Alex Ferrara takes on the T20
From the Director of Co-curriculum, Stephen O’Donnell
CAS Blitz Games
Well done to all teams on Saturday, particularly those who played Football and Rugby blitz games. The standard in all games was very high, including those in internal trials as competition for spots can often be quite fierce.
We are at home to Riverview this Saturday and this is still very much part of the selection process. No teams are close to being set yet and coaches will make the appropriate adjustments after these trials.
Some of the highlights from last weekend included the performances of the 7A Football squad at their blitz, the 13A rugby squad and the 1st XV rugby squad winning all of their respective Sevens games. Unfortunately we had a serious injury in the 1st XI when Carter Killigrew broke his ankle and we wish Carter all the best in his recovery.
Summer Co-curricular Assembly
We conducted our Summer Co-curricular awards assembly last week. Certainly the highlight of the Summer season had to be the tremendous performance of our 1sts Water Polo who went on to secure a difficult CAS premiership and were very close to winning the combined CAS/GPS title.
Our sincerest apologies also to Max Torsellini who was left off the list of the 1sts Water Polo premiership winners. Max has been a part of the 1sts Water Polo for three seasons and certainly deserves the recognition, not only as a premiership winner, but also as a wonderful contributor to Water Polo at Waverley College. Well done to all members of this team and the very high standard set by this team.
On Tuesday afternoon next week the 1sts Water Polo are playing a charity match against St Catherine’s to raise money for RU OK and all of Year 12 only are invited to come and support with a gold coin entry.
Winter Season Expectations
With our fixtures this week at Queens Park, I want to highlight some important points for all of our community.
Firstly, any current student needs to be attired in full winter sports uniform or College uniform. Any student incorrectly attired will be asked to leave the venue immediately. There are also specific codes of conduct for all spectators and at no stage can a spectator or parent take the field of play and must remain behind the ropes at all times.
There are specific rules around concussion in any sport. If any student suffers any signs of concussion from mild to severe then they need to stop play immediately and seek medical advice. This student cannot train or play for a minimum of 2 weeks and will need to get medical clearance before they can return to training or playing. Please remember this is schoolboy sport only and an individual student’s health is the priority.
We also need to demonstrate appropriate respect for all officials and the opposition. Many schools will often judge us based on their experiences at Queens Park and we need to be welcoming and as positive as possible, keeping in perspective the level of sport we are playing.
I would request that no parent directly approaches coaches regarding their selections and who is on the field. Our staff are doing their best with what we have seen thus far. If any of our parents have any concerns or problems then they should contact the Convenor of that activity, the Head of Sport or myself.
AFL Supporter Group
Congratulations to our AFL parents for their first AGM as an AFL Supporter Group. Thank you for putting your hands up to be on this committee. The Supporter Groups are as essential part of our co-curricular program and it is a great way for parents to get more involved in their son’s activities here at school.
Latest AFL Star
Congratulations to Nick Blakey in Year 12 on his performance on the U/18 National Championship. Nick kicked three goals to help his team, Sydney Swans, win the match last Saturday.
To read more about Nick and the game, please click HERE.
Good luck to all teams this weekend and ‘Go the Waves!’