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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Junior School News

Junior School: 2017 Term 3, Week 6

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

2017 Junior School Book Week

From the Director of Junior School, Anthony Banboukjian

Prayer of the Week

Dear Lord,

As I enter into this school environment I bring your presence with me.  I speak your peace, your grace, your mercy, and your perfect order in this place.  I acknowledge your power over all that will be spoken, thought, decided and done within these walls.

Lord I thank you for the gifts you have blessed me with.  I commit to using them responsibly in your honour. Give me a fresh supply of strength to do my job.  Anoint my work, ideas and energy so that even my smallest accomplishment may bring you glory.

Lord, when I am confused guide me.  When I am burned out infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirit.  May the work that I do and the way I do it bring faith, joy and a smile to all that I come in contact with today.


Mary, Mother of God: Pray for Us

Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever


Walkathon – Message from Mr Gill         

In 1989, Mrs Helen Newman, began a tradition here at the Junior School by starting a walkathon to help with a charity which was helping children suffering from cancer. The Malcolm Sargent Cancer fund (Now Redkite) was the first beneficiary of our annual walkathon and one which we have continually supported for the past 29 years.  This term, on Friday  15 September, the Junior School is holding its Annual Walkathon. Over the last twelve years the boys from the Junior School have raised nearly half a million dollars with more than 15 different charities being beneficiaries of this good work.  This year the money that is raised will once again be donated to charity.

We will support eight different groups, three main charities being

The three charities listed above will receive 25% each of the money raised with smaller amounts going to

This is a great opportunity for your son to develop a sense of pride in doing something to help others in need.  This follows the Edmund Rice ethos on which our school was founded. We ask that you encourage your son as much as possible to help support this worthwhile event.

Last year was one of our biggest yet. We raised just over $55,000 and we would like to emulate this effort again this year.  Using the forms which will be sent home shortly, the boys will be asked to get as many sponsorships over the next few weeks as they can.  After all the money has been collected a receipt will be sent home. If a sponsor who has donated more than $20 would like a receipt please send the sponsors details along with the money/cheque and a receipt will be sent home with your son.  Money collection will not need to be finalised until the second week of Term 4 (AFTER the Walkathon).

We have 289 boys and this year we are aiming to acknowledge all worthy efforts students make in fundraising. We want to give prizes to every hard working student.   We will also have a reward for the class which raises the most money towards the walkathon (Lunch and a movie) and major prizes for some of the boys who raise in excess of $250.

 Donations of any prize such as restaurant or gift vouchers, movie passes, T-shirts, games, books, caps, surfing items or anything else the boys would like, will be greatly appreciated. No item should be considered too small or too cheap as a prize.   If you are able to help with providing a larger prize please contact me at the Junior School.  If you would like to donate cash to go towards these rewards, this would also help.


Book Week Character Parade

The book character parade held last Thursday was a great success with boys and staff enjoying an opportunity to dress up in their favourite book character. It is really the highlight of the week. Special thanks to Mrs Harrison for all her efforts in organising the whole week.


Father’s Day Mass – Message from Mr Ghattas

A reminder that our annual Fathers and Grandfathers Mass will be held at Mary Immaculate Parish, Waverley on Friday 1 September 2017 (Week 7).  The Mass will commence at 12:00pm followed by a BBQ Lunch at the Junior School.  Please save the date in your calendar.

Additionally, boys will be given the opportunity to go home with their family members at the conclusion of the BBQ at approximately 2:00pm.

To RSVP please click HERE.


Keep your sons reading – Message from Mr Roberts, Head of Library

Waverley College is holding a ‘Keep Your Sons Reading’ parent and son event in the Senior School library on Wednesday 30 August from 6.30pm to 8 pm.

There will be a light supper and a guest speaker.

Our Guest speaker Paul Macdonald has a Master of Education, working almost 20 years as a teacher of Upper Primary and Secondary. He has won numerous awards in teaching such as a Quality Teacher Award, the Premier’s English Scholarship and awards for his co-ordination of Regional Shakespearean Festivals. His interests include the development of literacy with a particular interest in reading for gifted children, boys’ literacy and books for adolescents.

Paul won the inaugural Maurice Saxby Award in 2012 for his contributions to raising the profile of teen fiction. Paul Macdonald also was the winner of the 2016 Lady Cutler award for services to children’s literature and literacy in Australia.

We look forward to seeing you there.

To register, please ring our Head of Library Services, Bill Roberts, on 9369 0671 or email him on



We wish all the boys competing at the IPSHA Athletics Carnival on Tuesday 29 August at Homebush all the best of luck.  We are looking forward to hearing about some great results. Many thanks to Mr Ryan and Ms Hoare for their assistance as on the day.


Good Luck

Good luck to Lucas Young as he heads off to Salamander Bay this week to represent us through NSW CIS at the PSSA State Rugby Championships. Lucas will be in Salamander Bay from Tuesday to Thursday.

Best wishes from the whole school.
Year 5 Camp

All parents of boys in Year Five should have received via their email information and forms relating to the camp in term four. It would be appreciated if you could return the medical forms by the end next week. The requested letters are due by the end of the term. If you did not receive any information or have misplaced the forms please contact Mrs Coupe via her email address as soon as possible.