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Dear Parents, Carers and Students

I wanted to take this opportunity to write and thank you for the tremendous amount of support you have shown towards one another during this long period of lockdown. It has tested all of us and brought to the fore the strength of the Waverley community. In challenging circumstances we can often discover surprising things about ourselves and also take advantage of new opportunities for growth.

I thank everyone for the dedication that you have given to our Online Learning Model at Waverley College throughout Term 3. We appreciate the wonderful work of our staff who have continued to teach every period online, to ensure structure, connection and explicit teaching opportunities for student engagement.

We have really appreciated the feedback in Term 3 that you have shared with Wellbeing mentors and via other communication channels. Please rest assured that we take all feedback seriously and have reflected thoughtfully on the current Online Learning Model, particularly regarding how we can further support the mental health and wellbeing of our students as online learning continues into Term 4.

Adjustments to the Term 4 Timetable

Junior School

Please note that the Junior School timetable will not be changing in Term 4. Adjustments are only being made to the Years 7-12 timetable.

Senior School

We recognise and validate the struggle many students have experienced in keeping up with their online learning workload whilst trying to stay on top of assessments and exam preparation. To alleviate this pressure, we are adjusting our assessments for Term 4 to better support the online learning environment by introducing a valuable ‘Consolidation Day’ every Wednesday until we return to face-to-face learning. We expect that this will help to provide reinforcement, continuity and an opportunity for the students to stay on top of their workload.

Each Wednesday will begin with Wellbeing at 8:45am (moved from Monday) where the Wellbeing Mentors will have the opportunity to check in with their students.

The day will then continue with condensed 20-minute periods. This will provide time for students to check in with their teacher, ask any questions and/or receive any necessary feedback in regards to assessment preparation, including writing study notes or working through specific assignments. 

These classes will conclude at 11:20am. After this time we are expecting that students will consolidate their work requirements, whether this be class work, assessments or exam preparation.

Below is the updated Online Learning Timetable for Years 7-12:

Online Learning Timetable Term 4 Years 7-12

Online Learning Timetable Term 4 Years 7-12

Congratulations Year 12 Early Entry Applicants

I would like to congratulate those who have received an early offer to a university this week. The past two years of schooling have been exceptionally challenging, and it is fantastic to see that some Year 12 students have taken advantage of these valuable Early Entry university opportunities. Please continue to read Ms Knowles’ weekly Careers newsletter to stay informed about upcoming application deadlines, particularly those in September and October which include:



Year 12 Music 

Congratulations to the following Year 12 students who completed their HSC Practical Music examination today at school — thankfully! 

Harrison Palmer, Saem Goffe, James Simpson, Joseph Agius, Conor Carr, Tobias Williamson, Diego Berdaa, Jack Fitzgerald, Luca Wilson, Dante Bryan, Darcy Bourke, Liam Gregorio, Rory Hughes.

Well done to the music team for ensuring this was possible. 

Employment Opportunity

The College has been made aware of the following employment opportunity: Testers required for Rapid Antigen Testing in EQ Carpark, Moore Park. Applicants need to be 17+ and will have had to have had at least one vaccination – this is for insurance and safety for the testers and public alike.

In order to apply for these positions, applicants need to complete a course. The cost of the course is $240.

>>> Click here to view information about the course.

Achieving two nationally-certified accreditations in COVID-19 marshalling and infection control, plus pathology sampling (apart from blood), are going to be extremely useful in the upcoming years, particularly as we learn to adapt and live with COVID-19.

The course is self-directed online learning in 17 modules. It can be completed in 24-30 hours and then four hours hands-on advanced life support, plus two hours site induction in use/delivery of rapid antigen tests and use of NSW Health compliant software.

Testers will be quickly earning a generous hourly rate.

Once you enrol in the course, send your name, email address and phone number to:

Dr Cumpston will contact you and offer support during the training and then provide employment. 

Staff updates

We farewell Ms Cassie Foster this term as she commences her Parental Leave. The College wishes Cassie and her family well. We welcome her back in Term 3 of 2022.

Happy Holidays 

I wish all Waverley families in our community a very safe and happy holiday break. I hope you enjoy this time of rest and rejuvenation and remember the many things we have to be grateful for and to look forward to. Keep looking out for each other and checking in on one another. This difficult time will pass. Stay mindful of good sleep, getting outside in the sunshine, and eating thoughtfully, because these things will help you thrive. I thank you for continuing to place your trust in Waverley College and will see you all online with fresh energy and ideas in Term 4.

Applications are closing soon for the NSW School of Languages for students in Years 9-12 wishing to study a foreign language via correspondence, (other than Spanish which is offered at Waverley College).

Please submit your application by Wednesday, 10 November, 2021. 

>>> Click here to view the application form.

>>> Click here to view the Years 11 and 12 languages enrolment application form for study in 2022.

>>> Click here to view the Single Course Provision Application for Years 9 and 10 for study in 2022. 

If you have any questions regarding your son’s interest, suitability and eligibility in studying a foreign language or would like some further information, please do not hesitate to email me as soon as possible.


Mrs Priscilla Quintana

Head of Languages



As the end of Term 3 approaches, I give thanks for the resilience and work ethic displayed by staff, parents and students throughout this unusual and challenging term. I thank the staff for the energy and resources that they have put into online learning, pastoral care and their lessons. I thank parents for their continued support of their sons and their partnership with staff in trying to achieve good outcomes whilst balancing their own work situations. And I thank the students for their resilience, dedication to learning and their engagement with a different learning paradigm. 

In speaking with many parents, most students have made progress throughout the term and have performed well under the challenging circumstances that are in play. That said, there have certainly been days, when everyone has been tested and had to bounce back from a lockdown wall, both perceived and real. 

I have certainly seen many examples of the 2021 Year 12 motto of “Real Gratitude: Deeds Not Words” being lived out throughout the term across many College situations and circumstances. And I am guided by Pope Francis in trying to achieve this motto myself through his following words:

“Rivers do not drink their own water;
trees do not eat their own fruit;
the sun does not shine on itself and
flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves.
Living for others is a rule of nature.
We are all born to help each other.
No matter how difficult it is …
Life is good when you are happy;
but much better when others are happy because of YOU.”

This segues nicely into a special day celebrated each year in that of RUOK? Day. I want to acknowledge the College’s long association with the RUOK? charity and acknowledge the amazing work of the Larkin family in assisting all Australians to take an active role in checking in on each other and having a conversation.

>>> Click here to view the RUOK? Nurrunga article by the Deputy Principal – Student and Staff Wellbeing, Mr Patrick Brennan.

Updated HSC Timetable and Important Information for Year 12

Today NESA released the updated HSC timetable and as a result UAC has released their key dates. There are no changes to the SRS (Schools Recommendation Scheme) timetable, and offers will be released on 12 November. Year 12 students will not receive ATAR-based offers in December. The first ATAR-based offer round for Year 12 students will be January Round 2 on 26 January 2022.

UAC Timetable

Key Dates for Year 12

Early Entry Program

Further to my message in last week’s edition of Nurrunga, below is further information about early entry programs to UTS (University of Technology, Sydney) and ACU (Australian Catholic University).

UTS — With the recent changes to the HSC, UTS has made some changes to their Early Entry Program.

>>> Click here to view an update about the UTS Early Entry Program.

ACU Guarantee — this program offers eligible Year 12 students an unconditional place at ACU based on their Year 11 results. In response to UAC’s decision to delay the main offer round until January, ACU has added another round of offers to students. Applications will now close on Friday 8 October 2021.

>>> Click here to view further information about ACU Guarantee.

Year 12 HSC Examination Timetable

Today, NESA released the HSC Examination Timetable for 2021.

>>> Click here to view more in the Nurrunga article by Acting Deputy Principal — Teaching & Learning, Ms Gabrielle Smith.

National Child Protection Week 5-11 September 2021

At this week’s College Assembly, I reminded students of being vigilant in being safe, particularly online at this time. This week we celebrate National Child Protection Week and this year’s theme is ‘Every child, in every community, needs a fair go’. I made mention of the recent increase in online crimes and the need for boys to be mindful of random people trying to make contact with them and to be suspicious of their motivations. If your gut feeling tells you something is wrong or off, it usually is. Please encourage your son to tell someone or report directly to the E-commissioner. 

Wingara Update (Junior School) 

As you know, the College is seeking to utilise the land that it owns at the back of the Junior School to provide a natural environment connection experience and outdoor play space that will benefit student learning and wellbeing. 

A primary objective for the design team is addressing any foreseeable impacts to our neighbours, the natural environment and the local area. We have started a consultation period with our neighbours who live behind the Junior School. Next week we are meeting with Waverley Council’s Urban Ecology team

EREA Climate Crisis Statement

The EREA Climate Crisis Statement was launched on 19 August 2021. The Statement speaks to us with hope and optimism grounded in a call for renewed and reimagined action. It has been developed over 18 months through consultation with over 1600 young people from EREA schools and various other members of our school communities. We are seeking a shift in attitudes and actions, to address the climate crisis and to restore harmony to God’s creation.

>>> Click here to view the EREA Climate Crisis Statement.

COVID-19 Update 

Whilst most of the media focuses on transmission in the South Western or Western parts of Sydney, I have picked up in my comms that comes to Principals directly from the Health Department, of an increased transmission in our area. A few of our students have contracted COVID-19 and I pray for them and their families at this time. 

Please follow the Health Department warnings at this time. When students return to school, all of our teachers and staff will be vaccinated, most already are. If your son is eligible to be vaccinated, I certainly encourage you to have that conversation and get this organised. I know that I am safer being vaccinated and that I am safer for ‘other people’ being vaccinated.  The College Nurse, Ms Adele Cutbush will continue to provide you with any new information we receive about vaccination availability.

>>> Click here to view the Nurrunga article by our College registered nurse.

Online Lessons Conclude 

Wednesday 15 September will be the last day of online learning for Term 3 with Thursday and Friday being screen-free days. There will be no supervision at the Junior or Senior Schools on these two days. 

Waverley College’s long association with RUOK? Day continued this week as we celebrated this important day with an assembly and wellbeing activities led by Conlon House who have RUOK? Day as their charity.

Across Australia and the world, people are facing an unprecedented situation as our health authorities and governments act to manage the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). There has been no greater time for our students to be equipped with the skills and knowledge to navigate such challenging times.

The coronavirus pandemic comes as many Australians are still feeling the impact of recent bushfires, floods and drought. It’s very normal to not feel OK at times such as these. Watching and listening to media and Social Media coverage and commentary can be confronting and confusing. However, at a time when we’re being asked to physically distance ourselves from one another, students are being encouraged to make use of freed up time and their digital devices to stay connected. 

It is now even more important that we promote a sense of community, reach out and ask our friends, family and colleagues, “Are you OK?”

Over the past few weeks, our staff have been reaching out to families to check in and to see how our students have been going with online learning. At this week’s RUOK? Day assembly, I congratulated the vast majority of students who have demonstrated amazing levels of resilience and determination during these challenging times.

At our assembly, our own RUOK? Ambassador, Mr Kevin Heath spoke about the importance of the four steps of the charity; Ask, Listen, Encourage Action & Check-In.

This year, RUOK launched “Are they really OK? Ask them today”, as this year’s call to arms. This comes in response to new research which found 22 per cent of Australians aren’t reaching out to ask “are you OK?” because there hasn’t been an occasion where they felt someone needed their help.

Are They Really Ok?

Plans for RUOK? Day in 2021 for the College which usually turns ‘yellow’ are a little different with the current lockdown restrictions, meaning no mass participation events, but plans are afoot to stay connected and check on those in our community.

Things may look a little different for RUOK? Day for us this year, in the physical sense, but the message remains the same. Our aim is to encourage everyone to consider how the people in their world are really going.

In wellbeing groups, mentors have been using resources and activities from the RUOK? website that provide resources and tools on how our students can share the message in our community. Importantly, this day should provide us with capacity to acknowledge and combat mental illness throughout the year.

Our wellbeing framework tracks and develops the entire student across five wellbeing foundations. Our vertical House system cultivates positive relationships across the year groups supported by Mentors and Heads of House. At the acute end, the College employs four counsellors and works closely with external agencies such as Headspace and Beyond Blue. The majority of staff (teaching and non-teaching) at the College are accredited mental health first aiders making Waverley College the gold standard in terms of student mental health.

Screen-Free Days – Thursday 16 – Friday 17 September

Unplug to recharge! All students are invited to enjoy two screen-free days next week to turn off their devices in favour of connection, reflection, and quality time during online learning and social distancing.

As teachers, parents and students, we are more dependent on digital technologies than ever. Families across Sydney have had to loosen their screen time rules just to get through the week. 

A screen-free end to the term is a tool for us to take the time we need to prioritise our families, friends and wellbeing. They offer a sanctuary: a space in stressful times for us to be present. It is hoped these two days will provide us with a chance to play, explore, and rediscover the joys of life beyond our screens. And they are great for our mental and physical health to boot!

So well done to everyone on a great term of online learning. The finish line looks in sight with our vaccination rates increasing at a record pace. We can’t wait to see everyone hopefully back on campus during Term Four.

Some Ideas for Screen-Free Time

Ideas for non screen time


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal (Staff and Student Wellbeing)


 7 September 2021

2022 Fees Reminder and Withdrawal Notice

2022 Fees

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount.

Any payment received after due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. internet/BPay/BPoint).

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Principal that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable.

The relevant dates for 2021/2022 are below:


Mr Bryn Gregerson

Director of Business Services


Access a session for help with resources, finding an ebook or audiobook, navigating the College’s online tools and general questions.

Parents — will receive some additional help for their sons!

Students — look out for invites sent to you for a Google Meet from myself, Mr William Roberts.

The drop in session is for you to get any help accessing ebooks, audiobooks and general questions you may have re navigating the College’s online tools.

Parents and caregivers just need to ask their sons to click ‘accept’ to this invite for access to this service.

The times will be a mix — during recess, lunch or from 2:30pm onwards.

Look out for this for Term 4 from day 1. We are conducting testing this week and next.


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library Services


NSW Health has implemented a Mobile Vaccination Program. This means that free Pfizer vaccinations are now available if you are between 16-59 years. 

If you can’t make an appointment online, the NSW Public Health staff can help you when you arrive.

Help us stop the spread of COVID-19 by getting vaccinated, today. 

Please view the following links to book in at one of these mobile vaccination clinics:

Club Burwood | 96 Shaftsbury Road, Burwood 

>>> Click here to book in to the mobile vaccination clinic at Burwood.

Morris Iemma Indoor Sports Centre | 150 Belmore Road North, Riverwood

>>> Click here to book in to the mobile vaccination clinic at Riverwood.

PCYC Marrickville | Steel Park  | 531-565 Illawarra Road, Marrickville

>>> Click here to book in to the mobile vaccination clinic at Marrickville.

Peter Forsythe Auditorium | Francis Street Corner, Franklyn Street, Glebe

>>> Click here to book in to the mobile vaccination clinic at Glebe.

Green Square Library | 255 Botany Road, Zetland

>>> Click here to book in to the mobile vaccination clinic in Zetland.

Wests Leagues Ashfield | 115 Liverpool Road, Ashfield 

>>> Click here to book in to the mobile vaccination clinic in Ashfield.

Please bear in mind that these are links provided to Waverley College from the Sydney Local Health District. They are not affiliated with Waverley College in any way. We are trying to assist you by providing this information about where you can get vaccinated. 


Ms Adele Cutbush

College Registered Nurse


Year 12 Leadership Term 4 2021 and 2022 

Last week our four College Captains were announced for 2022:

At yesterday’s respective House Assemblies, the following boys were announced as House Captain and Prefect positions. Congratulations to these students: 


House Captain – Alejandro Zanapalis

House Prefect – Leo Astridge

House Prefect – Benjamin Finegan

House Prefect – James Kort

House Prefect – Daniel Di Paola


House Captain – William Dodd

House Prefect – Brandon Reid

House Prefect – Charles Alexander

House Prefect – Xavier Scally


House Captain – Max Barber

House Prefect – Jay Palm

House Prefect – Cuba Kanakis

House Prefect – Thomas Martin

House Prefect – Jared Garwood


House Captain – AJ Preketes

House Prefect – Daniel Smith

House Prefect – Hugo Pizzol

House Prefect – James Byrd

House Prefect – Ian Vuk


House Captain – Michael Richmond

House Prefect – Owen Punch

House Prefect – Jimmy Ashbridge

House Prefect – Conor Cahill


House Captain – Thomas Wilkins

House Prefect – Jonathan Booy

House Prefect – Patrick Healy

House Prefect – Max Leedham

House Prefect – Alex Morris


House Captain – Angus Anthony

House Prefect – Jasper Doyle

House Prefect – Bryn Siltala

House Prefect – Jackson Cunningham


House Captain – Jack Rigg

House Prefect – Sachiel Bass

House Prefect – Daniel Di Francesco

House Prefect – Hugo Roles

House Prefect – Cooper Stynes

Archbishop Award 

Congratulations Dane Perica, Year 12, who received the prestigious Archbishop Award for Excellence for his service work today (Friday, 3 September). The annual awards were started in 1999 by Cardinal Edward Clancy to honour leadership qualities and service to school and parish communities.

Congratulations Dane Perica

Congratulations Dane Perica

VET Excellence Award 2021 

Congratulations to Elija Heininger who is a VET Excellence Award winner for 2021. Elija was nominated for displaying excellence in the completion of all aspects of his Entertainment course.

Australian Rugby Selection 

Congratulations to the following boys on their selection for the following teams: 

An Australian Schools Team has not been announced as yet.

Father’s Day 

Wishing all fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers and father figures a Happy Father’s Day on Sunday. This year, beyond all others, has reminded us of the importance of family and the vital role fathers play in the lives of their children.

Dear God,

Thank you for all the fathers and father-figures in this world and for the many ways you use them to lovingly guide others to Your heart. I ask that you would bless them and give them great joy and peace. May they see You and know You in new ways. Show them how much you love them and care about them. Guide their steps, use their hands, and make them a blessing to others as you continue to fulfill your special purpose for their lives.


National Day of Action for RUOK? Day

Next Thursday, 9 September is the national day of action for RUOK? Day and our assembly will be on Wednesday morning. The theme for 2021 is R U really OK? In her Nurrunga article, Ms Cathy O’Sullivan (Head of Conlon House) provides some website links containing self-care tips and strategies to stay connected.

>>> Click here to view Ms Cathy O’Sullivan’s RUOK? Day article.

College Fees 

Towards the end of last year, I wrote to you on behalf of the College Advisory Council Finance Committee with regards to College Fees for the 2021 year and beyond, and again in May this year. 

Recent changes to the Government Funding Model for schools means that Waverley will experience a significant decline in its Government funding until 2029. This decrease is predicted to be in the vicinity of $27M, which equates to a 37% decrease in Government funding over that period. The government’s funding calculation model Direct Measure Income (DMI) is based on parental income. 

For nearly 120 years, Waverley College has provided a high-quality Catholic Education in the Edmund Rice Tradition. The College has focussed on academic excellence, quality teaching and learning, student wellbeing, the faith and social formation of young men, provision of a diverse and inclusive co-curricular program, development of a strong and vibrant Waverley Family and the provision of quality, appropriate learning environments.

Funding sources for schools are generally limited to Government funding and tuition fees, with some additional income derived from other sources such as Foundations, sponsorship and donations. Government funding has traditionally accounted for approximately 38% of the College’s total income. With this source of income beginning to decrease dramatically to approximately 25%, the College will need to examine how other funding sources, including tuition fees, need to be adjusted to compensate for this significant decrease in Government funding.

The College, over many years, has endeavoured to keep school fees at a reasonable level. If you compare our fees to other independent schools across Sydney, you will find we are very good value. We are very aware that our families work hard to provide an opportunity for their sons to attend Waverley. The College also has a long tradition of providing support for families when, for a range of reasons, their financial circumstances change. This support has never been more visible than during 2020 and 2021 when COVID-19 impacted many families across the Waverley community.

In 2021, the College was able to keep fees to a flat $400 increase across all year levels to try to minimise the financial impact of COVID-19, despite the significant financial pressure this year that decreased government funding of $1.6M which equates to approximately $1100 per student in 2021, was going to have on the College. 

Next week, you will receive a request from the College to respond to a survey that will take about 10 minutes to complete. This survey is designed to explore your opinions and capacity to service your tuition fee commitments from 2022 and beyond. It is a significant challenge to balance affordability and the high-quality educational offerings for which Waverley is known. Your input via this survey will greatly assist the College in gathering important data from families so that informed, equitable and genuine decisions may be made by the College in relation to tuition fees. Your answers are confidential and your anonymity is guaranteed. The data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. 

I thank you for your ongoing support of the College and importantly, of your sons. As the Waverley Family, we will successfully navigate the challenges that lie ahead, and Waverley will continue to provide a quality Catholic Education in the Edmund Rice Tradition.


University and Apprenticeship Advice

Congratulations to our Year 12s who have completed successfully their online trial assessments. They have shown amazing resilience in adapting to these challenging times and maintaining their composure with so many outside pressures on their shoulders.

With a little down time before they get back into their study and/or search for an apprenticeship, another look at university early entry opportunities or available further training could prove beneficial. For example, Macquarie University have reopened their early entry offer program and are offering five COVID-19 Impact Points to boost selection ranks, or ACU Guarantee program offers students a maximum of five adjustment points for students who attend schools that are in their Schools Relationship program, of which Waverley is. Or you might think a prospect of working up in the Pilbara is a good option at the moment.

Take some time to relook at where your next step could be by clicking on the links to opportunities below, or call Ms Knowles to discuss, for further advice. One of these steps could take away a fair amount of stress. 

ACU (Australian Catholic University) — Schools Relationship Program

Students are eligible for this program if they are currently completing Year 12 and attend a school that has a strong relationship with ACU. Waverley College is one of these schools.

Year 12 students can receive a maximum of five adjustment points from the Schools Relationship Program.

These points will be automatically applied through UAC if students list one of ACU’s courses as a preference. There’s no need to apply separately.

ACU Guarantee – Applications Open Now

Applications to ACU’s Early Entry Program, ACU Guarantee, are now open for 2022 admission.

How does it work?

By using your Year 11 results, ACU can predict a selection rank and make an offer accordingly. As part of your application, you may also choose to provide personal statements that give ACU insight into your circumstances and motivation for university study, to improve your entry score for ACU Guarantee.

*Applications close Friday 24 September 2021.

>>> Click here to find out more about ACU Guarantee.


Macquarie University Leaders and Achievers Early Entry Scheme Reopens

Macquarie University recognises the anxiety and uncertainty experienced by Year 12 students at this time. With the delaying of HSC exams and ATAR release, their ability to plan for university is also impacted. 

An early offer can give students peace of mind and certainty about their future at university. Following the latest announcements for Year 12 students by the government, Macquarie University has reopened applications for the Macquarie Leaders and Achievers Early Entry Scheme

>>> Click here to view information about the Macquarie Leaders and Achievers Early Entry Scheme.

*The Scheme is now open and applications close Sunday 19 September 2021.

Macquarie University — COVID-19 Impact Points

Macquarie recognises the significant impact this pandemic has had on students and the stress related to university entry for 2022.

To reassure Year 12 students, all applicants applying for a Session 1, 2022 undergraduate degree will automatically receive five COVID-19 Impact Points to boost their selection rank.

Prospective students will not have to apply for these additional adjustment factors as they will be automatically applied via their Universities Admission Centre (UAC) application.

>>> Click here to view information about the Macquarie University COVID-19 Impact Points.


UTS (University of Technology Sydney) Early Entry Program 

Designed for high-achieving school students, the UTS Early Entry Program allows you to secure a place in your preferred UTS degree based on your Year 11 academic achievements. 

>>> Click here to view information about the UTS Early Entry Program.

*Applications close Sunday 12 September 2021


Schools Recommendation Scheme (SRS)

(SRS): Apply through UAC.

All Year 12 students are able to apply for SRS, although not all courses are included in the scheme.

*Applications close Sunday 19 September 2021

Institutions make offers based:

How to apply:

  1. Submit your undergraduate application through UAC.
  2. At the end of this application, select the option to also apply for SRS.

If you’ve already applied for undergraduate study through UAC, use the ‘Apply or log in’ button at the top right of the UAC website and select the SRS application.


Trades – Apprenticeships 

Career opportunities across Australia’s mining and agricultural businesses.

>>> Click here to learn more about jobs with the Hancock Prospecting Group of companies.


You will learn your trade on the job and attend trade school to gain additional knowledge and skills through accredited courses.

>>> Click here to apply now.

HIA Apprentices offer these apprenticeships:

>>> Click here to apply for HIA Apprenticeships.


Master Builders Apprenticeship Service is a Group Training Organisation, that employs apprentices and trainees to place them with tradespeople, builders and contractors within the Building and Construction Industry for on-the-job training in their trade.

>>> Click here to apply.

>>> Click here to apply to become a Master Builder Apprentice or Trainee by completing the online application.


>>> Click here for NECA Electrical Apprenticeships Expressions of Interest.


Master Plumbers Apprentices Limited (MPAL) is a group training company and is the largest employer of apprentice plumbers in NSW.

MPAL ensures that apprentices employed through the scheme are exposed to all aspects of the Plumbing industry including: Water Plumbing, Sanitary Plumbing, Drainage, Roof Plumbing, Fire Hydrants and Hose Reels. The exposure is across Domestic, Commercial, Industrial and High-rise Construction Plumbing.

>>> Click here if you are interested in being considered for a plumbing apprenticeship with Master Plumbers Apprentices Limited.



Get your 2022 Career Guide delivered straight to your inbox.

>>> Click here to fill in the form to receive your free career guide.



In recent times, vaping has become a real problem for our teenagers and a pressing issue for teachers and parents. Waverley, like all schools, has not been immune from this issue with a small percentage of boys making poor decisions in terms of vaping. Despite anecdotal media attention to the contrary, research carried out by the Australian Drug and Alcohol Foundation suggests that most adolescents are making good choices in terms of vaping, with over 86% of teenagers never consuming a vape. That still leaves us with the 14% of adolescents who are putting themselves at risk.

Vaping is illegal for individuals under the age of 18 years and has poor health consequences for the students who engage in this activity. The College has a clear policy for any student in possession of a vape or e-cigarette whilst on campus.

Vaping Webinar — Afternoon and Evening Sessions

It is important that parents are across reliable information about how to help teenagers who may be vaping. Professor Renee Bittoun (UNSW), an internationally-regarded expert on nicotine addiction and smoking cessation, will explain how you can know if children are vaping and what to do when they are.

She will deliver a webinar on Thursday 9 September at both 3:45pm and 7pm.

Places are limited to enable participants to ask questions and make the most of the presentation.

>>> Click here to register for the vaping webinar by Professor Renee Bittoun.

Professor Renee Bittoun from UNSW

Professor Renee Bittoun from UNSW


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Staff and Student Wellbeing


With the implementation of the new Parent Lounge, each week iAssist will be publishing a guide to a specific feature to help parents navigate around the interface.

The guides will be released through Nurrunga and then listed in the Parent Lounge under the School Links — Parent Lounge Guides section.

This week it’s Lodging an Absence.

>>> Click here to view the TASS – Parent Guide on how to lodge an absence.


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation


The R U OK? movement is particularly special for us here at Waverley, and this year the national day of action is Thursday, 9 September. This important message of checking in with someone, and developing the tools to feel comfortable doing so, will be explored in wellbeing groups in the lead up to the day utilising the wonderful resources produced by the R U OK? organisation.

Our assembly next Wednesday will have time dedicated to R U OK? Day, a national day of action that reinforces the importance of staying connected with your friends, family and colleagues through all life’s ups and downs, big or small.

R U OK? Day 2020: Pat Clifton, Wendell Sailor, Luca Moretti, Lachlan Drew-Morris, Maryanne Larkin, Van Larkin, Katrina King, Cath O’Sullivan, Sherri Falkinder, Graham Leddie

R U OK? Day 2020: (L to R) Pat Clifton, Wendell Sailor, Luca Moretti, Lachlan Drew-Morris, Maryanne Larkin, Van Larkin, Katrina King, Cath O’Sullivan, Sherri Falkinder, Graham Leddie

The theme of this year is R U really OK? Sometimes it seems much easier to just say you’re ok than talk about what’s really going on, or it can be difficult to explain how you’re feeling. The R U OK? Toolkit asks students to consider things like:

For some self-care tips and strategies to stay connected, check out the resources available through the following websites — and check in with a mate!

>>> Click here to watch the 2021 R U OK? Day video and view further information.

>>> Click here to view , an online mental health service for young people and their parents in Australia.


Ms Cathy O’Sullivan

Head of Conlon House


Is your son an informed and passionate advocate for climate action and looking for something meaningful to do in the school holidays?

Our Edmund Rice colleagues at PRAYTeK, (a child and earth rights organisation based in New Delhi, India), invite Waverley College students and school students from around the world, to take part in an Earth Summit.

The Earth Summit is a three-day international conference where young people can come together to talk about their concerns on environmental problems and try to create solutions for both local and global climate issues.

Suggested climate change themes include energy; adaptation and damage; gender and climate change; sustainable development; and science and innovation. However, the Earth Summit welcomes suggested topics from all participating members.

When is the Earth Summit?

  • Thursday 30 September — Saturday 2 October 2021 (during the school holidays).

What Skills Will Students Develop by Taking Part?

Will Student Participation Lead to Wider Outcomes?

How Do I Register or Make an Enquiry?


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation
