Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabrielle Smith
Diary Dates
Please find below some reminders about key events you need to be aware of, for the Junior School in Term 2. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar.
- Friday, 27 May – Mufti Day – donation and sausage sizzle
- Tuesday, 31 May – Parents’ Association Meeting, 6pm
- Thursday, 9 June – Junior School Edmund Rice Day
- Friday, 10 June – Founder’s Day Holiday (Pupil-Free Day)
- Monday, 13 June – Queen’s Birthday (Public Holiday)
- Tuesday, 14 June – Junior School Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences (Pupil-Free Day)
- Saturday, 18 June – Final round of Junior School Winter Sport
- Tuesday, 21 June – Year 5 History Showcase, 2pm
- Wednesday, 22 June – Year 6 History/Science Showcase, 2pm
- Thursday, 23 June – House Athletics Carnival
Mufti Day Fundraiser – Dancing With the Stars: Eastern Suburbs
On Friday, 27 May, the Junior School Campus will be hosting a mufti day to raise money to contribute to the cause of curing cancer. Our very own member of staff, Mr Thomas Olds, will be competing in the Stars of the East Dance competition, and has so far been raising money through the generosity and support of many Waverley families. He has expressed his gratitude for the Waverley Community, and has been truly touched that so many families have donated to support him and the cause.

Mr Olds Has Dusted Off His Dancing Shoes
There really has been such a wonderful response from our community and families, and I am so excited to perform for a number of them that have not only donated, but have purchased front row tickets to the night. Initially, I was quite nervous and insecure about stepping out of my comfort zone and dancing in front of people, but the enormous support being shown has allowed me to relax and get stuck into my dance practice sessions. So again, I want to thank everyone who has donated so generously and express that the donation link is still active for anyone else who would like to contribute. – Mr Thomas Olds
Should you be willing to donate directly to his page, you can click the link below.
>>> Click here to donate directly to the page of Thomas Olds.
*Boys wearing mufti will need to bring a donation, and they also have the option to order a sausage, which can be pre-ordered through Flexischools for $5.
Running for Premature Babies
We are so excited to already have 75 people register for our Waverley team in the City2Surf on 14 August, and have already raised over $5,000 for local charity, ‘Running for Premature Babies.’ There’s still time to join and help us reach our goal to raise $10,000. Can you help?
>>> Click here to view the Nurrunga article to find out more and how to register.
WriteOn Competition 2022
A reminder for students who would like to participate in the 2022 WriteOn Competition – further information is in the link below:
>>> Click here to view information about the WriteOn Competition for 2022.
Mrs Gabby Smith
Director of Junior School
E: gsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Would You Have a Prize to Donate for Edmund Rice Day?
A friendly reminder that we are eagerly seeking raffle prize donations for our Edmund Rice Day.
We are hoping to have donations in by Friday, 21 May, so that we can start selling tickets the following week.
If you are able to donate a prize, we would deeply appreciate your generosity.
Please send prizes to Mrs Coupe at the Junior School front office.
Should you have any questions about prizes, please email Mr Stephen Ghattas.
Thank you for your support!
Mr Steve Ghattas
Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation
E: sghattas@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Home Learning Club – Week 5
>>> Click here to register your son.
If your son is unable to attend, please email the College at nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au or call reception.
2022 ICAS Competitions for Years 5 and 6 Students
If you would like your son to compete in the 2021 ICAS Competitions, you will be asked to nominate the competitions in which you would like him to be entered, via the Parent Payment System. At the Junior School, the following ICAS competitions are offered: Writing & Digital Technologies, Science & Spelling Bee, English and Mathematics. This year all the competitions will be held in August / September, Term 3 and will be completed before school in the Learning Hub. Dates and times will be confirmed in Term 3.
>>> Click here to register your son.
Through this system, parents can pay for ICAS directly online, while tests will still be held at our school. Please use the school’s access code details to register your child.
Waverley’s School Access Code UUD072
Please consider carefully before choosing this enrichment opportunity for your son. It is a rigorous competition with many questions set beyond grade level. Participants are required to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of learning. If you are unsure of your son’s suitability, please consult with his teacher.
>>> Click here for more information about the assessments.
If you require additional support registering your son, phone the customer service team on 1800 931 775 (Australian Toll-Free).
Lunchtime Guest Speaker Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun Shares Her Talents
Our Junior School boys had an insightful Lunchtime Talk with guest speaker Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun, who is not only a talented cartoonist, but also the Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation in our Senior School, and Commerce, Legal Studies and Economics teacher.
It was a full house, with aspiring creative students wanting to learn all about the world of drawing, in particular cartoons and caricatures.
Thank you Ms Maakrun for taking the time to inspire our creative Junior School students.
If you would like to volunteer to do a presentation, please email me directly at nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Literacy & Innovation Teacher
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Concussion / Serious Injury Protocols
Concussion and serious injuries in sport are becoming an ever-increasing issue that should be taken very seriously. Waverley College places the health and wellbeing of your son first, as a major priority.
Any suspected concussion or serious injury by a medic, physiotherapist or coach is reported, and medical clearance is required for your son to return to sport. In most cases, the recovery time for concussion is a minimum of two to three weeks.
If your son is experiencing some of the following symptoms after or during a training or a game, please make sure that you take them to a doctor to get examined, or have the Queens Park/Opposition medic assess your son, to determine the seriousness of the knock:
- headache
- nausea
- dizziness
- problems with balance
- problems with attention
- loss of consciousness
- temporary memory loss.
The same policy applies with serious injuries during games or training. If your son is concussed or seriously injured playing sport outside of the College, it is the responsibility of the player and parents to notify the Head of Junior Sport and the Convenor of that sport.
- Head of Junior Sport – Jack Wachtel: jwachtel@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Convenor of Junior Rugby – Jade Sparks: jsparks@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Convenor of Junior Football – Charlotte Stephens: cstephens@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- AFL Convenor Contact – Jack Wachtel/Tanya Buttling: tbuttling@waverley.nsw.edu.au
*No parents or carers should ever be making decisions for their son to return to playing or training if their son has been potentially concussed or injured. Please leave that decision to the professional medics, physiotherapist or coaches.
Waverley College Concussion Policy
Please read carefully, by clicking the link below.
>>> Click here to view our current Concussion Policy.
Winter Co-Curricular Sport
>>> Click here to view the Fixtures.
*Please follow the link above to ensure you are up to date with any changes to fixtures for this weekend. Please keep a close eye on the Waverley College app for any adjustments due to weather conditions and field closures.
Although all AFL games and one Rugby game were cancelled, it was a great round of sport for all other Waverley Junior School teams. The sun was shining and we had a lot of muddy teams, who battled it out in difficult conditions. All teams gave it their all, regardless of the final result, which is most pleasing.
I encourage boys to keep giving their all, attending all training and games to best support full participation for their team. Thank you to all the parents and students who have supported other teams who have struggled for numbers from week to week. Myself, coaches and convenors greatly appreciate and acknowledge this.
Please Enjoy Some Muddy Photos From Round 4 Last Weekend!

11C1 Rugby Team v Riverview

Prep 1st Rugby v St Pius at Walsh Oval (20-point win!)

Prep 1st Rugby v St Pius at Walsh Oval (20-point win!)

Dean Leontsinis, Lukas Pendelton, Beau Metheson-Rayner
Extra Co-Curricular Activities
As mentioned in previous weeks, it has been amazing to see the enjoyment and involvement from all students in the Extra Co-Curricular activities undertaken each week. Students have been truly diving in on learning new skills and making the most of each session.
Parents who currently have a son involved in one of the Extra Co-Curricular Activities, please continue to refer to the Schedule in the link below.
>>> Click here to view the Extra Co-curricular Term 2 Sessions Schedule.
Some Photos to Highlight This Enjoyment
Hip Hop Dance
Judo Club
Innovation Club
Mr Jack Wachtel
Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)
E: jwachtel@waverley.nsw.edu.au
News From Year 6 White and Mr Anthony Stanton
This classroom is forever busy. I am happy to say they are making me work very hard to try to keep up with their commitment and output of quality work.
The boys really enjoy activities where they have to research and present using our College CANVAS platform as an instructional guide. If a student is sick or has to miss school, they nearly always ask to be included via Google Meet, to feel a part of the lessons.
The students do excel in independent learning, and are always open to collaborative learning with their peers.
The reports I receive from their specialist teachers are always positive. They consistently mention that they are among the most productive group in the school, who adapt to any learning situation.
I am blessed as a teacher to have these 26 special boys.
Mr Anthony Stanton
6 White Teacher
E: astanton@waverley.nsw.edu.au