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We celebrated the beginning of Lent this week, with Ash Wednesday celebrations for each year level. Lent is a time that reminds us to reflect on what is important in our lives and our relationship with God. Previously, the Church has encouraged us to give up something for Lent, however these days, the focus has shifted to doing some good action for someone else each day over the next 40 days to Easter Sunday. Your actions speak volumes of your character. A little act of kindness goes a long way ….We have encouraged students to start with some positive actions within their family and friends. 


Our thoughts and prayers are with Ukrainian families within our community and the people of Ukraine at this time. One would have thought that we would have learnt from our collective experience, of the devastation that war brings to communities and families. However, a new dangerous chapter of our civilised history has been opened up. Let us pray for a speedy resolution to this crisis and these unacceptable actions. 

Tongan Tsunami Appeal 

Thank you to all members of our community who contributed so generously to the Tongan Tsunami appeal. All items have been forwarded on and will be sent directly to Tonga via our partners at ‘Youth in Union.’ We hope that these will play a small part in making life a little bit easier, as the country tries to recover from the extensive damage caused by the recent tsunami. 

Pupil-Free Day – Monday, 7 March 

A reminder that there is a Pupil-Free Day on Monday, 7 March at the College. It is a designated Staff Development Day where staff will be in attendance at the College and undergo training across a range of areas. 

Open Day – Tuesday, 8 March 

With COVID-19 limiting visitors to the College, a large number of potential students and their parents have been unable to attend the College for an Open Day. On Tuesday, 8 March, the College will be open across both our campuses for a large number of visitors who have provided an RSVP to the day. Enrolment applications for 2024 for Year 5 and Year 7 will close on Thursday, 31 March. Application forms are available on our website. 

Upcoming Year 12 Parent / Student Interviews  

Please see details from Mr Chris Soden later in this newsletter, to make a booking. 

COVID-19 Update 

Please see below the College COVID-19 numbers as they stand today. There has been an increase this week in transmission rates, as the Government expected, with its reduction in  precautionary measures. 

COVID-Positive Close Contacts
Year 5 7 1
Year 6 0 1
Year 7 1 6
Year 8 3 3
Year 9 2 3
Year 10 6 1
Year 11 5 2
Year 12 7 2
Staff 6 1
Total 37 20

College Raincoat

The Canadian-made all weather jacket sold in the Uniform Shop, came about from parent and student feedback seeking a warm and rainproof jacket. It is a very good-quality jacket, sold at cost price at $230. We acknowledge that this is a significant expense for parents, but it does achieve its goal of keeping students dry and warm, and it can be layered depending on the season. The College does not make any money on this jacket, and it would retail in an outdoor retail shop for over $430. 

We have had a few requests via the Parents’ Association to include a lightweight raincoat to our uniform, which we are currently investigating. 

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day (Tuesday, 8 March), is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. The College will be celebrating this day with its students and staff at next week’s assembly and with a morning tea. 

Imagine a gender-equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world with less wars. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together, we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias. Celebrate women’s achievements. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.

Student Achievement

Congratulations to Year 9 student, Jackson Lorimer, who has raised $3291 for the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse charity, which focuses on cancer research. Jackson joined SurFebruary, which required him to swim or surf every day of February, and seek sponsorship for his efforts. He has surpassed his goal of raising $500 and is one of the top ten fundraisers in the community. 

>>> Click here to view more information about Jackson’s remarkable achievement.

Jackson Lorimer

Kids Giving Back

‘Kids Giving Back’ is a charity whose mission is to create the next Generation of Generosity. Their programs are delivered for children 6-18 years old and their families, and offer opportunities to assist vulnerable people in the community. 

Thank you to the following students who participated in one of their programs during Term 4 of 2021, and over the Christmas holidays.

Students and families are encouraged to participate by volunteering in giving back programs outside of school hours.

Kids Giving Back

Commonwealth Government Address Collection Notice for 2022 

The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the Department), would like to notify you that a request has been made for your child’s school to provide residential address and other information as required under the Australian Education Regulation 2013.

The College is required to provide the Department with the following information about each student at the College:

>>> Click here to view more information.

It is with great delight, following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, that we can confirm that on Wednesday, 9 March, we will hold our Aungier House Mass (as listed in the College calendar). The Mass will commence at 6pm in the Centenary Quadrangle. This is a compulsory event for all students of Aungier House.

Our prefects have been working hard to make this a memorable event, and something that is fully tailored to who we are as a House. Students drive the night, with all hymns, prayers and readings chosen by the students themselves. We will also include special recognition of our current Year 12 students.

As an important part of the evening, we invite and strongly encourage all families to come along and join in a short supper following the conclusion of the Mass. All families are asked to bring a plate of food to share. This can be placed in the College Library prior to the Mass. The night is expected to conclude at roughly 8pm.

This will be a wonderful opportunity for families to meet our Aungier Mentors and also to connect with each other as part of the Aungier House community.

In the lead up to the event, we would also love to have some parent volunteers to help us with the organisation of decorations (for the Mass and supper), general set up before the Mass, and clean up at the conclusion of our supper.

If you would be willing and able to help with this, could you please email me at

Please note, that in the event of wet weather, the Mass will be moved to the Birrell Street Basketball Courts.

I am looking forward to seeing you there!


Mr John McCoy

Head of House – Aungier


Enrolment applications for 2024 will close on Thursday, 31 March 2022.

Should you have a younger son who you would like to enrol at Waverley College in Year 5 or Year 7 in 2024, please ensure you complete an application form through our website.

>>> Click here to view the application form.

Please note, if your son is currently enrolled at the Junior School at Waverley College, there is no need to place an additional application for Year 7.

Applications close: Thursday, 31 March 2022.

>>> Click here to submit an online application. 

Contact College Registrar: Ms Kylie Anderson at


Ms Kylie Anderson



National speaking competition ‘Rostrum Voice of Youth’, provides an outstanding opportunity for secondary school students to gain experience and confidence in expressing their views and communicating a message.

Next Wednesday, 9 March at 4:30pm, four students will be competing in the Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking competition at Ascham School.

These talented students are: Yannick Hott, James Peate, Ewan McDonald and Oscar Danta.

Waverley wishes you the best of luck!

James Peate and Ewan McDonald

Public Speaking Students James Peate and Ewan McDonald


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking


Congratulations and thank you to all our Waverley community for their outstanding efforts and generosity with the Tongan Appeal. As you can see from the photos, there were so many wonderful donations, that we were able to fill over 40 boxes!

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

These boxes are currently on their way to Tonga, and will no doubt go a long way towards helping many families and villages at this difficult time.

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

A special thank you to all who donated, and to the students and teachers who helped pack the boxes and supported this initiative. The generosity of our Waverley family is truly appreciated.

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal

2022 Tonga Appeal


Ms Suzanne Walsh

Director of Identity and Student Formation


Join us on our mission to shave the world from blood cancer!

I’d like to introduce you to our team, Lacey House at Waverley College, in this year’s World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukaemia Foundation.

We’re a bunch of heroes who are going to shave, to raise vital funds to support Aussie families facing blood cancer.

We need you in our shave squad.

Every day over 50 Australians are diagnosed with a blood cancer. Although research is improving survival, sadly, an Australian loses their life to blood cancer every 28 minutes. We want to change this.

You’ll be doing something AMAZING to help families facing blood cancer with the special care they need to make it through every scary, uncertain moment that follows a diagnosis.

It will also help brilliant research scientists continue their search for better ways to diagnose and treat blood cancer more effectively.

World's Greatest Shave 2021

Remember the World’s Greatest Shave in 2021?

Ready? Let’s do this!

The top five fundraisers will have their heads shaved at the whole College Assembly on Thursday, 17 March!

>>> Click here to visit our team page to join our team.

Looking forward to welcoming you into an elite group of extraordinary superheroes on a mission to shave the world from blood cancer.


Mr Damien Thompson

Head of House – Lacey


A big thank you for your continuing efforts in supporting our school and students during the pandemic – especially prioritising safety and learning.

On Wednesday, the Premier and Minister for Education announced that some of the final restrictions that have been in place in schools to manage COVID-19, are being lifted. This is welcome news, and we are looking forward to returning to some of the events that enhance our sense of community.

COVID-19 Changes

From Monday, 28 February, the following changes will be in place:

The College will maintain core COVID-smart measures including maximising fresh air flow through natural ventilation, continued good hand hygiene practices, and enhanced cleaning through Term 1.

A reminder of some of the practices that will continue to ensure we all work effectively together for the health and safety of everyone in our community;

Thank you again for your continued support during this school term.

Latest COVID-19 Numbers

We will continue to give these weekly updates.

COVID Positive Close contacts
Year 5 3 0
Year 6 0 2
Year 7 1 3
Year 8 2 0
Year 9 1 0
Year 10 0 1
Year 11 2 4
Year 12 5 1
Staff 1 2
Total 15 13

Consent Education

Consent education is set to be mandatory in Australian schools from 2023. The new curriculum, to be included within PDHPE, will target education about consent, power imbalances, gendered stereotypes, and coercion. Education ministers are proposed to meet in April. In March, our PDHPE staff will be collaborating with the Ascham PDHPE department on our Unit development. 

Tonga Assistance – Still accepting donations up until Monday, 28 February

We thank you for all your generous donations to date. We are still accepting them on Monday, 28 February. Please leave these wrapped and labelled items at the Senior School Reception. 

Parents’ Association Meeting Last Tuesday Evening

This week, I attended the online Parents’ Association meeting. The College Leadership team presented on the HSC results, Junior School updates, continuous reporting trial, wellbeing practices, planned building works, consent education and coeducation. Thank you to the 95 parents who attended and asked some excellent questions.  You will be notified when the Minutes become available. 

Congratulations to Ms Michelle Rollins

Michelle Rollins (Junior School Music/Drama teacher) received an incredible award last Wednesday evening – the ‘Exceptional Service Award 2021’ from The Institute for Educational Leadership in Australia. Michelle has built an extraordinary career outside of and within Waverley College, and her achievements, accolades and all that she does here speaks volumes as to her professionalism, talent and patience. Michelle is pictured with her trophy, and her impressive citation can be viewed below. 

Ms Michelle Rollins

Congratulations Ms Michelle Rollins

Michelle Rollins' Award Citation

Ms Michelle Rollins’ Award Citation

Uniform and Appearance Blitz Days

With the support of the Parents’ Association at Tuesday’s meeting, the Wellbeing Team will be running weekly Blitz Days to ensure your son’s uniform and appearance are in line with what our community expects from a Waverley College student. 

Students not in uniform will require a note from home citing a reasonable reason why they are not in full academic uniform.

Your son’s appearance will also be reviewed by the Heads of House to ensure his haircut falls within College policy, and that he is cleanly shaven.

Students were reminded of the importance of uniform and appearance at assemblies today.

Any student not meeting our fair and reasonable expectations will engage in a restorative conversation, and be required to attend a one-hour detention.

Student wearing the new academic uniform

A Great Start to 2022

I wish to acknowledge the positive attitudes and choices of your sons in the way they have commenced their school year. Heads of Department have expressed that most students have come to class with an eagerness to learn, and express joy in both Wellbeing groups and classes.

Together we wish to nurture a positive school culture – by working together and expressing pride in and respect for our school community. Both staff and students are looking forward to returning to their normal vertical home groups when restrictions continue to ease over the coming weeks.


Each member of the community has responsibilities to give our best and show respect by being punctual to class, placing mobile phones in lockers to avoid distraction, wearing the correct academic uniform including a mask indoors, being safe with property and belongings, being prepared for class with a charged laptop and resources, and applying ourselves to our learning with respectful focus and good effort in classwork and homework. 


Additional Rapid Antigen Tests

Today your son was issued with additional rapid antigen test kits. From Monday, 28 February, students and staff will only need to take a rapid test if they have symptoms, and will not be required to undertake twice-weekly surveillance testing. Further rapid antigen tests will be distributed upon their delivery to the College.

Age-Appropriate Consent Education

Recently, it was announced that education ministers have agreed that every Australian school will teach age-appropriate consent education within the curriculum for students from Kindergarten to Year 12. This is welcome progress. Such education will include a focus on gendered stereotypes, power imbalance and coercion, with the opportunity to support young people to give or withhold informed consent in their relationships.

This reform will strengthen the dialogue and teaching and learning we have been engaging in with our own students, staff and parents at Waverley College. I commend the work of the PDHPE and Religious Studies teachers, along with curriculum and wellbeing teams, who have listened with students to examine language and content, to better meet the needs of our young people.  

Eastern Suburbs School Leaders for Youth (ESSLY)

Each term, I meet with other Deputy Principals within the Eastern Suburbs School Leaders for Youth (ESSLY), as we utilise our network to support teacher and parent education around issues that affect youth within our schools. Waverley College is hosting an event later in the year for parents of our combined schools, which we had postponed last year due to COVID-19. More information to come. 

This Month on SchoolTV – Understanding Adolescence

Adolescence is the transitional stage of development that is usually associated with the teenage years. In 2018, the Australian Curriculum Assessment Authority redefined adolescence as affecting young people aged between 10-24 years. During this time, they experience rapid physical, cognitive and psychosocial growth, which affects how teenagers feel, think, make decisions and interact with the world around them.

During adolescence, a child’s brain can be considered as being “under-construction.” The rate at which this progresses will vary depending on the individual and also their gender. As a result, some parents may view adolescence as stressful or difficult. However, it does not need to be. Setting boundaries, implementing consistent monitoring, and maintaining a strong and loving connection, will help families adjust during this time.


It is also an important time to keep the communication lines open through clear and age-appropriate conversations. Speak openly about changes that they are experiencing and be conscious of their mental health, as many of the conditions people confront in adulthood, can begin to manifest in adolescence.

In this edition of SchoolTV, our parents and carers can learn how to guide and best support their young person as they transition through adolescence. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact your son’s Head of House, Mentor, or seek medical or professional help.

>>> Click here to view this month’s edition of SchoolTV: Understanding Adolescence.


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Staff and Student Wellbeing


Senior students have been given another option for their studies.

Three new soundproof study bureaus have been installed. They provide another option for students. Inside, there are screens for presenting and practising presentations as groups.

We sincerely thank the Parents’ Association for their support.


Senior School Library T1 2022

Senior School Library Term 1 2022

Senior School Library Term 1 2022


New Study Bureaus Senior Library Term 1 2022

New Study Bureaus Senior Library Term 1 2022

New study bureaus in Senior Library Term 1 2022

Would you like to learn more about Australian-designed, soundproof Bureau Booths?

>>> Click here to view information about Bureau Booths.

>>> Click here to view further information about Bureau Booths.


Mr Bill Roberts

Head of Library Services


An exciting new academic focused co-curricular is coming to Waverley. Previously known as ‘Tournament of Minds’, BrainWaves will be offering a range of team-based challenges, designed to challenge and take classroom learning beyond the curriculum, and into the realm of co-curricular, competitive, project-based events.

Student-centred and flexible, the program encourages students to participate in their choice of competitions** taking place across Terms 2 and 3, and can include but is not limited to:

The goal is to provide students with adequate time and resources to enrich their academic and creative gifts and talents, and provide a mentoring environment to delve into topics or projects that may be limited, due to time constraints and/or school commitments.

Students are also encouraged to ‘bring their own idea’ if there is an event or competition they’d like to participate in.

**Entry into competitions will depend on student numbers and competition structures, as some competitions are grade based, whereas others are mixed age groups

If you would like more information, please contact Ms Stephanie Boyce.


Ms Stephanie Boyce

Academic Enrichment Coordinator


A big thank you to all parents who have generously donated their sons’ outgrown uniforms to the Secondhand Clothing Pool. This provides someone else with the opportunity to purchase a secondhand uniform well below the new price, whilst at the same time, raising funds for the College through the Parents’ Association.

We are slowly rebuilding stock levels and are so pleased to be able to offer some more items for sale. Email us at to check on stock and for the next opening time.

House Polos

We have a variety of sizes in each House colour, $10 each, ready for the College Swimming Carnival on Friday, 4 March.

In addition, we have for sale:

$30 Buy Back Scheme

The Secondhand Clothing Pool will gladly accept the donation of all clean and wearable current uniform items for resale. There is a $30 ‘buy back scheme’ for the donation of Blazers and All Weather Jackets in excellent condition.

Due to current restrictions for parents, we are still working mostly through email contact (see email details below) and over the phone.

Where Can Donations Be Left?

Contact Details

For more information on stock availability or to make an appointment, you can contact the Secondhand Clothing Pool via email or phone.


Phone: (02) 9369 0703 — please leave a voicemail, and one of our volunteers will get back to you.


You will find us in the main building on Birrell Street. Enter via the Senior School campus reception, and take the lift to Level 3. The Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop.


Kirsten and Camille

Clothing Pool Coordinators


P: (02) 9369 0703

Tonga Assistance – What Can I Do to Help?

Last week I wrote to parents about Waverley’s Tonga Assistance, as part of the humanitarian efforts, Youth in Union, an Australian registered non-for profit organisation, are seeking your support. We are currently raising funds and requesting items for a shipping container to go directly to Tonga, to help those who have lost everything in the tsunami.

We thank you in advance for your generosity. Please leave these wrapped and labelled items at the Senior School Reception before Friday, 25 February. 

YEAR 5 – Toys/books, coloured pencils and crayons

YEAR 6 – School backpacks, healthy snacks

YEAR 7 – Wipes, water bottles (refillable), canned food

YEAR 8 – Sleeping bags, canned food

YEAR 9 – Clothing of all types (boys and girls), water bottles (refillable), towels

YEAR 10 – Shoes and slippers of all sizes, wipes, towels

YEAR 11 – Toothpaste and toothbrushes, sports equipment, towels

YEAR 12 – Sanitary products for girls and women, clothing all types, men and women, towels

Peter’s Fight Against Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer

A number of parents attended a fundraiser for Year 9 parent, Mr Peter Meyer, at North Bondi Surf Lifesaving Club last Friday evening. Peter is an Old Boy of the College (Class of 1992), and has been diagnosed with stage 4 Adenocarcinoma lung cancer, which has metastasised in the liver, bowel and tailbone. The oncologist has confirmed it is not curable, but Peter is going to try his best to fight it for as long as he can. Peter is a husband to Dianne and father to three kids: Maddi (16yrs), Billy Year 9 (14yrs), and Ashton (4yrs). Peter’s sister has started a go fund me page to relieve some financial pressure off the family. Please support Peter and his family at this incredibly tough time. 

Master Plan Update 

This week Simon Potter (Director of ICT, Campus & Innovation) along with myself, presented our Master Plan to the Edmund Rice Education Australia Council. Our own Waverley College Advisory Council have endorsed the plan along with staff, parents and other key stakeholders. The Master Plan outlines the building plans of the College for the next 40 years with 18 separate stages.  

Stage 1 includes: 

The early feedback from the EREA Council was that they were impressed with the vision for the College, with its emphasis on teaching, learning and wellbeing spaces, and with a focus on sustainable practices and design. 

Principal, Graham Leddie; President of the EREA Council, Philomena Billington; Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation, Simon Potter

Principal, Graham Leddie; President of the EREA Council, Philomena Billington; Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation, Simon Potter

Ethics Olympiad International Finals

Congratulations to the following students who have made it through to the The Middle School Ethics Olympiad International Finals on Thursday, 24 February. Wishing the following Year 10 students the best of luck for next Thursday: Campbell Porteus, Declan McAuliffe, James Medland, James Birbas and Oliver Malzard.

Nick Kyrgios Visits Waverley

There was certainly a buzz of excitement in the air, when Australian Open 2022 Doubles Champion Nick Kyrgios added Waverley College to his tennis circuit on Tuesday. He teamed up with our top-seeded Junior player Noah Dalton, to challenge Senior Tennis Captains Kai Jones and Jack Preller, to a friendly set. The dynamic sporting celebrity addressed all of our current tennis players and answered thoughtful questions from Junior students. 

Nick Kyrgios Visits Waverley – Feb 2022

COVID-19 Update

The College COVID numbers remained steady over this week, and I commend everyone for their efforts, please keep it up. Year 8 and Year 11 parents should be particularly vigilant in monitoring for any COVID-19 symptoms. The Government’s last RAHT tests should be utilised on Monday and Wednesday next week. We are yet to receive an update on whether any further tests will be administered by the Government. I will update you in next week’s Nurrunga. 

  COVID Positive Close contacts
Year 5 3 2
Year 6 0 2
Year 7 2 1
Year 8 10 4
Year 9  6 6
Year 10 2 3
Year 11 12 3
Year 12 1 5
Staff 0 0
  36 24