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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

From the Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve O'Donnell

Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve O'Donnell

>>> Click here to view the fixtures.

Round 4 of Winter Activities

Well done to all teams and activities on some impressive performances last weekend, including Debating against St Clare’s on Friday evening, all U13 Rugby teams, and especially the 13Fs who travelled out to Oakhill for a comprehensive win, as well as our 1sts Football and Rugby teams who were tremendous in their victories. 

Check That You Understand All Co-curricular Expectations

  • It is essential all students allow for enough travel time to ensure they arrive at a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the start of their matches.
  • All students are required to be wearing full Waverley College sporting attire or full College winter uniform if they are supporting any teams as a spectator.
  • We do have a number of students currently sick, so it is essential that appropriate procedures are followed. Any student who is sick or injured will require a medical certificate explaining their absence.
  • Any leave requests need to be made with as much notice as possible, to allow for appropriate adjustments to be made. School co-curricular commitments also take precedence over any club commitments, however, students are entitled to a maximum of two exemptions per calendar year.
  • Any absence from training also requires an email or note from home to the Convenor of that activity, or to Mr Wilmot, or myself.
Winter Co-curricular Uniform

Winter Co-curricular Uniform

Student wearing the new academic uniform

Full College Winter Uniform

Football, Tennis, Rugby, AFL

This week, we are away to Barker for Football and Tennis, and away to Newington for Rugby.

This Friday evening our 1sts AFL team is playing against Cranbrook at Bat & Ball oval in Moore Park at 7pm. We encourage as many members of the College community to come and support.

*All students must be in full Waverley attire, otherwise they will not be permitted to stay.

Our Prep 1sts Football and Rugby are also playing home games on the upper fields at Queens Park on Saturday morning, and we would also love to see as many senior students as possible supporting these future stars.

Prep 1st Rugby vs St. Pius at Walsh Oval (20 Point win)

Seniors, Come and Support Prep 1st Rugby this Saturday, upper fields, Queens Park!

CAS Football

We had a number of students this week selected for CAS Football for both 1sts and U16s. Thank you to Mr Patrick Darvill for once again putting his hand up to coach the CAS 1sts Football.

Congratulations to the following students – it is brilliant to see such a number of our players recognised for their efforts thus far in 2022:

  • CAS U16 Football – Luca Holmes, Jack Crotty and Louis Brokenshire
  • CAS 1st XI Football – Coach: Mr Patrick Darvill – Emilio Vinci, Stan Wilson, James Bulkeley, Luke Kraljevic, Alex Morris, Christian Dos Santos and Chris Kallo

These players will represent CAS and the NSWCIS Football Championships on May 23-24, and is the pathway to NSW and Australian Schools Football selections. We wish all of these boys well.

Emilio Vinci

Emilio Vinci (in 2021)

Good luck to all teams and activities this weekend.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular
