Director of Junior School, Ms Gabrielle Bransby
Diary Dates
Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar.
- 18 Feb – Summer Sport – Round 2
- 21 Feb – Elephant Ed, Puberty and Embracing Change – 6pm
- 25 Feb – Summer Sport – Round 3
- 8 March – Aungier House Mass
- 11 March – Summer Sport – Round 4
- 14 March – Winter Sport Trials
- 15 March – NAPLAN writing – Year 5
- 18 March – Summer Sport – Round 6
- 20-24 March – NAPLAN Week
- 24 March – Winter Sport Trials
- 29 March – Class and Summer Sports photos, Lacey House Mass
- 30 March – Open Classrooms TBA
- 31 March – Final Winter Sport Trials
- 5 April – Classes Conclude
Parent Webinar for Year 6 Parents – Elephant Education
Dear Parents and Carers,
Below is an invitation to a webinar presented by Elephant Ed on Puberty and Embracing Change.
When: 6pm – 7pm, Tuesday, 21 February 2023
Topic: Puberty and Embracing Change
Elephant Ed is a leading sexuality education provider to hundreds of schools around Australia. Elephant Ed’s workshops are evidence-based, age-appropriate and mapped to State and National curriculum guidelines. Elephant Ed is endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider.
In advance of Elephant Ed’s workshops with Waverley College students, this webinar will include discussion around the physical, social and emotional changes associated with puberty, as well as strategies for starting open and effective conversations at home.
You are required to register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Healthy Lunchboxes
Packaging a healthy and tasty lunch each day can become challenging. The Cancer Council Healthy Lunchbox website is a great resource that will hopefully give you some great ideas and inspiration.
Click here to view the Healthy Lunch Box website
Click here to view a 3-minute video on How to Pack a Healthy Lunch Box
On average, children eat two to three snacks every day, so it’s important to make them as healthy as possible. Here’s a guide to snacks that will power their brains and fuel their muscles throughout the day.
If you have not already signed up, you can sign up to receive our FREE Nutrition Snippets (five snippets every five weeks of the school term).
How to pack a health lunch box nutrition snippet
School Buses
We have a number of school buses that leave from the Senior School each afternoon and in the mornings from our local areas. If you would like your son to catch these buses and are unsure of which one, please click the button below.
How to plan your school bus trip
The company that runs these buses is called ‘Transdev.’ They have provided instructions for you to easily plan a bus trip.
In the case your son misplaces their bag or another item please see the contacts below:
- Waverley Depot Lost Property: (02) 7257 2436
- Randwick Depot Lost Property: (02) 7257 2401
- Port Botany Depot Lost Property: (02) 7257 2459
Morning Food Break (Crunch and Sip)
As of next week, classroom teachers will allow time for students to eat in the morning to ensure they are set up for a productive learning day. We understand that due to sports training in the mornings and full schedules, that some students miss breakfast. If your son would benefit from this, please pack extra healthy food for him. Some examples include: a sandwich, fruit, cereal or a breakfast bar.
Ms Gaby Bransby
Director of Junior School
Parish Mass at Mary Immaculate Church
On Wednesday, 15 March, both 5 Gold and 6 Gold will attend Mass at Mary Immaculate Church beginning at 9:15am. Parents/carers are warmly invited to attend.
Confirmation at OLR Kensington
Enrolments for the Sacrament of Confirmation at OLR Kensington will close on Thursday, 23 February. If your son is in Year 6 and previously attended OLR Primary, you are encouraged to enrol before this date to avoid missing out.
Click here for further information
Mr Steve Ghattas
Assistant Director of Junior School/Identity & Student Formation
Co-Curricular Sport – Round 1
The big week of Co-Curricular sport continues with Round 1 commencing from tomorrow (Saturday, 11 February). Having had such a big few weeks of sporting events and the commencement of co-curricular training, students are extremely excited about getting the Summer season underway.
Please ensure your refer to the Waverley College app announcements each week, as I will continue to send out the weekly Sports Fixtures for each round. Families can also locate all relevant Junior School Co-Curricular information through the College website below.
Click here to view Junior School Co-curricular Information
Mr Jack Wachtel
Assistant Director of Co-Curricular
Home Learning Club – Week 3
We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.
Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.
Click here to register your son
Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.
Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent’s signature will be required.
As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work. All students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.
- Monday and Wednesday – Ms Natasha Zivanovic
- Tuesday and Thursday – Ms Gaby Bransby
If you require any further information, feel free to email us.
If afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, as students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached.
Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.
Waverley Reading Challenge 2023
The Waverley Reading Challenge will begin in Week 3. This Challenge implements important strategies to assist your son to engage in reading in a positive manner.
The boys are challenged to read different genres, read nonfiction, listen to audiobooks, give recommendations to their friends and develop a love of reading.
Giving boys choices, also plays an important role in them developing a love of reading, as does making sure they have access to the books they would like to read, providing a welcoming, flexible and comfortable space, and lastly, time to read.
The Learning Hub is continually working to support young readers in the Junior School.
Junior School Reader of the Week
Developing a love of reading in boys can be challenging for some. Children’s attention spans can become short due to the constant allure of technology, especially as they get closer to adolescence. As a result, it’s crucial to instil good reading habits in children, early on. A Junior School reader will be highlighted each week. The purpose of these weekly spotlights is to recognise kids who like reading, and encourage reluctant readers to find the same love of reading.
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Literacy & Innovation Teacher