Director of Co-curricular, Mr Steve O'Donnell
Read more: Senior and Junior Sport Fixtures and Training Schedules, leave requests, COVIDSafe protocols on campus, winter activity change requests, full correct summer co-curricular attire, Waverley College app notifications, CAS Sport Update.
Welcome back to 2022, and a special welcome to all new students, parents, carers and staff. Most students in Years 7-12 have their first lot of trials and activities this Saturday, 29 January. There are a few activities that will commence next week, and all students, parents and carers need to check the College website for fixtures and training schedules.
>>> Click here to view the Senior and Junior Sport Fixtures and Training Schedules.
Leave Requests
Please also note that any student who needs to miss a weekend of Co-curricular activities, must apply in writing two weeks before leave, where possible, to the Director of Co-curricular: sodonnell@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Please also note, that a maximum of two leave requests can be obtained.
COVIDSafe Protocols on Campus
For this Saturday, 29 January, we request that there are no parents or spectators anywhere on the College campus, as part of our COVIDSafe protocols. We will continue to review this over the coming weeks.
Any student identified as a close contact, or who develops COVID-19 symptoms, must not attend any school activities or sport until a negative RAHT test or PCR result is submitted and 7 days isolation have passed.
Students will also be required to show up and depart immediately at the conclusion of any fixtures and must not share drink bottles. Hand sanitiser will also be available at all venues.
Winter Activity Change Requests
From next Monday, 31 January, students in Years 7-12 can request a winter activity change until Friday, 18 February. Please note, that a request does not guarantee approval, and each request will be assessed appropriately.
Any student who also wants to change to Rugby without previous experience, will be required to undergo sport specific testing to analyse suitability as per ARU protocols.
Full Correct Summer Co-curricular Attire Essential
All students will need to ensure that they also have the full correct summer co-curricular attire for all activities.
Waverley College App – Are Your Notifications for all Groups on?
All parents, carers and students are strongly encouraged to have downloaded the Waverley College app and have notifications for all groups ON, so that they receive updates, team selections, as well as any wet weather information. Students who fail to attend trials and training will be selected in the lowest teams for that activity.
A big thank you to all of the students and staff who gave up time in their holidays for training, tournaments and sports camps.
Good luck to all students or their trials this coming weekend.
CAS Sport Update
The CAS Sportsmaster’s Committee have unanimously elected to adopt a singularly consistent approach to the operation of CAS Sport in Term 1.
With reference to Community Sport Guidelines, the existing Public Health Order and the NSWAIS COVID-19 FAQs for the NSW Independent Schools and the Office for Sport, the following recommendations are offered:
Staff, participants, officials, and spectators should not attend sport if they are:
- Unwell
- Have symptoms
- Have tested positive
- Deemed as a close/household contact
- Directed by NSW Health to isolate.
Parent/spectator attendance at sporting fixtures is supported by the application of the following mitigations:
Protocols For Outdoor Venues – 2 spectators per player
- Density limits – in line with current guidelines, the recommendation is a maximum of one person per 2sqm
- Singing and chanting – the host school determines the number of potential student supporters based on facility. The preference was only for Year 12 students, to avoid mixing of cohorts.
- Distancing – the principles of social distancing to be applied by COVID Marshalls, signage to be prominently displayed, and allocation of seating to take account for the unique nature of each facility.
- QR Codes – all spectators, officials and staff expected to QR Code on entry to campuses and sporting grounds.
- Mask Wearing – attendees should bring a mask if they are to enter an indoor space (such as a bathroom).
Mandatory Requirements
All spectators attending school campuses must be fully vaccinated. This is in keeping with the expectations for employees and volunteers for schools, as outlined in the current Public Health (COVID-19 vaccination of education and care workers) Order (Number 2) 2021, and recommendations offered in the NSWAIS FAQs.
- Proof of vaccination will be asked at entry points ( green tick ) for all Adult spectators
Protocols For Indoor Venues – 1 spectator per player
- Density limits – in line with current guidelines, the recommendation is a maximum of one person per 2sqm
- Singing and chanting – the host school determines the number of potential student supporters based on facility. The preference was only for Year 12 students, to avoid mixing of cohorts.
- Distancing – the principles of social distancing to be applied by COVID Marshalls, signage to be prominently displayed, and allocation of seating to take account for the unique nature of each facility.
- QR Codes – all spectators, officials and staff expected to QR Code on entry to campuses and sporting grounds.
- Ventilation considerations – natural ventilation to be maximised and where available to be supplemented with mechanical ventilation.
- Mask Wearing – masks to be worn indoors at all times (players and where relevant, officials excepted). This is subject to any applicable exemption.
All spectators attending school campuses must be fully vaccinated. This is in keeping with the expectations for employees and volunteers for schools, as outlined in the current Public Health (COVID-19 vaccination of education and care workers) Order (Number 2) 2021, and recommendations offered in the NSWAIS FAQs.
- Proof of vaccination will be asked at entry points ( green tick ) for all Adult spectators
Additional Principles Promoting a COVIDSafe Environment
- Participants and spectators are to be on site for the period whilst the participant is playing
- Increased cleaning of high-touch areas and bathrooms
- Canteens may be operational. Host school to consider risk.
- Food services for players and officials participating in 1st fixtures to comply with COVIDSafe practices.
- Change rooms to be closed for all groups outside of 1st teams – participants in all other teams arrive, ready to play.
Student Participation
The requirement that only fully vaccinated persons aged 16 plus participate in community and school sport no longer applies.
Return to Play Policy Following COVID-19
- Following testing positive for COVID-19, students should follow NSW Health’s guidelines for returning from isolation.
- Schools should develop return to play protocols for students who have tested positive for COVID-19.
Mr Steve O’Donnell
Director of Co-Curricular
E: sodonnell@waverley.nsw.edu.au