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Dear Waverley Basketball Community,

Please see the following message from the Waverley Basketball Supporters’ Club.

Please save the date for the Waverley Basketball 2023-24 season launch.

Get ready for an evening of hoops, fun, games, raffles, music, and laughs as we kick off the Waverley Basketball 23/24 season.

Date: Friday, 13 October 2023
Time: 5:30-7:30pm
Location: Waverley College Brother Lacey Gymnasium

Bring the whole family for a fun night that’s bound to get everyone in the spirit for the upcoming season.

Stay tuned for more details, including how to purchase your tickets.

If anyone would be so kind as to donate a raffle prize or their time on the night to help, please email Rachael or Juliette (details below).

We can’t wait to see you there.

Rachael Smith (President):
Juliette Carter (Vice President):

CAS Track & Field and Summer Sports Trials

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Next week we have our CAS Track & Field Championships. On Tuesday, 12 September we will run our assembly to present the team, and Tuesday evening is the annual Carbo Night in the PAC for all members of the squad.

Thursday, 14 September 2023

On Thursday, 14 September our competitors will arrive at school and head straight to the PAC at the start of the day. Reserves and other squad members will be in class as normal.

Our Athletes will depart at 11am for Homebush followed by the rest of the squad and Years 7 and 12 at 1pm.

The return bus to Maroubra is now full, however, we still have room on the return bus to Hurstville.

Students should arrive back at the College by around 9pm.

Parents/carers are welcome to attend the event, but must pre-purchase their tickets by clicking the button below.

Click here to pre-purchase parent/carer tickets

Saturday, 16 September 2023

On Saturday, 16 September we have our 2023-24 Summer Trials for Basketball, Cricket, Tennis, Touch Football and Water Polo.

We have also published the draft training schedule for Term 4 and both can be found on the College website by clicking the button below.

Click here to view the 2023-24 Summer Trials and draft Term 4 training schedules

*Please note that Year Groups are labelled by their 2024 groupings (Year 10 are now opens and Year 7 are now labelled as Year 8).

Dear Parents, Carers and Students

We are pleased to announce that we are seeking expressions of interest for a proposed New Zealand Cricket tour, which will take place at the conclusion of school in Term 4 2024, and will then continue into the first week of the December holidays.

Please note: 


The College requires a $1,000 deposit to guarantee your son a spot. This deposit will be followed by three equal instalments. The total amounts of each instalment will be confirmed once a final cost of the tour is determined.

Tour Payment Schedule 

Payment of deposit can be made via the following:

Please only use EFT as BPAY will go onto school fees instead 

Waverley College 

BSB: 062 124

ACCOUNT: 00903139

All tourists must have a valid passport. The College will share more information once the tour group has been finalised.

Please note that this is a self-funded tour and will not be subsidised by the College.

This tour is a wonderful opportunity for those selected and students are encouraged to potentially seek casual work over the holiday periods to pay for the tour.


Thank you and kind regards,


Mr Sean Picone

Convenor of Cricket

Track & Field – CAS Championships

Our Track & Field athletes have continued to perform very well at the invitational carnivals and in particular our middle distance and sprint athletes.

We are at ES Marks Athletics Field in Moore Park for the next two Saturdays in preparation for the the CAS Championships on 14 September 2023. This big event is a compulsory Supporters’ Duty for all students in Years 7 and 12, and is certainly one the highlights of the CAS sporting calendar.

Parents, carers and students were sent a letter earlier this week outlining the event, which can also be found by clicking the button below.

Click here to view the student CAS letter

National Cross Country Championships

I also want to congratulate two students who represented the College over the weekend at the National Cross Country Championships.

Evan Rowbowtham in the U14s finished in 12th position, and Campbell Groves finished 26th in the U18 category (19th in his U17 age group).

These are tremendous performances against the best long distance runners in the country and the College is extremely proud of their efforts.

Winter Co-curricular Awards and Track & Field

This week we celebrated the successful 2023 Winter co-curricular season with our awards assembly. As part of this assembly we also recognised and instigated the Parent Supporters’ Awards and perpetual shield.

In 2023 we recognised Denis and Megan Hickey and John and Maureen Andrews. Both of these families have given so much time, effort and sacrifice to ensure that both our summer and winter co-curricular programs delivered effective catering, lunches, after match functions and presentation evenings, as well as countless other duties for over 10 years.

On behalf of the College I want to say a huge thank you and we will certainly miss you. A big thank you also to all of the other parents/carers in Year 12 who have assisted where they can with Supporters’ Groups and the Parents’ Association.

Well done to all of our award winners which you can view by clicking on the button below.

Click here to view the Winter award winners

Invitational Athletics Carnival

Last Saturday we held our first Invitational Athletics Carnival and there were some impressive performances across all age groups and disciplines.

This Saturday we are at Homebush and it is not too late for any students to come and join the squad.

The CAS Championships will be held on Thursday, 14 September at Homebush and this will also be a compulsory event for Years 7 and 12 to attend. More information will come out closer to the date.

Dear Waverley Cricket Community,

Summer sport and cricket season is fast approaching, and we are asking for expressions of interest to join the Waverley Cricket Parent Supporters’ Executive Committee.

Should you be interested, please email/contact Mr Sean Picone or Mr Craig McDonald.

Sean –

Craig –

We will also be seeking a parent manager for each team, please let us know if you would be able to take on this role.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Mr Sean Picone and Mr Craig McDonald

Dear Parents and Carers,

You are cordially invited to the 2023 Basketball Supporters’ Club AGM.

Date: Tuesday, 29 August 2023
Time: 5pm-6pm
Venue: Senior School campus, exact meeting room to be confirmed.

The agenda for the evening includes:

Your presence and insights will play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory and success of this upcoming season. The more minds and perspectives we gather, the more robust our strategies will be.

RSVP Required

*Please RSVP by emailing Mr Anthony Gibbs by Monday, 28 August 2023, to confirm your attendance.

We look forward to your presence and collaboration.



Waverley College Basketball Supporters’ Club

The Cricket Supporters’ AGM will be held via Zoom.

Topic: Cricket Supporters’ AGM 2023

Date: Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Time: 6:30pm

Please click the button below to join the meeting.

Click here to join the Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 850 3337 0664

Passcode: 004509


Mr Sean Picone

Convenor of Cricket

Click here to view Senior and Junior Sport Fixtures, Training Schedules and Maps

Huge Congratulations!

Congratulations to all players, coaches, staff, convenors and parents/carers on another successful 2023 Winter season. Especially to our 1st XI Football in securing the Thomas Grimson Cup as CAS Premiers, the 1st XV Rugby on the Henry Plume Shield as CAS Undefeated Premiers, and also the 1sts Volleyball in winning the Division 2 premiership.

1ST XI V Trinity Premiership

1ST XI V Trinity Premiership

1ST XV V Trinity Premiership

1ST XV V Trinity Premiership

1ST XV V Trinity Premiership

1ST XV V Trinity Premiership

Some of the adversity and injuries these teams have overcome is a testament to the coaches’ as well as the players’ resilience and belief when others had ‘written us off’, which makes these premierships that much more impressive.

We will recognise all of our award winners at the Presentation Nights over the next two weeks, as well as at our Winter Awards Assembly on Thursday, 24 August 2023.




Golden Boys Dazzle at Australian Surf Life Saving Pool Rescue Championships

Well done also to Ryan McNamara and Isaac Smith who competed last weekend at the Australian Surf Life Saving Pool Rescue championships, where both boys were successful in winning a number of gold medals.

Australian Surf Life Saving Pool Rescue Championships

Australian Surf Life Saving Pool Rescue Championships

Track & Field Season and Locating the Season Guide

We have now commenced the Track & Field season and all students are welcome to be a part of Athletics.

You can view the Season Guide by clicking the button at the top of this article, which will take you to its location on the College website. It has also been posted on the Waverley College App.

This Saturday, the full squad have training at Queens Park, 9am-11am.

The Rugby Presentation Night is a great opportunity for families to gather and celebrate the 2023 rugby season.

The night will recognise the outstanding player performances from the 2023 season as well as farewelling our leaving Year 12 students.

When : Friday, 18 August 2023
Time : 6pm
Dress: Smart Casual (students are not required to wear uniform on the night)
Where : Eastern Suburbs Rugby Union Club (22a O’Sullivan Road Bellevue Hill NSW 2023)
Cost : Students $25.00 Adults $35.00 (price includes entry and meal) + .50 TryBooking Fee

*Drinks can be purchased at club prices at the bar.

Click here to book and buy tickets

Click here to view Senior and Junior Sport Fixtures, Training Schedules and Maps

We play our final round of winter fixtures for 2023 this weekend, except for Debating with two rounds to go. Well done to our 1sts and 2nds Debaters who were successful in their competition against a strong St Aloysius’ last weekend.

I want to thank and wish well all of the Year 12 students playing their final winter fixtures this weekend, as well as pay tribute to their parents/carers and families, particularly the long-serving members of the various Supporters’ Groups. It is a big weekend for a number of teams who are vying for premierships.

Tag Team Challenge Surfing Competition

Last Friday we had four students competing in the Tag Team Challenge Surfing competition at Maroubra where they secured 2nd place and were only two points off 1st. Well done to Judah Miller, Milan Mann, Fred Carmody and Cooper Gee.

Tag Team Challenge Surfing Comp

NSW School Snow Sports Competitions and Sydney Interschool Snowsport Championships

In the July holidays we also had a large group of boys competing in the NSW Schools Snow Sports competitions. A huge thank you to Ms Paula McCabe for once again facilitating this event.


In the school holidays, eight Waverley College students also competed at the Sydney Interschool Snowsport Championships at Thredbo from 10-14 July.

Congratulations also to Connor Moran (Year 5), Oscar Litchfield (Year 6), Jordan Mano (Year 8), Aidan Giusti (Year 8) and Charlie Thompson (Year 12) for their commendable races and first ever Sydney Interschools events.

We hope to see more boys competing next year on behalf of the College.


From next Monday, 7 August the 2023 Track & Field season commences. Any students wishing to be involved are more than welcome.

To view all information, please click the button below to access the season guide, also published on the College app.

2023 Track & Field Season Guide