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As you are aware, the Welcome Cocktail Party has been postponed until Term 2, date to be confirmed.

However, we are excited to welcome all Year groups along to a fun, social event in Term 1, that will give you an opportunity to catch up, meet other parents and carers, and enjoy a night out.

Years 5-10 parent Year group social events will be held on separate dates at the Clovelly Hotel, and Years 11 and 12 at the Coogee Pavilion.

Tickets are $20 per person, and include light refreshments and a drink on arrival. We hope that many of you can come along! We have an amazing College community and these events are a great way to stay connected.

We look forward to welcoming you, Waverley College Parents’ Association and Parent Representatives. 

How Do I Book a Ticket?

>>> Click here to book a ticket.

Clovelly Hotel


Ms Jade Stapleton

President, Parents’ Association

Students who need a School Opal card or travel pass, but have not yet applied, need to apply or update their details as soon as possible. 

Students are also required to comply with the Student Code of Conduct when travelling, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and other passengers.

>>> Click here to view Term1 2022 Transport NSW information about applying for a School Opal card and student behavioural expectations when travelling.

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar. 


I would like to congratulate Mr Matthew Johnston and his wife Annella on the arrival of their beautiful daughter Maeve Anna Johnston. The family are doing very well and we hope to meet little Maeve in the not too distant future.

Parent Information Night

A reminder that Parent Information Night will be held on Monday, 14 February, hosted by your class teacher. You will have received an email today from our IT Department providing instructions on how to access zoom, and the meeting ID you will need to use for your session. Please note, Year 5 will be held at 5pm, and Year 6 will be held at 6pm.

Parent Information Booklets

The Junior School Parent Information Booklet is intended to inform you of the more detailed aspects of life at Waverley College Junior School. The first section deals with overall aspects of the College and the second section is more class specific. I hope that you get involved in the many facets of life at Waverley College and enjoy being part of our great community.

>>> Click here to view the Year 5 Parent Information Booklet.

>>> Click here to view the Year 6 Parent Information Booklet.

Please note, the class teachers will refer to these booklets during the Parent Information Session on Monday, 14 February. 

Tonga Needs Your Support – Here’s How You Can Help

On 15 January, a volcano erupted in Tonga and the eruption caused a tsunami that left many families without food, clothing, shelter and other basic necessities. We appeal to Waverley families to please donate the following wrapped household items labelled with their item name, and drop these at the Senior School Reception on Birrell Street.

>>> Click here to view more information in the article by Mr Steve O’Donnell and Ms Sue Walsh.


Ms Gabrielle Smith

Director of Junior School



Curriculum News

What a wonderful start it has been in the classroom. Our students have come back from a long break with enthusiasm to learn, and have already embraced the challenges we have set for them academically. 

Students have started to set SMART goals with their classroom teachers this week. Goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timed, will set our students up for success. Students will set SMART goals each term, and I encourage you to sit down and discuss what your son wants to achieve this term. We know that having it recorded allows them to revisit their goal throughout the term, and build on strategies to make sure they achieve their goal/s. These goals can be found on Page 59 in the College Diary. 

At the beginning of each term, I will provide  a Curriculum Overview of what your son will be learning in the classroom. It is clearly set out so that you can see the subject and topics being taught across the curriculum.

>>> Click here to view the 2022 Year 5 Curriculum Overview.

>>> Click here to view the 2022 Year 6 Curriculum Overview.


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Assistant Director of Junior School/Curriculum



Swimming Carnival

Today Waverley College Pool was the scene of the Junior School Swimming Carnival. The House spirit and enthusiasm from all participants went a long way to making the carnival a success. It was a shame the day had to be cut short due to inclement weather, but we were pleased to have been able to get in the majority of the day’s events.

Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2022

The support of parents was very evident with a great turn out. Thank you to all attending parents for your patience during the difficult time when the weather quickly turned. Special thanks to all staff who ensured the carnival ran smoothly.

Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2022

Thank you to the following Year 6 House Captains who provided outstanding leadership for their respective House throughout the carnival:

Aungier Brennan Conlon Green Lacey O’Connor Quinn Tevlin

Max Wu


Max Malley


Cooper Misson


Geoffrey Gibbons


Joshua Raymond


Kobi Keenan


James Fanning


Kingsley Turinui

Vice Captain:

Hunter Leondis

Vice Captain:

Vinny Kapos

Vice Captain:

Cooper Mott

Vice Captain:

Ben Fernandes

Vice Captain:

Ngakau Hiroti

Vice Captain:

Cameron Spies

Vice Captain:

Henry O’Donnell

Vice Captain:

Sam Ireland

All events that were missed as a result of the weather, will be undertaken at some point over the next two weeks. Thank you for your understanding. This will help us decide who will be selected to represent Waverley College at the IPSHA Swimming Carnival at Homebush. Once these races are complete, we can look forward to announcing the winning House for the 2022 Swimming Carnival.

Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2022

Junior School House Swimming Carnival 2022

Co-Curricular Sport – Round 1

The big week of Co-Curricular sport continues with Round 1 commencing from tomorrow (Saturday, 12 February). Although it hasn’t been the most ideal start to the Co-Curricular season, with missed training due to weather and the Swimming Carnival, we’re looking forward to getting started.

Please ensure you refer to the Waverley College app announcements each week, as I will continue to send out the weekly Sports Fixtures for each round. All families can also locate all relevant Junior School Co-Curricular information through the College website via the link below.

>>> Click here to view all Junior School Co-Curricular information on the Waverley College website.

Team Sports Uniform Essential at Saturday Games

Please ensure your son now has his team sports uniform for Saturday, as this will best help represent Waverley College in high regard. It is important that students also have all the appropriate equipment needed for their sport. Please email me if you are unsure about what your son requires for his sport on Saturdays.

I wish all teams the best of luck for their games on Saturday, and know that our students will represent the College at a high standard, and have fun when competing with their teammates.

Wet Weather Notification

Please ensure you have now downloaded the Waverley College app, as all communication with parents and carers around wet weather cancellation will be sent through the app. An announcement will be sent out between 6:30am to 7am to inform all families of the sports that will go ahead and those which have been cancelled.

If you do not receive any notification, all sports games will be considered ON as planned. Families travelling far distances for away games are firstly considered, but please be aware that other schools are relying on groundsmen to make the final call, which can impact when announcements are sent out.

IPSHA Basketball and Tennis Trials/ Branch Surf Lifesaving Carnival

A huge congratulations to the following Junior School students who were selected for the IPSHA Trials in their respective sports:

Basketball – Hunter Bligh (5 Gold), Charlie Carr (6 Indigo) and Darcy Kidd (6 Orange)

Tennis – Noah Dalton (5 Gold)

This is a significant achievement and all students involved should be proud of their selection.

A large number of Waverley College Junior Students recently competed at the Branch Surf Life Saving Titles. Branch is the major carnival prior to State Life Saving titles and covers all the beaches from Bondi to Garie in the National Park. It is an extremely tough field, with a large number of the best State competitors coming from these Sydney beaches.

Congratulations to the following students for their involvement and achievements in the two-day event:

Roman Szabo (Water Competitor)

Talin Opai (Sand Competitor)

Louis Coleman (Water Competitor)

Jack Baker-Sedgeman (Sand Competitor)

Branch Surf Life Saving Titles

Branch Surf Life Saving Titles

Branch Surf Life Saving Titles

Jayden Newrick

Joshua Raymond

Nippers Branch Championship 70m Sprint

Nippers Branch Championship 70m Sprint

Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular



Instrumental – the Real Guitar Heroes

Have you ever played Guitar Hero on your Playstation? Perhaps you prefer some serious moves with your air guitar? For the boys at the Junior School, the 2022 instrumental program provides a chance for all students to experience the real thing.

Mr Jesse Johnston (an Old Boy of Waverley College) has developed an engaging program that takes boys through guitar basics including correct playing posture, understanding the instrument, string names and musical notation.

Each class will have the opportunity to participate in the beginner guitar classes on a rotating roster through 2022. For boys who enjoy the beginner guitar experience, further study is available through private lessons (please contact Mrs Keiran Kossenberg at the senior school for more details).

The Junior School also offers a guitar ensemble for more advanced players. This group meets on a Monday at lunchtime and is directed by Mr Nick Yatsef.

Junior School Guitar Lessons 2022

Junior School Guitar 2022

Junior School Guitar 2022


News from The Learning Hub

As we welcome a new group of students to Waverley in 2022, The Learning Hub aims to nurture and guide them in their social, creative and academic development. 

Last week we saw the boys use this space in many different ways before school and during lunch. 

Learning Hub Term 1 2022

Learning Hub Term 1 2022

Learning Hub Term 1 2022

Reflecting on the Importance of Reading

As an educator, I believe it is vital for our boys to have a strong understanding of the advantages of reading. The boys were asked to use the thinking routine ‘Think, Pair, Share’  to answer the question ‘What are the advantages of reading?’ 

Reflecting on this question is an important part of their learning journey. 

The boys’ reflections were exceptional. Here are some examples:

Junior School Reading Term 1 2022

Junior School Reading Term 1 2022

Junior School Reading Term 1 2022

Junior School Reading Term 1 2022

The boys have also set personal reading goals for themselves. Goals are an important part of Waverley and of successful learning. These goals are specific to them, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. I am looking forward to working with the boys and their reading journey. 

Home Learning Club – Week 4 

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4 pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term, unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting and the club will be closed.   


>>> Click here to register your son.

Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

If your son is not present at roll call, a phone call will be made to check on his whereabouts. If your plans change and you decide he is unable to attend, please contact the school via email or call reception. 

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work. All students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


Monday and  Wednesday – Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Tuesday & Thursday – Ms Gaby Bransby 

If you require any further information, feel free to email us.




Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher


Commencement Band 

Rehearse on a Wednesday afternoon from 3:05pm to 4pm in the Auditorium at the Junior School.  

To join this band, no experience is needed.

The Commencement Band is available to students in Years 5 and 6, who are interested in learning to play an instrument and be part of a Band. Students will be assisted to choose an instrument, and a modest fee will be charged for the hire of the instrument for the year.


Waterford Concert Band

Rehearse on Thursday mornings from 7:30am to 8:25am in the Auditorium at the Junior School.  

To join this band, students should have been in a band at your previous school or you have had lessons on your instrument.  

Students need to bring their own instrument and a sleeve folder to hold their music, to each rehearsal.

Who do I Contact for Further Information?

For further information regarding the Bands, please email Mr Dan Williams, Head of Bands.



Mrs Keiran Kossenberg

PAC Administrator


Read more: Parent Information Night, Elephant Ed ‘Puberty and Embracing Change’ webinar, face masks, Parent Questionnaire, Junior School canteen changes, Visual Arts Club, Chess Club, diary dates, Sports and Swimming Trials, Junior School swimming carnival, Co-Curricular Parent/Carer liaison role – expressions of interest, Home Learning Club procedures.


It is hard to grasp that we are already moving through Term 1 at a rapid pace. It has been lovely being able to visit classrooms since the students returned, and see that they are settling in so well to new environments and routines.

Parent Information Night

Parent Information Night will be held on Monday, 14 February, hosted by your class teacher. Unfortunately, we are unable to have our parents on site for this, so it will be held via zoom. You will receive an email from our IT Department on Friday, 11 February, providing instructions on how to access zoom, and the meeting ID you will need to use for your session.

Elephant Ed

P​​lease see below for an invitation to a webinar presented by Elephant Ed on Puberty & Embracing Change, for our Junior School Students. 

When: 6pm – 7pm on Thursday, 24 February, 2022

Topic: Puberty & Embracing Change

Elephant Ed is a leading sexuality education provider to hundreds of schools around Australia. Elephant Ed’s workshops are evidence-based, age-appropriate and mapped to State and National curriculum guidelines. Elephant Ed is endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider.

In advance of Elephant Ed’s workshops with the Waverley College Junior School students, this webinar will include discussion around the physical, social and emotional changes associated with puberty, as well as strategies for starting open and effective conversations at home.

You are required to register in advance for this webinar. Please use the link below to register.

>>> Click here to view and complete Elephant Ed registration information.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Face Masks

A reminder that students from Year 5 – Year 12 are required to wear masks at school whilst indoors. We have spares at school, however we are very quickly running out. We ask that you pack a few extra masks in a plastic bag and place them in your son’s school bag. 

Parent Questionnaire

You should have received a parent questionnaire via email on Monday, 31 January. Please ensure you fill this out to inform the classroom teacher on how to best support your son this year. If you would like to meet with your class teacher before this time, or feel you need to discuss your son in a face-to-face meeting, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher. This survey will close on Sunday, 6 February.

Junior School Canteen 

Our new canteen service began on Monday, and seems to be running smoothly. The boys are particularly loving the vending machines.

If you missed this in last week’s Nurrunga, please take the time to learn more on our website about the significant changes to the way breakfast is accessed, and the ordering and payment options for recess, lunch, drinks and healthy snacks. The Junior School canteen link is below.

>>> Click here to view the significant changes to the Junior School canteen.

Visual Arts Club

In 2022, Visual Arts Club will be offered at Waverley as an extracurricular summer activity for students from Years 5–12. Visual Arts Club provides an opportunity for students to build skills in critical and creative thinking.

>>> Click here to register by viewing the article by Ms Natalie Oates, Head of Visual Arts.

Chess Club

In 2022, midday Chess classes will be offered in the Learning Hub for Junior School students on Tuesdays 12:30-1:30pm. These stimulating classes will again be operated by Sydney Academy of Chess and deliver multiple educational benefits. Chess helps to enhance memory, develop problem solving skills, encourage creative thinking and accelerate emotional development.

>>> Click here to view Chess Club enrolment and payment information for Terms 1–4.

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

Year 5 laptop deployment

Exciting Year 5 laptop deployment!

Year 5 laptop deployment

Year 5 laptop deployment

Year 5 laptop deployment

Year 5 laptop deployment


Ms Gabrielle Smith

Director of Junior School



Sports and Swimming Trials (Overview)

All of our Junior School students enjoyed a jam-packed two days for both the Sports and Swim Trials on Monday, 31 January and Tuesday, 1 February. Both days were warm, but considering the conditions, all students gave it their absolute all in the hope of being selected in a team within their chosen sport preferences.

All students swam their hearts out at the swimming trial to help them be placed in a competitive heat for the Swimming Carnival on Friday, 11 February. It gave them a chance to cool down before moving onto their final sports trial session. Any students who were away for the swim trial will be placed into the absent race, or will have their previous year time used to place them in a swimming heat.

Junior School Water Polo Sports Trials

Junior School Water Polo Sports Trials

Junior School Water Polo Sports Trials

Junior School Water Polo Sports Trials

As I made my way around the sports sessions, the level of enjoyment and excitement from our students was very evident. I would like to acknowledge all Junior School staff and coaches, who brought so much energy and enthusiasm to all of the sport trial sessions. They diligently followed the selection process to ensure all students trialled were placed into a team, in the fairest and most appropriate way. This made both days run seamlessly.

Students have now been placed into their team for the Summer Co-Curricular Season. As mentioned, all coaches followed the Junior Schools Selection Process to ensure students were graded based on skill level and overall character traits. Please refer to the selection process document included in last week’s Nurrunga for further clarification.

Junior School Basketball Sports Trials

Junior School Basketball Sports Trials

Junior School Basketball Sports Trials

Junior School Basketball Sports Trials

Junior School Basketball Sports Trials

Junior School Basketball Sports Trials

Unfortunately, each year we have a select group of students who are disappointed by not making it into their first or second preference. This is a situation that we continue to try to improve each year, to ensure our students are happy with where they have been placed, even if it wasn’t their preferred choice. 

As mentioned in the Waverley College app announcement sent on Thursday, your son has now been given a hard copy of the training schedule, and this has been added on the College website.

>>> Click here to view the training schedule on the Waverley College website.

Please refer to the season draw and address list, which are also included on the College website. Please be advised that because your son has only just found out his sports team, he will not be required to have his sports attire for next week’s training. This will allow all parents to get to the uniform shop in their own time. Please note that your son must have his sports attire for Round 1 (Saturday, 12 February).

Year 6 Cricket Sports Trials

Year 6 Cricket Sports Trials

Year 6 Cricket Sports Trials

Year 6 Cricket Sports Trials

Junior School Swimming Carnival

After a successful swim trial this week, we are all set for our Swimming Carnival to be held at the Senior School pool on Friday, 11 February from 9:30am.

For those who would like to attend the Carnival, we are able to accomodate one parent per family. We ask that when arriving as a spectator, you enter through the pool gate on Salisbury Street – this is the street that runs beside the pool. 

You will be asked to QR Code in and your vaccination status will be checked by the staff member on duty. We ask that while you are on site, please socially distance yourself from other members of the community. 

Sun Protection: As previously mentioned, for the trial days, all students are asked to pack sunscreen for the Swimming Carnival. The College provides sunscreen tubs, and staff will continually remind students to re-apply sunscreen on the day. 

Please ensure you place further responsibility on your son to manage his re-applying of sunscreen throughout the day, as the responsibility cannot solely be placed on staff.

Junior School House Swimming Carnival

Students are strongly encouraged to wear their House colours on the day as support. Alternately, they can also wear their sports uniform. Students can wear their swimmers underneath, or pack swimmers in their swim bag, to get changed at the pool change rooms. 

Please remember sunscreen as mentioned, water, towel, goggles, Waverley sports hat and a Waverley swimming cap. We will lend swimming caps to students who do not have a Waverley cap, as we need these to clearly indicate your son’s House. Please also remember a packed lunch and recess, or you can order lunch via Flexischools, and it will be delivered to the pool.

We look forward to a great day!

Co-Curricular Parent/Carer Liaison Role – Expressions of Interest

If you are a Junior School Parent/Carer, and would like to involve yourself as an assistant to your son’s sporting team, please read further. The role of Co-curricular Parent/Carer Liaison gives a vital link between the College Coach/Teacher, myself and the Parents/Carers and students involved. These people will serve as a point of contact throughout the co-curricular sporting season.

Roles may include supporting the coach with specific duties, such as team organisation (correct uniform/safety gear and extra umpiring responsibilities when umpires need assistance). The role could occasionally require you to fill in as the coach for training, or a game if the team’s coach is late, suddenly unavailable, or needs support at any time. 

Your assistance will provide significant support to the coach throughout the season.

>>> Click here to complete the Junior School Co-Curricular Parent/Carer Liaison Google Form, if you think you could fulfil this role.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you better throughout 2022.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)



Home Learning Club – Week 3

We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school, for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during school term, unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting, and then the club will be closed. You will be unable to book at these times.


>>> Click here to register your son for Home Learning Club.

Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.



An important note to remember, if afternoon training sessions are cancelled, unfortunately, you cannot send your son to Home Learning as an alternative plan, students are registered for the afternoon sessions in advance and the capacity is always reached.  

Try to avoid messaging your son during this period, unless it is urgent.


Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy and Innovation Teacher


This is your last opportunity to register your son for the ACER Academic Scholarship test.

The ACER Academic Scholarship test is open to students in Year 6 who will enter Year 7 in 2023. The College awards Academic Scholarships to a limited number of students who demonstrate academic excellence. The scholarship can cover up to 100% of tuition fees.

Applications close: midnight AEDST Monday, 7 February 2022 

Please note that no late applications will be accepted.

Where Can I Find Further Information About How to Register?

>>> Click here to view further information through our website, about how to register your son 


contact the College Registrar by email at:


Ms Kylie Anderson



Private music lessons are available to all students from Year 5 to Year 12. The College views the study of music as an essential part of each student’s development.

The extension of study through private tuition on an instrument is strongly encouraged for the flow-on benefits in performance in other academic areas.

Instruction is available in a large range of instruments, theory, voice and composition.

Senior School Lessons

Lessons are held in the Performing Arts Centre for Years 7-12.

Junior School Lessons

Lessons are held at the Junior School campus by external tutors on specific days and times.

How Do I Register My Son?

Parents who would like to enrol their son to commence instrumental lessons, must complete the registration form by clicking on the link below.

>>> Click here to view the private music lesson registration form.

For further information please contact Mrs Keiran Kossenberg, PAC Administrator, by email.


P: 9369 0623


Mrs Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Administrator


Your son is invited to join the Commencement Band. The Commencement Band is an ensemble for students in Year 5, who wish to start learning an instrument and to play in a large ensemble. 

There are many benefits associated with learning a musical instrument. These include increasing memory, concentration, social skills, team building, friendship, mathematical skills, stress relief, time management, coordination, perseverance and reading skills.

What Instruments May My Son Choose?

Instruments which may be included in this type of ensemble are: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, french horn, trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, euphonium, tuba, acoustic double or electric bass and mallet percussion.

The video below outlines some of these benefits.

>>> Click here to view the video.

>> Click here to view students talking about why they love learning music.

Rehearsal Schedule

Rehearsals will be on Wednesday afternoons from 3:05pm-4pm. 

Students are encouraged to eventually have private music lessons on their instrument, but this is not required for participation in the Commencement Band program. A modest fee will be charged for the hire of an instrument.

Students are expected to commit to the Commencement Band for one year.


Places in the band are limited, and will be accepted on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. Please follow the link below to give permission for your son to join the Commencement Band.

>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip for your son to join the Commencement Band.


Mr Dan Williams

Head of Bands


Read more: staff news, significant changes to Junior School canteen, Parent/Teacher interviews, Junior School communication channels, diary dates, complete staff for 2022, pastoral care, co-curricular sport and swimming events, summer season sport trials, Junior School Learning Hub, Home Learning Club.


Welcome to the new school year at Waverley College Junior School. It has been wonderful having the boys begin the school year on campus. There is excitement in the air for our Year 5 students as they navigate this new environment, and our Year 6 students as they settle into their busy schedules for their final year of primary school.

During the holidays, I published an article in Mums at the Table, on useful tips for settling back into primary school.

>>> Click here to view the article Helpful Tips for Coming Back to Primary School.

Staff News

On behalf of the Junior School, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Mr Matt Ryan for his distinguished service to the College, as he embarks on a new journey as the Sports Coordinator at St Charbel’s College.

Matt has been an asset to our profession since he began his career as a targeted teacher at Castle Hill Public School in 1998, where he taught for three years before joining us. Matt has been at the Junior school for 21 years, and has held various positions including Assistant Director of Sport, Assistant Director of Co-Curricular, and Acting Assistant Director of Junior School.

Every colleague who has worked with Matt would recognise his calm manner, organisational skills and his genuine care for the students at Waverley. I wish him every happiness and success in his new role, and thank him most sincerely for his valued contribution to Waverley.

We welcome to the Junior School the following staff members: Mr Alon Horry, Mr Elliott McKimm, Mr Gianfranco Leon Rivera and Ms Jade Sparks. We look forward to introducing you to these staff members in person, throughout 2022.

I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate Ms Deanne Seamons who was married over the holiday period. We wish her and her husband David all the very best on this new journey. She will now be known as Mrs Edwards.


Important Changes to Junior School Canteen

Beginning Monday, 31 January 2022, there are exciting new changes to our food and drink service, as we are introducing a new, improved canteen service in the Junior School.

Please take the time to learn more on our website about the significant changes to the way breakfast is accessed, and the ordering and payment options for recess, lunch, drinks and healthy snacks. The Junior School canteen link is below.

>>> Click here to view the significant changes to the Junior School canteen.

We hope you and your son enjoy trialling our new food and drink service in Term 1.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Formal Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on Tuesday, 14 June after you have received your son’s school report. Next week, you will receive a parent questionnaire via email. Please fill this out to inform the classroom teacher on how to best support your son this year. If you would like to meet with your class teacher before this time, or feel you need to discuss your son in a face-to-face meeting, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher. 

Junior School Communication

All communication regarding news, updates, events and social information will be delivered through the weekly newsletter Nurrunga and our Waverley College app. 


Nurrunga is the College newsletter. It provides information and dates for important events around the school, and a weekly update from the Principal and College Leadership Team, including myself. Parents are recommended to check Nurrunga when the link is emailed to them on Fridays during term time.

Waverley College App 

>>> Click here to view the Waverley College App User Guide.

The Waverley College app is a school mobile app that communicates directly with iPhone and Android devices. It provides all school users with instant “push” notifications and alerts to their mobile devices. 

College Website

The College website provides a great deal of information about the school including news, events, contacts, subject information, policy documents, cyber safety, sports fixtures and the College calendar.

>>> Click here to view the College website.

Facebook – Year 5, 2022

The Facebook page is run by the Parent Representatives and will not replace communications from the College. For those who do not have Facebook, you will still receive all the information relevant to your son’s year group via the Waverley College app and Nurrunga newsletter. The Facebook Group acts as an optional hub for your year group, and allows parents to connect online. The Facebook page for Year 5 is Waverley College Class of 2029 Parents, and parents will be asked three security questions before their request can be accepted.

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

Our Complete Staff for 2022


Mrs Gabrielle Smith

Director of Junior School



Pastoral Care 

Our Pastoral Care system within the Junior School is based on promoting positive behaviour. Within each class, individual teachers have their own merit systems for rewarding positive behaviour. Our whole-school approach also rewards students for displaying positive behaviour both in the classrooms and on the playground. Some examples of our positive rewards are:

From time to time, students make decisions that breach the school rules, therefore they may need to think about their behaviours and decision making as a consequence. Some examples of these are:

TASS Notifications

Notifications sent through TASS Lounge are there to inform Parents of both positive and negative incidents throughout the year. It is not always necessary to contact your son’s teacher if they receive a negative note or detention. Please be aware that teachers will be in contact with you if the incident is serious.

I look forward to working with yourselves and your son this year. If you have any questions or concerns please email me at:


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation



Co-Curricular Sport and Swimming Events

Co-curricular during Term 1 is definitely the busiest time of the year, full of exciting participatory events for our Junior School students. Please carefully take note of the key dates coming up, so you are prepared ahead of time:

Important Co-Curricular Dates for Term 1

Summer Season Sport Trials

It is especially exciting to have all students joining us on campus for Week 1, and with hope of an uninterrupted year ahead. Your son will have the opportunity to trial for first and potentially his second sports preference on both Monday, 31 January and Tuesday, 1 February, at our Summer Season Sport Trials. The Sport Trials best allow our coaches and staff to organise teams in preparation for Round 1. Please take the time to read the Selection Process document below, to best understand how your son will be placed into a team each season.

>>> Click here to view the Sport Trials Selection Process document.

As mentioned above, in Week 2, your son will spend the first half of the day participating in swimming trials. This is in preparation for the Junior School House Swimming Carnival on Friday, 11 February. Students will swim 50m freestyle and be timed to help with allocating swim heats for the carnival. 

Junior School House Swimming Carnival

Key Information for the Sport and Swimming Trials

Sun Protection: As mentioned above, all students are asked to pack sunscreen for the trial days. All sports trial areas will have a sunscreen tub, and staff and coaches will continually remind students to re-apply sunscreen at each break period. 

Please ensure you place further responsibility on your son to manage his re-applying of sunscreen throughout the day, as the responsibility cannot solely be placed on staff and coaches.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)



Junior School Learning Hub

Learning spaces should spark imagination; nurture and develop creativity; support a diverse range of learning activities; and above all, support a diverse range of learners.  

The Learning Hub aims to guide the boys with lifelong transversal skills – critical thinking, collaborating, innovating, and problem-solving. This will be achieved through a myriad of activities, including the maker space, mentors, guest speakers, competitions, inquiry-based learning, public speaking and debating.

Each class receives two lessons per cycle in the Learning Hub. The Learning Hub is open to the boys every morning from 8:15am, as well as every lunchtime. Home Learning Club also operates out of this space Monday – Thursday.

Learning Hub Events

Throughout the year there are a number of events students can participate in through the Learning Hub:

The purpose of this two-period course is to teach students literature and innovation skills, a love of reading, as well as teaching students how to locate and analyse resources in a safe and concise manner. 

Junior School Learning Hub 2021

Learning Hub Learning in 2022

Throughout the year the boys will learn how to:

I encourage the boys to become familiar with this wonderful space.

Home Learning Club

Home Learning Club begins in Week 3 and runs Monday – Thursday afternoons from 3pm – 4pm. You will receive a link in the Junior School section of Nurrunga, allowing you to sign up closer to Week 3. Please note, you are only able to sign up weekly.


Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy and Innovation Teacher


In 2022, Visual Arts Club will be offered at Waverley as an extracurricular summer activity for students from Years 5–12. Visual Arts Club provides an opportunity for students to build skills in critical and creative thinking.

This summer, students will be introduced to ‘Still Life: Painting With Oils.’ Each student will be taught fundamentals of technically painting different surfaces, objects and textures, to build their knowledge and confidence in the oil painting medium.

In Visual Arts Club students will:

Resolved paintings will be entered into a community competition, giving students an opportunity to be exhibiting artists.

What is the Cost and Does my Son Need to Bring Materials?

When are the Session Times?

Select one session below:

How Does my Son Register?

>>> Click here to register.

Please do not hesitate to contact Ms Oates if you have further questions.


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts


What a year 2021 has been! It is hard to believe school will be finishing next Wednesday. I want to thank all parents and carers for your support through such a difficult year.

We know online learning was challenging for everyone, but we all pulled together as a community, and supported each other. Our students displayed resilience, tenacity and commitment to their learning. I am so proud of our students and their growth this year, and I can’t wait to see what next year brings. 

Have a fantastic Christmas break, stay safe, enjoy the sun and take care of one another. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 


Reports are now available to access in the Parent Lounge in TASS. You would have received an email earlier today. Access your son’s report please via the link below.  

>>> Click here to access the Waverley College Parent Lounge.

Presentation Day will occur from 9am–10:15am. This will be live streamed. Only parents who have received an email communicating that their son will be receiving a Major Award at this event, can attend. Year 5 students may be picked up from the Junior School after 10:30am if a written permission note is sent to their teacher. 

Year 6 Graduation is at 11am at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church. Please RSVP if you haven’t already. Year 6 students may leave after this event if their parent is in attendance. ​​Parents attending will need to be double vaccinated, wearing a mask and must check in using the QR code upon entry

6 Gold News from Mr Lavorato – Science Unit – Material World 

Students in Year 6 were tasked to design and produce a game to entertain a younger child. During this activity, students needed to explore the sustainable use of materials. Students have been trialing and testing materials throughout this unit, as part of a scientific investigation to determine the strength of a range of materials. They are applying this knowledge to this project. 

Once students completed their games, they presented and reflected on the following:

Clancy Walsh

Clancy Walsh

Declan Shehadie and Riley Kolster

Declan Shehadie and Riley Kolster

Louis Fox and Nash Goldsworthy

Louis Fox and Nash Goldsworthy

Blake Taylor and Max Jennings

Blake Taylor and Max Jennings


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School


Read more: Year 6 Graduation, Presentation Day, holiday sports programs, 2022 co-curricular preferences for current Year 5 students, Walk the World Walkathon extended to Friday, 26 November.

The countdown is truly on for the end of the year! We are so excited that we are able to hold some very important events to finish the year. We are delighted to announce that we will be taking our Year 6 students to Randwick Ritz Cinema and Senior School pool next Friday, 26 November. You should have received a permission form and Trybooking link from the College today. 

Year 6 Graduation

A reminder that our Year 6 Graduation will be held at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church on Wednesday, 1 December at 11am. Due to restrictions in the church, we are only allowed one parent to attend. We will be live-streaming this event, so no one will miss out. A link will be sent out before the event. 

An invitation and an RSVP link has already been sent. Can I please ask, that if you haven’t yet sent an RSVP, that you do it as soon as possible. 

Parents who attend, will be allowed to take students home after the event, otherwise students will return to the Junior School for the afternoon and be dismissed at 3pm. 

​​Parents attending will need to be double vaccinated, wearing a mask and checking in using the QR code upon entry

Presentation Day

You will have received communication from our Deputy Principal – Student and Staff Wellbeing, about Presentation Day. This will be a live-streamed event and the link is on the letter you received. Unfortunately, due to restrictions, only parents who have students receiving a Major Award can attend. You will receive an email from Mr Steve Ghattas next week if your son is a Major Award winner. 

Year 5 students are allowed to leave after the Presentation if their parents are in attendance. If you are not attending, and would like your son to leave after the event, you may pick him up from the Junior School after 10:30am. Permission is required, and you will need to let your son’s teacher know in writing, if this will be the case.


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Holiday Sports Programs


The Representative basketball association, the Marrickville PCYC Spirit, have begun running trials for 2022 Under 12 basketball teams. These will take place on Tuesday, 16 November. The next trial takes place on Tuesday, 23 November. 

>>> Click here to view information about Spirit Basketball.

If you know your son would be interested in playing basketball outside of Waverley Co-Curricular commitments, please click the link below for further information.

>>> Click here to view further information about 2022 Basketball Rep Trials.


If your son is interested in developing his Cricket skills over the summer holiday period, Pro Performance Cricket camps are a great option. 

>>> Click here to view information about Pro Performance Cricket.

>>> Click here to view East Sydney Holiday Camp information.

Sydney AFL Camps — Concord and Sutherland Shire

The school holiday AFL camps are designed for boys and girls aged 6-13 years, covering fundamental and advanced Australian Rules Football techniques and skills. Whether your child is a beginner or an advanced player, our AFL camps will guide them toward their individual playing potential, whilst building their teamwork abilities and understanding of fair play and good sportsmanship. 

>>> Click here to view further information about AFL camps.

Sydney FC and ESFA Spring Holiday Clinic

Eastern Suburbs Football Association are partnering with Sydney FC once again, to offer kids three days of fun-packed football action in the summer holidays.

Your great value package includes a Sydney FC training kit and hat, plus a three-day Sydney FC Membership for next season – all for $295.00.

>>> Click here to view more about these well-organised, skills-based ESFA clinics.

2022 Co-Curricular Preferences for Current Year 5 Students

Next week (Week 8), current Year 5 students will be sent a Google Form that will allow them to choose their sporting preferences for 2022. I have already had a large number of students wanting to change their previous preferences for next year, so this is the best opportunity for all returning students to select their sports for 2022.

Can I please ask you to have a discussion with your son about what sports he would like to select, prior to him completing the form. He will need to select a first and second preference for both the 2022 Summer and Winter Co-Curricular season.

The sports he can choose from for Summer Co-Curricular sports (Terms 1 and 4) include:

  1. Basketball
  2. Cricket
  3. Touch Football
  4. Tennis
  5. Water Polo

The sports he can choose from for Winter Co-Curricular sports (Terms 2 and 3) include:

  1. AFL
  2. Football (Soccer)
  3. Rugby Union

Walk The World Walkathon

The Walk The World Walkathon has been a great chance for students, families and staff to stay active and fundraise for worthwhile charities that have been an integral part of the annual Walkathon in the Junior School.

We have now extended the conclusion date of the event to the end of Week 8, Friday, 26 November. This allows further opportunity to get others involved and to raise more money for such great causes. Please encourage your son, and other families in the Waverley community, to get involved to help the history of this event continue for many years to come.

The finance department has now made it easier to separately donate to the various charities through bank transfer. The bank ACC details are listed below:

BSB 062124

A/C 00903139

Bank: Commonwealth

Reference: Walk the World   

We have already had some amazing achievements from students for their distances traveled and for the money raised. Let’s keep this going, and finish the event with an increase in participants and fundraising.

Many thanks for your efforts thus far, it is significantly appreciated and doesn’t go unnoticed.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)
