Principal, Mr Graham Leddie
Opening Speech – College Assembly Thursday 24 October
At this week’s College assembly, 2025 College Captain, Kayden Baker shared his opening speech with the students and staff. I commend Kayden on wanting to create ‘better connection and a greater sense of unity within the College community’. Kayden invited all year levels to engage with the captains and prefects on any topic. Kayden also launched the College motto for the next year that Year 12s want the community to focus upon –
Motto: Driven by Passion; Inspired to Serve
Gospel verse; Mark 9:35: “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.”
I include Kayden’s speech below for your reference as you too have a part to play…
Good afternoon Mr Leddie, College Leadership Team, Staff and Students,
For those of you who do not know me, my name is Kayden Baker and it is with immense pride, gratitude and honour that I embrace the position of College Captain for 2025.
I would like to congratulate Archie, Lachie and Fox on their appointment as vice captains and all respective house captains and prefects. I am excited for the coming year and know that we can continue what the 2024 leaders have paved for us and create something special, a truly memorable legacy. Those who are not in a leadership position across year groups, know that this legacy requires the effort of each and every one of you to come into action. Your service and respect should reflect the best version of yourself, the values instilled in you, by your family and those dearest to you.
Something that I, along with all of the leadership team want to place greater emphasis on is connection and a greater sense of unity between the College community. You hear a lot about culture and spirit, but what exactly does that mean? I like to think of culture as what you accept, the standards that you uphold and a shared sense of belonging. As Mahatma Gandhi says, “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.”
This sense of connection stems from a greater student voice, as Mrs Smith and Mr Leddie spoke about last week. The last thing that I, along with all of your Captains, House captains and prefects want, is to seem distant and on a pedestal where you feel that you cannot speak to us. We truly want to hear your voice and input. It is what will allow us to grow in unity.
Before I announce the 2025 motto, I would like to use an example that we have all seen in the last few weeks that I believe displays our motto perfectly, ‘Electrician turned runner, Nedd Brockmann pushed himself to the physical limit in the name of raising awareness and funds for ‘We Are Mobilise’, a charity focused on helping Australians who experience homelessness. Nedd ran 1000 miles in 12 days 13 hours 16 minutes and 45 seconds, Averaging 128 kilometres a day and raised almost $4 million dollars for ‘Mobilise’ in the process.
It is this resilience and passion that makes myself and all of the 2025 Leadership team proud to announce the 2025 motto, “Driven by Passion, Inspired to Serve.”
You will observe a cross in the centre of it. This symbolises the Christian values that underpin all we do as an Edmund Rice School; respect, love, compassion as well as the connection that exists across and between classes, year groups, mentor groups, sports teams and the broader Waverley Community.
The golden heart that lies in the centre of it represents the passion that drives us to succeed and grow. The passion from within yourself, your peers, family, coaches and teachers. It is this passion that enables service in action, acting with our hearts and hands to create positive change and a true sense of unity. The colour gold reflects a vibrant spirit of unity, a spirit that is what will set Waverley apart.
So boys, I challenge each of you to find your passion. Find your why?
Why do you work hard?
Why do you pursue that personal best or PR?
Why do you chase even better marks?
Why do you want to make that particular team?
Why should you be the best version of yourself each day?
The answers to these questions may come easily straight away, or maybe not for weeks, terms or years. However, it is with great confidence that I can say once you find your passion and the driving forces behind it, growth will follow and you will truly find joy in maintaining respect and resilience, and in the service of others.
The feet that work their way up the cross will be placed on it over the coming year at particular assemblies. The theme of service in action will be unpacked at each of these assemblies. Ultimately, they represent following in Jesus’ footsteps, being empathetic and putting yourself in one’s shoes and growing throughout the year on your journey.
To the new class of 2025, embrace our last year together, the opportunities, the setbacks and the growth, as I know and you all know, it will fly by. Hold each other to the high standard that I know we can maintain and most importantly, enjoy it.
To each of you here today, make your mark, find your passion and thrive in the service of others. On behalf of the 2025 leadership team, we are here with you and for you. Together, let’s make our imprint on 2025 and build a legacy we are all proud to be a part of.
Thank you.
Happy World Teachers’ and Support Staff Day
Today we celebrated World Teachers’ and Support Staff Day. To work in a school is a vocation, an opportunity to teach or assist in the development, care and education of the next generation. On behalf of the Waverley College community, I thank our Teachers and Support Staff for their commitment, wisdom sharing, and care of our students.
Thank you to the College Captains and prefects who cooked a bacon and egg roll for all the staff this morning which was very much appreciated.
Junior School Lion King Jr. Production
Well done to all Junior School Staff from both Waverley College and St Catherine’s School who assisted with the amazing production of the Lion King Jr. this week. Particular thanks to Mr Jonathan Bowden who coordinated and was the producer.
It was a wonderful experience for the Junior School students and an opportunity for them to perform, stretch their comfort zones and be involved in a production.
The level of performance and energy displayed by the students was impressive.
Thank you to crystal productions who supported the production and assisted the audience feel like they were really on the plains of Africa.
Summer Co-Curricular Captains and Teams
Congratulations to the captains and teams who were presented at assembly this week.
For the full list of selections and appointments please view the article by Mr Steve O’Donnell.
Staff Update
Ms Martina Cooper (Director of Curriculum) is undergoing emergency surgery on her knee next week. Mr Patrick Darvill will be Acting Director of Curriculum for the next 4 weeks and Mr Ben Shorthouse will be Acting Head of PDHPE.
HSC Exam Tips Article – Featured in 9Honey
A big thank you to Ms Martina Cooper for taking the time to share her insights on HSC exams. The article turned out great with very valuable and practical tips for students HERE.
Parents’ Association Meeting and AGM
The next Parents’ Association meeting and AGM will take place face to face in the Senior School Library on Wednesday, 30 October 2024, at 5.30pm where the office bearers for 2025 will be elected.
Please submit expressions of interest for any of the positions for 2025 and beyond to Ms Louise Lakomy, louisel@bdhl.com.au or Ms Emma Laurence, elaurence@waverley.nsw.edu.au.