Diary Dates
Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar.
- 25 February – Summer Sport – Round 3
- 6 March – Pupil-Free Day – Staff Spirituality Day
- 8 March – Aungier House Mass
- 8 March – Open Day
- 11 March – Summer Sport – Round 4
- 14 March – Winter Sport Trials
- 15 March – NAPLAN writing – Year 5
- 18 March – Summer Sport – Round 6
- 20 – 24 March – NAPLAN Week
- 24 March – Winter Sport Trials
- 29 March – Class and Summer Sports photos
- 29 March – Lacey House Mass
- 30 March – Open Classrooms TBA
- 31 March – Final Winter Sport Trials
- 5 April – Classes Conclude
Elephant Education Parent Webinar
Thank you so much to all the parents and carers who attended the webinar on Tuesday night. Our presenters were amazing and I hope all the information was helpful and useful. Our hope is that you feel comfortable having difficult conversations with your sons and open up the line of communication. When we receive the Slides, I will pass them on.
Lost Property
We have a lot of lost property at the front reception. If your son is missing any hats, clothing or lunch boxes, can they please be sent to reception for collection. This is also a reminder to please put names on all items so they can be returned.
Early Intervention for Child Problematic Screen Use – Research Survey
Waverley College is participating in a research project titled ‘Early Intervention for Child Problematic Screen Use’ facilitated by Macquarie University, regarding screen use and gaming by students in Years 5-8.
The findings from this project will provide valuable insights into screens and gaming for our student population, and will contribute to the research in Australia around how to prevent and treat those children and families suffering from Gaming Disorder and related problematic screen use.
Would you like your child to take part?
>>> Click here to read more information about this survey in the article by Ms Gabby Smith.
Ms Gaby Bransby
Director of the Junior School
The Season of Lent
This week, we gathered together in a special Ash Wednesday liturgy, which marked the beginning of the Church’s season of Lent. The marking of the ashes on this day is a public expression of our faith and repentance.
During Lent, we focus on three pillars: prayer, fasting and almsgiving, which help us in this journey to reach a closeness to God and deeper understanding and relationship with God.
Prayer is a conscious relationship with God. Just as we spend time with friends because we love them, we spend time in prayer because we love God and we know that God loves us. When we are in tune with God, we cannot help but experience deep wellbeing.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy – College Captain, Lachlan Grant at the lectern
Fasting can be a time to eat less and give up some nice treats, however, could it also be a time for us to be more mindful of our purchases – can we make ethical choices in what we buy, or even not buy at all?
The third pillar, almsgiving, is donating money or goods to the poor and less fortunate and performing acts of charity. Caritas launch Project Compassion every year during Lent. Through Project Compassion, Caritas partners with people in the Asia-Pacific to develop their independence and support the human dignity of every person. Our donation to Project Compassion is an encounter with God through the face of the poor.
On Tuesday, with the sale of pancakes for Shrove Tuesday, the Junior School managed to raise approximately $800, a great way to begin our fundraising initiatives this year. Special thanks to Ms Bransby, Ms Sanchez, Ms McCredie, Mr Wachtel and Mr Olds for assisting in the organisation and distribution of the pancakes. The boys thoroughly enjoyed indulging in these delicious treats.
Parish Mass at Mary Immaculate Church
On Wednesday, 1 March, both 5 Blue and 5 Indigo will attend Mass at Mary Immaculate Church beginning at 9:15am. Parents/carers are warmly invited to attend.
Year 5 and Year 10 Big Brother/Little Brother Session 1
Friday, 3 March saw the first of the Big Brother Little Brother sessions for our Year 5 and Year 10 students. The Big Brother Little Brother program aims to foster relationships and enabe Junior School students to feel safe and comfortable in the Senior School environment and during House activities.
The boys were eager to meet their Year 10 peers. They were engaged in exciting conversations that will hopefully build relationships that will flourish over the course of the year and develop into lifelong friendships.
Mr Steve Ghattas
Assistant Director of Junior School/Identity & Student Formation
Co-Curricular Sport – Round 3
As it is Round 3 tomorrow (Saturday, 25 February), I wish all teams the best of luck and ask them to represent Waverley proudly, as I know they will.
Please ensure your refer to the Waverley College app announcements each week, as I will continue to send out the weekly Sports Fixtures for each round.
Families can also locate all relevant Junior School Co-Curricular information through the College website by clicking the button below.
2023 House Swimming Carnival
With the disappointment of having to postpone the carnival on two occasions, we were pleased to lock in Friday, 17 February for the House Swimming Carnival.
It was worth the wait, as the weather saw nothing but blue skies and warm conditions all day.
The House spirit was undeniable and our students were itching to hit the water and compete at an extremely high level in all events.
It wasn’t just the competitive main swimming events that created the most excitement and energy, but the novelty events that involved all eight House groups. These included Tug of War, Tunnel Relays and the crowd favourite, the Surfie Relay.
Our College thanks the parents/carers who attended the day, and staff who undertook all the day’s important events and tasks.
2023 Age Champions
It is exciting to announce the Age Champions for 2023. Congratulations tovthe following students who are deserving winners in their respective age groups.
Under 10 |
Waverley College 2022 Swimming Champion Under 10 | Patrick | Spencer | |||
Waverley College 2022 Under 10 Championship 2nd Place | Hugo | Cuschieri | |||
Waverley College 2022 Under 10 Championship 3rd Place | Leo | Mithen | |||
Waverley College 2022 Under 10 Championship 4th Place | Aidan | Gartland | |||
Under 11 (Year 5) |
Waverley College 2022 Swimming Champion Under 11 | Fergus | Samba Hoare | |||
Waverley College 2022 Under 11 Championship 2nd Place | Luke | Haddock | |||
Waverley College 2022 Under 11 Championship 3rd Place | Jude | McDermott | |||
Waverley College 2022 Under 11 Championship 4th Place | Louie | Cummins | |||
Under 11 (Year 6) |
Waverley College 2022 Swimming Champion Under 11 | Hugo | Bindner | |||
Waverley College 2022 Under 11 Championship 2nd Place | Frederick | Goldrich | |||
Waverley College 2022 Under 11 Championship 3rd Place | Jaden | Truscott | |||
Waverley College 2022 Under 11 Championship 4th Place | Ollie | Burke | |||
Under 12 |
Waverley College 2022 Swimming Champion Under 12 | Roman | Szabo | |||
Waverley College 2022 Under 12 Championship 2nd Place | Jacob | Roorda | |||
Waverley College 2022 Under 12 Championship 3rd Place | Louis | Coleman | |||
Waverley College 2022 Under 12 Championship 4th Place | Tobias | Panlilio |
IPSHA Swimming Team
The IPSHA Swimming Team has now been formulated. As each school is only able to select four swimmers from each age group (U10, U11, U12), some U11 age champions didn’t make it into the IPSHA team.
I would like to further congratulate the following swimmers who made the IPSHA Swim Team and will compete at Sydney Olympic Aquatic Centre next Wednesday, 1 March.
- U10 – Patrick Spencer, Hugo Cuschieri, Leo Mithen, Aidan Gartland
- U11 – Hugo Bindner, Charles Carrano, Fergus Samba Hoare, Luke Haddock
- U12 – Roman Szabo, Jacob Roorda, Louis Coleman, Tobias Panlilio

2023 Junior School Swimming Carnival at the College pool
IPSHA Cross Country Trials
Cross Country Trials for the upcoming IPSHA Cross Country event on Saturday, 1 April will be undertaken next Tuesday, 28 February during Periods 1 and 2.
Waverley College and all competing schools are only allocated five spots per age group, and this is for the following distances:
U10 – 2km / U11 – 3km / U12 – 3km
The trial will be undertaken around a 1km track set up at Waverley Park. If your son is a strong distance runner and is interested in doing the trial, please complete the Google form by clicking the button below.
IPSHA Cross Country Trials Google form
PSHA Tennis and Basketball
Last Friday, 17 and Monday, 20 February, Waverley College Junior School chose two students to compete at both the IPSHA Tennis and Basketball trials:
- Tennis: Noah Dalton, Ben Kostic
- Basketball: Hunter Bligh, Cruz Peralta
These students gave it their absolute all to impress selectors, and demonstrate their level of talent and experience in Cricket. Each student just missed out on making it through, but we’re truly proud of the efforts of all four, who represented the College so highly.
Hunter Bligh made it through as a development player for the IPSHA Basketball team, with the hope that he may get an opportunity to play in the squad. Congratulations to you Hunter, and so well deserved.

Congratulations, Hunter Bligh and Cruz Peralta

Congratulations, Noah Dalton and Ben Kostic
Cranbrook Swimming Invitational Meet
Waverley was honoured to be invited to Cranbrook School’s inaugural Swimming Invitational Meet at the new Murray Rose Aquatic Centre, on Thursday, 16 February. Due to the Swimming Carnival being postponed twice, we brought our best swimmers from the swimming trial.
It was a exciting afternoon event, with Waverley coming away with:
- 4x 1st placings
- 7x 2nd placings
- 7x 3rd placings
Students involved truly enjoyed themselves and were able to prepare themselves for the House Swimming Carnival that took place the next day.

Waverley Swim Team at Cranbrook
Basketball Co-Curricular Photos
Thank you to Franklin Pyke’s father, Ben Pyke, for his amazing photography skills on a weekly basis. We hope you enjoy viewing below some of his skills in action at last weekend’s Basketball games at Oxford Falls.
Jack Watchel
Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)

Image: courtesy Ben Pyke

Image: courtesy Ben Pyke

Image: courtesy Ben Pyke

Image: courtesy Ben Pyke

Image: courtesy Ben Pyke

Image: courtesy Ben Pyke

Image: courtesy Ben Pyke
Home Learning Club – Week 4
We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.
Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.
*No Home Learning on Tuesday, 28 February due to a staff meeting.
Click here to register your son
Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.
Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent/carer signature will be required.
As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.
- Monday and Wednesday – Ms Natasha Zivanovic – nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
- Tuesday and Thursday – Ms Gaby Bransby – gbransby@waverley.nsw.edu.au
If you require any further information, feel free to email us.
If afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached. Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.
Drawing Club
Drawing Club has begun! Our avid artists will get together weekly to discuss all things art. Our first session was on Thursday, 16 February and our theme for the session was getting to know what each student enjoys drawing. The atmosphere in the space was stimulating and I could see new friendships in the making.
Reader of the Week
Audiobooks and eBooks
This week I reflected on the importance of catering for our different learning styles. Reading, however, does not necessarily have to mean opening up a book. For the auditory learners among us, the option of audiobooks is one our society is increasingly turning to, and for good reason.
There are many options out there, and I guess the most important aspect is that your son is reading or listening to audiobooks, if that is his preferred choice.
Your son has access to audiobooks and eBooks on the Learning Hub CANVAS page.
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Literacy & Innovation Teacher
Highlights from Year 6 White and Mr Stanton
Year 6 White has settled splendidly into 2023. They are a fine group of young men. The accompanying photos show the class hard at work in sharing ideas, preparing for Lent 2023, displaying a picture, autobiography of themselves and of course smiling for a group snap. This year has been an exciting and happy year for their teacher!
Mr Henry Stanton
Classroom Teacher 6 White