Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
Read more: Waverley Giving Day, Public Speaking Achievements, HSC Preparation Courses Yrs 10-12, WaveFest 2021 Short Film Festival, Enrolment Applications for Yr 5 & Yr 7 2023 Close 31 March 2021, Easter
Inaugural Waverley Giving Day – 31 March
Our first ever Giving Day is just days away. My hope is that people in our wonderful community will come together to give where they can to this worthy cause. On Giving Day we’re raising much-needed funds for means-tested Edmund Rice Bursaries for students doing it tough.
Giving Day will be a Mufti Day where students are asked to bring a $2 donation on the day to Wellbeing Groups (SS) and to Class Teacher (JS) please.
Please take the time to watch our inspiring short campaign video and my short ambassador video below to see how you can help to Engage, Inspire and Empower Tomorrow’s Men, Today.
Recent Public Speaking Achievements
Congratulations to Year 8 student, James Peate and Year 9 student, Ewan McDonald who recently represented the College at the Zone Finals in the Catholic Schools’ Public Speaking Competition. Both presented multifaceted speeches exploring issues of social confinement, famine, McCarthyism, and government enterprise. Ewan was selected to speak again at the Grand Final, placing in the top 10 of his Year group. What an achievement!
On 30 April 2021 we are delighted to be hosting all GPS and CAS schools in the Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition where Patrick Hoggett (vice captain) will serve as the representative for Waverley College.
Inaugural WaveFest 2021 Short Film Festival
I’m thrilled that we’ll be launching our inaugural ‘WaveFest’ film festival in August to be screened in the Cosgrove Centre. This community-based film festival invites students to submit a short film inspired by the theme “the future is yours”. I encourage all students who have a passion for creativity and film making to see this as a bright window of opportunity to attend mentor masterclasses run by professional entertainment alumni. And best of all, to see their film up on the big screen! Click here for more information in Ms Belinda Buchan’s WaveFest 2021 article.
Enrolment Applications for Year 5 and Year 7 2023 Close on 31 March 2021
A friendly reminder that enrolment applications for 2023 are closing next Wednesday 31 March. Should you have a younger son who you would like to enrol at Waverley College in Year 5 or Year 7 in 2023, please ensure you complete an application form.
Please note, if your son is already enrolled at the Junior School at Waverley College, there is no need to place an additional application for Year 7. Contact College Registrar, Ms Kylie Anderson at registrar@waverley.nsw.edu.au
HSC Preparation Courses for Years 10-12 at Centre for Continuing Education
Led by experienced markers, a new term is commencing soon at the Centre for Continuing Education at the University of Sydney. The Centre for Continuing Education has a proven track record in helping HSC students maximise their full potential. I encourage Years 10-12 students to investigate this important opportunity to test where they are at, help maximise their ATAR, and gain different insights: Click here for the link to the CCE webpage
The end of the term next Thursday is looming for us all. We trust that all students finish the term strongly with a focused approach to their studies. The final week of the term coincides with Holy Week, which commences with Palm Sunday and concludes on Easter Sunday. This week is the culmination of the 40-day Lenten journey. Amidst all that is ahead for all of us in our professional, personal and family lives in the coming week, we would do well to find a daily space for prayer and reflection. As Christians, we are called to prepare for the death and resurrection of Jesus – the centrepiece of our faith. With every blessing for the weeks ahead and for Easter especially.