From Mr Scott Coleman, Head of Green House
As we reflect on a meaningful and encouraging Term 1, each student in Green House should think deeply about how their approach to learning, mentoring and relationships at Waverley have shaped their experiences. Through their approaches to learning, we hope that students build on their knowledge, skills, attitudes, perspectives and character.
Most of the current research demonstrates that the key attributes to success for the 21st-century learner are:
- Collaboration and teamwork
- Creativity and imagination
- Critical thinking
- Problem Solving
- Information and technology literacy
- Social responsibility
- Global and cultural awareness
- Leadership and initiative
- Emotional intelligence
Here at Waverley, social learning and emotional intelligence underpin what each student engages in at the start of each day. Learning together, sharing information and supporting each other are key facets for students as they engage in student lead initiatives empowering students to create change within their community. We see examples of this with the Green House White Ribbon Day March. When Waverley became advocates for White Ribbon Day, the students embraced the opportunity to stand up and be counted for a cause that matters.
Our Wellbeing program was developed in line with the needs of 21st-century learners and constructed to help each boy understand his strengths and how to value them. Students have been taught skills and attitudes to overcome setbacks under the concept of a ‘growth mindset’. This will assist them to be patient and persistent in achieving their goals. While this learning takes time, the long-term goal is life changing for students that welcome this way of thinking. I would recommend further reading in this area for parents or students alike, especially from the researcher Carol S. Dweck.
As I see it, in partnership with parents, it is our role as teachers to shape the minds and hearts of our young people to be contributors and active citizens of the world of tomorrow. I believe strongly that we at Waverley are providing education designed to encourage the growth of our young men who will ‘act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God.’ – (Micah 6:8) and build an even better world before them.
And hopefully, through all these lessons, each student learns that ‘the manly thing’ will always be defined by integrity, compassion, faith and wisdom. Because Waverley boys will all eventually discover that ‘Virtue is its own reward’.
Welcome new students
This term we welcomed 19 new students into year 5, 25 new students into year 7 and 2 year 8 students. I would like to welcome these families to Green House, we are blessed to have such supportive parents and this has continued in 2018. I hope each student has managed to make friendships, get settled into a good routine and have enjoyed their time at Waverley College so far.
Year 7 Camp 5 – 7 February
Our year 7 students were involved in an outdoor learning program, the focus was on team building and for the boys to step outside their comfort zone. It was a great chance for students to get to know each other as they started their journey at Waverley. As their Head of House, it was also a great chance to get to know each student. It was a very enjoyable experience, and each boy will have gained valuable friendships from their time away.
Cadet Camp – 18 – 22nd March
The Waverley College Cadet Unit took part in another valuable camping experience this term. Thanks to all the teachers that took part as well as our year 8 students that had their first experience at what the WCCU has to offer.
Commencement Mass – Thursday 8 February
All students in the College attended the Commencement Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday the 8 February. I want to thank Green students Allan Cannes, Nathan Higgs and Ian Vuk for their support during the event as well as all students from Green House. It was a wonderful gathering to start 2018.
Green House Breakfast – Friday 9 March
We held our annual Green House Breakfast during week 6 this term. I would like to thank all the parents that attended the event, it was a great opportunity to meet some new faces and hopefully, parents had a chance to meet other parents from Green House. I would like to thank all the students involved in preparing and serving the food during the day, we are very lucky to have the involvement of Green students that we do. I would also like to make a special mention of Ms Stephanie Boyce for her coordination, involvement, cooking and setting up for the day.
Green House Mass – Friday 6 April
Green House held our annual Mass during week 10 this term. Thanks must go to Mr Davis for his support in organising the event and Nathan Higgs for the work that he completed for the mass.
Junior School Swimming Carnival
During week 6 the junior school swimming carnival took place. I want to congratulate our junior school swimmers for taking out first place at the carnival. Our junior students showed a lot of spirit and determination to succeed in the way they did during the carnival. We also had some individual success with Jack Kerves winning the Under 12’s Age Division and Oscar Bennett coming second in the Under 11’s Year 6 Age Group.Thanks also to our Junior School Mentors Mr Stephen Ghattas and Ms Gabrielle Bransby for their support of the students throughout the day.
Green House Leadership
Congratulations to our 2018 Green House leaders who have done a fantastic job in their roles this term. Their leadership at assemblies, during Green events and in general has been consistently outstanding. All our leaders need to be congratulated for their role at the various functions and events in term 1.
Our Green House leaders for 2018 are:
- Dominic Augoustis (School Vice-Captain)
- Daniel Brown (Wellbeing Prefect)
- Allan Cannes (Academic Prefect)
- Nathan Higgs (Spirituality Prefect)
- Ben Scarf (Community Prefect)
SRC Members:
- Aiden Pascoe 7
- Sebastien Parish 7
- Luke Mullens 7
- Ian Vuk 8
- Sebastien Watson 10
- Ullhas Dey 10
- Harrison Newton 11
- Rocco Evans 11
- Alexander Bayas 11
- Caillan Porter 11
- Edward Kranz 11
Junior School Leaders:
- Green Captain: Eden Byrd
- Green Vice-Captain: James Dyson-Merwe
- 6 White Class Vice-Captain: Freddy Maree
Congratulations to all our leaders for 2018.
Green House Gold Awards
Congratulations to the Green House students that have been awarded a gold award during term 1. It takes 5 blue merits awarded for students to receive a gold award. They are a sign of consistent effort in the classroom in regards to work and behaviour. Congratulations gentleman.
Green House Mentors
I must also thank our Green Mentors for 2018. Green House has been blessed with outstanding teachers who bring life and meaning to everything our students experience. Our team of wellbeing mentors have done a wonderful job in their wellbeing roles this term, building positive relationships with the students and welcoming them every morning. We thank the following staff for their role as Green House mentors in 2018:
Junior school:
- Stephen Ghattas
- Gabrielle Bransby
Senior school:
- Mr Tony Moore (GR01)
- Ms Amie Schoenmaker/Ms Jannet Markey (GR02)
- Mr Jon Walker (GR03)
- Mr Gary Kennedy (GR04)
- Ms Kathryn Knowles (GR05)
- Mr Dominic Hearne (GR06)
- Ms Katia Iturrieta (GR07)
- Ms Belinda Buchan (GR08)
- Mr Patrick Darvill (GR09)
- Ms Nehal Badiani (GR10)
- Ms Phoebe Guirguis (GR11)
I hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable break.