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We are pleased to share with you the Orientation Webpage which is your source of truth for any important information you may need relating to your son’s enrolment in Year 7 at Waverley College. The Orientation webpage covers a plethora of topics including:

  • What happens on the first day of school
  • Contact lists, key dates and timetable information
  • Travel pass information
  • Uniform information
  • Waverley College iLearn Laptop program
  • Summer and Winter Sports Selection
  • Book hire and Stationary requirements (arranged by the College)

Orientation Handbook 

>>> Click here to view the Orientation Handbook.

A member of our IT team will be in contact with you via email in mid-December regarding the iLearn laptop program and what date you can expect to collect your son’s laptop.

Please note that there is no need to purchase additional stationary or textbooks for your son.

Tasks for you to do after reading the Orientation webpage:

  • Please select your son’s summer and winter sports preferences. The link to the form is located under the Senior School Sports tab on the Orientation webpage
  • Book a uniform fitting, (if applicable) located under the Uniform Shop heading on the Orientation webpage
  • Download the Waverley College app as this is our primary platform for communication with parents. You can find out more information under the Communication heading on the Orientation webpage
  • Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest news and activities on and off-campus.

Please note, for future reference, you can find the Orientation web page via the College website under ‘Life at Waverley’ / Orientation.

Save The Date – Thursday, 27 January – Welcome Morning Tea

We warmly invite you to attend a Welcome Morning Tea after dropping your son at the College on his first day of school. Further information will be provided to you early in January.

We look forward to welcoming you and your son to Waverley College on Thursday, 27 January 2022.


Kind regards,

Ms Kylie Anderson

Waverley Registrar


Read more: Year 6 Graduation, Presentation Day, Home Learning Club, updated Co-Curricular Saturday Draw (Term 4).

Welcome to Week 6. It has been great getting back into the swing of things. We have a very busy end to the year and we are excited to be able to hold important events. Next week our Year 6 students will be able to continue working with Elephant Education in the classroom which focuses on key concepts taught in the PDHPE program. 

Year 6 Graduation

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding our Year 6 Graduation at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church at 11am on Wednesday, 1 December. Due to restrictions in the church, we are only allowed one parent to be in attendance. We will be live-streaming this event so no one will miss out. Details will follow closer to the date. An invitation and an RSVP link will be sent via email on Monday. 

Parents who attend will be allowed to take students home after the event if they wish to, otherwise students will return to the Junior School for the afternoon and be dismissed at 3pm. 

​​Parents attending will need to be double vaccinated, wearing a mask and checking in using the QR code upon entry

Presentation Day

Please save the date for our Presentation Day on Wednesday, 1 December, 9am – 10:15am. You will receive an email from Mr Brennan with more details. 


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Home Learning Club — Week 7

Please make note of the slight changes to the afternoon sessions before you book your son in. 

These measures have been put in place to minimise the mixing of grades while on campus. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm. 

NOTE: There will be NO Home Learning Club in Weeks 8 and 9. 


>>> Click here to register your son.

Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance. Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to email me:


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Updated Co-Curricular Saturday Draw (Term 4)

Thank you all for your patience and understanding while I was away on leave for the last two weeks. It has been exciting to have sport return as the year comes to an end, and I hope your sons have enjoyed themselves.

>>> Click here to view the attached updated Saturday draw for the last two weekends of sport.

There have been significant adjustments to Basketball, so please check carefully. These team and format changes will help elevate areas of concern that occurred during the first weekend of sport.

Basketball will be undertaken in a new half-court format to increase playing time and reduce high numbers of students on the bench. Year 6 will play in a 3v3 format and Year 5 in a 4v4 format. All split year group teams from A-J have been split into teams 1 or 2 and will verse each other.

Please Read the Draw and See Below for More Understanding:

All Basketball students have been informed of these changes during this week’s sports meeting. All coaches are aware of how each team is split into two teams and who is in each team.

I have strongly encouraged Cricket and Touch Football coaches to mix the teams versing each other on Saturdays, to both make it a fair contest and increase overall enjoyment for our students.

Reminders About Important Processes

Can I also please remind all students, parents and carers regarding some of the important processes for the next couple of weeks:

Current Government Guideline Restrictions — No Spectators at Sporting Games

Lastly, may I please remind all parents and carers of the College’s current Government guideline restrictions of no spectators at sporting games. We had parents onsite attending Basketball games and parents congregating at Queens Park to watch Cricket games. The large gate onsite will stay closed, and students may only use the side gate to enter, where there will be a large sign respectfully asking parents to remain outside the school grounds. You can spectate if you are moderately walking around the park and aren’t congregating in groups at Queens Park. These restrictions are for the safety of the Waverley community and need to please be respected.

Thank you for your continued understanding during challenging circumstances, and good luck to all students participating this weekend.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)


Read more: school photos, Walk the World virtual walkathon, 6 Orange lockdown art activity, Home Learning Club, Learning Hub borrowing for the school holidays.

Welcome to Week 5. We have had a great week here at the Junior School. It has been wonderful watching students get back involved with sport again. Especially for this age level, sport is so important for connection, health (physical and mental), learning skills such as teamwork, and simply having fun. We have placed students in teams with their cohorts in line with the health orders and we hope they make the most out of the above opportunities even in this short time. 

I have seen a huge improvement in the presentation of our students’ uniforms and haircuts and I appreciate your assistance in this area. 


Photos will occur on Wednesday, 10 November. If your son has PE on this day, can I please ask that he come in his school uniform and bring his PE clothes/footwear in his bag. Due to restrictions, we are limited as to what this will look like, but we will do our best.  

Walk the World — Virtual Walkathon

Walk the World Walkathon is a modified event this year, in place of our normal Walkathon. Can I please ask you to get your son involved if he isn’t involved already. The charities involved are the same charities we normally give funds to each year, and they really do rely on us. There are some amazing prizes to be won and it is for a great cause.

>>> Click here to view more information about Walk the World Virtual Walkathon.

6 Orange — Lockdown/Online Learning Art Activity  

6 Orange were tasked with creating a piece of artwork across any medium of their choice, to represent their personal emotions/feelings/thoughts/experiences throughout lockdown/online learning. They created some very powerful and original pieces of work. 

By Oliver Lorimer

By Oliver Lorimer

By Alex Avdalis

By Alex Avdalis

By Henry Goldrich

By Henry Goldrich

By Ethan Khatib

By Ethan Khatib


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Home Learning Club — Weeks 6 and 7

Please make note of the slight changes to the afternoon sessions before you book your son in. 

These measures have been put in place to minimise the mixing of grades while on campus. 

The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm. 


>>> Click here to register your son.

Only register his name once to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance.

Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work. All students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact me at:

Borrowing for the School Holidays

The holidays are fast approaching and it is vital we encourage the students to read as much as possible during them. The current Year 5 students will be permitted to borrow books for the holidays.

Junior School Learning Hub 2021


Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


With Sydney lockdown restrictions easing, the Year 6 parents have organised a get together to ensure parents and carers can reconnect and celebrate the looming end of College year:

Date: Wednesday, 24 November

Time: 5pm onwards

Venue: Coogee Pavilion Rooftop (Glasshouse and Northern Balcony).

This event can accommodate a maximum of 100 people, so RSVP is essential.

Please RSVP to confirm attendance by emailing Claire McGaffney at

We hope you can all come along to catch up and celebrate the end of the year!

Read more: Final Fun Friday cardboard creations, return of Saturday sport, Innovation Club and Home Learning Club!

Welcome to Week 4 and how great it feels to be back on campus! There has been so much energy and enthusiasm from our students this week. You can see both on the playground and in the classroom, how excited our students are to be back and reconnecting with their friends, teachers and classmates. 

A reminder that all students are expected to wear their uniform with pride and have the appropriate hair style. Please refer to page 25 in the College Diary if you are unsure of the College’s hair policy and expectations. It is important to continue to have high expectations and standards as we finish off the College year. If you have an issue booking a hair appointment, a letter needs to be sent to your son’s classroom teacher. 

Final Fun Friday — Cardboard Creations

Congratulations to the following students who finished our last Fun Friday activity with a bang! I have been blown away by the time and effort our students have put into this and the creative and innovative spirit applied to all projects. I have learnt a lot about many of our students through these activities and realised we have some true artists in our hands. Well done to the following students:

By Finn McIvor in 5 Blue

By Finn McIvor (5 Blue)

By Rafael Kupershteyn in 6 White

By Rafael Kupershteyn (6 White)


Check out Cooper Hawkins’ Cardboard Frankenstein Friday Fun Activity. You could try this too! (5 Red)

Watch Chase Tanner explain how he ingeniously used recycled materials to construct his cardboard creation. (6 White)

Here’s Jasper Lumsden’s pop-out cardboard artwork. Incredible! (5 Orange)


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Return of Saturday Sport, Innovation Club and Home Learning Club

We are so happy to be able to announce the return of Saturday sport, Home Learning Club and Innovation Club for weeks 5, 6 and 7. Please see articles below for more information. 

Saturday Sport

>>> Click here to view information about the return of Junior School Saturday Sport in the article by Principal, Mr Graham Leddie.

Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director Co‑Curricular Years 5-8

Mr Jack Wachtel, Assistant Director Co‑Curricular Years 5-8


Innovation Club

I am so excited to be able to continue Innovation Club in Weeks 5, 6 and 7. This will be held in the Learning Hub between 7:30am and 8:30am. Year 5 students will be on Tuesdays and Year 6 students on Wednesdays.


Ms Chloe-Jane Tweedie 

5 White Teacher 



Home Learning Club Weeks 5, 6 and 7

Home Learning will begin in Week 5. Please make note of the slight changes to the afternoon sessions before you book your son in.

These measures have been put in place to minimise the mixing of grades while on campus. The afternoon sessions also provide a quiet, supervised study space for students who want to complete their assigned tasks.

Hours of Operation

Home Learning Club operates in the Learning Hub from 3pm until 4pm.


>>> Click here to register your son.

Only register his name once, to allow other students the opportunity to attend. The session is limited to 20 spots. There will be a roll call to ensure attendance. Students are required to stay for the full session unless there is a message in the student diary requesting early leave, a parent signature will be required.


As it is important to respect the rights of others to learn and work, all students are expected to settle to work in the Learning Hub and not cause a disturbance for others.


If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.


Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


As part of enrolment to Waverley College, Senior School, all Year 7 students (2022) will sit the Allwell Test: an academic placement test designed to identify the full range of abilities of students. Your son will sit his test at the Junior School in class on Monday, 8 November, 2021. 

Waverley College will use this information in a variety of ways to improve the delivery of curriculum within the College and to identify any students with diverse learning needs. The results will also be utilised for ability grouping of students in Mathematics and to help with the composition of base classes in Year 7. 

Students are assessed in a series of tasks: 

After the testing day, you will be provided with a written report, summarising your son’s results. These results will be returned to the College a few weeks after the testing date. 

How to prepare for the test? 

There is no course material to study prior to the day. It is a measurement, identical to NAPLAN, to give the College a picture of how your son has progressed during Year 6. It is vitally important on the day for your son to try his best, read the instructions carefully and use every minute to maximum effect. 

Information about the Testing Day 

Date: Monday, 8 November, 2021

Time Schedule: 8:45am – Start Session 1 

10:45am – Recess Break (supervision by school staff) 

11:05am – Start Session 2 

12:30pm – Finish.

Venue: Waverley College Junior School 

Cost: $57.20 – this was charged to your Term 3, 2021 School fee account

Due to COVID-19 hygiene practices, the finish time may be slightly altered. Students are not to attend the test if they have COVID-19 symptoms or have been instructed by NSW Health to self-isolate. 

What happens if my son is absent from the College that day? 

There will be another day allocated to enable students to complete the test if they are away. 

On the Day: 

If you have any questions/problems about the testing morning please contact: 

Ms Tina Lamonica 

Executive Assistant to the Director of Curriculum 



Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


With Sydney lockdown restrictions easing, the Year 5 parent representatives have organised a get together to ensure parents and carers can reconnect and celebrate the looming end of College year:

This event has been set up on the Waverley Year 5 parent Facebook page with 90 RSVPs already for the November drinks (including partners).

If you have not responded as yet, please do so either:

Via Facebook

>>> Click here to view the Year 5 parent Facebook page


by emailing Anne Clerc-Johnson at

This is so that we can comply with the requirement to submit a guest list beforehand for approval.

Hope to see you all there to finish off the year in style!



Anne and Daniella

Read more: Years 5 and 6 Curriculum overviews for Term 4, Friday Fun Day cardboard carnival, Learning Hub return to school, Year 6 graduation photos.

We finally made it! We have just finished our last week of online learning and what a journey it has been. Our students have shown remarkable commitment, focus and resilience during this time and need to be commended. 

You can view the important ‘Return to Campus’ information in the opening article by Mr Patrick Brennan. Please know that we will be doing everything we can to keep our students safe in order to return to face-to-face learning. In the Junior School we have assigned designated spaces for our students to play during break times, where our Years 5 and 6 students will be separated. This will be rotated so the students have equal time to use different areas of the school including the Library. 

Important points:

  1. Hand sanitiser will be widely available around the College.
  2. We have increased cleaning measures, with high touch and high traffic areas being cleaned regularly throughout the day.
  3. All students and staff will be required to wear a mask indoors. Please make sure your son enters the school with a mask each day.
  4. At this stage, there will be NO Saturday sport or Home Learning Club. We are awaiting further advice and will keep you updated about this.
  5. Transport — All public transport and school specials are due to run as timetabled.
  6. Canteen — For Week 4 and Week 5, no counter service. Online orders only through Flexischools. We will keep you updated if this changes.

Fun Friday Day Activity — Cardboard Carnival!

It was so amazing to see the amount of effort, enthusiasm and creativity in the games designed this week for the cardboard carnival activity. They looked like so much fun and reminded me of the Easter Show. I loved how so many students added excitement to their designs with their acting skills and backup music. I want to congratulate all students for their hard work. The following students were the winners for last week:

Would you like to try this prize winning cardboard carnival magnet race? It was devised by Jasper Lumsden. So innovative!

Enter Freddie Leiper’s incredible prize winning cardboard carnival!


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director Junior School



Curriculum Overviews for Years 5 and 6 in Term 4

We hope you will find the below Curriculum overviews informative.

>>> Click here to view the Year 5 Curriculum Overview for Term 4.

>>> Click here to view the Year 6 Curriculum Overview for Term 4.


Mr Thomas Mitton

5 Indigo Class Teacher and Acting Director of Curriculum



Year 6 Graduation

We need photos of your sons in Kindergarten!

As part of the Year 6 Graduation, I will be putting together a slideshow presentation that will showcase the students’ time at the Junior School. I would appreciate it if you could send through a photo of them on their first day of Kindergarten (or similar), as this will form part of the presentation.

If you could please send a labelled photo through to by no later than Friday, 29 October (Week 4).


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation



The Learning Hub Return to School

I’m looking forward to having students back in The Learning Hub. To abide by the NSW Health regulations, grades will be allocated specific days for the remainder of Term 4. This schedule is subject to change, as restrictions are eased in the College environment.

Week A Year 6

Week B Year 5 

TIMETABLE Monday  Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Before School


None Week A Year 6

Week B Year 5

Week A Year 6

Week B Year 5

Week A Year 6

Week B Year 5

Week A Year 6

Week B Year 5



Week A Year 6

Week B Year 5

Week A Year 6

Week B Year 5

Week A Year 6

Week B Year 5

Week A Year 6

Week B Year 5

Week A Year 6

Week B Year 5


Learning with friends in the Learning Hub

Learning with friends in the Learning Hub

Junior School students enjoying the magic of books in the Learning Hub

Junior School students enjoying the magic of books in the Learning Hub

Junior School students creating in the Learning Hub

Junior School students creating in the Learning Hub


Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


Read more: Fun Friday activity, Healthy Lunches webinar, Year 6 graduation photos, Term 4 Co-curricular activities, ‘Walk the World’ walkathon.

Welcome back to Week 2! I want thank everyone for their patience during this difficult time. We will continue to communicate information as soon as we receive it and constantly keep you updated when changes occur. I want to congratulate our students for coming back to Term 4 motivated and ready to learn. The students have been excited to tell me all the fun things they have done since restrictions have been lifted during our Meets. Hearing families reunite has been my favourite of all. 

Fun Friday Activity

It was so wonderful to see the time and effort students put into last Friday’s Fun Activity. The Masterchef challenge blew me away. I can not believe how well students in Year 5 and Year 6 can cook. The final products were of such a high standard — from donuts to cakes to chicken pesto pasta to pizza scrolls. They all looked so delicious and the skill level was outstanding. I want to congratulate all students for their hard work.

The following students were the winners for last week:

Watch two of the winning videos below by Max and Jack.


Healthy Lunchboxes and Snacks Made Easy Webinar

Waverley Council have partnered with NSW Health to present a free webinar for parents and carers. With children transitioning to primary school in 2022, it is titled: ‘Healthy Lunchboxes and Snacks Made Easy.’ I thought for those — like myself — this webinar might have some great practical ideas!

>>> Click here to view more information about the webinar. 


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director Junior School



Year 6 Graduation

We need photos of your sons in Kindergarten!

As part of the Year 6 Graduation, I will be putting together a slideshow presentation that will showcase the students’ time at the Junior School. I would appreciate it if you could send through a photo of them on their first day of Kindergarten (or similar), as this will form part of the presentation.

If you could please send a labelled photo through to by no later than Friday, 29 October (Week 4).


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation



Term 4 Co-Curricular Activities

Please see the message below from Head of Co-Curricular, Mr Steve O’Donnell, which outlines the return to school plan for Co-Curricular activities, depending on the current NSW guidelines. This is a similar plan to the Junior School, and is dependent on what transpires over the remaining six weeks of Term 4. I will be sure to keep you informed as things change, and whether Co-Curricular Sport is able to return for Term 4, 2021.

>>> Click here to view the Term 4 Co-Curricular Activities article by Mr Steve O’Donnell.

‘Walk the World’ Walkathon

Monday 18 October — Tuesday 16 November

Everyone in the College is invited to participate in Waverley’s historic walkathon which runs over 30 days from Monday, 18 October. As we emerge from lockdown we urge students, staff and parents to get involved to improve fitness, encourage team spirit, raise funds for charity and potentially, win prizes!

In this COVID-19 year, the walkathon will look different, as participants will virtually walk, run, swim or cycle in House groups to major cities around the world. All you need to do is download an app, track your movements for 30 days, and make a donation to support our charities: Edmund Rice Camps, Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation, Snowdome Foundation, Children’s Leukaemia and Cancer Research Foundation, or Christmas hampers (for families within our community needing a spiritual lift owing to extraordinary circumstances).

To learn more about the history of the walkathon, the brilliant prizes and how to enter the event, you will need to register through the events link on the Waverley College website:

>>> Click here to register and view more information about the walkathon.

I strongly encourage PDHPE teachers to use this event as a motivating factor for students during PE lessons throughout the 30 days and once we return to College.

Best of luck, everyone!


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)


Read more: Welcome back, return to campus date, Super Fun Friday, ICAS at home, Year 6 graduation.

Welcome back to Term 4. It is hard to believe we have entered the last term for 2021. We are so excited to know that all our students will be returning to campus on Monday, 25 October. We know how challenging online learning has been and are keen to have our students back in the classroom. 

Starting a new term also means setting goals. We know that students tend to achieve more when they set goals, as it allows them to take control of their future by implementing meaningful and achievable goals and taking action. This has never been more important as they have endured such a disruptive time during their learning. I encourage you to sit down with your son and have a discussion about what they would like to achieve for Term 4. They can set their S.M.A.R.T goal/s and record them on page 137 in the College diary. Having it recorded, allows them to revisit their goal throughout the term and build on strategies to make sure they achieve their goal/s. 

Super Fun Friday

I want to congratulate all the students who submitted amazing montages for our Super Fun Friday on the last day of Term 3. It was extraordinary to see how many students completed all 12 tasks! I loved watching families complete the activities together, having a great time. It was extremely hard picking the winners but the following students really shone:

Cooper Hawkins

Jasper Lumsden

Cooper Mott

Watch the brilliant winning video by Cooper Hawkins

I’m excited we have started Term 4 and can’t wait till we are back on campus! Enjoy your weekend.


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director Junior School




Our College made the decision to use ICAS earlier this year to recognise and reward top academic achievement in our students. As we have been learning from home these past few months, the ICAS Assessments team has given our College the opportunity to run ICAS from home.

These are exceptional circumstances and we are keen for learning to continue whilst your child learns from home. The ICAS timetable is below. **This may be subject to change.**

Week 2  Wednesday, 13 October Thursday, 14 October Friday, 15 October 
Time  9:30am – 10:30am  9:30am – 10:30am  9:30am – 10:30am 
Assessment  Writing 

Locked down browser required 

English  Spelling BEE

Locked down browser and earphones required 


Week 3 Wednesday 20 October Thursday 21 October Friday 22 October 
Time  9:30am – 10:30am  9:30am – 10:30am  9:30am – 10:30am 
Assessment  Mathematics   Science   Digital Technologies 

Before Test Day

Please complete these important steps BEFORE test day:

The day before the assessment your son will receive an email with his unique code. 

Assessment Day

On the morning of the assessment your son will meet on a Google Meet at 9:30am (an invitation will be in his calendar). 

Your son must have:


Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Year 6 Graduation (Photos of your sons in Kindergarten)

As part of the Year 6 Graduation, I will be putting together a slideshow presentation that will showcase the students’ time at the Junior School. I would appreciate it if you could send through a photo of them on their first day of Kindergarten (or similar), as this will form part of the presentation.

If you could please send a labelled photo through to by no later than Friday Week 4 (29 October).


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation


Year 7, 2022 Orientation Day Update

I would like to update you on recent developments regarding Year 7 Orientation Day which was originally scheduled as an on-campus event for Friday, 15 October.

Following the Government and NSW Health’s COVID-19 advice, unfortunately the College is required to suspend all on-campus events, including our planned Orientation Day. 

Instead, we are pivoting to an online Orientation Morning, rescheduled to Wednesday, 3 November from 9am until 10:30am. Members of our College Leadership team and Heads of House are currently refining details for the program to ensure that your son has an engaging and enjoyable morning with his peers. 

Your son will be supervised at the College during the online Orientation and then his classes will resume as normal. He will attend an online session specific to his House and his Head of House shall be his key point of contact throughout the morning.

The College will provide further information via Nurrunga early in Term 4 with specifics for the Online Orientation Morning. Please note that this session is specifically for your son, and parents do not need to be present.

Year 7, 2022 Parent Information Session

The College is also pleased to confirm that we will be holding a one-hour Parent Information Session followed by morning tea on Thursday, 27 January 2022. The session will commence at 9am after you have farewelled your son on his first day of school. Please mark this date on your calendar. Further details on this event will be provided early in Term 4. 

If your circumstances have changed and your son will no longer attend Waverley College in the forthcoming year, it is imperative that you advise me immediately via email at 


Ms Kylie Anderson



Would Your Son Like to Apply for an ACER Academic Scholarship?

Academic scholarships are awarded to a limited number of students who demonstrate academic excellence in the ACER examination. They can cover up to 100% of tuition fees.

Academic scholars are expected to maintain high standards of academic performance and are traditionally placed on the Principal’s Award List every term. 

Is your son eligible?

The scholarship is open to students who will commence at the College in Year 7 in 2023.

How to apply

You need to register for the ACER Scholarship Selection test through the ACER website.

>>> Click here to register for the ACER Scholarship Selection Test.

How are Applicants Assessed?

Academic scholarships are awarded based on:

*Academic Excellence

*Success at Interview

Further information on our Academic Scholarship is available through our website.

>>> Click here to view more information about our Academic Scholarship on our website.

Please feel free to contact me should you require any additional information.


Ms Kylie Anderson

