Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby
A big welcome to 2023 and a very warm welcome to our new families who have joined Waverley this year. We have already had such a busy start to the year!
It was so lovely welcoming our new Year 5 students and parents/carers this week. It is such a special day for the students, who looked smart in their new uniforms and keen to start their journey at Waverley College.
This week, the boys were involved in Sports Trials for the upcoming summer season. This is always a highlight of the year for the boys, as they meet new friends and enjoy being active.
Our ‘Meet and Greet’ interviews were a huge success this week, and I hope you all enjoyed meeting your son’s new teacher. We hope this gave you a chance to discuss any concerns, as well as being able to set goals for the year. Please keep open communication with your son’s teachers as we progress through the year.
We welcome three new classroom teachers to the Junior School this year. Mr Oliver Knight, Ms Elise Hunt and Mr Luke Burns. We welcome Mr Max Mancinelli who is our specialist Science teacher, and Ms Samara Sanchez who is our new receptionist. We also welcome back Mr Kendall Robinson from his year’s leave.
Spanish Now After School
This year, we have made the decision to move Spanish to an after-school program. We have made this decision for a variety of reasons and apologise to those families who are unable to attend the sessions on offer. We are currently still recruiting for the position, and look to commence the program at the end of the month.
The Spanish program will be the same program that was taught at Waverley throughout 2022. We believe it will provide a richer learning experience for those students who are motivated and keen to learn a language. We are currently looking at holding two sessions per week.
Our New Specialist Science Laboratory Will Be Completed Soon!
Over the holidays, we converted the old canteen space into a state-of-the-art Science Laboratory. This is a new specialist area, which will focus on providing a rich learning experience for our students in the area of Working Scientifically. This is an important skill that will provide greater understanding of, and engagement in, the Science and Technology curriculum.
Working Scientifically challenges students to imagine and pose questions, develop processes that can be used to solve problems and, explain observations and phenomena. These scientific processes are informed by the unexpected. An unexpected result, or no observable change, does not necessarily indicate that an investigation was unsuccessful, but rather can be used to direct further questioning and scientific investigation. Having this skill set will set students up for the future, and provide wonderful opportunities in latter years of their education.
We are very excited to have our specialist Science teacher Mr Max Mancinelli run this program, alongside our specialist Science teachers from the Senior School. We are hoping the laboratory will be completed by Week 3.
Please see below the new contact details for reporting your son’s absence. If it is for a long period of time, please contact me for approval by emailing ssanchez@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Absence and Reporting an Absence
1st contact: Waverley College App
2nd contact: Ms Danielle Brown | attendance@waverley.nsw.edu.au | absentee line: 02 9369 0632
Plan B
Please have a discussion with your son about always having a Plan B for when plans change. This is very important for our students, especially around sport and co-curricular activities. At times, these activities will be cancelled due to wet weather and other unforeseen circumstances. Please put together a plan so your son knows exactly what to do when circumstances change.
Pick Up and Drop Off
For those new to Waverley, there is a drop off and pick up space in front of the school, but it is very limited. Most students have organised alternative spots to meet their parents/carers, spots that don’t cause chaos on Henrietta Street.
Please organise an appropriate pick up spot that works for you. Please also be mindful of the neighbouring houses. Show your special brand of Waverley respect by not blocking their driveways and not parking in ‘No Stopping’ areas.
Diary Dates
Below are some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar.
- 9 February – Swimming Carnival
- 11 February – Summer Sport – Round 1
- 18 February – Summer Sport – Round 2
- 21 February – Elephant Ed, Puberty and Embracing Change – 6pm
- 25 February – Summer Sport – Round 3
- 8 March – Aungier House Mass
- 11 March – Summer Sport – Round 4
- 14 March – Winter Sport Trials
- 15 March – NAPLAN writing – Year 5
- 18 March – Summer Sport – Round 6
- 20-24 March – NAPLAN Week
- 24 March – Winter Sport Trials
- 29 March – Class and Summer Sports photos, Lacey House Mass
- 30 March – Open Classrooms TBA
- 31 March – Final Winter Sport Trials
- 5 April – Classes Conclude
Ms Gaby Bransby
Director of the Junior School
Identity & Student Formation
Pastoral Care Notifications
Throughout the year, you will receive notifications within the Parent Lounge and via email regarding Pastoral Care incidents.
These include:
- Positive Notes
- Negative Notes
- Awards
- Detention Notifications (Lunch and Afternoon)
Information and the reasons behind these notifications are given within the Parent Lounge, so it is important that you check details before contacting teachers.
Should you have any questions or concerns about any of these matters, please reach out to your son’s class teacher first, and then if you wish to discuss these matters further, please email me.
Class Masses and House Masses
As part of our Catholic faith, the Junior School students will attend Mass at Mary Immaculate Church, with the regular parishioners throughout the year. These Masses begin at 9:15am and parents/carers are warmly invited. Dates of when your son’s class will be in attendance will be sent to you by your son’s class teacher in the coming weeks.
Additionally, each House will have a Mass throughout the year. This Mass is held in the College Chapel, beginning at 6pm and followed by a light supper. Once again, parents/carers are warmly invited to attend. Dates for these Masses are published in the College Diary, and information will be emailed to parents/carers and students from the Heads of House.
‘Kids Giving Back’
At the end of 2022, Noah Nunn (now in Year 6), spoke to the school about organising a charity drive to assist ‘Kids Giving Back.’ Through the support of the Waverley College Junior School community and Claremont College (his brother Riley attends there), 199 care packages were distributed to the disadvantaged people of Sydney who are living on the streets and doing it tough.
Well done, Noah, for showing empathy and compassion, and taking the initiative to support such a worthwhile cause.
Mr Steve Ghattas
Assistant Director of Junior School / Identity & Student Formation
Co-Curricular and PDHPE
Summer Co-Curricular Sport
Training begins from next Monday, 6 February. Please refer to the schedule to be prepared in advance.
Regarding the summer draw, please be aware that games can change from week to week, due to various uncontrollable reasons. This is why I send out a weekly fixture for each round in the first half of each week, beginning from Week 2.
Please refer to the weekly fixtures as the correct details for games.
A warm welcome to all new families and returning families in our Waverley community. We are so thrilled to have you join us at the Junior School, and I look forward to getting to know you more as the year progresses.
Below is the important Co-Curricular and PDHPE information shared at the information session on day one, for all new Year 5 families:
Sport Program
- IPSHA (Independent Primary Schools Competition)
- Summer Season (Term 1/ Term 4) and Winter Season (Term 2/ Term 3)
- Compulsory for students to play a sport for both seasons
- Students have the choice to sign up for Extra Co-Curricular activities – beginning in Week 4, which include (Debating, Innovation Club, Homework Club, Spanish Club, Judo, Hip-Hop, Run Club, Chess, Table Tennis, Art Club, Board Games Club)
- Information will be sent out in Week 1 or 2 explain the process of students joining, based on spot available

Judo with Ms CJ Tweedie
- Summer: Basketball, Cricket, Tennis, Touch Football, Water Polo
- Winter: AFL, Rugby Union, Football (Soccer)
- Swimming (Term 1) – IPSHA/CIS Swimmers have opportunity to train with senior swim squads
- Athletics (Terms 2/3) – IPSHA/CIS Athletes have opportunity to train with senior athletics squads
Carnivals – Parents and Carers are Welcome to Attend Both Events
- Swimming Carnival – Week 2, Term 1 (Thursday, 9 February) – Junior School Event
- Athletics Carnival – Week 4, Term 2 (Friday, 19 May) – Whole College Event

Brilliant House spirit at the Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2021
Highest-achieving swimmers, athletes and players of each sport are chosen to represent Waverley at IPSHA Carnivals and Sport Trials. If successful, they progress to trialing for NSW CIS representative teams (combined independent schools).
- Students play one sport each season
- Must attend two trainings per week – Summer AM/PM trainings and Winter PM trainings (allowed to miss one if clashes with extra co-curricular activity)
- Students must train in Waverley attire (PE uniform, old/new sports uniform, new training uniform)
- Students missing training or games must be approved by me, Ms Gaby Bransby or Ms Samara Sanchez
- Waverley sport is the priority over external sporting commitments
Sport Preferences
Students/families select two sport preferences for both summer and winter season – ensuring students are given the opportunity to play one of their chosen sports.
Undertaken before each season to help place students into teams fairly and equitably.
Summer (full day and half day) / Winter (three sessions – separate afternoons)
Physical Education
- Students wear PE attire as school uniform on days of PE lessons
- Terms 1 and 4 – double PE lessons are Swimming in the Senior School pool (students bring swimmers – Waverley/non-Waverley jammers, speedos). Students must wear hats for swimming lessons.
- Start Week – to be confirmed. Class teacher will inform students when confirmed.
Personal Development and Health
- Undertaken by class teacher (one lesson per week)
- Major Health Assessments Tasks – created by me
- Class teachers utilise the PDHPE Workbook and CANVAS lesson structure for all lessons/assessment tasks
- Elephant Ed: Sensitive health topics taught by external company to all Year 6 classes
Term 1 Co-Curricular Key Dates
Week 1
- All Day Sports Trial (Wednesday, 1 February) – Locations: Junior School Campus, Senior School Campus and Waverley Park
- Summer Coaches Induction – mandatory for all coaches to attend (Wednesday, 1 February – 3pm-3:30pm) – Location: Junior School Campus Learning Hub
- Half-Day Sports Trials (Thursday, 2 February – 9am-12pm )
- Half-Day Swimming Trials (Thursday, 2 February – 12:45pm-2:30pm) – Location: Senior School Swimming Pool
Week 2
- Junior School Co-Curricular Sport Training Commencement (Monday, 6 February)
- Junior School Swimming Carnival (Thursday, 9 February) – Location: Senior School Swimming Pool
- Junior School Co-Curricular Sport – Round 1 Commencement (Saturday, 11 February)
Week 4
- Extra Co-Curricular activities will commence (Judo, Hip-Hop, Table Tennis, Innovation Club)
- Elephant Ed: Puberty and Embracing Change (Year 6) Parent Webinar (Tuesday, 21 February, 6pm-7pm – information will go out to parents/carers in Nurrunga/app)
Week 5
- Elephant Ed: Puberty Class Sessions Begin for Year 6 Students (Tuesday, 28 February)
Week 6
- Winter Sports Trial #1 (Tuesday, 14 March – 1pm-3pm) Location: Queens Park
Week 7
- Concluding Round of Term 1 Co-Curricular Sport (Saturday, 18 March)
Week 8
- Winter Sports Trial #2 (Friday, 24 March – 1pm-3pm) Location: Queens Park
Week 9
- Winter Sports Trial #3 (Friday, 31 March – 1pm-3pm) Location: Queens Park
Chess Club
In 2023, midday Chess classes will be offered in the Learning Hub for Junior School students on Tuesdays 12:30-1:30pm starting from Tuesday, 7 February. These stimulating classes will again be operated by Sydney Academy of Chess, and deliver multiple educational benefits.
Chess helps to enhance memory, develop problem solving skills, encourage creative thinking and accelerate emotional development.
If your child is interested in taking part, you can collect an enrolment form from either the school office or email enrol@sydneyacademyofchess.com.au
For all enquiries, please contact Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170.
Mr Jack Wachtel
Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)
Home Learning Club Week 2
(NO HOME LEARNING Thursday, 9 February – Swimming Carnival)
We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school, for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.
Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting, and then the club will be closed.
Click here to register your son
Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.
Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent’s signature will be required.
As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.
- Monday and Tuesday – Ms Natasha Zivanovic
- Wednesday and Thursday – Ms Gaby Bransby
If you require any further information, feel free to email us:
An important note to remember: if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, because students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance, and the capacity is always reached.
Please try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.
News from The Learning Hub
As we welcome a new group of students to Waverley in 2023, the Learning Hub aims to nurture and guide them in their social, creative and academic development.
This week, we saw the boys use this space in many different ways before school and during lunch.
Over the next few weeks, different initiatives will be on offer for the students to join.
Reflecting on the Importance of Reading
As an educator, I believe it is vital for our boys to have a strong understanding of the advantages of reading. The boys were asked to use the thinking routine ‘Think, Pair, Share’ to answer the question ‘What are the advantages of reading?’
Reflecting on this question is an important part of their learning journey.
The boys’ reflections were exceptional. Here are some examples:
- It grows your imagination
- It relaxes you
- It can increase your knowledge about different topics
- It is healthy for your brain
- It expands your vocabulary
- Reading is a life skill
Next week, the boys will set personal reading goals for themselves. Goals are an important part of Waverley and of successful learning. These goals are specific to them, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. I am looking forward to working with the boys and their reading journey.
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Literacy & Innovation Teacher
Welcome to Performing Arts 2023 – There is Something For Everyone!
In Week 2, Junior School boys will be asked to fill out the 2023 Performing Arts Survey, as part of their Home Learning. This will give boys a chance to share information about their previous experiences in Performing Arts, and also allow them to express interest in being involved in co-curricular activities in the Junior School.
These activities include:
- Cantores (choral)
- Junior School Band (woodwind/brass/percussion)
- Beginner Band (woodwind/brass/percussion)
- String ensemble
- Guitar ensemble
- Percussion ensemble
- Rock Band
- Stomp (Year 6 only)
- Wakakirri (Drama)
Ms Michelle Rollins
Music and Drama Teacher