From the Director of Mission, Phil Davis
Green House Mass
Last Friday, 6 April, 2018, the Green House Mass, was celebrated by former College Chaplain Fr Martin Milani. The Gospel (Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26), which was acted out by Green students, mirrored the message Speak through Action, the theme which our Year 12 Leaders have chosen for 2018. Green Prefect of Spirituality, Nathan Higgs connected this theme with life at Waverley College in his Reflection.
Other features of this Mass included the Entry Procession and Gospel Procession. I would like to thank the staff and students responsible for their organisation and specific roles during the Mass. I would also like to thank Mr Coleman, Head of Green House, for his assistance, as well as the many parents who attended the Green House Mass. The next House Mass is the Lacey House Mass on Friday 18th May, 8.00am in the College Chapel.
Below is Green Prefect of Spirituality, Nathan Higgs’ Reflection:
Good morning members of Green, I stand here today to talk to you about our motto for 2018 ‘Speak through Action’. Demonstrated within the previous reading from the Gospel, it is important that you understand the impact and importance that speaking through your actions can have on others.
In the first reading, Edmund Rice decides to make a difference to help out those who are struggling, by giving them an education. He had a plan, which he stuck with and followed through till the end, not for himself but for others. He set out to help those poor boys and spoke through his actions by not just saying and dreaming of helping but actually committing to the goal with everything he had and standing out to make a difference.
Being a student of Waverley comes with multiple opportunities for you to grow and succeed, whether it’s academic, sporting, cadets or any of the other co-curricular activities. They all come with chances for you to set a goal or give you an idea for your future that you won’t achieve without putting in the effort, studying hard or pushing yourself in your elective sport. You need to act to achieve.
Also, in the Gospel, we are told how Jesus stuck to his word about the child who was thought to be dead but was actually alive; he was laughed at and made fun of but that didn’t stop him because he did not care about what others thought. This also reflects ‘speak through action’ by showing us that people will sometimes be a barrier in your path. Don’t let others stop you from proving yourself just because your answer or action is different.
We can all contribute and speak through action in everyday school life by helping someone who may look worried or alone, calling out bullying by stepping in or If someone is short of money and needs an extra dollar or 50c, lend it to them; the feeling of making someone’s day better will have a positive impact on you more than you think.
The Scripture readings that you heard today, link strongly with ‘Speaking through Action’. Many of you might not acknowledge the stories but it shows you that actions speak louder than words because actions are what people remember. Don’t just set a plan, follow your goals and exceed your limitations, so that you can make a change in this world just like Edmund Rice and Jesus.
May Procession and Celebration of the Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice – New Starting Time
This year’s May Procession and Celebration of the Feast of Blessed Edmund Rice will begin at the new time of 12.00 noon in the Centenary Quadrangle on Sunday 6 May, 2018. The guest speaker is Sr Jan Barnett rsj, the Justice Coordinator of the Sisters of St Joseph, who were founded by St Mary MacKillop.
Mothers’ Mass
The Mothers’ Mass for 2018 will take place in the Br Lacey Gymnasium at 12.00 noon on Friday 11 May, 2018.
This Mass will be for Mothers, Grand Mothers and significant females and their sons from Years 5-12. The Mass will be followed by lunch at the Junior School and a luncheon for the Senior College Mums. Please register your attendance: BOOK NOW
“What are We doing on Earth for Christ’s Sake?”
“… Christian ethical behaviour … connects our real lives with others so that we might be the best people we can be. At its best, it is never moralising but allows a tradition with ancient roots of reflecting on human nature for two thousand years to adapt it to the here and now. I find that liberating.”
Waverley College invites our community to attend a special evening for adults with a focus on how to find meaning in today’s world. A challenging mixture of spirituality and life experience, this informal event includes a light meal, lecture and discussion with a prominent Australian theologian who lectures internationally and writes on faith and culture: Richard Leonard, SJ, is a writer and film critic who has written and spoken about cinema, culture, and faith on four continents. An Australian Jesuit with advanced degrees in theology and film, Leonard is the director of the Australian Catholic Film Office. As well as his interest in cinema, he has written books including Where the Hell is God? Why Bother Praying? and What are We Doing on Earth for Christ’s Sake?
Parents get the most out of their child’s Catholic education when they commit to reinforcing at home the values taught in the classroom. Catholic education prepares our children to be people of moral conscience, social justice and community; things that make it possible for them as adults to be contributors to a better society. The power of a Catholic education is that it is more than lessons from a textbook; it is also lessons in life. This lecture series for adults is designed to engage parents with perspectives on the Catholic faith that will support their conversations with their sons.
Richard Leonard SJ will speak at Waverley College on Tuesday 29 May, 6pm, Senior Library. Attendance is free of charge. Please register your attendance: BOOK NOW