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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Junior School News

Junior School: 2017 Term 3, Week 8

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

2017 Father's Day at the Junior School

From the Director of the Junior School, Anthony Banboukjian

Prayer of the Week

Monday 4 September marked the Canonisation of Mother Teresa in 2016.  She was the founder of the Missionaries of Charity and spent the majority of her life helping the poor, sick and disadvantaged people in India.  The Missionaries of Charity are now working in over 100 countries and have approximately 4000 sisters.

Mother Teresa’s Anyway Poem

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

St Mother Teresa: Pray for Us
Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us
Live Jesus in Our Hearts: Forever


Father’s Day Mass

At the Junior School we have always thought it was important to celebrate the various events throughout the year with a liturgical celebration where possible – and Father’s Day meant that we could invite all dads and granddads to celebrate with us in a Mass last Friday. It was a wonderful celebration with the boys sitting with their dads and participating in a very special way.

A big thank you to Mr Ghattas for his outstanding preparation and effort that went into making the mass such a special event.

Special thanks to Mr Ryan and Mr Meadley for their wonderful BBQ skills, ensuring all were fed on time.



This is the last weekend for the boys to raise money for our walkathon our main fundraiser for charities this year.

A reminder of the different charities we are supporting this year:

  • Edmund Rice Camps NSW
  • Sydney Children’s Hospital
  • Savio Education Centre
  • Prostate Cancer Foundation
  • Cure for Life Foundation
  • Local Families
  • Redkite

Special thanks to Mr Gill for all his hard work already in ensuring the Walkathon will be a great success.

The walkathon will be held at Centennial Park on 15 Friday September. Your support in this extremely worthwhile fundraising event is greatly appreciated.


Friday – Jersey Day and gold coin donation

In support of Jersey Day ( the boys in the Junior School are permitted to wear the jersey of their favourite team over their school uniform this Friday and make a gold coin donation. The Senior School are also supporting this worthwhile charity.



Well done to the following boys for their performances in the 2017 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – English competition:

Year 5 – Credit Awards

  • Bailey Barker
  • Campbell Porteus

Year 5 – Merit Awards

  • Aston Owens

Year 6 – Credit Awards

  • Jules Cibej
  • Conor Black
  • Thomas Holroyde
  • William Perkins

Year 6 – Merit Awards

  • Aidan Mahoney

Congratulations to Will O’Connor and Hugo Heron for their Distinction Awards which places them in the top 6% of the country and Gabe Phillips and Tom Hughes for their Distinction Awards which places them in the top 9% of the country – well done.


CIS Athletics

We wish Will Sweetman, Louis Etournaud, Joe Mohi, Zachary Duane, Jesse Garratt and Billy Lyons our representatives at the CIS Athletics Carnival next Wednesday 13 September all the very best. They have all worked hard to achieve at this level and I know they will represent the College with pride.


Parking Safely

As you would know out school is situated in a residential area and as a consequence of this we must at all times be mindful whilst dropping and picking up our sons from school each day.

Unfortunately, on a daily basis our neighbours are concerned and often upset about the lack of concern some are showing with parking across driveways, double-parking, parking in no-standing zones, and close to the Zebra Crossing making it impossible to see oncoming traffic.

I am sure all would appreciate our concern and safety we have for all our children and I ask that you please be vigilant by parking safely at all times.


Year 5 Camp Letters

Thank you for the prompt return of all the medical forms for the upcoming Year 5 camp. However there are a large number of the requested letters from parents still outstanding. I would ask you to please ensure that you have sent in the letters by the end of the term.

Name on all student property

Can I please stress the need to ensure your son has his name on all his gear. It makes it far easier to return any lost gear.



If anyone has photos from Saturday sport or any other Waverley College event that they would like to share with the rest of the College community could I ask you to send them in on a disk or memory stick to the Junior School office or email them to Mrs Coupe at