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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

From the Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Principal, Mr Graham Leddie

Update on Real-Time Reporting – CANVAS and TASS Parent Portal 

In 2022, Waverley College launched ‘Real-Time Reporting’ by introducing the facility for Parents/Carers to become observers of students’ online Learning Management System – CANVAS.  

Information on how to access and use this facility is outlined in the article by Ms Lynsey Porter and Ms Jenna Turnbull. They also provide an update on the ‘formative tasks.’ Please take the time to read the comprehensive article HERE.

NAPLAN Years 5, 7 and 9

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a point in time assessment of literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life.

Students in Years 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. Waverley College will be participating in NAPLAN Online between 13-22 March 2024.

To familiarise yourself with the types of questions and tools available in the NAPLAN Online tests and for further information, read the Senior School article by Ms Martina Cooper HERE and Junior School article by Ms Gaby Bransby HERE.

Year 7 Study Skills Evening – Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Year 7 Parents/carers and students should attend as the session is very interactive and it is important to be on the same page. The main areas that will be covered are:

  • Managing homework and assignments effectively by efficient time management;
  • Learning to be more organised for school and at home using structures and routines;
  • Working and studying effectively in high school and becoming a more powerful learner.

For more information, please see Ms Martina Cooper’s article HERE.

House Swimming Carnivals

Waverley College values the importance of the College House events including the House carnivals. In 2024 we are trialling hosting the College House Swimming Carnival on site to ensure as many students as possible are able to experience the event in a safe and manageable environment. This includes better shaded areas whilst also being able to effectively access the College canteen and any other needed facilities such as change-rooms and toilets.

Our previous carnivals off site have led to some feedback regarding transport concerns, impacts on members of the public and their families at those community facilities, risk mitigation, as well as limited participation by some students. We will review the 2024 House Swimming Carnival once completed to determine the location of this event for next year.

Writing Competition Winners

I congratulate two creative students who recently won the writing competition run by local magazine The Beast. Among the judges were Marjorie O’Neill MP and Allegra Spender MP. The students are Xavier Wright (Year 8 2024) – Winner of Poetry Category and Alex Avdalis (Year 9 2024) – Second in Poetry Category.

Read more in the article by Mr Bill Roberts and Ms Mary Ryan HERE.

Fighting for our Future: Panel Discussion – Sun 17 March, 6pm-7.15pm

Join Allegra Spender MP in conversation with climate activist Anjali Sharma, 2023 NSW Young Australian of the Year, sustainability expert Lottie Dalziel, and Head of Policy and Law Reform at the Environmental Defenders Office, Rachel Walmsley, to discuss the government’s environmental duty of care, intergenerational impacts of climate change and young people’s role in climate action.

Book HERE.

‘Kids Giving Back’ – Not For Profit Organisation

We’re really proud of the following students who elected to spend their spare time volunteering during Term 4 2023 and the recent December/January school holidays:

Ayrton Barrie (Year 6), Alessio Divic (Year 6), Jack Gibson (Year 6), Cooper Glenn (Year 6), Oscar Griffin (Year 6), Zachary Hickman (Year 6), Dash Ingram (Year 5), Benjamin McGrath(Year 6), Noah Nunn (Year 7), Flynn Oxborrow (Year 6), Patrick Mahoney (Year 6), William Sorrenson (Year 6), Phoenix Tilly (Year 6), Toby Williams (Year 7), and Marcello Zanco (Year 6). 

Kids Giving Back reported that these boys were part of a 1,200-strong team of young people who helped with putting together meals, meal boxes and care packs as well as writing cheerful messages to 15 Sydney charities. They certainly display Waverley values in action: outstanding leadership, care and compassion and robust responsibility to their community. Their behaviour is a fine example to us all.

If you would also like your child to experience meaningful opportunities to give back to disadvantaged people in our community, consider the Kids Giving Back April School Holiday Community Programs. Bookings open mid-March 2024.

More information is HERE.