asked to please remain at a distance at all training sessions, to allow coaches to do their jobs effectively.

Please avoid approaching and speaking to coaches whilst a fixture is on – recognise the value and importance of our coaches. If there are any issues or concerns, I would request that you only contact the convenor of that activity or myself, after the session or fixture.

Good luck to all teams and co-curricular activities over this coming weekend.