Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Gabrielle Smith
Diary Dates
Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar.
- Thursday, 17 March – St Patrick’s Day. Mufti Day with a touch of green – gold coin donation. Green lolly bags ($2) will also be on sale and all proceeds will go towards flood relief.
- Friday, 18 March – Big Brother / Little Brother – Bondi Beach
- Wednesday, 23 March – Friday, 25 March – Year 5 Camp, Stanwell Tops
- Monday, 28 March – Wednesday, 30 March – Year 6 Camp, The Collaroy Centre
- Friday, 6 May – Mother’s Day Mass and Lunch – 12pm (Week 2, Term 2)
Flood Relief
Next Thursday, 17 March, the Junior School will be celebrating St Patrick’s Day with a mufti day, and we are asking students to bring in a donation to provide financial assistance to those affected by the current floods. They will also have the opportunity to buy a bag of green lollies for $2. The money we raise will be donated to GIVIT, which is an organisation providing immediate assistance to those in flood affected areas.
>>> Click here to view more information about GIVIT.
Should your son have an allergy, please note that class teachers will be in contact with families prior to this event, in regards to your son’s options.
Healthy Choices
As you are aware, we trialled vending machines in the Junior School for students who required breakfast or extra food or drink throughout the day. We have made the decision to not continue with the vending machines that supply food, as the healthy choice foods are not selling, and we do not want the machines filled with unhealthy options.
We are, however, continuing with the vending machines that supply drinks. Please note, your son can buy a wholesome breakfast at our Senior School Canteen from 8am each morning.

Junior School students can buy a wholesome breakfast at our Senior School Canteen from 8am each morning
Please follow the link below to sign up for Flexischools to order recess and lunch and view our current menu.
In regards to healthy choices, many of our students are stopping at convenience stores in Charing Cross on the way to school in the morning, where they are buying products with very high sugar content. They are consuming these products before the school day begins.
I ask that you be extra vigilant with your son’s purchases, as this is negatively impacting their ability to learn. We are seeing boys attend school in the morning struggling to focus because of what they are consuming before they arrive.
School Pick Up
Can I please ask parents to be mindful of where you are picking your son up, after school. We have had many complaints about double parking, parking across driveways, and parking where there are ‘No Parking’ signs on both Langlee Avenue and Gibson Street.
This creates confusion among other road users, which then becomes a safety hazard for students. Can I ask you to please park legally, as there are many spots you can meet your son, that don’t pose an inconvenience to residents, and a safety hazard for our students.
Staff Spirituality Day
Our staff were fortunate to attend our annual Staff Spirituality Day on Monday, where we had the opportunity to listen to the impressive Reverend Bill Crews. Rev. Crews has been supporting the homeless and vulnerable for more than 30 years.
This began with the famous Loaves & Fishes free restaurant in Ashfield, Sydney, and food vans that have now served over nine million meals to hungry people. In addition, there is now an onsite community centre, with a healthcare clinic and welfare support.
We were reminded of the importance of not focusing on the desire to always want more, as too many attachments end up defining you and destroying you. We were encouraged to continue to serve those who are marginalised and in need of our support, whether this be through mentoring, serving meals or spending time with people in need.

Kevin Heath and Uncle Dean
We also had the opportunity to work with Uncle Dean and our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Liaison Officer, Kevin Heath, to continue to learn and grow in Aboriginal and Cultural Spirituality.
Our session began with a traditional smoking ceremony, and a ritual where ochre was placed on our head representing the mental, physical and spiritual. As humans, if we work hard to connect and balance these dots, we will thrive.
Throughout this session we were also encouraged to focus on one day at a time, and to not dwell on the past and worry about the future.
Thank you for supporting the College in ensuring that we could participate in this day, it was of great benefit to all staff.
Mrs Gabrielle Smith
Director of Junior School
E: gsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Project Compassion – Lenten Appeal
Last week during the Junior School Ash Wednesday liturgies, students were spoken to about the Project Compassion Lenten Appeal. By making them aware of the different communities around the world who are less fortunate than others, we now encourage them to put others ahead of themselves.
Each class has a Project Compassion box for students to donate money. They are encouraged to do extra chores around the home to earn pocket money that can be used as a donation.
Mother’s Day Mass – Friday, 6 May 2022 at Mary Immaculate Church
A reminder to send through a photo of your son(s) with their mothers/grandmothers if you would like a photo included in this presentation.
Please send through all photos to liturgy@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Sacrament of Confirmation
For parents seeking information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation, it is important that you contact your local parish to find out the details regarding when the Sacrament will be celebrated, and when the preparation classes will be held.
For students of Waverley College who are part of St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church), the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday, 19 June at 2pm.
There are other dates that also need to be pencilled into you diaries including:
- Parent Information Evening: Wednesday, 4 May, Mary Immaculate Church, 6:30pm
- Commitment Mass: time and date to be confirmed
- Confirmation Spirituality / Training day: Thursday, 16 June, 9:15am – 12.30pm
Please be aware that the Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated each year, therefore only Year 6 students will be enrolled to receive the Sacrament.
If you wish for your son to be a part of this Sacrament, and you are part of St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church), please email Mr Stephen Ghattas at sghattas@waverley.nsw.edu.au so that a registration form and other important information can be forwarded to you in the coming weeks.
Mr Stephen Ghattas
Assistant Director Mission and Identity
E: sghattas@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Winter Sports Trials
As the Term 1 Summer Season comes to an end, (until Term 4, when it recommences), we’re beginning our Winter Sports Trials for the upcoming season. The Winter Sports Trials will begin next Tuesday, 15 March.
Dates: Trial 1 (Tuesday, 15 March), Trial 2 (Tuesday, 22 March), Trial 3 (Friday, 1 April)
Times: 1:30pm – 3pm (students dismissed from the trial location. Please organise pick up arrangements with your son.)
Location: Waverley Park (unless Queens Park is useable. If so, you will be informed.)
- AFL (Waverley AFL attire or personal AFL attire)
- Football (Waverley PE uniform)
- Rugby Union (Waverley Rugby attire or personal rugby attire)
- AFL (football boots, mouth guard)
- Football (football boots, shin guards)
- Rugby Union (football boots, mouth guard, protective gear if required)
*All students are expected to pack a drink bottle, sunscreen, and anything else personally required.
How Will the Trial Process be Conducted?
The trial process will be conducted by our Junior School staff and supporting coaches for the upcoming winter season.
Please refer to the Selection Process document in the link below, to eliminate any confusion around team selection. Teams will be selected fairly and unbiasedly.
>>> Click here to view the Sports Trials Selection Process document.
Staff are all given the information you as parents added to the Google Form sent at the start of this year, which allowed you to share your son’s previous experience in his chosen Winter sport.
Your son will be informed of his chosen preferences for Winter Sport prior to Tuesday’s trial, as he may have since forgotten. Unfortunately, I will be avoiding making last-minute changes to preferences, as the amount of teams allocated has been selected based on the original preferences chosen. I will always consider adjustments to preferences if it is a serious case that needs reviewing.
External Sporting Events – More State Nippers Achievements
Continuing from last week’s Nurrunga, there are more results coming in from the recent State Nippers competition. Congratulations to the following students for their achievements at the major event:
- Matteo Menviel (5B) and Jack Segman obtained a gold medal as part of the Coogee Boys’ U10 relay
- Matteo also came 4th in the mixed team relay (Coogee team B)
Saturday Sport
Although there have been a lot of games cancelled over the last few weekends, it’s great to see some games going ahead, in spite of the weather. Continue sending through photos from Saturday sport, because it’s nice to see our different teams competing and coming together.

Our mighty Basketball C team getting ready for their game ahead
Mr Jack Wachtel
Assistant Director – Co-Curricular
E: jwachtel@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Home Learning Club – Week 8
>>> Click here to register your son.
If your son is unable to attend, please email the College at nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au or call reception.
Debating Tryouts
A reminder that the Junior School debating tryouts are on Tuesday, 15 March (Week 8) in the Learning Hub.
If your son would like to try out for the IPSHA team he will need to do the following:
Choose one of the below topics:
- That parents should not give their children mobile phones
- That books are better than TV
- That technology is harmful to our friendship
- Write a 1-2 minute speech taking the side of the affirmative or negative.
- On the day he will rebut the student speaking before him. Then he will continue with his own speech.
Supporting Reading At Home
I read an article ‘Infographic: Which Generation Reads the Most?’ This article zoomed in on the five types of generations and their reading habits.
Because our boys are Generation Z, 5-25 years of age was of greatest interest to me.
What did I learn? I discovered that GenZ reads for the least amount of time, still reads for fun, but this number halves when they become teenagers, and they prefer fantasy genres and books with humour.
After reading this article, I reflected on the importance of catering for our different learners. Reading, however, does not necessarily have to mean opening up a book and staring tentatively at pages and pages of endless words.
For the auditory learners among us, the option of audiobooks is one our society is increasingly turning to, and for good reason. There are many options out there, and I guess the most important aspect is that your son is reading or listening to audiobooks, if that is his preferred choice.
Your son has access to audiobooks from the Learning Hub, as well as a multitude of options online; just remember it does not always have to be a hard copy book.
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Literacy and Innovation Teacher
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Welcome to 5 Gold!
It has been an exciting and industrious start to the school year in 5 Gold. The students are enjoying developing new friendships, as well as enthusiastically embracing the wonderful opportunities that Waverley College has to offer.

5 Gold in Term 1, 2022
Term One has been action-packed, with the introduction to new and interesting themes in the Key Learning Areas.
In History, the class has been investigating the development of the Australian Colonies in the 1800s. Through their inquiry, the students are beginning to gain an insight into what life was like for different groups in the Colonial period.
Later in this unit, the students will individually investigate one significant person or event that contributed to the development of the Australian Colonies.
Visual Arts
In Visual Arts, the class investigated the significance and symbolic nature of authentic Aboriginal Art, to understand why the Dreamtime was so important to First Nations People. Students learnt how Aboriginal rock engravings were cut into sandstone.
To further understand the purpose and sacredness of authentic Aboriginal artwork, the students applied different techniques to replicate Australian native animals. Visual Arts is very popular in 5 Gold.
Harvey Smith and Brynn Spierings are displaying excellent talent and belong to the Waverley College Drawing Club.

Harvey Smith and Brynn Spierings
The season of Lent is an important Season in the Liturgical Year. The class have learnt the relevance of prayer, sacrifice, almsgiving and fasting as a way of renewing their hearts to show their devotion to their faith, and prepare for the suffering death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter.
Each student has made a Lenten promise to show their love and commitment to Christ, during this 40-day period. The class is also preparing three beautiful Easter baskets for our annual raffle to support Caritas Project Compassion.
‘Amazing Energy’ is our Science theme, and students are learning about all things energy. This week, the class identified the essential components of an electric circuit. They experimented with the different objects that make up a circuit, known as components. They learnt that switches act like gates to control the flow of electricity, and when a wire is connected to battery terminals, electrons flow from negative to positive.
It has been a wonderful term so far for 5 Gold, and I commend the class for their enthusiasm for learning and their exceptional efforts.
Congratulations to our Class Captains: James Draper and William Carter. Already they have displayed outstanding leadership and initiative in our class.
I look forward to exciting new learning experiences as the year progresses.

5 Gold Class Captains, James Draper and William Carter, Term 1, 2022
Ms Jennifer Hoare
5 Gold Class Teacher
E: jhoare@waverley.nsw.edu.au