Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby
Read More: Armidale Tour, Y6 Parent webinar, Y6 Debating, Reading Challenge, Fixtures and IPSHA Swimming Carnival
From Ms Gabrielle Bransby, Acting Director of Junior School
Welcome to Week 6. It has been another busy week here at the Junior School. I attended the IPSHA Swimming Carnival on Tuesday and congratulate all the students who attended and represented Waverley so well. All students tried their best and showed true sportsmanship.
Armidale Tour
Each year Waverley attends the annual Rugby Armidale tour. This event is normally a big highlight for our rugby students. This involves taking two teams to play rugby against schools and clubs from around the country. Unfortunately this year it has been cancelled due to COVID-19. Even though we are disappointed, we look forward to attending next year.
Parent Webinar on Puberty and Embracing Change – Year 6 Parents
Please see below for an invitation to a webinar presented by Elephant Ed on Puberty & Embracing Change.
When: Thursday, 18 March 2021 6pm-7pm
Topic: Puberty and Embracing Change
Elephant Ed is a leading sexuality education provider to hundreds of schools around Australia. Elephant Ed’s workshops are evidence-based, age-appropriate and mapped to State and National curriculum guidelines. Elephant Ed is endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider.
In advance of Elephant Ed’s workshops with the Year 6 students, this webinar will include an introduction to Elephant Ed, discussion around the physical, social and emotional changes associated with puberty, as well as strategies for starting open and effective conversations at home.
You are required to register in advance for this webinar. Please use the link below to register.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
We look forward to seeing you online!
News from the Learning Hub
From Ms Natasha Zivanovic, Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher
This year debating for Year 6 will begin in Term 2. Students will be given the opportunity to try out for a debating team. These teams participate in the Independent Primary School Heads of Australia (IPSHA) Friday Afternoon Debating program (during school hours), culminating in the annual IPSHA Debating Gala Day. Debating encourages and challenges young people to engage critically and constructively with each other to explore the most controversial, pressing and age-old questions facing our society.
We will be selecting students for the IPSHA debating teams in Term 1 – Week 8B. Tryouts will be held on Friday 19 March in the Junior School Learning Hub. If your son would like to try out he will need to do the following:
- Choose one of the below topics:
- That parents should not give their children mobile phones
- That books are better than TV
- That the country is better than the city
- Write a 1-2 minute speech taking the side of the affirmative or negative.
- On the day they will rebut the student speaking before him. Then he will continue on with his own speech.
Should your son be interested in participating in debating, he will need to collect a note from me.
Waverley Reading Challenge
The Waverley Reading Challenge is underway. This Challenge implements important strategies to assist your son to engage in reading in a positive manner.
The students are challenged to read different genres, read nonfiction, news articles, listen to audiobooks, give recommendations to their friends and develop a love of reading.
Giving students choices also plays an important role in them developing a love of reading, as does making sure they have access to the books they would like to read, providing a welcoming, flexible and comfortable space, and lastly, time to read. The Learning Hub is continually working to support young readers in the Junior School.

Ollie and Alex reading in the Learning Hub
Junior School Round 4 Fixture (6 March 2021) and Round 3 Sports Results:
From Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)
Round 4 Fixture
Dear all Junior School Parents and Carers,
There are still three rounds to go for the Term 1 Summer season of Saturday Sport. Good luck to all teams competing over the weekend.
For the Round 4 Fixture, Please click here to view this week’s fixture and scroll down to the Junior School Section.
Round 3 Sports Results
IPSHA Swimming Carnival
From Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)
On Tuesday 3 March, students who performed exceptionally well at our College swim carnival were selected to represent Waverley College Junior School at the IPSHA Swimming Carnival at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre.
Students selected in the swim squad included: Liam Madden, Hugo Spierings, James Fanning, William Collignon, Flynn Killen, Hunter Leondis, Ngakau Hiroti, Rowan Metzl, Tom Maxwell, Archie Goulding, Aiden McNee, Evan Rowbothham, Aidan Renford, Ned Panlilio, OWen Roorda, Thomas George, Flin Newman and Cooper Burns.
All participants represented the College in high regard, performing to the absolute best of their capabilities. We were fortunate to have a few outstanding performances, which included:
- U11-13 Boys 200 Metre Freestyle Relay – 3rd in Heat 1 and 5th Overall – Selected for CIS Championships
- 10 Boys 50 Metre Freestyle – Hugo Spierings – 3rd in Heat 4
- 12 Boys 100 Metre Freestyle – Aidan Renford – 3nd in Heat 2
- 12 Boys 50 Metre Butterfly – Owen Roorda – 2nd in Heat 3
Congratulations to all students who represented the College on the day. We are very proud of your effort and commitment.

Junior School IPSHA winners 2021