From the Director of Student Wellbeing, Matthew Porter
It is with great excitement and anticipation that I begin my new role this week as Director of Student Wellbeing at Waverley College. This is a stark contrast from my previous position as Deputy Principal – Head of Teaching and Learning at Worawa Aboriginal College. This school is located in Victoria and operates as a boarding school for Indigenous girls and young women from remote communities around Australia.
Upon first impressions I was immediately struck by the sense of collegiality and connectedness that permeates both the staff and students at Waverley. I am looking forward to working closely with the newly appointed Heads of House as well as the student leaders to shape the College programs and ultimately the learning experiences of all students. By building upon the breadth and depth of opportunities available and consolidating the array of co-curricular and philanthropic programs we can continue to support and maintain a positive school climate.
Waverley is already a school in which staff and students feel valued, respected and supported in striving to achieve their personal best. My challenge to each of our boys and young men is to not only continue to strive for their personal best but also to seek opportunities to effect positive change in the lives of others.