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Academic Curriculum

Interfaith Conference

From Karen Jones

On Tuesday June 19th, 25 Year 11 Studies of Religion 2 Unit students, accompanied by Ms Binyamin and Mrs Jones, walked to Moriah College to attend an Interfaith Conference with students from Moriah College and St. Catherine’s School. The day consisted of talks by guest speakers from the three Abrahamic Faiths, group discussions on topical issues such as religious diversity in Australia and a tour of the college. It was interesting to visit the Synagogue as the focal point of Moriah College and also to learn that their canteen does not sell meat or dairy products. Each school had representatives present on significant prayer in their faith. Waverley College students presented on the significance of Marian prayers and all joined in the Hail Mary. The students found the day very interesting, immersed in Judaism, and this experience greatly enhanced their learning. This is a significant annual interfaith event where Waverley students have the opportunity to connect with other schools and peers.