From RSM, Warrant Officer Class 1 Dylan Jackson
On Wednesday 6 June, the annual CAS Drill Competition was held at Knox Grammar School. Competing against other CAS Cadet Units including Barker College, Trinity Grammar School, Knox Grammar School and; for the first time, a team from St Aloysius College. The Waverley College Drill Squad demonstrated self-discipline, precision and a will to succeed while conducting a series of 26 complex drill movements.
The squad began training at the beginning of Term 2 under the direction of the RSM, Warrant Officer Class 1 Dylan Jackson. With training held three times a week at 7:40am, rain, hail or shine, the squad would meet and train relentlessly. Each member of the squad exhibited incredible dedication and a will to sacrifice simple pleasures in what would eventually become one of the strongest and most prepared drill squads from Waverley ever to compete in the competition.
Finally, 6 June arrived and the competition began. Each unit’s name was drawn out of a hat and Waverley had the honour of presenting first. The competition commenced with a dress inspection, whereby the squad was formed up on the parade ground while two Army Warrant Officer Class 1’s inspected each individual member. Following the inspection was the drill presentation. The squad remained perfectly still and waited in suspense for the first order to be called. Each drill movement was carried out to an exceptionally high degree of perfection. The conduct of Waverley’s Drill Squad even impressed the members of other units who commended our squad on their level of precision and dedication. This year, Waverley “was the school to beat”. After our presentation had been completed, each school then conducted their drill routine. Our most notable contender and rival, Knox, was the last to compete. Ambivalence arose among all competitors and spectators; Waverley and Knox were neck and neck at their level and precision of drill. The judges deliberated over the scores and came to the decision that Knox had won overall. We extend our congratulations to Knox for their outstanding performance.
Although we did not emerge as the victors of the competition, I wish to commend every member of the Drill Squad as their level of dedication and sacrifice to the competition was outstanding. In the end, everyone was extraordinarily proud of the work they had put in, of the fact that we had represented Waverley College to such a high standard and assurance that we had presented one of the finest drill squads in the history of the competition.