Woollahra Libraries invite Waverley students to attend their exciting April School Holiday program of events.
>>> Click here to view more information about Youth Week drop in gelato and games.
>>> Click here to view more information about Woollahra Libraries School Holiday Program.
Mr Bill Roberts
Head of Library Services
Years 9 and 10 Applied Philosophy Teacher
E: wroberts@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Students in Years 5-12 are encouraged to enter the Waverley Youth Art Prize, 2022.
All artworks are exhibited so that future artists get to experience the joy of exhibiting and see an audience appreciate their work.
The theme for this year is ‘Science, Space and Future Stories.’
The theme encourages entrants to consider the world around us, the possibility of worlds beyond ours, how we understand our existence, and what might be next in store for us.
If you’re in the Senior School and you’re interested in submitting a work for the prize, you’re welcome to collect a drawing pack from the Visual Arts staffroom to get you started.
If you’re in the Junior School and you’re interested in submitting a work for the prize, you’re welcome to collect a drawing pack from the Learning Hub to get you started.
>>> Click here to view the Waverley Youth Art Prize Submission Form.
>>> Click here to view more information about the Waverley Youth Art Prize, 2022.
Ms Natalie Oates
Head of Visual Arts
E: noates@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Please find below some reminders about upcoming events and key events you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 2. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar.
After two years of research and planning, we are delighted to announce that Waverley College will be offering parents and carers real-time access to assessment task results and formative task feedback via the College Learning Management System – CANVAS – in the coming weeks.
>>> Click here to view Ms Lynsey Porter’s article for further information.
I am excited to announce that our very own Tom Olds (Year 6 Orange Classroom Teacher) is representing Waverley College in the Cancer Council’s ‘Stars of the East’ event. This event is a high-energy, dance spectacular, bringing the Eastern Suburbs together and raising much-needed funds for The Cancer Council NSW.
Tom is fundraising for …
“My beautiful mother who has, unfortunately, had to battle the dreaded “C” word twice. She is the most influential woman in my life and is such a fantastic role model in terms of resilience, courage and dedication.
Thankfully, she has managed to win on both occasions and I hope that I can help in providing much-needed funds to support the future research, so others can share similar stories.”
Tom Olds – Year 6 Teacher
>>> Click here if you would like to donate and keep updated on Tom’s progress.
Mrs Gabrielle Smith
Director of Junior School
E: gsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au
>>> Click here to register your son.
If your son is unable to attend, please contact the College via email at nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au or call reception.
The new 3D printer has been very busy over the last week. These are some examples of our critically-thinking students who have spent time designing and printing.
See our gallery so far:
Thomas Ingham
Noah Nunn
Jasper Lumsden
Dexter Francis
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Literacy and Innovation Teacher
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
This term, our Science topic is Living Things. The boys have been tasked with a variety of activities where they were required to focus on analysing and researching various unique and interesting Australian flora and fauna.
A few weeks ago, the students began their leaf investigation that 6 Red and Mr Johnston explained in the Week 6 edition of Nurrunga. This investigation is still active, and the boys have started a new task of creating an information report on an Australian animal of their choice.
We have discussed and analysed what is involved in an information report, and the boys researched and collated information and images about their chosen animal.
Below are a few examples of the animals studied by 6 Orange students.
Student’s Favourite Facts – Left to Right
Jake Meagher (Water Dragon) – Water Dragons can swim at 8km per hour.
Thomas Carrano (Platypus) – Platypuses can use impulses to detect underwater prey.
Langston Bled (Kangaroo) – Kangaroos cannot walk backwards.
Mr Tom Olds
Year 6 Teacher – 6 Orange
E: tolds@waverley.nsw.edu.au
*Please wear a mask when coming into the shop as per current College policy.
A big thank you to all parents who have generously donated their sons’ outgrown uniforms to the Secondhand Clothing Pool.
This provides someone else with the opportunity to purchase a secondhand uniform well below the new price, whilst at the same time, raising funds for the College through the Parents’ Association.
We are steadily rebuilding stock levels and are so pleased to be able to offer some more items for sale. These are mostly academic uniform items with very few co-curricular uniforms yet.
Email us to check on stock or pop in Monday morning.
The Secondhand Clothing Pool will gladly accept the donation of all clean and wearable current uniform items for resale. There is a $30 ‘buy back scheme’ for the donation of Blazers and All Weather Jackets in excellent condition.
At the Senior School campus reception in the designated Secondhand Clothing Pool donation box (courtesy of our fabulous Campus Maintenance Team).
If leaving Blazers and All Weather Jackets, you may include name and phone number inside the bag, and we can contact you to arrange “buy-back” if appropriate.
Unfortunately, we don’t have any rain jackets in stock.
We do have a range of good quality academic shirts available, and in addition, we have:
For more information on stock availability or to make an appointment, please email the Secondhand Clothing Pool: clothingpool@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Phone: (02) 9369 0703 — please leave a voicemail, and one of our volunteers will get back to you.
You will find us in the main building on Birrell Street. Enter via the Senior School campus reception, and take the lift to Level 3. The Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop (turn right when stepping out of the lift on the uniform shop side).
Kirsten and Camille
Secondhand Clothing Pool Coordinators
E: clothingpool@waverley.nsw.edu.au
P: (02) 9369 0703
Visual Arts Club will be offered at Waverley as a winter activity for students from Years 5-12.
It will commence Term 2, Week 2, 2022.
Visual Arts Club provides an opportunity for students to build skills in critical and creative thinking. This winter, students will be introduced to ‘Printmaking: Narratives.’
Each student will be introduced to a range of printmaking techniques and processes, and will build their knowledge and confidence in the planning, carving, and printing of artworks.
In Visual Arts Club students will:
Cost: $120.00
Materials: all materials will be supplied
Session times: select ONE from the following:
Ms Stephanie Falk
Visual Arts Teacher
E: sfalk@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar.
On Tuesday, 15 March we held debating trials for the Junior School. We had our largest ever turn out for these trials, which was wonderful to see.
The panel was very impressed by the level of preparation from the boys, and how well they presented themselves and their arguments.
Congratulations to the students below, who now represent Waverley in the IPSHA Debating Competition.
L-R: Quinn Brodie, Geoffrey Gibbons, Thomas Stillone, Ned Wilson, Beau Matheson-Rayner, Max Wu, Isaac Tait, Jack McCallum and Ishaan Jeena
Reporting Absences
To report an absence, please use the Waverley app. Alternatively, you can call the Junior School Reception (02 9387 5022) before 9am.
An SMS text message will be sent to the mobile phone of parents/carers at 10am, if a student is recorded as absent without explanation.
Students are expected to be at school by 8:35am. Late arrivals in Years 5 and 6 need to report to the Junior School Reception, where Mrs Coupe will mark off their name.
Holiday and Leave Requests
Parents requesting permission for up to three days of leave, or extended holiday periods exceeding three school days, must apply for permission from the Director of the Junior School.
Permission needs to be in writing at least two weeks in advance, and is not automatically granted.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), is a point in time assessment of literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life.
Students in Years 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.
Further Information
On Thursday, we celebrated St Patrick’s Day with a mufti day, where we raised money to provide financial assistance to those affected by the current floods. I am pleased to announce, we raised a total of $1403.70. This money will be donated to GIVIT – an organisation providing immediate assistance to those in flood affected areas.
>>> Click here to view information about GIVIT.
Today the Year 10 and Year 5 Waverley students met up for their first Big Brother, Little Brother encounter.
The Big Brother Little Brother program aims to engage and partner our Senior students as mentors with our Junior School students. It provides a series of opportunities for them to engage with each other throughout the year.
The Year 5 and their Year 10 Big Brothers had a wonderful afternoon today sharing a BBQ in the Senior School, followed by activities with their buddies at Bondi.
Whilst they were there, they worked with their House to create anti-bullying photographs. We look forward to seeing the winning House photo!
Mrs Gabrielle Smith
Director of Junior School
E: gsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au
A reminder, for parents and carers seeking information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation, it is important that you contact your local parish to find out the details regarding when the Sacrament will be celebrated, and when the preparation classes will be held.
For students of Waverley College who are part of St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church), the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday, 19 June at 2pm.
If you wish for your son to be a part of this Sacrament, and you are part of St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church), please contact Mr Stephen Ghattas sghattas@waverley.nsw.edu.au so that the registration form and other important information can be forwarded to you in the coming weeks.
Mr Stephen Ghattas
Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation
E: sghattas@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Beau Matheson-Rayner, Max Wu, Charlie Griffin and Thomas Ingham, our very own Junior School Waverley boys, presented at our Lunchtime Talk last Friday.
These four boys gave valuable tips on 3D printing, key elements for 3D design; simplicity, structure, size, installing 3D software and recommended websites for creating your own designs.
The Junior School boys loved every minute of the presentation, and had many questions for our 3D printing gurus.
A huge thank you to Beau, Max, Charlie and Thomas for giving up their time to inspire the next generation of designers.
Any parents who would like to volunteer to be a guest speaker, please email me directly at nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
The drawing club operates at lunchtime once a week. Over the last two weeks we focused on sketching the work by Sami Bayly, a young Australian author and artist.
She loves illustrating ALL THINGS WEIRD AND WONDERFUL. Her books include The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Ugly Animals, The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Dangerous Animals and The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Peculiar Pairs in Nature.
I’m extremely proud of the dedication and commitment to drawing these boys show on a weekly basis.
Boyd Haslam
Dash McDonough
Lachlan Moore
Dash McDonough
>>> Click here to register your son.
If your son is unable to attend, please contact the College via email at nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au or call reception.
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Literacy and Innovation Teacher
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
In 5 Indigo this term, we have been very excited to begin using a new program called ‘Writer’s Toolbox’ to improve the quality of our writing. We are finding Writer’s Toolbox so helpful, because it gives us instant feedback on our writing, offering us real-time data that can help us improve.
Roman Szabo, Fred Cross, Alf Griffin and William Carr Using Writer’s Toolbox
So far, we have learnt about different types of sentences that we can use in our writing, to make it interesting and engaging for the audience. This term, we have started to use simple sentences, very short sentences, adverb start sentences and -ing start sentences.
This week, we have been learning about ‘The Preposition Start Sentence.’ Why would we begin a sentence with a preposition? Sometimes, you want to give your writing energy. That’s exactly when the Preposition Start sentence is useful. In a flash, Preposition Start sentences give your writing more pace. They speed things up.
Below are some examples of the amazing writing happening in 5 Indigo.
Tom Brown – Paradise Lost
Alf Griffin – A Wild Weekend
Owen Posada – A Wild Weekend
Ms Charlotte Stephens
Year 5 Indigo Classroom Teacher
E: cstephens@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Over the past week, the Junior School has had a busy period of sport, enjoying CIS AFL, Touch Football IPSHA Trials, Cross Country Trials and the commencement of the Winter Sports Trials.
I congratulate the following boys for their involvement in these events:
Marcus Strbac, AFL CIS Trials
AFL CIS Trials
U10 Runners
U11 Runners
U12 Runners
Gold B Touch Football Team
Basketball K Team
Basketball A Team
Several Waverley College boys play together in an external basketball team, and in one outstanding season together, won the Easts Basketball League 12Bs Division 2 Championship. A huge congratulations to these boys.
Levi Dunbavin, Charlie Gibbins, Nicholas Peshos, Max Malley, Ben Fernandes, Max Tuffs and Charlie Carr
Mr Jack Wachtel
Assistant Director of Co-Curricular, Years 5-8
E: jwachtel@waverley.nsw.edu.au
As the number of COVID-19 cases have risen around the state, we wanted to remind you of the policies surrounding testing and surveillance for COVID-19. The most important thing to remember is that if your son shows any symptoms of COVID-19, he is not to attend school, regardless of whether his PCR or rapid antigen test (RAT) is negative.
In line with NSW Health advice, any student with a symptom of COVID-19 must get tested immediately.
Most people no longer need to get a PCR (nose and throat swab) test if they have COVID-19 symptoms, or are a household, social, workplace or education contact of a positive case.
However, students are still required to undertake a RAT. Anyone who tests positive with a RAT must register their test result with Service NSW, and self-isolate following the NSW Health guidelines for testing positive.
Please note: At this stage the Department of Health is not sending any more rapid antigen test kits home to students.
Any student who attends school with symptoms of COVID-19 including; fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough or shortness of breath, will be sent home regardless of RAT or PCR results. The student must stay at home and not return to school until they are completely asymptomatic.
Any student or staff member who tests positive to COVID-19 is required to follow NSW Health requirements under the Public Health Order for testing positive and self-isolation.
Currently, the requirements are:
Staff and students who return a positive RAT result must register it on the Service NSW app or service.nsw.gov.au website as soon as possible.
>>> Click here to view the Service NSW website.
Staff and students who receive a positive PCR or RAT result must tell their school as soon as possible, and follow NSW Health advice.
No. A student is no longer able to attend school through the use of RAT if they are identified as a household/ close contact.
The exemption that was in place for students in 2021 under the Test to Stay Program was rescinded on 24 January 2022, and is no longer available, with immediate effect.
Students identified as household/ close contacts are required to complete the 7 day period of Isolation.
If your son has had COVID-19 in the last 8 weeks, they can return to school as long as they are asymptomatic, provide a negative RAT result every day, and can provide proof of dates of isolation to the Health Centre via email to: healthcentre@waverley.nsw.edu.au
When you are calling in to report your son’s absence, please make it clear that you have undertaken a PCR or RAT test. As mentioned, students are not to be at school if they have any symptoms of COVID-19, however when they are asymptomatic, they can return.
Due to the large number of calls the Health Centre is receiving at the moment, I would prefer you to email me at healthcentre@waverley.nsw.edu.au if you have any questions, queries or concerns.
Stay safe and stay healthy.
Ms Adele Cutbush
Registered Nurse
E: healthcentre@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar.
Next Thursday, 17 March, the Junior School will be celebrating St Patrick’s Day with a mufti day, and we are asking students to bring in a donation to provide financial assistance to those affected by the current floods. They will also have the opportunity to buy a bag of green lollies for $2. The money we raise will be donated to GIVIT, which is an organisation providing immediate assistance to those in flood affected areas.
>>> Click here to view more information about GIVIT.
Should your son have an allergy, please note that class teachers will be in contact with families prior to this event, in regards to your son’s options.
As you are aware, we trialled vending machines in the Junior School for students who required breakfast or extra food or drink throughout the day. We have made the decision to not continue with the vending machines that supply food, as the healthy choice foods are not selling, and we do not want the machines filled with unhealthy options.
We are, however, continuing with the vending machines that supply drinks. Please note, your son can buy a wholesome breakfast at our Senior School Canteen from 8am each morning.
Junior School students can buy a wholesome breakfast at our Senior School Canteen from 8am each morning
Please follow the link below to sign up for Flexischools to order recess and lunch and view our current menu.
In regards to healthy choices, many of our students are stopping at convenience stores in Charing Cross on the way to school in the morning, where they are buying products with very high sugar content. They are consuming these products before the school day begins.
I ask that you be extra vigilant with your son’s purchases, as this is negatively impacting their ability to learn. We are seeing boys attend school in the morning struggling to focus because of what they are consuming before they arrive.
Can I please ask parents to be mindful of where you are picking your son up, after school. We have had many complaints about double parking, parking across driveways, and parking where there are ‘No Parking’ signs on both Langlee Avenue and Gibson Street.
This creates confusion among other road users, which then becomes a safety hazard for students. Can I ask you to please park legally, as there are many spots you can meet your son, that don’t pose an inconvenience to residents, and a safety hazard for our students.
Our staff were fortunate to attend our annual Staff Spirituality Day on Monday, where we had the opportunity to listen to the impressive Reverend Bill Crews. Rev. Crews has been supporting the homeless and vulnerable for more than 30 years.
This began with the famous Loaves & Fishes free restaurant in Ashfield, Sydney, and food vans that have now served over nine million meals to hungry people. In addition, there is now an onsite community centre, with a healthcare clinic and welfare support.
We were reminded of the importance of not focusing on the desire to always want more, as too many attachments end up defining you and destroying you. We were encouraged to continue to serve those who are marginalised and in need of our support, whether this be through mentoring, serving meals or spending time with people in need.
Kevin Heath and Uncle Dean
We also had the opportunity to work with Uncle Dean and our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Liaison Officer, Kevin Heath, to continue to learn and grow in Aboriginal and Cultural Spirituality.
Our session began with a traditional smoking ceremony, and a ritual where ochre was placed on our head representing the mental, physical and spiritual. As humans, if we work hard to connect and balance these dots, we will thrive.
Throughout this session we were also encouraged to focus on one day at a time, and to not dwell on the past and worry about the future.
Thank you for supporting the College in ensuring that we could participate in this day, it was of great benefit to all staff.
Mrs Gabrielle Smith
Director of Junior School
E: gsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Last week during the Junior School Ash Wednesday liturgies, students were spoken to about the Project Compassion Lenten Appeal. By making them aware of the different communities around the world who are less fortunate than others, we now encourage them to put others ahead of themselves.
Each class has a Project Compassion box for students to donate money. They are encouraged to do extra chores around the home to earn pocket money that can be used as a donation.
A reminder to send through a photo of your son(s) with their mothers/grandmothers if you would like a photo included in this presentation.
Please send through all photos to liturgy@waverley.nsw.edu.au
For parents seeking information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation, it is important that you contact your local parish to find out the details regarding when the Sacrament will be celebrated, and when the preparation classes will be held.
For students of Waverley College who are part of St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church), the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday, 19 June at 2pm.
There are other dates that also need to be pencilled into you diaries including:
Please be aware that the Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated each year, therefore only Year 6 students will be enrolled to receive the Sacrament.
If you wish for your son to be a part of this Sacrament, and you are part of St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church), please email Mr Stephen Ghattas at sghattas@waverley.nsw.edu.au so that a registration form and other important information can be forwarded to you in the coming weeks.
Mr Stephen Ghattas
Assistant Director Mission and Identity
E: sghattas@waverley.nsw.edu.au
As the Term 1 Summer Season comes to an end, (until Term 4, when it recommences), we’re beginning our Winter Sports Trials for the upcoming season. The Winter Sports Trials will begin next Tuesday, 15 March.
Dates: Trial 1 (Tuesday, 15 March), Trial 2 (Tuesday, 22 March), Trial 3 (Friday, 1 April)
Times: 1:30pm – 3pm (students dismissed from the trial location. Please organise pick up arrangements with your son.)
Location: Waverley Park (unless Queens Park is useable. If so, you will be informed.)
*All students are expected to pack a drink bottle, sunscreen, and anything else personally required.
The trial process will be conducted by our Junior School staff and supporting coaches for the upcoming winter season.
Please refer to the Selection Process document in the link below, to eliminate any confusion around team selection. Teams will be selected fairly and unbiasedly.
>>> Click here to view the Sports Trials Selection Process document.
Staff are all given the information you as parents added to the Google Form sent at the start of this year, which allowed you to share your son’s previous experience in his chosen Winter sport.
Your son will be informed of his chosen preferences for Winter Sport prior to Tuesday’s trial, as he may have since forgotten. Unfortunately, I will be avoiding making last-minute changes to preferences, as the amount of teams allocated has been selected based on the original preferences chosen. I will always consider adjustments to preferences if it is a serious case that needs reviewing.
Continuing from last week’s Nurrunga, there are more results coming in from the recent State Nippers competition. Congratulations to the following students for their achievements at the major event:
Although there have been a lot of games cancelled over the last few weekends, it’s great to see some games going ahead, in spite of the weather. Continue sending through photos from Saturday sport, because it’s nice to see our different teams competing and coming together.
Our mighty Basketball C team getting ready for their game ahead
Mr Jack Wachtel
Assistant Director – Co-Curricular
E: jwachtel@waverley.nsw.edu.au
>>> Click here to register your son.
If your son is unable to attend, please email the College at nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au or call reception.
A reminder that the Junior School debating tryouts are on Tuesday, 15 March (Week 8) in the Learning Hub.
If your son would like to try out for the IPSHA team he will need to do the following:
Choose one of the below topics:
I read an article ‘Infographic: Which Generation Reads the Most?’ This article zoomed in on the five types of generations and their reading habits.
Because our boys are Generation Z, 5-25 years of age was of greatest interest to me.
What did I learn? I discovered that GenZ reads for the least amount of time, still reads for fun, but this number halves when they become teenagers, and they prefer fantasy genres and books with humour.
After reading this article, I reflected on the importance of catering for our different learners. Reading, however, does not necessarily have to mean opening up a book and staring tentatively at pages and pages of endless words.
For the auditory learners among us, the option of audiobooks is one our society is increasingly turning to, and for good reason. There are many options out there, and I guess the most important aspect is that your son is reading or listening to audiobooks, if that is his preferred choice.
Your son has access to audiobooks from the Learning Hub, as well as a multitude of options online; just remember it does not always have to be a hard copy book.
Ms Natasha Zivanovic
Literacy and Innovation Teacher
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
It has been an exciting and industrious start to the school year in 5 Gold. The students are enjoying developing new friendships, as well as enthusiastically embracing the wonderful opportunities that Waverley College has to offer.
5 Gold in Term 1, 2022
Term One has been action-packed, with the introduction to new and interesting themes in the Key Learning Areas.
In History, the class has been investigating the development of the Australian Colonies in the 1800s. Through their inquiry, the students are beginning to gain an insight into what life was like for different groups in the Colonial period.
Later in this unit, the students will individually investigate one significant person or event that contributed to the development of the Australian Colonies.
In Visual Arts, the class investigated the significance and symbolic nature of authentic Aboriginal Art, to understand why the Dreamtime was so important to First Nations People. Students learnt how Aboriginal rock engravings were cut into sandstone.
To further understand the purpose and sacredness of authentic Aboriginal artwork, the students applied different techniques to replicate Australian native animals. Visual Arts is very popular in 5 Gold.
Harvey Smith and Brynn Spierings are displaying excellent talent and belong to the Waverley College Drawing Club.
Harvey Smith and Brynn Spierings
The season of Lent is an important Season in the Liturgical Year. The class have learnt the relevance of prayer, sacrifice, almsgiving and fasting as a way of renewing their hearts to show their devotion to their faith, and prepare for the suffering death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter.
Each student has made a Lenten promise to show their love and commitment to Christ, during this 40-day period. The class is also preparing three beautiful Easter baskets for our annual raffle to support Caritas Project Compassion.
‘Amazing Energy’ is our Science theme, and students are learning about all things energy. This week, the class identified the essential components of an electric circuit. They experimented with the different objects that make up a circuit, known as components. They learnt that switches act like gates to control the flow of electricity, and when a wire is connected to battery terminals, electrons flow from negative to positive.
It has been a wonderful term so far for 5 Gold, and I commend the class for their enthusiasm for learning and their exceptional efforts.
Congratulations to our Class Captains: James Draper and William Carter. Already they have displayed outstanding leadership and initiative in our class.
I look forward to exciting new learning experiences as the year progresses.
5 Gold Class Captains, James Draper and William Carter, Term 1, 2022
Ms Jennifer Hoare
5 Gold Class Teacher
E: jhoare@waverley.nsw.edu.au
The Sacrament of Confirmation for children in Year 6 and above, not attending Holy Cross Primary School, will be celebrated in Holy Cross Catholic Church in Woollahra on Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 7pm.
The Parent Information Evening will be on Thursday, 21 April at 7:30pm in the Crypt.
Preparation Classes will be held in the Holy Cross Church Crypt on:
Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar.
Last week, 6 Gold had the technical task of presenting all their learnings to the Junior School via an online assembly. They were extremely creative with their ideas and made it as fun and lively as possible.
Three reporters moved around to different corners of the classroom to showcase the talent in 6 Gold. They visited the Respect, History, English and Spanish corner.
The Junior School learnt about the first Core Value – Respect, and how to live this out at school, the importance of democracy, myths and legends in English, and created some fabulous superhero dance moves.
A stand out in the assembly was hearing from Dylan Duque-Llorente who is unbelievably talented at speaking Spanish.
The three reporters – Max Wu, Luca Filippi and Jack McCallum
Years 5 and 10 will be taking part in a Little Brother / Big Brother gathering on Friday, 11 March from period 4 until period 6.
Students will first meet at 12:05pm for a BBQ lunch in the Braidwood area, and will then be transported by bus from Carrington Road to Bondi Beach.
Students will travel in House groups with their buddies, and will then participate in activities whilst at the beach.
There will be a House anti-bullying photograph competition as well.
Year 5 students will then return to the College by bus, along with attending Cadets.
The remainder of the Year 10 students will be dismissed from Bondi Beach at approximately 2:30pm.
Heads of House and Year 5 teachers will be in attendance.
Please complete the permission slip below to enable your son to attend.
>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip.
ALL students should wear their PE uniform and bring a water bottle please. There will be no swimming on the day.
Ms Sue Walsh
Director of Identity & Student Formation
E: swalsh@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Gabrielle Smith
Director of Junior School
E: gsmith@waverley.nsw.edu.au
This week, the Junior School gathered together in a special Prayer Service for Ash Wednesday, which marked the beginning of the Church’s season of Lent. The marking of the ashes on this day is a public expression of our faith and repentance.
During Lent, we focus on three pillars: prayer, fasting and almsgiving, which help us in this journey to reach a closeness to God, and deeper understanding and relationship with God.
Prayer is a conscious relationship with God. Just as we spend time with friends because we love them, we spend time in prayer because we love God, and we know that God loves us. When we are in tune with God, we cannot help but experience deep wellbeing.
Fasting can be a time to eat less and give up some nice treats, however, could it also be a time for us to be more mindful of our purchases? Can we make ethical choices in what we buy, or even not buy at all?
The third pillar, almsgiving, is donating money or goods to the poor and less fortunate, and performing acts of charity. Caritas launch Project Compassion every year during Lent. Through Project Compassion, Caritas partners with people in the Asia-Pacific to develop their independence, and support the human dignity of every person. Our donation to Project Compassion is an encounter with God through the face of the poor.
The first of several fund-raising and awareness-raising initiatives began with the sale of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. We are happy to announce that we managed to raise approximately $850, a great way to begin our fundraising initiatives this year.
Special thanks to Mrs Smith, Mrs Coupe and Ms Bransby for assisting in the organisation and distribution of the pancakes. The boys thoroughly enjoyed indulging in these delicious treats.
I am pleased to announce the Year 5 Class Captains and Class Vice-Captains for Semester 1, 2022. As the students are just getting to know one another, we are giving the following students the opportunity to lead their classes in Semester 1.
I look forward to working with them over the next couple of terms, and hope that they can be good role models to the rest of their peers.
5 Blue – Zack Stewart
5 Gold – James Draper
5 Indigo – Dario Leyton
5 Orange – Boyd Haslam
5 Red – Hooper Dyke-Miller
5 White – Sam Peate
5 Blue – Fletcher Stanton
5 Gold – William Carter
5 Indigo – Pascal South
5 Orange – Jack Burrows
5 Red – Dash McDonough
5 White – Cormac Maher
The celebration of mothers, grandmothers and significant others in the lives of our Waverley College students, will be celebrated on Friday, 6 May at 12pm (Week 2, Term 2).
This will be held at Mary Immaculate Church, followed by a light lunch at the Junior School.
Part of the celebration will include a slideshow. Can I please ask that you send through a photo of your son(s) with their mothers/grandmothers if you would like a photo included in this presentation.
Please send through all photos to liturgy@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Mr Stephen Ghattas
Assistant Director – Mission and Identity
E: sghattas@waverley.nsw.edu.au
The Junior School was fortunate enough to have the team from Elephant Ed present an online information evening for all of our parents last Thursday, 24 February. This program began for all of our Year 6 classes this week, which is a great opportunity for our students to learn about the following topics as a part of our aligned Health unit ‘Exploring Change’:
Although we have experienced classroom teachers, they’re not all equipped to teach such sensitive health topics in detail, which our students require. This is why Elephant Ed is the most appropriate external company to teach this content to our Year 6 students, ensuring this information is taught effectively and with impact.
We believe that although this isn’t being taught to Year 5 students, it was really important for our Year 5 parents to be at the session, to help them prepare for what will be taught next year. Overall, the session was informative, interactive and engaging for all parents in attendance, and we look forward to seeing how students respond.
After such a great two days completing the Junior School swimming carnival, we have entered the next stage of swimming events. Due to the State Nippers event, we had reduced numbers for this year’s warm up event for the IPSHA carnival, the annual BPSSA Swim Carnival hosted by Saint Ignatius College Riverview on Friday, 25 February.
Although we were undermanned in our squad, we placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in every single event of the carnival. This was a huge achievement for our students, who all competed at an extremely high level.
In total we achieved 24 (first placings), eight (second placings) and five (third placings).
BPSSA 2022
Everything has been leading up to the main event, the IPSHA Swimming Carnival, which took place on Tuesday, 1 March. This is a special event for our Junior School swim squad, who make their way to the Sydney Olympic Aquatic Centre to compete against Sydney’s best swimmers in their age group. It is an honour for our students to represent Waverley College Junior School at the highest level.
This year, we’re very fortunate to have a strong group of swimmers in all age divisions. This means that we had some special achievements by the following swimmers who made it into CIS:
U8-10 Relay Team (2 min 38.14 sec)
U11-13 Relay Team (2 min 14.03 sec)
A large number of our students placed in their swim heats with amazing achievements, including:
The College is unbelievably proud of our entire competing squad, but we want to congratulate the relay swimmers mentioned above, who will now be moving onto the NSWCIS Swimming Carnival, where they will be swimming against the best swimmers in NSW. This is a special achievement, and something these students will never forget.
IPSHA 2022
IPSHA 2022
IPSHA 2022
IPSHA 2022
Junior Australian Oztag National Championships
Jackson MacAskill and Hugo Cummins in Year 5 recently represented the East Coast Orcas at the Junior Australian Oztag National Championships in Coffs Harbour.
Their U/10s team played seven games over three days, and made it through to the finals.
Both students have been selected to represent Easts at the Junior State cup in June. What a big achievement, and we’re so proud of them.
Jackson MacAskill and Hugo Cummins (Year 5)
Waverley Junior School had a large number of students representing their local Surf Lifesaving Club and competing at the State Nippers across three days (24-26 February) at Manly Beach. This is a significant event for our students, who have a massive involvement in a variety of SLSCs around Sydney.
I have received some results from parents so far, but if your son competed and had some great achievements, please send them through so I can share these with all families.
Some of the results include:
State Age Surf Life Saving Titles 2022
Luca Bessera won the silver medal in his division at the Australian Nationals in Melbourne last weekend. What a significant achievement for Luca! We look forward to hearing more about his endeavours with Brazilian jiu jitsu while he’s at the Junior School. Congratulations and well done.
Luca Bessera and his silver medal in his division at the Jiu Jitsu Australian Nationals in Melbourne
Jiu Jitsu Australian Nationals in Melbourne
Mr Jack Wachtel
Assistant Director – Co-Curricular
E: jwachtel@waverley.nsw.edu.au
In 6 Red this week, we have been exploring plants. As a class we have been discussing what plants need to grow, the certain functions they have to survive, and the different shapes, sizes and characteristics that change the way that they survive in different environments.
As a class, we conducted an experiment to find out which leaves had the best water retention. After placing the leaves in plastic bags, we will now observe and note in a scientific table, the amount of condensation that builds up over a one to two week period. Results are to come!
6 Red, Term 1 2022
Mr Matthew Johnston
Class Teacher 6 Red
E: mjohnston@waverley.nsw.edu.au
We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school, for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.
Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm – 4pm, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term, unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting, and then the club will be closed.
NOTE: NO Home Learning on Monday, 7 March – Pupil-Free Day
>>> Click here to register your son.
Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.
If your son is not present at roll call, a phone call will be made to check on his whereabouts. If your plans change, and you decide he is unable to attend, please contact the school via email at nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au or call reception.
Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.
As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work. All students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub, and not cause a disturbance for others.
Monday and Wednesday – Mrs Natasha Zivanovic
Tuesday and Thursday – Ms Gaby Bransby
If you require any further information, feel free to email us.
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
E: gbransby@waverley.nsw.edu.au
The Drawing Club has begun! Our avid artists will meet weekly to talk about all things art. Our first session was on Friday, 25 March, and our theme for the session was getting to know what each student enjoys drawing.
A reminder that the Junior School debating tryouts are on Tuesday, 15 March (Week 8) in the Learning Hub. If your son would like to try out for the IPSHA team, he will need to:
Mrs Natasha Zivanovich
Literacy & Innovation Teacher
E: nzivanovich@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Visual Arts Club will be offered at Waverley as a winter activity for students from Years 5-12.
Visual Arts Club provides an opportunity for students to build skills in critical and creative thinking. This winter, students will be introduced to ‘Printmaking: Narratives.’
Each student will be introduced to a range of printmaking techniques and processes, and will build their knowledge and confidence in the planning, carving, and printing of artworks.
In Visual Arts Club students will:
Cost: $100.00
Materials: all materials will be supplied
Session times: select ONE from the following:
>>> Click here to view the Google Form Expression of Interest.
Ms Stephanie Falk
Visual Arts Teacher
E: sfalk@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar.
As per Mr Leddie’s announcement, please read below the following changes that will be in place from Monday, 28 February:
We will move to symptomatic testing. Tests are to be used at your discretion such as if your son/s are symptomatic or there are cases in their class. Our school will provide each student and staff member with eight tests which will be coming home in your son’s bag today. Beyond that, students and staff can access PCR tests or buy their own rapid antigen tests, as these are now freely available and accessible in the community.
From Monday, 28 February no masks are required for Years 5 – 12 students and Years 7 – 12 staff. From Monday, 7 March no masks are required for Years 5 – 6 staff as well. However, those who wish to continue to use them, will be supported to do so.
Schools will no longer be required to keep students in Year groups or other cohorts.
Visitors (including parents and carers) will be allowed on school sites for events. We will let you know when these can proceed in our school in a COVID-smart way. All visitors are asked to follow our usual sign-in and sign-out process.
The College will maintain core COVID-smart measures including maximising fresh air flow through natural ventilation, continued good hand hygiene practices, and enhanced cleaning through Term 1.
A reminder of some of the practices that will continue to ensure we all work effectively together for the health and safety of everyone in our community:
A reminder that we continue to appeal to Waverley families to support Tonga with donations. These can be dropped at the Senior School Reception on Birrell Street, or to Mrs Coupe in the Junior School.
These items are due in by Monday, 28 February:
>>> Click here to view more information in the article by Mr Steve O’Donnell and Ms Sue Walsh.
Mrs Gabrielle Smith
Director of Junior School
This week we started an exciting new wellbeing initiative with the Junior School boys. This initiative involves educating the students about issues that we sometimes see as challenging for Years 5 and 6. The focus of wellbeing this term is Social Skills, Friendship and Kindness.
Through discussion, games, videos and activities, Year 5 examined friendship and teamwork, and the impact of social influence on behaviour. Year 6 students meanwhile, explored the importance of social skills, social inclusion vs social exclusion, the power of peer-pressure, and how to be an upstander not a bystander.
We encourage parents to continue the discussion of such important issues at home.
Mrs Dawn Young and Mrs Alex McCredie
Junior School Psychologists
E: dyoung@waverley.nsw.edu.au
E: amccredie@waverley.nsw.edu.au
This Tuesday, 1 March, is Shrove Tuesday, the day immediately preceding Ash Wednesday. As the final day before the Lenten fast, Shrove Tuesday is also known as Pancake Day. Pancakes are traditional in a number of countries because eggs, sugar, and fat, commonly forbidden during the Lenten fast, are used up so they will not go to waste.
To mark this occasion, the Junior School leaders, with the assistance of Senior Student Representatives, will be selling pancakes at both recess and lunch. Pancakes will cost $2 and the funds raised will go to supporting CARITAS as part of our Lenten Appeal.
We are all looking forward to a tasty treat before the fasting period begins.
I am pleased to announce the Year 6 Class Captains and Class Vice-Captains for 2022. I look forward to working with them throughout the year, assisting them to be role models for the rest of the Junior School students, as they take on extra responsibilities around the campus.
6 Blue – Hugo Anderson
6 Gold – Lachlan Green
6 Indigo – Ishaan Jeena
6 Orange – Emilio Gomez
6 Red – Riley Carr
6 White – Quinn Brodie
6 Blue – Ollie King
6 Gold – Campbell Oxborrow
6 Indigo – Beau Matheson-Rayner
6 Orange – Jonathan Le Marchant
6 Red – George Whitehouse
6 White – Cash Parry
The celebration of mothers, grandmothers and significant others in the lives of our Waverley College students, will be celebrated in Week 2, Term 2. Details regarding this celebration will take place in the coming weeks.
Part of the celebration will include a slideshow. Can I please ask that you send through a photo of your son(s) with their mothers/grandmothers, if you would like a photo included in this presentation.
Please send through all photos to liturgy@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Mr Steve Ghattas
Assistant Director – Mission and Identity
E: sghattas@waverley.nsw.edu.au
The continuation of the Co-Curricular Sports season is providing a lot of enjoyment for our Waverley students, and it’s fantastic to see all teams developing week after week.
The inclement weather has hit us hard this week, forcing us to cancel a large number of trainings throughout the week. We thank you for your patience and understanding, and we look forward to this weather passing, and sport resuming as scheduled.
Thank you to the parents who have been sending through photos of Saturday sport. It has been a pleasure to see some teams in action. Please feel free to send through photos, as I can show them in Nurrunga.
Waverley Junior School is pleased to announce that we’ve looked closely at growing our Extra Co-Curricular program offered at the Junior School. This creates exciting opportunities for students to involve themselves in various activities that interest them, outside of their Co-Curricular Sporting commitments at Waverley. Due to the business of the beginning of the school year, we deliberately did not provide any details about these activities until now.
The Junior School will have a trial run for all the Extra Co-Curricular activities that haven’t yet begun. The trial run will be undertaken in the last two weeks of Term 1 (Weeks 10 and 11), which will allow students to see if they enjoy what has been offered, and if they would like to begin the activity officially in Term 2 for the remainder of 2022.
The following Extra Co-Curricular Activities being offered in 2022 include:
2022 Extra Co-Curricular Activities |
Teacher |
Teachers |
Ms Bransby |
Mrs Zivanovic |
Teacher |
Ms Tweedie |
HipHop Dancing Announcement Video (Click Link to Watch) |
Coach |
Mr Joel Preisley |
Teacher |
Mr Nick Nezval |
CHESS CLUB (Has Begun) |
External Teacher |
Mrs Coupe |
Teacher |
Ms Rollins |
Administrator |
Ms Rollins |
Teacher |
Mrs McCredie |
DRAWING CLUB (ART) (Has Begun) |
Teacher |
Ms Natalie Oates |
Once the two week trial period is completed, all activities not already underway will begin at the commencement of Term 2. We will give information about when these activities will be occurring, once we have an understanding of how many students want to be involved in each activity.
If your son is interested in any of the activities that aren’t already taking place, can you please complete the Google Form below, as this will help us begin collating numbers for the two-week trial in Weeks 10 and 11 of Term 1.
>>> Click here to view and complete the Google Form.
Mr Jack Wachtel
Assistant Director of Co-Curricular
E: jwachtel@waverley.nsw.edu.au
We offer all students in Year 5 and Year 6 the opportunity to receive free additional support after school, for the completion of home learning tasks. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.
Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm – Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – during school term, unless there is a scheduled Professional Development meeting, and then the club will be closed.
NOTE: NO Home Learning Club on Wednesday, 2 March.
>>> Click here to register your son.
Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.
If your son is not present at roll call, a phone call will be made to check on his whereabouts. If your plans change, and you decide he is unable to attend, please contact the school via email nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au or call reception.
Students are required to stay for the full session, unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.
As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work. All students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.
Monday and Wednesday – Mrs Natasha Zivanovic
Tuesday and Thursday – Ms Gaby Bransby
If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au
E: gbransby@waverley.nsw.edu.au
This week, we have the opportunity to hear from Mrs Zivanovic about what is happening in the Junior School Learning Hub.
This week the boys are exploring literature by Shaun Tan, using Visible Thinking Routines.
The purpose of thinking routines is to promote a deeper understanding of content, and help students to understand how they think and learn.
This week we focused on the See Think Wonder visible thinking routine. This routine encourages students to make careful observations and make thoughtful interpretations. It also helps stimulate curiosity and set the stage for inquiry.
These activities promote critical thinking, by being able to make sense of what we see in illustrations through interpreting, understanding and evaluating visual messages. This often results in richer discussions.
The students used the image below to complete a SEE THINK WONDER.
What do you see? |
What do you think is going on? |
What does it make you wonder? |
I see an alien with a big eye and a helmet
A windy, light brown field A robotic dinosaur and a little boy walking in the background
I think an alien crash landed on a mysterious world and everyone is confused. | This makes me wonder what is going to happen and what already happened |
By Fletcher Stanton, 5 Blue
What do you see? |
What do you think is going on? |
What does it make you wonder? |
I see a big toy dinosaur
A guy with a big helmet on that has an eye on it A boy looking sad.
Something has crashed and the dinosaur and boy look sad and angry. | I wonder what crashed and if something crashed
I wonder where they are and where they are trying to go and why they are looking at another boy |
By Xavier Bautovich, 5 Blue
What do you see? |
What do you think is going on? |
What does it make you wonder? |
A boy with a one-eyed helmet
A boy walking with a robotic dinosaur Trees of green Red robots A house that has gas coming out of the chimney |
The boy with the dinosaur is looking at the little boy thinking about what he is doing with that enormous helmet
The boy is looking into an enormous helmet thinking what is this!? The boys are going on a walk but the little boy found some rusty robot pieces and wants to play with the eye |
If the boys are my age?
What is there on that wheat field? What the house is making What the boys are thinking Is it in the future? Why are there robots? |
By Frederick Crabbe, 6 Blue
What do you see? |
What do you think is going on? |
What does it make you wonder? |
I see trees and wheat.
Robots too. Pollution too. Factories operating. Making bread from wheat. |
I think this is what will happen when we keep on polluting the air. We will have fewer trees and no green but there will be factories every second hectare. Some kids are trying to hide from the factories so they won’t get enslaved. | Why is that kid wearing a robot’s eye?
Why is there wheat? Why is there a giant wind-up tyrannosaurus rex? |
By Thomas Stillone, 6 Blue
Mrs Natasha Zivanovic
Literacy and Innovation Teacher – Learning Hub
E: nzivanovic@waverley.nsw.edu.au