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Click here to view Senior and Junior Sport Fixtures, Results, Training Schedules and Maps

Indigenous Rounds

Well done to all staff, students, parents and carers with their work on our Indigenous Round last weekend. In particular, I want to thank Mr Kevin Heath and Aunty Barb as well as members of the College’s Indigenous community for assisting in producing some wonderful ceremonies.

Indigenous Round Opening Ceremony

Indigenous Round Opening Ceremony

Indigenous Round Opening Ceremony

Two Rounds Remaining

We have two more rounds of winter activities to go and are competing for a number of premierships in Football, Rugby, AFL and Volleyball. Our 1sts Volleyball are currently undefeated in Division 2 and are having a wonderful season.

We also have a number of Presentation Evenings coming up in a couple of weeks and we hope that many members of the College community will be able to celebrate the winter 2023 season.

With only two rounds to go I want to remind all students, parents, carers and spectators that we still need to ensure we are meeting appropriate standards and codes of conduct at all times.

Track & Field Season to Commence Soon

Our last round of winter is on Saturday, 5 August and we then commence the Track & Field season on Monday, 7 August. Any student is more than welcome to participate in Athletics and the squad will train every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. We had a great Track & Field season in 2022 and are looking to build on this.

Applying for Changes to Summer Activities

Just a reminder that any student who wishes to apply for a change in their summer activities needs to come and see myself or Mr Wilmot before the end of next week. Some activities are already full, so students will need to select three preferences if they wish to change.

Good Luck Year 12!

Best wishes to all Year 12 students for their HSC Trials commencing next week.

Our annual Indigenous round of sport against Knox Grammar School will launch this Saturday, 22 July.

Tennis at Tennis Courts

Volleyball in Gym

Football at Queens Park 1

Rugby at Queens Park 1

See you at one or all of the games!

Indigenous Round 2023

When: Friday, 11 August 2023
Location: The Field Bar, Easts Rugby Club
Time: 5:45pm for a 6pm start

>>> Please click here for more information and to book and purchase tickets.


Ms Brooke Kent

Activities Officer

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

The Waverley College Football Awards Night 2023 will be held on Friday, 11 August.

Venue: Waverley College Gym and Braidwood/BBQ area

Time: 5pm-7:30pm

Cost: $20 per person (+.50c TryBooking ticket fee)

Refreshments: Food and soft drink will be provided

Contact: email Ms Brooke Kent

Please click the link below to purchase your tickets. Please note ticket sales for this event will close on Thursday, 3 August 2023.

>>> Click here to book and purchase Waverley College Football Awards Night Tickets.


Ms Brooke Kent

Activities Officer

Parents, carers, friends – the Rugby Supporters’ Club needs you!

During Term 3, we would greatly value your help at the Queens Park Canteen. Can you assist or even help for just one hour while your son warms up?

Waverley will be hosting these fixtures at Queens Park:

We hope that many parents, carers and friends of players in the teams above will lend a hand.

Many hands make light work and lunch is complimentary for helpers.

Can you help? Please log your interest by clicking the button below.

Sign up here

Waverley to win!


Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby

Last weekend saw our first full round of CAS fixtures for the winter season. Congratulations to all our students over the weekend, with some very competitive matches played against Cranbrook.

At an Opens level, we were extremely successful, winning the 1st Football, 1st Tennis, 1st Volleyball, 1st AFL and a last-minute win for our 1st XV Rugby team. Thank you to all staff, coaches, parents and carers for all your hard work over the weekend.

1st XI Football v Cranbrook

1st XI Football v Cranbrook

1st Rugby v Cranbrook

1st Rugby v Cranbrook

1st Rugby v Cranbrook

Cadets – Annual Passing Out Parade and Dinner

Well done to all the Cadet Unit staff and students for their efforts in the annual Passing Out Parade and dinner, and congratulations to all award winners.

Passing Out Parade

Piano Competition

Congratulations to all students who were involved in the piano competition on Tuesday at the PAC Recital Room – the standard of performance was very impressive.

Co-curricular Sport Training Schedule for Weeks 7-9

Week 7, Term 2

Week 8, Term 2

Week 9, Term 2

Congratulations to the Waverley College community on all your efforts so far this term as we prepare for a big final round of Term 2 fixtures against Barker next weekend.

Enjoy the weekend off!

During the forthcoming school holidays, the University of Wollongong and Tottenham Hotspur will offer an ‘Elite Football Camp.’

*The Program runs from Tuesday, 4 – Thursday, 6 July 2023.

This camp will be hosted at Woollahra Oval, from 10am-3pm.

The Program is open to students in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12, who are looking for an intensive football training program which covers more than just the on-field components of the game.

Robert Gold has been working closely with Waverley College in the last year to establish a strong relationship between us and the University of Wollongong.

We hope many Waverley students will take advantage of this unique and valuable opportunity.

Click here to view more information


Email Robert Gold:

Click here to view Senior and Junior Sport Fixtures, Results, Training Schedules and Maps

CAS Full Rounds Commencing This Week

This week, we commence our first full round of CAS activities for all teams. In regards to this, I want to remind all players, parents, carers and spectators of the importance of the CAS Codes of Conduct, around mutual respect for all involved in schoolboy sporting activities.

Read the CAS Code of Conduct

Click here to view the CAS Code of Conduct on the CAS website

We are at home to Cranbrook this weekend for a number of teams, as well as having fixtures at Cranbrook. This week also signifies the halfway mark of the winter season, and with only two more rounds this Term and another three rounds at the start of next Term, all students need to ensure that they are attending all training sessions and fixtures.

It was great to see many students in attendance last weekend as spectators, correctly attired in their full Waverley College co-curricular or school uniform. There are still a couple of individuals who are not meeting these expectations, and I want to reinforce that it is essential that all students at any co-curricular venue are correctly attired at all times.


Congratulations to the debaters who participated in the inter-schools model UN day at Cranbrook on Tuesday, 30 May. Students participated in a diplomatic simulation of the United Nations to debate and build resolutions to real-world issues. The following students were involved: Dante Fearn, Ben Cromer, Oliver Bracic, Ethan Ooi, James Barber, Lachlan Hoy, Ewan McDonald, Charlie Murphy, Jamie Khov, Matt Woods, Jack Preller, Hugh McDonald.

Piano Competition

Good luck to all students involved in the Piano Competition next Tuesday at the PAC Recital Room.

Surf Aid Competition

Congratulations to Hugo and Brynn Spierings who participated in the annual Surf Aid competition at Bondi Beach last Friday. The organisation has raised nearly $10,000 for underprivileged communities/remote villages in Indonesia via their efforts.


Congratulations to Zac Jones who was successful at the recent CIS Hockey Trials and was selected for the under 16 CIS team. Congratulations also to Kai Jones who was recently selected in both the NSW U18 state team and the CIS Opens Hockey team.

Cross Country

Congratulations to the following students selected in the CAS Cross Country squad to compete at the CIS trials.

13s – 3km: Evan Rowbotham, 14s – 4km: Joshua Peters, 15s – 4km: Blake Richardson, 16s – 6km: Christian Miletic, 17s – 6km: Campbell Groves, Hugo Morgan, James Crowle, Opens – 8km: Jay Briggs.

Impressive Results in Volleyball, Rugby and Football

Our Volleyball teams continue to perform at a high level with some impressive wins recorded last Saturday. Thank you to Ms Emily Pace and the coaches for their commitment to Volleyball.

Last Friday night, our 1st and 2nd XI Football teams played Trinity at Hensley Athletic Field, with both teams recording important wins against a very strong Trinity team. This Friday night the 1st and 2nd XI teams are back at Hensley playing Cranbrook.

1st Football V Cranbrook advertising poster

Additionally, Waverley had a number of students competing for CAS Football at the NSWCIS tournament this week. The Opens CAS Football team won the tournament and the U16 CAS team finished second. Congratulations to all students involved.

Our Rugby teams had some very strong performances over the weekend with some impressive wins – standout performances from the 13As and the 1st XV Rugby teams.

Winter Sports Photos Next Week – Week 7

Winter Co-curricular photos will be held next week from Monday-Thursday, starting at 3:30 pm on campus.

Click here to view the Photo Schedule

Please note the following points:

*Students do NOT have training if their photos are scheduled at the same time as the normal training session

*Full Saturday co-curricular attire required for photos (no boots)

*All students to assemble and get changed on Birrell Street Basketball Courts

*Normal training next week when not impacted by photos.

Co-curricular Training Schedule for Weeks 7-9 – starting next week

Week 7, Term 2

Week 8, Term 2

Week 9, Term 2

Good luck to all teams this weekend for the full round of CAS Fixtures.

Click here to view Senior and Junior Sport Fixtures, Results, Training Schedules and Maps

House Athletics Carnival

Congratulations to all students from Years 5-12 who participated in a very successful and enjoyable day at the House Athletics Carnival last Friday. All students should be commended for their high level of participation in all events. The day showcased the students’ skills, determination, and unwavering House spirit in the various track and field events on offer.

Congratulations to LACEY House for winning the House Athletics Carnival!

Congratulations to CONLON House for winning the House Cheering competition.

Thank you to all staff for their involvement during the day and for the large number of parents/carers who attended.


Cadets is an inclusive youth development program designed to develop confidence, resilience and strength of character in our young students. From the beginning of Term 3 Year 8 until the end of Term 1 Year 9, all current Year 8 Waverley students will join the Waverley College Cadet Unit.

To learn more about the cadet program, a Parent Information Evening will be held on Monday, 29 May (Week 6) at 6:30pm in the Performing Arts Centre. As space is limited, please send one parent or carer from each family – students are also welcome to attend.

Please refer to the email sent by the Commanding Officer of the Waverley College Cadet Unit, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow.

AFL Indigenous Round – Walawaani Cup

The 1st AFL team played against Cranbrook in a very close game for the Walawaani Cup last Friday night, with Cranbrook winning with the final kick of the game. Thank you to the AFL convenor, Mr Ben Shorthouse, and the AFL Supporters’ Group for putting on an excellent event.

A special thank you to Michael O’Loughlin (former professional Australian Rules footballer and Managing Director and Founder of CMC Indigenous Services), who spoke to the team and presented the jerseys before the game, and all the students involved in the Smoking Ceremony before the game.

AFL Indigenous Round

AFL Indigenous Round

AFL Indigenous Round


Last Friday was a brilliant night for our debating teams, who won five out of the six debates against Corpus Christi – this included an exciting win for our 1st Debating team.


Super Saturday

Last Saturday was a big day at Queens Park for Rugby with all ‘A’ teams playing against St Augustine’s on Queens Park 1. Congratulations to our 13As, 2nds and 1st XV who recorded impressive wins.

13A Rugby v St Augustine's

13A Rugby v St Augustine's

13A Rugby v St Augustine's

13A Rugby v St Augustine's

13A Rugby v St Augustine's

Legends Week

This week at training in the lead up to our weekend fixtures, Waverley welcomed some ‘legends’ of Rugby, who were involved in the coaching of various teams.

*Thank you to the following ‘legends’ who volunteered their time and expertise; Morgan Turinui, Owen Finegan, Darren Coleman, Andrew Johns, Ben Donaldson and Stephen Hoiles.



Congratulations to the 1st XI Football team who travelled up to the Central Coast last Thursday, and defeated Central Coast Sports College in a penalty shoot-out after the game finished 1-1.

1st Football v St Aloysius'

1st Football v St Aloysius'

1st Football v St Aloysius'

CAS Selections

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected for the CAS representative team to compete at the CIS Football championships next week:

Friday Night Game

On Friday night, 26 May, the 1st and 2nd XI Football teams will be playing their CAS Round 5 games against Trinity at Hensley Athletic Field. Kick-off times are 6pm and 7:15pm.

*All students who are attending must be in full Waverley College attire.

Check That You Understand All Co-curricular Expectations

Winter Sports Photos

Winter Co-curricular photos will be held during Week 7 after school. Students are required to wear full Saturday co-curricular activity uniform. A schedule for the week will be released next week.

Good luck to all teams and co-curricular activities this coming weekend.

Waverley College Vs St Augustine’s College

Last weekend, Waverley College played another terrific trial fixture against St Augustine’s College, Brookvale. The “Super Saturday” was a great hit across the community with all A teams from 13As to 1st XV playing on QP1. It was certainly a meaningful match up, with a number of tight contests played out across the day. The defensive efforts from both schools was a feature of the day, with only a try or two proving to be the difference in many results.

Congratulations to the 1st XV who enjoyed a great win. The hard work paid off as the first “Custard Pie” of 2023 was sung loudly and proudly at Queens Park. The 1st XV match included a nice moment at the After Match Function with the St Augustine’s coach, Craig Morrison, who also coached the 2002 Waverley College CAS premiership side, reunited with 2002 CAS premiership player and Waverley College 1st XV Coach, Mr Scott Coleman. While at different schools now, it was fantastic to see the friendship continuing with the memory of the 2002 team proudly protected in the records held at Queens Park.

Thank you – Canteen and BBQ Support

We would like to pass on our thanks to all those members of the community who donated their time last weekend to assist on the BBQ and Canteen at Queens Park. We are incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful group of parents, carers and friends in our community, who acted as amazing hosts for our visiting guests from St Augustine’s College. The BBQ was such a hit, that the food all sold out in quick time.

We do hope that parents, carers and friends enjoyed meeting each other in such a positive setting. This weekend we would love your help again, and potentially it might be a chance for you to reconnect to some of the parents, carers or friends who you might have made connections with, last weekend. If you are available, please click the button below to log your interest. We also would love any assistance the following weekend when we host Cranbrook.

Click here to indicate your interest

Legends Week

Waverley College were proud to host the first ever “Legends Coaching” week. It was wonderful to see a number of ex-players and coaches who attended Waverley or are involved with the College (as parents/carers) and have played/coached sport at the highest level.

Our legends included current Waratahs Coach Darren Coleman, and Rugby League Immortal Andrew Johns (parents of students), Wallabies Morgan Turinui, Owen Finegan and Stephen Hoiles (all Old Boys and current parents of students), and current Waratahs/Wallabies player, Ben Donaldson (Old Boy).

We were very lucky that these coaches gave up their time to assist us in our preparation for the CAS competition. Each coach brought a wealth of knowledge and tactical prowess that we will look to employ into our games, moving forward. Above all, these sessions aimed to give students the confidence to improve both as an individual and in a team environment, while they enjoy representing themselves, their family and their school.

A huge thanks must go to Coaching Director, Mr Lachlan Drew-Morris, who developed and organised the week!

Rugby Vs St Gregory’s and St Pius

This weekend, Waverley College will play against two different schools: St Gregory’s and St Pius. Both schools will undoubtedly provide competitive fixtures for all teams as we head towards the CAS competition.

We do apologise to our 15C and 14E teams who have a BYE weekend. This is due to a number of injuries/concussion impacting upon some of our opposing schools, which forced them to withdraw from the matches at late notice. Certainly, players in these sides are welcome to support the other teams in their respective age groups.

Lost Property

Last weekend, we did have a large amount of lost property which was left behind at Queens Park. We do ask students to please check the Wellbeing Centre, as all items which were left behind, have been taken up to the Senior School.

CAS Commences

As we draw nearer to June, we are very close to seeing the commencement of the CAS competition. On Saturday, 3 June, our 13s, 16s and Opens will meet Cranbrook at home (Queens Park), while our 14s and 15s will play at nearby Woollahra.

Following this, we have the King’s Birthday Long Weekend, in which we will not have any school sport fixtures. The following weekend (17 June), we have our final fixture for Term 2. This will be CAS Round 2 against Barker College. Our 14s and 15s will play at Queens Park, while our 13s, 16s and Opens teams will play on the Barker College school grounds at Hornsby.

We wish all teams the very best of luck for this weekend!


After a thrilling House Athletics Carnival on Friday, and with many of the Cross Country boys representing their Houses in the 800m and 3,000m events, we all turned up on Saturday morning, enthusiastic and ready to race. This week’s venue was The King’s School, possibly the most challenging course of the year thus far. The course featured a relatively flat start across multiple football fields, followed by multiple tight switchback corners, before shooting down a steep fire trail down the back of the school.

This downhill was a treacherous, rocky uneven descent, and at the pace that the boys were travelling, mistakes were bound to happen. At the bottom of this descent, a sharp hairpin pointed straight back up the even steeper opposite side of the hill. As the morning progressed, this gruelling hill laid waste to multitudes of competitors across all schools. However, it did not faze our Waverley boys.

The Juniors had an amazing start to the day. A particularly fast start saw Evan Robowtham position himself in the front pack. As the race continued, he made sure to work hard effectively on the flats and in the hills, overtaking numerous competitors with each stride. As a consequence, Evan prevailed with the win; placing 1st out of 165 competitors. Fantastic work, Evan. 

The Intermediates race was quite an entertaining race to watch. Three times up the hill proved challenging for many of the competitors. However, Waverley took this in their stride, and used the hills to improve their positions. This showed in the results of each of the boys at the end of the race, and consequently their weekly totals — notably Christian Miletec, who has gone from 75th in the first week to 31st this week. This level of improvement is characteristic of dedication, hard work and consistent training, something we hope the boys will continue throughout the season.

The Open race started hard and fast, with many runners burning out after one or two laps — 8km is a long race. The senior boys were not fazed and remained patient. They used the hills to take positions, and the downhills and flats to recover and regroup. We’ve seen improvement from our Year 12 boys, notably James Crowle and Jay Briggs, who have both improved significantly since the beginning of the season. Well done boys, keep up the hard work. Further, congratulations to Campbell Groves who finished 7th (1st CAS).

We look forward to next week’s racing at Sydney Park for CAS vs GPS in the Junior and Intermediate races, as well as CIS selection trials in all races.


Waves to Win!

Campbell Groves and Hugo Morgan (Co-Captains 2023)

Waverley College Cross Country

An eagerly anticipated Friday night set the scene for Indigenous Round with the mighty Waves hosting Cranbrook in the 1sts and Saint Ignatius’ in 9/10 Division 1. The evening was highlighted by a wonderful Indigenous Ceremony conducted by the Walawaani group from the College. Mr Kevin Heath (Indigenous Liaison Officer) and the team put a huge amount of time and effort into this, as we look forward to it becoming an annual event.

We were also treated to a pre-match jumper presentation and speech from Sydney Swans legend, Michael O’Loughlin. It was a truly wonderful celebration of culture and celebration that I, personally, felt proud to be a part of. Thank you to everyone who purchased raffle tickets to raise money for the Walawaani Group at the College.

Unfortunately, the spirit that was shown in the Indigenous Ceremony didn’t translate into a win for either team playing on the night, with the 9/10As falling short late in the match, to a very strong Saint Ignatius’ outfit, going down 7.6.48 to 3.2.20. The game was in the balance early in the last quarter, but the boys ran out of steam. Oli Trosti and Tane Barclay played great games, and there were very promising signs from the whole team.

Our 1sts then took to the field against a spirited Cranbrook. It was a fierce battle early on, in dewy and cold conditions, making it hard for clear possession and our run and gun style of play. This really evened up the ability of the two teams. We managed to get out to a 13-point lead half way through the last quarter, however Cranbrook wouldn’t give in and managed to kick the final three goals of the match, including the match winner in the final minute to break the hearts of the boys.

We are competing hard and the effort cannot be questioned. With a very young squad, we are moving in the right direction, and the results should start to turn our way soon. Andrew Moloney managed to take out the medal for the best Waverley player on the evening.

AFL Indigenous Round

Saturday Matches

7/8 Divisions

Another clean sweep for our young stars in this age group!

The 7/8As travelled to Bat & Ball for a 9am start against the newly-promoted St Aloysius’ from Division 2. It was a sluggish performance in the first quarter with Aloys’ defending well, but never providing much of a scoring threat. The boys then managed to break away and complete another comprehensive victory 12.12.84 to 0.3.3, making it four wins from four starts. It is shaping as quite a dominant season so far. Clancy Walsh starred in the match with Henry Read and Nash Goldsworthy giving him great support.

The 7/8Bs travelled to St Paul’s Oval to take on the recently demoted (from Division 1) side, Cranbrook. Cranbrook jumped out to an early lead, kicking four goals to one in the first quarter. The boys then managed to flip the narrative, taking a one-point lead at half time.

Cranbrook then lead by one point going into the last quarter, before the boys managed five goals to two in the final term, to run out 12.8.80-9.761 winners. The Wilson twins absolutely dominating, with Max managing a game-winning five goals! The boys sit equal top of the table with Trinity’s As, and have beaten A teams from Shore and Cranbrook this season. A fine effort!

The 7/8Cs followed the previous match, and as they have done for much of the season, completed a comprehensive victory. They managed to hold Cranbrook to just two goals for the day, both scored in the first quarter. The boys running out 17.9.111 to 2.1.13, victors. Felix Andersen-Allen continued his remarkable goal-kicking form with a second bag of five for the season, and taking his tally to 16 goals in four games. Max Davis and Max Lucas also continued their strong form.

9/10 Division 3

The boys travelled to ELS Hall to take on heavyweight Saint Ignatius’ in the Division 3 match. The boys had moved into this division and it paid early dividends with a great first three quarters, holding the lead at three-quarter time. Earlier in the day, Waverley had been awarded the win by forfeit and some players were given to the opposition to allow a match to be played.

In the final term, Saint Ignatius’ with the assistance of a few of our boys, were able to finish strong and take an unofficial win. A great performance by the boys for the first three quarters, and promising signs for the remainder of the season. Tom Rudolph played a second game for the weekend and was best on ground, along with Jordan Du Toit who was booted three goals.


The boys took to the field against Saint Ignatius’ at Bat & Ball Oval but were nearly forced to forfeit, due to the lateness of some of our players. In this age group, Saint Ignatius’ have been a dominant force across the competition for the past four to five years, and their skill level was on show. Unfortunately, the boys lost this game early via the mercy rule, but battled hard for the four quarter.

Some good performances came from Ben Campbell, Hugh McDonald and Tom Park who held their own against the strong competition. We look forward to the challenge of next week and building on some good training this week.

Saturday, 3 June – Home Round at Pioneers Park, Malabar

A reminder that we will hold our final home round for the season at Pioneers Park next Saturday. We will run a BBQ and raffle with prizes. Please come along and support the boys throughout the day. See fixtures below for teams playing at Pioneers:

Saturday, 3 June
8am – 5/6A v Barker
8am – 5/6C v Barker
9am – 7/8B v Trinity
10:30am – 9/10B v Saint Ignatius’
12pm – 1sts v St Aloysius’
2pm – 9/10A vs Barker
3:30pm – 2nds v Newington

Round Results

1sts Defeated by Cranbrook 6.9.45 to 5.9.39

2nds Defeated by Riverview 9.6.60 to 0.0.0 (Mercy Rule)

9/10A Defeated by Riverview 7.6.48 to 3.2.20

9/10B Defeated Riverview (Forfeit) Practice Game Score 5.5.35 to 10.10.70

7/8A Defeated St Aloysius’  9.8.62 to 0.2.2 (Mercy Rule) Unofficial score 12.12.84 to 0.3.3

7/8B Defeated Cranbrook 12.8.80 to 9.7.61

7/8C Defeated Cranbrook 11.7.73 to 2.1.13 (Mercy Rule) Unofficial score 17.9.111 to 2.1.13

CAS Round 5 Poster - Waverley v Trinity