From Development Manager, Rebecca Curran
The Waverley College Parent Association hosted their annual Welcome Drinks evening on Saturday 24 February, when the BR JP Lacey Gymnasium easily accommodated over 700 parents.
Mary Ramsay, President of the Parent Association, welcomed guests and spoke about their vision for what promises to be a busy year ahead.
During 2018 the Parent Association will aim to:
- continue to partner with the College to make sure the boys have the best wellbeing and learning experience during their time at school, and
- build on the great parent community support and act as a conduit for communication between parents and the college.
Mary also spoke about the roles of those in the Parent Association especially the tireless efforts of Patsy Thompson and Sandy Templeton, who voluntarily run the College’s clothing pool. The clothing pool is a major revenue source for the Parent Association and that money goes back into the school for projects that benefit students. Volunteers are always needed, so please contact Patsy and Sandy by phone on 02 93690703 (Monday 9am-12noon or Wednesday 2-5pm during school term) or by email at clothingpool@waverley.nsw.edu.au.
The Year Parent Representatives are a great point of contact for parents wanting day to day information, this can be sought on the Facebook groups set up for this purpose. Year Parent contact information is found on the Waverley College website.
Mary also thanked the 2017 Parent Association Executive, Greg Bodkin, Kathy Davies and Tina Fragias for their achievements.
The College and the Parent Association would like to acknowledge Bold Food Catering (Waverley parents), Matt Whitaker from Shorty’s Liquor (Waverley parent), old boy Nick Madunic (lighting), Sheridan Nilsson (photography) and DJ Somatik (music) for ensuring the evening was a success.
Key Events for Parents in 2018
The Blue & Gold Ball, Saturday 4 August – this event was a massive hit last year with close to 700 attending. The event, held in the Br JP Lacey Gymnasium, raised just over $70,000 which was used in the “greening” of the Senior Campus as well as the much-needed refurbishment of the Junior School cricket nets. If you can help in any way for the Ball – through donation of prizes for the live and silent auction or raffle, sponsorship of the event or just volunteering your time to help set up – please register here.
Parent Education Evenings – we have access to amazing speakers such as Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, who come to the college to speak on a range of topics. Dr Carr-Gregg will be at the College on 15 March to talk about “Saying No to Bullying”.
Year Group Social Events – these will happen throughout the year. Details will be communicated via the website, your Facebook group or you will receive an email from the College.
“Making great friends along this precious journey will make your years at Waverley even more enjoyable – and support you through the tricky times should you need it.” – Mary Ramsay, President of the Waverley College Parent Assocation.
Farewell from the Development Office
Friday 2 March marks my last day in the Development Office, after what has been a busy 18 months. I came to Waverley College from Kincoppal-Rose Bay and was instantly struck by the friendliness of Waverley College parents and old boys. These two groups are the very definition of the Edmund Rice touchstone “Inclusive Community” and I was very well supported in my role by these amazing people.
My highlights were definitely bringing back the Blue & Gold Ball after a 40 year hiatus, working with the legendary Peter Frost on the opening of the Cosgrove Centre (and securing the Governor General himself to be there!), introducing the Spirituality Evening with Director of Mission, Phil Davis and setting up the Facebook sites for the Old Boys’ Union and Year Parent Groups (online communities are invaluable to any school environment).

Blue & Gold Ball 2017
I am now in the process of lodging a scholarship fund with the ATO. A Waverley College Scholarship Fund will create opportunity – opportunity for the donor to make a difference, opportunity for the student to realise their dreams and opportunity for the community to benefit from high quality graduates who will perpetuate the great name of Waverley College. It gives those students who excel in various areas recognition for their achievements. Scholarships provide support, confidence and encouragement, keeping students motivated, helping them to remain focussed on the end goal.
I wish the Waverley College Community – students, their families and friends, staff and old boys – every success for 2018. Thank you to the Marketing & Development Team for being such a talented bunch of women to work alongside – Jennifer Divall, Robyn Moore, Agi Lebek, Terese Kielt, Venettia Miller, Julia Padoani and Tessa Holt.
Rebecca Curran
Development & Fundraising Manager