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Music Camp, May Procession, ANZAC Day wrap up

2017 Music Camp, Elanora

From the Head of Music, Chris Balkizas

Music Camp Elanora

On Wednesday an excited group of forty-five students departed for three days of intensive workshops at the Elanora Conference Centre. Highlights of the camp were an impromptu concert for their peers and a talent quest. Mr Chris Balkizas, Head of Music would like to thank the staff for their assistance at the Camp: Chris Blenkinsopp, Anne Fahy, Susannah Pinter, Dan Williams and Jenna Cave.


Choir and Brass Ensemble, May Procession

Congratulations to the College Choir, directed by Anne Fahy and accompanied by Michelle Rollins (piano), Chris Balkizas (Guitar) and the College Brass Ensemble under Mr. Dan Williams.


The Cadet Band following the Anzac Day March

The College Cadet Band marched in this year’s Parade under the leadership of Riley Addison.

Riley Addison leading the Cadet Band